Multiprotocol Label Switching WG (mpls)

Thursday, July 18 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS:	Loa Andersson <> 
	George Swallow <> 

Loa and Bob:
LDP to draft standard (status) 10 min

S Bradner :
Current state of the issues in the mpls oam discussion
and the ITU-T liasion.
15 min

S Bradner:
rsvp-te vs. cr-ldp, initiating a discussion 15 min

B Wijnen
Status and issues with the mpls mibs
20 min 
B Jensen:
General Summary of Interoperability Testing Results and Experiences
<draft-jensen-mpls-interop-00.txt> 20 min

MTU Signalling Extensions for LDP
10 min

A Malis
Status of LDP restart and LDP fault tolerance drafts
Fault Tolerance for LDP and CR-LDP
Graceful Restart Mechanism for LDP

Note: For the folling drafts it needs to be stated if you are proposing
      new work for the wg and why you think it should be undrtaken, and
      whether it i within charter or if the charter changes are needed.

J-P Vasseur
MPLS Traffic Engineering Fast reroute: backup tunnel path computationfor bandwidth protection
15 min

Sven van den Bosch
Further considerations for Forwarding Adjacency LSPs
10 min

Extended RSVP-TE for Multicast LSP Tunnels
10 min

H Hummel:
"Hierarchical LSP"
<draft-hummel-mpls-hierarchical-lsp-01.txt> 10 min

WG and document status, Questions 10 min

11.30 End of meeting

To those of you that have agenda items, plese check that references are
correct. For those of you that thought you requested agenda items and is
 not on the agenda, please let us know.

There is also a web-based version of the agenda with "clickable"
refrences at: