Operations and Management Area Open Meeting (opsarea) Tuesday, November 9 at 1300-1515 ================================ CHAIRS: Bert Wijnen <WIJNEN@vnet.ibm.com> Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> AGENDA: The purpose of this meeting is to get an overview of the area, get to the surface issues that affect the whole area, and generally try to improve coordination within the area. We would like the WG chairs to do a (short) prepared presentation about the status of their own WG , or about topics that maybe of common interest to the OPS Area. We have listed a provisional schedule for most WGs. If a WG chair wants to be added or removed, pls inform your ADs asap. Some WGs, BOFs or other topics have gotten some more time because we (ADs) find them to be hot topics. Also... if you do not have a prepared presentation, but do know about a topic that you feel needs discussion in the meeting, pls let us know the topic and any concerns/issues you have about such a topic. We will then try to address/discuss it. Our current draft agenda looks sort of as follows: 1. Bash agenda add/delete items 2. Announcements (if any) 3. WG and BOF status - WG chairs can summarize their WG status - WGs highlight possible items that are of common interest - BOF chairs can summarize their BOF status/issues 4. Prepared presentations from anyone. Please inform ADs asap if you want to present something 5. Open Q&A 6. Close Current time allocation for topics is: time group ---- -------------------------------------------------- 15 Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (aaa) Paul Krumviede <paul@mci.net> Bernard Aboba <aboba@internaut.com> 3 Benchmarking Methodology (bmwg) Kevin Dubray <kdubray@ironbridgenetworks.com> 3 DNS Operations (dnsop) Lars-Joahan Liman 3 G & R for Security Incident Processing (grip) Barbara Fraser <byfraser@cisco.com> K P Kossakowski <kpk@work.de> 3 MBONE Deployment (mboned) David Meyer <dmm@cisco.com> 10 Network Access Server Requirements (nasreq) David Mitton <dmitton@baynetworks.com> Mark Beadles <mark.beadles@columbus.rr.com> 10 Next Generation Transition (ngtrans) Bob Fink <rlfink@lbl.gov> Tony Hain <tonyhain@microsoft.com> A Durand <durand@imag.fr> 3 Roaming Operations (roamops) Glen Zorn <gwz@acm.org> Pat Calhoun <pcalhoun@eng.sun.com> 10 Traffic Engineering (tewg) Ed Kern <ejk@digex.net> Daniel Awduche <awduche@uu.net> 60 min-- -------------------------------------------------- 5 Policy Framework WG Ed Ellesson John Strassner 3 BridgeMIB and ENTMIB Keith McCloghrie 3 DISMAN Randy Presuhn 5 SNMPv3 Russ Mundy 5 RMONMIB WG Andy Bierman 3 ADSLMIB WG 3 AgentX WG Bob Natale 5 GR303 Management BOF David Perkins 5 Network Management RG report Juergen Schoenwaelder 5 Services Management RG report Sid Nag 5 Configuration Management BOF Luis Sanchez 25 HCDATA (reading material: draft-kzm-hcdata-types-01.txt) Andy Bierman (possibly others) 72 min-- --------------------------------------------------