Datagram Congestion Control Protocol WG (dccp) Monday, July 15 at 1300-1500 ============================= CHAIR: Aaron Falk <> AGENDA: 0. Agenda Bashing (falk) 1. Charter Review (falk) homework: DCCP Charter: 2. First milestone: Is the requirements/functional summary in the problem statement complete? homework: DCCP Problem Statement: draft-floyd-dcp-problem-00.txt 3. Significant changes in spec (kohler) homework: Datagram Congestion Control Protocol: draft-kohler-dcp-04.txt TFRC Congestion Control Profile: draft-padhye-dcp-ccid3-04.txt TCP-like Congestion Control Profile: draft-floyd-dcp-ccid2-03.txt 4. Open Issues (kohler, summarizing from list) 5. Implementation Reports (none as of 7/3/02) 6. Adjourn ------------------------------------------------------------------------ At this time draft-kohler-dcp-04.txt and draft-padhye-dcp-ccid3-04.txt are not yet available in the ID repository. They can be found at: and: