Topology-Insensitive Service Traversal BOF (tist) Monday, July 15 at 1930-2200 ============================= CHAIR: Melinda Shore <> Mailing list: General discussion: To subscribe: In body: subscribe tist Archive: Description: The notion of using RSVP or an in-band signaling protocol for finding firewalls and NATs has been floating around for years but hasn't received detailed scrutiny. At the same time, work on using out-of-band signaling (midcom) has found that it is highly sensitive to topological complexity. Midcom additionally leaves the problem of locating middleboxes in the network unaddressed. By using a protocol like RSVP, we can simultaneously address the problems of locating middleboxes in the network, routing requests to the correct middlebox, and handling topological complexity (for example, if there are both firewalls and NATs in a datapath it may be extremely difficult to determine the correct address to use in a firewall pinhole request). We can solve these problems by leveraging existing IP routing mechanisms and sending middlebox communications request along the normal forwarding path, but it introduces other problems (security, correct function with 3rd-party call control and signaling). This BOF is a first step towards examining whether and under what conditions an inband middlebox communication protocol would be useful in practice. Among the topics to be discussed are the relationship to other work, such as NSIS and TED, whether or not this approach really would provide greater network transparency, and interactions with applications that use 3rd-party signaling. Agenda: - Introduction - Problem statement, TIST overview - NSIS - TED - Security considerations - RSVP session authorization - Discussion Documents: draft-shore-tist-prot-00.txt draft-ietf-nsis-req-02.txt draft-rosenberg-sipping-session-policy-00.txt draft-ietf-rap-rsvp-authsession-03.txt draft-tschofenig-rsvp-sec-properties-00.txt draft-tschofenig-nsis-threats-00.txt