Reported by Deirdre Kostick/Bellcore

Minutes of the SNA NAU Services MIB Working Group (SNANAU)

The SNANAU Working Group met on 29 July 1994 to review the proposed MIB
objects for APPC, ``Definitions of Managed Objects for APPC''

APPC and APPC MIB Overviews

Mike Allen presented an overview of APPC. Bill Kwan presented an
overview of the current APPC MIB structure.

APPC MIB Internet-Draft Review

The working group walked through the current draft, identified several
issues and gave recommendations.

Issues/Recommendations Summary:

   o Need to define traps for SNMP-based management of APPC. The options
     identified for defining traps for the APPC MIB are:

      -  translate all the existing APPC-specific alerts into traps
      -  use a subset of the alerts
      -  do not define traps

     Actions Items:  Bill Kwan will post information on current
     APPC-specific alerts to the mailing list.

   o What information on conversations should be modelled in the MIB?
     Should the MIB contain information only on active, historical, or
     both conversations?

     Concerns were the amount of information that an agent would be
     required to keep, giving some guidance to implementors on the
     relative size of the tables.  One alternative discussed was to have
     two tables:  one table containing a log of previous conversations
     with a separate ``trace'' table containing a limited set of
     information on current conversations.

     Action Items:  Mike Allen and Richard Daugherty will investigate
     three options for modelling sessions and conversations:

      -  Active conversations [sessions] with information on the
         previous 1 or 2 state changes

      -  Active conversations with a finite size table, or

      -  Active conversations with a variable-size table.

     They will post a recommendation basically for what/how much
     information should be kept.

     Mike Allen will post information on what NetView supports today for
     conversations (to give the working group a sense of the type of
     management information and capabilities they have today).

     Howard Berkowitz will post a relevant example from the RMON MIB for
     control/trace functions.

   o appcTpOperTable

     The working group recommended dropping the table since we cannot
     reliably expect to have implementations that support listing all
     the active TPs on a node.

     Related change:  The appcTpOperIndex will be dropped from the
     conversation table.

   o appcGlobalTable

     The working group recommended dropping the appcGlobalTable.  The
     reason is that no specific usage could be identified for the table.
     The SNA NAU MIB (RFC 1665) contains information on LUs and sessions
     per node, although the information presented in the SNA NAU MIB is
     not summary information.  The information in the appcGlobalTable
     would not give an indication of traffic or load.

   o APPC Statistics Control

     Add an object to control conversation tracing on/off.  (This
     assumes that a trace table would be implemented for conversations.)
     Remove appcStatCntrlCtrStatus and appcStatCntrlCtrStatusTime since
     these objects reflect implementation specific features.
     Add a text indicating that when collection is turned off, the
     counters will be set to zero.

     The working group discussed issues related to multiple manager
     entities controlling agent functions (such as trace on/off).  The
     working group decided that in the initial APPC MIB, the
     functionality would be kept very simple, with the MIB containing
     only one ``on/off switch.''  If implementation experience shows
     that multiple manager scenarios cause problems that need to be
     fixed by adding some control scheme to the MIB, this would be a
     future APPC MIB feature.

   o appcDefaultTpOperation object

     The enumerated values reflect only alternatives for one
     implementation; other implementations support other values.

     Question for the mailing list:  What other values should be added
     to the enumerated list?

   o appclLUOperDefType

     The meaning/intended use for the DefType values (sys default and
     operator) were not clear.  The working group recommended dropping
     this object, plus other defType objects in the current version.

   o appclLUOperTable

     Need to add an Admin Table for the configurable objects
     (operSessLength, BindResponseMaxQ)

   o appcDefaultLuAlias

     Change to appcDefault LuName.  Remove appcLLUOperDefaultLu since
     information is duplicated.

   o Future item for RFC 1665

     Need to define additional values for LU ADMIN TERM. There are other
     variations of UNBIND.

   o lLUOperTable

     Need to add compression information.

   o appcTpAdminPfCnos and appcTpAdminPfSessCntl

     Remove since these objects reflect implementation-specific

   o appcTpAdminConvType

     Split into two objects, reflecting basic/mapped, fdx/hdx

   o appcTpAdminSecLvl

     Remove since these objects reflect implementation-specific

   o appcTpOperTable


   o appcSessnS2P/P2S* objects

     Are these objects useful?  Counts of functional management headers
     (FMH) in each direction does not seem useful; however, FMH5 headers
     does seem useful.

   o appcCPICAdminSecType

     Need to add an object reflecting the security characteristics.

   o CPIC Table

     Discussion on the need for admin/oper tables.

Next Steps

   o 15 August 94 - A revised working draft will be posted to the
     mailing list.  The revised draft will contain the changes discussed
     during the meeting, except for the conversation table updates and
     revised oper/admin text.  See the next items.

     Michael Allen and Richard Dougherty will meet to review
     alternatives for the conversation table/objects.  Mike will post
     their input to the list.

   o 19 August 94 - Zbigniew will make a first cut at more descriptive
     text for operational/admin object relationships.  Bill Kwan will
     post APPC-specific alerts to list.  Michael Allen will post Link
     Station objects to list.

   o 20 September 94 - Next Internet-Draft

   o October 94 - Interim meeting AIW

   o 31 October 94 - Internet-Draft

   o Per the SNANAU Working Group schedule, the APPC MIB will be
     completed by October 94; there are currently no plans to meet at
     the next IETF meeting

   o Do we need an interim meeting?