Speech Services Control WG (speechsc)

Wednesday, July 17 at 0900-1130

Chairs:	Eric Burger (eburger@showshore.com)
	David Oran (oran@cisco.com)


0900 - Agenda Bashing/Charter Review (Chairs)
0910 - Work Roadmap & Timeline (Chairs)
           - Charter
           - Work Items
           - Timeline for Work Items
0930 - Discuss requirements document (draft-burger-speechsc-reqts-00.txt)
        - open issues
        - assess readiness for WGLC
1000 - Discuss usage cases document
1030 - Discuss web services document
        - adopt as WG task?
1045 - Brainstorm on getting the protocol definition document written
        - authors/editors?
        - design baseline
        - pieces of draft-shanmugham-mrcp-01 (now expired) to adopt?
1115 - Wrap-up and next steps

Note 1: the posted IETF agenda still has this as a "CATS" BoF". We are in fact an approved WG, and are called SPEECHSC as we previously reported to the mailing list.

Note 2: the mrcp@showshore.com mailing list will be decommisioned immediately following this IETF. PLEASE subscribe to the speechsc@ietf.org mailing list as soon as convenient.