Remote Direct Data Placement WG (rddp)

Tuesday, March 18 at 1700-1800
Thursday, March 20 at 1530-1730

CHAIR:  David L. Black <>

The RDDP WG works on Remote Direct Data Placement and Remote
Direct Memory Access functionality.  For more information,
please refer to the rddp charter at:

NOTE: The following two drafts are in WG Last Call,
        end at 9am Eastern Time on Monday, March 31st.
        Send comments to the mailing list,

        - RDMA over IP Problem Statement,
        - The Architecture of Direct Data Placement (DDP) And 
                Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) On Internet
                Protocols, draft-ietf-rddp-arch-01.txt


Tuesday, March 18, 1700-1800
- Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (10 min)
        - Blue Sheets
        - NOTE WELL
        - Status of drafts

- SCTP Mapping (20 min)

- Applicability Statement (15 min)

- TCP Mapping Requirements (15 min) [tentative]
        Discussion of requirements on the WG's TCP
        Mapping, including framing work.

WARNING: TCP Mapping Requirements may get moved to between
        RDMAP and TCP mapping on Thursday, in which case
        its current time slot will be used for DDP.

Thursday, March 20, 1530-1730
- Agenda Re-Bashing and Administrivia (5 min)

- DDP (15 min)

- RDMAP (15 min)

- TCP mapping (85 min)

        Both the Culley (MPA) and Williams (IFT) drafts have changed
        since Atlanta.  The Elzur draft provides some rationale for
        changes to the Culley (MPA) draft - it is for the information
        of WG participants, but will not be "presented" at the meeting.

        The goal of this time is to resolve as much of the open issues
        blocking WG progress in this area as possible.  The WG's ability
        to make progress in this area is likely to be a factor considered
        in the rechartering of the WG that is scheduled to happen this
        month.  Expect to see this time structured to focus attention on
        technical issues rather than a comparison of the drafts.

NOTE: Attendees should also read the following draft as background
        for the meeting, although no agenda time is allocated to it:

        (1) draft-ietf-rddp-rdma-concerns-00.txt
                Describes concerns that rddp work needs to address.