Editor's Note:  These minutes have not been edited.


Reported by Gary Malkin/Bay Networks

Minutes of the Responsible Use of the Network Working Group (RUN)

Status Update

Chairpersons		Sally Hambridge / sallyh@ludwig.intel.com
			Gary Scott Malkin / gmalkin@baynetworks.com

Mailing List		ietf-run@mailbag.intel.com
To subscribe		listserv@mailbag.intel.com
  In body of message	subscribe ietf-run
Archives		ftp://ftp.intel.com:pub/ietf-run

Date of meeting		Memphis IETF / April 9, 1997

Progress		This was the second meeting of the revived RUN
			WG.  The group met in a short (one hour) time
			slot.  We accomplished all of the goals set forth
			in the Agenda for the meeting; specifically, we
			reviewed the current Internet Draft and began
			to outline the next document (on advertising).


	10 mins - Introductions/Administrivie
	30 mins - Discuss current Internet Draft
	15 mins - Begin discussion of Advertising doc
	 5 mins - AOB - wrap-up
The primary topic discussed during the meeting was the review of the
"Don't Spew" Internet Draft.  There were several suggested changes,
primarily the title.  There was an argument whether or not we should
use "Spam" or "Spew."  It was pointed out that "spew" had another,
well known meaning, and that "spam" had a similarly well-known
meaning.  The concern is over copyright and defamation over "Spam" the
Hormel product.  Joyce Reynolds will discuss this issue with Scott
Bradner.  Another suggested name was MUMPs (Mass Unsolicited Mail
Postings).  The issue of misuse of resources (a crime for US
government resources, for example) was also raised, but there was no
concensus on what to say about it.

In section 2:
-Need to address issue of commercial model vs ethical model
-Address difference between commercial spech and protected political speach?
  Internet access is a privilege, not a right
-Since costs change, talk about volume instead
-Is it OK for companies to require you to give your email address before
  allowing you to download software (putting people on mailing lists
  whether or not they want it)

In section 3:
-Don't become the enemy
-Reply vs Group Reply
-The "From" field may not be the real originator
-Just ignore the message - only tell your own postmaster (let them deal
  with it).  CC:ing postmaster may generate too much traffic; however,
  postmaster needs to know so that spammers can be blocked.  Check your
  sites policy
-Use abuse address if one exists

In section 4:
-Improper use of equipment
-Include news
-Provide kill files so that users don't need to know how to create them
-Black holes

In section 5:
-Stronger language
-Use service agreements (contracts) as the tool to disconnect bad
  users/sites.  Point to some sample Terms and Conditions agreements

Need Security Considerations because of denial of service issues

The group also started discussion about a companion document about how
to advertise on the Internet in the proper ways.  Logically, these two
documents belong together, but the time pressure to get out the first
document is too great.  One alternative to creating a new document is
to re-release the Spew/Spam document with the advertising material.
We hope to have an Internet Draft ready by the Munich meeting.

Advertsing FYI

How to use passive methods successfully
- have a web site
- purchase advertising space on web sites
- allow people to join a mailing list (but don't arbitrarily populate it)
- pointers in reasonable length .sigs

Full disclosure of mailing list usage

Include addresses, phone numbers, reply-to addresses

No state management across domains

No mail header munging; legitimate unsubscribes

Learn which groups allow ads, resumes, etc.

Learn the legal stuff related to what you want to do and where you want
to do it

A good ad gives something back to the user

Two docs should point to each other