WebDAV WG Minutes
Oslo IETF 45
Thursday, July 15, 1999

A meeting of the WebDAV working group was held on Thursday, July 15, 1999, from 9:00AM to 11:30AM.  Geoff Clemm was the acting chair for the duration of the meeting.  Minutes were recorded by Lisa Lippert.


There was not enough consensus on what a direct reference should be, how it should interact with locking/collections/versioning, so this was dropped and the redirect bindings were used.

New method:  BIND 

Larry Masinter:  It seemed that the model for these representations did map into the underlying architecture, is that true?  Is it widespread?  Do BIND and ordered collections map to existing capabilities or is it new capability that people are comfortable adding?
Geoff Clemm:  People want this behaviour.  The proposal already takes into account some subtleties of existing implementations.  

Yaron Goland:  Essentially it started with Unix, 'ln' type functionality.  How can we best represent it in the protocol as closely as possible to existing linking functionality?  On the other hand, ordered collections have apparently been implemented in very advanced doc mgmt systems, nevertheless Judy Slein did a good job of specifying this functionality.

Geoff: There are a couple of other people on the ML saying this is required functionality.
Geoff returned to discussing bindings:  bindings allow you to bind "/a/b/foo.html" to "/a/b/bar.html", so that a resource has two names, a PROPPATCH will affect both.  It does cause interesting issues with LOCK -- if you lock one, can you MOVE the other?
Explanation of how a binding to a collection works -- rather than have a shadow resource created for every resource within the collection, just the collection link is created.  The purpose of the collection binding is, however, to have available all the collection resources under the new link.
Jules?  worried about whether this was specifying the implementation, and Geoff clarified that the implementation discussion was only to ensure that a compliant implementation was possible, and any other way of implementing consistent with the protocol is valid.

Geoff explained how a collection binding requires that new resources in the source collection results in new resources available under the link collection.

Jules asked whether the protocol violated the reversibility of the bindings, and Geoff does not think this has been violated.
Geoff discussed circular bindings:  

BIND /x/ to /x/circle-x/

This results in 

We strongly distinguish bindings, which connect a name and a resource, and a mapping, which is a connection between some legal name and a resource.  The creation of one new binding can induce an infinite number of mappings, i.e. names that are now linked to a resource.  A delete of a binding can remove an infinite number of mappings.  
Because of this, a circularity check is required.  PROPFIND depth infinity does include a circularity check that only needs to be done by servers that support bindings.  There is a new response code to be returned rather than return a 500 server error.
Yaron pointed out that servers may just ignore this requirement as roughly equivalent.

Nick Shelness:  I have a hunch this breaks the model where resources know what they belong to.  You might have an infinite number of membership.  Geoff thinks this is OK though.  Nick will think more about this.
Question:  Why do we even allow circularity?

Geoff: it was argued that it was tougher to prevent circularity than to deal with it, but the more important argument is that it should be possible to just classify a collection as part of a set which contains itself, that there were contains-itself relationships that people wanted to model.  Example from "include" files:  a collection which contained all the files included might include itself.  These might be excluded by some kind of #ifdef behaviour... Everybody in the design team had their own favourite example of why circularity should be allowed (otherwise would be faked in some way more painful than asking the server to do the circularity check)
Yaron:  We've created a situation where any PROPFIND depth infinity request will generate an error if there is a circularity.

Geoff:  We thought of some custom stuff to tell the server to "ignore circularities", but figured it's most useful for clients to be able to deal with the circularity error by controling depth more carefully in requests.

Yaron:  These relationships have kind of poisoned effects.  E.g. Depth infinity DASL requests will be the rule, and these will now result in errors because of a cycle somewhere, and that seems problematic.  I would like to see some kind of discussion of what circularities would result in for other areas of DAV, like searching, versioning, etc.

Geoff: Yes, we wanted to open this up for discussion.  If anybody else requires this feature, add your vote.
Question:  Note that circular references might be much more complex, and involve many levels before the circularity is discoverable.  This is a hard problem to find out when the binding is created:  a complete tree traversal would be required every time a reference is created.  It might make sense, when doing these traversals, to indicate to the server not to traverse links, just like in Unix.

Geoff:  This was one of the reasons for removing support for direct bindings.  There is no difference between the original URL to a resource and the new bound URL, they are both bindings to the actual resource.  The result is that instead of paying on deep traversals, you pay on every binding.  To require the server to do this check on every creation of a binding was actually the more serious implementation check than to do this only on PROPFIND depth infinity.
Lisa Lippert:  The price for not checking when the binding is created could me more than we can know now, covering more than just PROPFIND depth infinity.

Geoff:  Yes.  

Yaron:  MOVE and COPY are like this.

Geoff:  MOVE is very like BIND, it just creates a new link between a name and a resource.  If anybody else can identify the methods which concern them...

Yaron:  That's why I'm pounding on the model.  I think we just have to say we're running with scissors with this feature.
John Stracke:  But since a MOVE is a COPY followed by a DELETE...

Yaron:  NO.  In the webDAV spec, MOVE is not defined as a copy followed by a delete.  We said that a MOVE is logically equivalent to an atomically performed (with fixup) COPY then DELETE.  It was an attempt to inherit certain behaviours that applied to COPY, without specifying implementation. We knew that certain servers would end up deleting a resource (i.e. in the case of a MOVE from one server to another).  We needed a way to say that if a MOVE operation implementation did involve a DELETE, it would operate in a certain way to comply with requirements from the military.
Geoff:  I need to explain how MOVE works with respect to bindings.  A MOVE is, in the case of a binding, like a BIND followed by a DELETE.  The difference is in all the other bindings to the thing that is being moved:  the other bindings (other than the ones being moved) are unchanged; they continue to have the same name and point to the same resource.  This is important, because the result does not involve creating a brand new copy of the resource, which is what a COPY then DELETE would cause.  
Summary:  the core of bindings is pretty simple, but it has some interesting implications.  Modulo a few problems, the WebDAV base has been a good one to work on, it's a very effective base to work on for both the design teams I'm on.


Question:  Do you feel the ordering sections of advanced collections are complete?

Geoff:  We (the authors, at least) only agree that clients should be able to tell the server that this should be after that.  We don't know what server-maintained orderings are or mean.  Client-defined orderings are less controversial.
Question:  It sounds like there are actually three independent specifications in advanced collections, at different levels of completion...

Geoff:  Yes, the status of ordering is that not many cared, and the few who did only agree on client-side ordering.  It would be a shame to hold up the rest of the protocol while we're resolving that issue.  There's less administrative need to separate the redirect references from the binding functionality; on the other hand their connection is gratuitous.  

Keith:  Just put redirect references in a separate document.

Larry:  Historically, redirect references were a response to requirements for collection-based functionality.

Geoff:  I am happy to follow Keith's direction so if anybody else has a problem take it up in mail. Are there other issues with respect to these specifications -- is it OK for them to fall under the "finishing up WebDAV" WG?  

Keith:  Is it close to being done?

Geoff:  Yes

Yaron:  No

Keith:  Take 3 months to finish, then decide what to do, but don't go under the assumption that the current WebDAV WG will continue to exist to do this.  I bet you could get the bindings done in under 3 months.  Do them in the order of how you think you can get them done.
Larry:  Just split up the document and last-call the pieces.  

Geoff: Whichever are done in 3 months fall under this WG...

Larry:  It's not that there is less consensus for ordering, there are just fewer people interested in seeing this functionality.  That doesn't mean it will drag out any longer than bindings.
Geoff:  Any other issues?

Larry:  There are two elements of functionality which I think need to be worked out before we can say we've accomplished a protocol that can be used to do distributed authoring: 
compound documents

This doesn't meet the charter until we've resolved those.

Keith:  A lot of people have been chewing over those for decades.  I'm not sure you can do anything.

Larry:  I'm interested in pursuing protocol elements that would further this functionality, whether within this WG or elsewhere.  This could be done in DMA.

Yaron:  I would much rather this happen in IETF.  We would have to do a lot of work before the work could continue in DMA with the same kind of openness.
Geoff:  One could use the same gating function for a subset of the versioning work that is of sufficient maturity that it could be closed off in 3 months.

Keith:  No.