Open Pluggable Edge Services WG (opes) Monday, March 17 at 1530-1730 ============================= CHAIRS: Marshall Rose <> Markus Hofmann <> AGENDA: - Introduction, minutes taker, blue sheets [2 min] - Agenda bashing [3 min] - Status of WG documents [M. Hofmann, 10 min] draft-ietf-opes-architecture-04 draft-ietf-opes-protocol-reqs-03 draft-ietf-opes-scenarios-01 draft-ietf-opes-authorization-02 draft-ietf-opes-threats-02 - Start on OPES protocol work - Introduction to protocol work [M. Hofmann, 10 min] - Protocol layering and the OPES callout protocol [H. Orman, 15 min] - OPES scope clarifications [A. Barbier, 20 min] - Major decision points for protocol design [A. Rousskov, 15 min] - OPES protocol pre-draft thoughts [A. Rousskov, 30 min] - General discussion - Thoughts on using SOAP/XML [A. Barbier, 10 min]