IP Over Bluetooth BOF (ipobt)

Monday, July 31 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Pravin Bhagwat <pravinb@research.att.com>
        Kris Fleming <kris.d.fleming@intel.com>


Bluetooth is an emerging technology for short range wireless 
communication which enables devices in proximity (< 10 meters) 
to communicate with each other.  Bluetooth SIG, a consortium 
of nine promoter companies and over 1800 adopter companies, 
is defining radio, baseband, and protocol specifications to 
facilitate interoperability among multi-vendor Bluetooth 
solutions. Bluetooth version 1.0 specifications were released 
in Dec 1999 and the first generation of products (cellular 
phones, headsets, palmtops, and laptop computers) are expected 
to be launched before the end of this year.

Bluetooth can support point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and 
multi-hop communication over wireless medium, but only 
point-to-point feature of Bluetooth is enabled in version 1.0 
release. The next release is aimed at supporting any-to-any 
communication among devices forming a piconet. Bluetooth piconets 
can exist as disconnected networks or be connected to the Internet 
via cell phones or LAN access points. In both configurations 
(connected or disconnected), it is desirable to make Bluetooth 
devices IP addressable and use IP based protocols for address 
assignment, name resolution, and packet forwarding.

A Bluetooth piconet can be viewed as an instance of a zero-conf 
network.  Similarly, a collection of connected piconets can be 
modeled as an instance of a MANET (multi-hop ad hoc) network.  
Personal Area Networking (PAN) working group of Bluetooth SIG 
has already started the process of developing a specification 
for IP over Bluetooth. This BOF will provide an open forum for 
the members of the Bluetooth SIG and the IETF to exchange 
information, debate design issues, and learn from each other's 
work. The aim of the BOF is to ensure that the IP over Bluetooth 
specifications are compatible with the protocols being developed 
by the zero-conf and manet working groups of the IETF.

Specifically, the aim is to discuss the following topics: 

1.  Present an overview of Bluetooth technology to the IETF 
2.  Explain the constraints of Bluetooth PHY layer (why some 
    things can or cannot be done) 
3.  IPv{4,6} encapsulation, MTU, multicast for a single piconet.  
    - discussion of synergy with zero-conf working group 
4.  Evolution of issue #3 for multiple connected piconets. 
6.  Applying MANET protocols to Bluetooth multihop networks. 

Recommended reading 

  *  Bluetooth - The universal radio interface for ad hoc, 
     wireless connectivity, Jaap Haartsen. Ericsson 
     review 03, 1998. 
     (http://www.ericsson.com/review/issues.taf )

  *  Bluetooth version 1.0: Part B, Baseband 

  *  Bluetooth version 1.0: Part D, Logical Link Control and 
     Adaption Protocol Specification

  *  Bluetooth version 1.0: Part K:9, LAN access profile


1) BOF Objectives (chairs)
2) Bluetooth SIG overview  (Mike Foley) 
3) Bluetooth technology overview   (Pravin Bhagwat) 
4) TCP/IP support in Bluetooth version 1.0  (Johan Sorensen) 
5) IP over Bluetooth design issues (Kris Fleming) 
   -- PAN WG goals and requirements 
   -- zero-conf issues 
   -- MANET issues 
   -- mini DHCP, DNS requirements 
6)  Agree on next steps 
7)  Closing