Multiprotocol Label Switching WG (mpls)

Tuesday, March 18 at 0900-1130

CHAIR:	George Swallow <> 


1.  Agenda bashing                                                 5 min
2.  Overview of ISOCORE Interoperability Tests

    Rajiv Papneja                                                 10 min

3.  TE related drafts

    Jean Philippe Vasseur                                         15 min
        Reoptimization of an explicit loosely routed MPLS TE paths 
        Definition of an RRO node-id subobject 

    Jean-Louis Le Roux

        MPLS Traffic Engineering Fast reroute: bypass tunnel path 
          computation for bandwidth protection 

    Matthew Meyer                                                 10 min

        MPLS Traffic Engineering Soft preemption

4.  Graceful Restart

    Bob Thomas                                                    10 min

        LDP DoD Graceful Restart

5.  OAM

    Tom Nadeau                                                    10 min

        OAM Requirements for MPLS Networks

    Dave Allen                                                     5 min

        Y.1711 and LSP-PING

    Kireeti Kompella                                              10 min

        Detecting MPLS Data Plane Liveness

6.  MIBs

    Tom Nadeau                                                    10 min

        Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Traffic Engineering 
          Management Information Base for Fast Reroute

        Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Label-Controlled ATM
          and Frame-Relay Management Interface Definition

7.  Explicitly routed Multicast

    Seisho Yasukawa                                               10 min

        Requirements for Point-to-Multipoint capability extension 

    Alan Kullberg                                                 10 min

        Extended RSVP-TE for Point-to-Multipoint LSP Tunnels

    Rahul Aggarwal                                                10 min

        Multicast Traffic Engineering with MPLS

8.  Header Compression

    Jerry Ash                                                     15 min

        Requirements for End-to-End VoIP Header Compression
        End-to-End VoIP Header Compression Using cRTP

        End-to-End VoIP over MPLS Header Compression

9.  Draft Status Update

    George Swallow                                                 5 min

10. Charter Discussion