Open Shortest Path First WG (ospf) Monday, March 17 (1300 - 1500) =============================== CHAIRS: Rohit Dube <> Acee Lindem <> AGENDA: Agenda Bashing 5 Mins MIB Update 10 Mins Dan Joyal <draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-05.txt> <draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv3-mib-05.txt> OSPF as the PE/CE Protocol in BGP/MPLS VPNs 10 Mins Eric Rosen <draft-rosen-ospf-2547bis-dn-00.txt> Support of address families in OSPFv3 15 Mins One of the authors <draft-mirtorabi-ospfv3-af-00.txt> WG document status 10 Mins Chairs WG Charter Update 15 Mins Chairs