Kerberos WG (krbwg) Wednesday, August 2 at 1530-1730 ================================ CHAIR: Doug Engert <> AGENDA: Introduction of new working group - Doug Engert (ANL) (10 minutes) Kerberos revisions - Cliff Neuman (ISI) (30 minutes plus) <draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-revisions-06.txt> The main objective of the working group is to move this draft forward to last call. (Therefore this can last as long as needed.) PKINIT, PKCROSS, PKTAPP - (Brian , Ari, Cliff) (10 minutes) IAKERB - Jonathan Trostle (10 minutes) Kerberos Set/Change Password: Version 2 - Jonathan Trostle (Cisco) (10 minutes) LDAP access to KDC database - Donna Skibbie (IBM) (10 minutes) Distributing Kerberos KDC and Realm Information with DNS Ken Hornstein (NRL) (10 minutes) Kerberos V Authentication Mode for Uninitialized Clients <draft-smedvinsky-dhc-kerbauth-01.txt> M. Medvinsky (Motorola) (10 minutes) KRB GSSAPI V2 - Tom Yu (MIT) (10 minutes)