Benchmarking Methodology WG (bmwg) MONDAY, March 17 at 1530-1730 =============================== CHAIRS: Kevin Dubray <> Al Morton <> AGENDA: 1. Discussion on OSPF Convergence Benchmarking WG Last Call comments. Last call is over, but consensus on outstanding issues isn't clear. Identification of outstanding issues. (R. White et al.) BMWG mail archive: 2. "Considerations in Benchmarking Routing Protocol Network Convergence." Is the BMWG the right home for this I-D? (R. White) 3. IPsec Device Benchmarking Terminology I-D. Introduction and current issues. (M. Bustos) 4. Benchmarking Network-layer Traffic Control Mechanisms Attempt. Communicate latest changes & test progress of current WG Last Call. (J. Perser et al.) 5. Terminology for Benchmark Core Router Software Accelerated Life Testing. Version 00 of this draft seemed to present more functional testing than benchmarks - I-D fit to BMWG was questioned. This draft presumes better WG fit; did the principals succeed? (S. Poretsky). 6. IGP Data plane convergence benchmark I-Ds. Regarding "convergence" benchmarking, the WG had restricted scoping of initial convergence benchmarks to the control plane. However, I-Ds below were offered as a replacement to the OSPF convergence I-Ds. Should they replace the OSPF convergence IDs? If not, is it time for the BMWG to consider explicit data plane convergence? If yes, what is the IGP drafts' relationship to the OSPF convergence I-Ds? Replacement on companion? (K. Dubray) See BMWG mail archive of OSPF convergence benchmark I-Ds' Last Call. Please help contribute to a successful meeting by reading the above I-D(s) and references before the meeting. To offer comments on BMWG work in progress or the agenda itself, please send email to: Alternatively, to offer potential agenda items, please email: and