Incident Handling WG (inch) WEDNESDAY, March 19, 2003, 1300-1500 ==================================== CHAIR: Roman Danyliw <> AGENDA: o Administrative (Roman Danyliw) - Summary of Interim Meeting in Uppsala, Sweden (02/2003) o Requirements Review (draft-ietf-inch-requirements-00) (Glenn Mansfield Keeni and Yuri Demchenko) o Data Model Review (draft-ietf-inch-iodef-00) (Jan Meijer) [Note: The I-D cut-off has been missed; check the mailing list for a pointer to the latest draft] o XML Security in the IODEF (Yuri Demchenko) o Open Discussion Topics - Implementation experiences MAILING LIST Post: Archive: Subscribe: send mail to with "subscribe inch <first name> <last name>" in the body