IPSEC KEYing information resource record WG (ipseckey)

Tuesday, March 18 at 1700-1800

CHAIRS:	Rob Austein <sra+ipseckey@hactrn.net> 
	Sam Weiler <weiler@watson.org>


17:00  Pressgang scribes
       Blue sheets and other adminstrivia
       Are there alternate proposals?
       Bash agenda

17:05  draft-richardson-ipsec-rr-02.txt

       Does the WG accept this as a WG document?

       Any further comments about technical issues in current draft?

       What's missing from this draft?  Anything it'd be useful to add
       now that we're no longer talking about retrofitting stuff into
       the old KEY RR?

17:30  Any other business, including alternate proposals?
       If there's nothing to fill this slot, previous topic can have
       this time too.

17:50  Wrap-up: what do we do next, either to deliver per the
       milestones on our charter or to adjust them if we realize that
       they're now wrong.

18:00  Adjourn