Better-Than-Nothing Security WG (btns)

Thursday, August 4 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Pekka Nikander <>
        Love Hornquist Astrand <>


Preliminaries - Love and Pekka (5 min)
  - Introduction
  - Blue Sheets
  - Scribe, Jabber
  - Agenda Bashing

Document Status - Love and Pekka (5 min)
  - Problem and Applicability Statement for BTNS

Technical Discussion (45 min)
  - Review of the Problem and Applicability statement draft,
     outline and higher level issues

  - discuss other issues 
      whether they should be included, and if so, what the consensus is
        what kind of phase-2 SAs are being negotiated (?)
        upgrading (i.e., using cleartext until established
        bare keys vs. self-signed certs
        SPD/PAD extensions

        Are any of these required for the P&AS doc?
        Which of these should we discuss now?
        Any others?

  - Nico's draft, draft-williams-btns-unauthenticated-bits-00.txt

Update Milestones - Chair and Participants (5 min)