Kerberos WG (krbwg)

Wednesday, August 2 at 1530-1730

CHAIR: Doug Engert <>


Introduction of new working group - Doug Engert (ANL) (10 minutes)

Kerberos revisions - Cliff Neuman (ISI) (30 minutes plus)
   The main objective of the working group is to move this draft
   forward to last call. (Therefore this can last as long as needed.)

PKINIT, PKCROSS, PKTAPP - (Brian , Ari,  Cliff) (10 minutes) 

IAKERB - Jonathan Trostle  (10 minutes) 

Kerberos Set/Change Password: Version 2 - Jonathan Trostle (Cisco) (10 minutes)

LDAP access to KDC database - Donna Skibbie (IBM) (10 minutes)

Distributing Kerberos KDC and Realm Information with DNS 
   Ken Hornstein (NRL) (10 minutes)

Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients 
   M. Medvinsky (Motorola) (10 minutes)

KRB GSSAPI V2 - Tom Yu (MIT) (10 minutes)