Minutes of Detailed Revision/Update of Message Standards Working 
Group (DRUMS)

Reported by Jim Conklin, CREN

Session 1


Keith Moore chaired the Working Group meeting and began it with a 
brief review of the Working Group activities and mission.  He noted 
that the mission of the Working Group is to:

o  clarify ambiguities
o  fix broken things
o  unify documents
o  not add new functionality

Discussion highlighted the cost of breaking the installed base.

Keith presented the scope of the Working Group as:

o  native Internet mail
o  don't relax standards for gateways (clearly specify conformance 
o  doesn't include gateways, news, or MIME
o  does include header/envelope of mailing lists
o  specify 821 language (not UA functionality)
o  recommend UA behavior (but UA's have a lot of latitude)

He raised several meta-Ñissues he wanted the Working Group to 
address, including:

o  What does it mean to be broken (Criteria for brokenness)
o  How do we deal with intractable issues (on which Working Group 
   consensus appears impossible)
o  Criteria for making decisions (cost vs. benefit)
o  Possible choices, from recommending no change to deprecating an old 
   feature and replacing it with a new one

Discussion included what to do about references to RFC 821, and the 
extent to which the new document is to be all--inclusive.  There was a 
rough consensus that a guiding philosophy should be to create a 
document that is sufficient to guide implementation of a modern SMTP 
agent.  This allows reference to 821 for non--deprecated features which 
are not recommended or required to be supported by a current SMTP 
agent.  Discussion on deprecation suggested that it would be useful to 
distinguish clearly between what is forbidden, undesirable but not 
forbidden, and unused and probably not harmful, but not generally 
useful either.

Discussion suggested that brokenness includes situations in which:

o  mail is lost or misdirected, with no error message returned to 
   document the unsuccessful delivery
o  situations occur in which compliant behavior causes unnecessary "user 

The new document should update and clarify 821 in areas which have 
developed since it was written.  In addition, it should clarify any other 
ambiguities, and it should document the oral traditions that clarify 821 
and its successor RFCs.  An example of a development subsequent to 821, 
for which clarification is desirable, is the domain name system.  The 
document should address protocol errors, configuration requirements, 
and operational requirements.  Where ambiguities exist in 821, they 
should be explicitly called out and either resolved, or, if the Working 
Group can't agree on a resolution, described with the effects of the 
various interpretations and the tradeÑoffs they involve.

When the Working Group cannot reach consensus, it should, as 
indicated above, document the problem.  The Working Group could punt 
to the current practice as a way of solving the problem, and it could spin 
off a separate group to pursue the issue and perhaps draft a new RFC 
proposing a solution.

Criteria for decisions involving changes from previous practice should 
include the anticipated benefit versus the cost (disruption) to existing 
systems and the cost of implementation.  It must take into account the 
long transition from an old behavior to the new behavior, with 
coexistence of both during the transition from one to the other.

The Nature of the Document(s)

Discussion moved on to the nature of the document(s) that the Working 
Group will produce.  It was agreed that an introductory overview was 
not desirable because, based on previous experience, it tends to be read, 
without subsequent details, as the specification.  However, a separate 
informational RFC providing such an overview was considered to be a 
good idea.

There was consensus that multiple documents would be better than a 
single, all--inclusive document.  (This is already the case, since mail 
depends on the underlying transport protocols described in separate 
documents.)  One document should describe the underlying model for 
Internet mail (as a detailed specification, separate from the 
aforementioned overview).  This should be referenced by the "821--bis" 
document currently being drafted, and also by the anticipated "822--
bis" document.  This document should provide references to all the 
associated RFCs (probably including those that describe the underlying 
transport protocols).  Keith noted that additional editors, with close 
collaboration among them, will be needed for this approach to be 

The desirability of a separate document defining the ABNF was raised 
later in the discussion, with general agreement that such a document 
would be desirable and should also provide the ABNF definition of a 
common set of the "terminals" used by other RFCs (such as Òcharacter,Ó 
Òdigit,Ó etc., but not including, for example Òdomain.Ó).

Addressing and Routing Issues

In light of 1123's efforts to encourage the use of MX records to replace 
source routing (which the draft did not seem to reflect), concern was 
expressed about the handling of the forward path in the draft.  There 
was general agreement that the document should be revised to 
encourage use of MX rather than of source routing, but should also 
describe the proper behavior of the SMTP agent when presented with a 
source route.  There was no consensus as to precisely how this should be 
done, or whether it should be moved into a separate document (1123 
suggests three alternative possibilities, each of which is acceptable.).  
As I recall, they are: use the source routing; ignore the source routing 
while using MX to resolve the mailbox address; and, refuse to send the 
sourceÑrouted message.

Klensin noted that the draft already incorporates material from RFC 
974 on MX records, which should help encourage compliance with 974's 
requirements for MX.  No objection was raised.  Klensin also noted that 
the final documents would resolve the differences between RFC 821 and 
822 regarding mail routing and addressing.

Keith promised to work with the individual authors and editors to 
resolve the issue of whether mail addressing and routing should be 
handled in a separate document or left in the present draft.

Other Commands

There was an extended discussion about EXPN and VRFY.  Concerns 
were raised about the close linkage between the two in the present 
draft, and about whether each should be required and whether the 
draft noted this issue.  Discussion indicated that VRFY was felt to be 
more important than EXPN, and that a stronger verification than 
presently required and/or provided would be useful.  There seemed to be 
a consensus that both are useful for debugging purposes and should be 
required for debugging use only.  Participants were encouraged to send 
their suggestions to the list.

It was noted that there was no mention of the 521 reply code.  The 
explanation was that it is only an experimental protocol at present and 
that there are evidently problems with part of it.

TURN also evoked considerable discussion, with the consensus being 
that it should be deprecated in favor of other mechanisms now being 
discussed to solve the same problem.  (Despite the fact that there are 
also proposals in progress to provide adequate security, no one spoke in 
favor of retaining TURN.)

There was consensus to explicitly deprecate SAML, SOML, and SEND, 
while retaining them as commands that could be used by older systems 
without violating the new standard. (The alternative of remaining 
silent about these three was discussed and rejected.)

As mentioned earlier, it was agreed that a separate document should 
define the ABNF notation and a limited set of basic ABNF definitions 
of broad relevance for reference by the other documents.

A concern was raised about how to handle time--outs, but the meeting 
timed out without resolution of this issue.


Reported by Keith Moore, University of Tennessee

The group considered several issues under a limited discussion rule, 
with time for discussion being limited to 20 minutes per issue.

1. Addressing issues:

o  Remove several characters (including "[", "]", and ".") from the 
   list of RFC 822 "specials," and thus make addresses of the form

The majority of the group preferred to keep the current list of 
special characters, but to explicitly advise implementors about 
commonly occurring (but syntactically illegal) forms.  There were, 
however, a few objections to this proposal.

o  On a proposal to remove certain legal but never--used constructs 
   from the grammar for addresses, such as "#" domain literals 
   (from RFC 821), and "[\]]" as a domainÑliteral (from RFC 822)

There were no objections to this proposal.

o  On IPv6 domain literals

The consensus of the group was that an IPv6 domain literal is 
necessary for rare situations, but that  the syntax proposed for 
IPv6 addresses will cause many existing applications to "break" 
(mail user agents and web browsers were mentioned specifically).   
The consensus was that the DRUMS WG should formally notify 
the Applications area directors and the IESG of this problem.   
Some alternatives were suggested but no agreement was reached 
on which alternative was most desirable.

o  On use of 822 as a message submission protocol (e.g. "sendmail t")

Discussion was deferred to the mailing list.

o  On Use of SMTP as a message submission protocol

Discussion was deferred to the mailing list.

o  Discussion on Resent--headers

The chair summarized the issues with Resent-- as follows:

Resent--  headers are currently interpreted differently by 
different UA's, and used to indicate both automatic and manual 
mail forwarding as well as by some mailing lists.  The text in 
RFC 822 regarding the purpose of Resent-- is ambiguous.  For 
user agents, the real issues are the interpretation of Resent--
From and Resent--Reply--To.  Some MTAs put special 
requirements on handling mail with Resent-- headers, such as 
insisting that Resent--  headers appear in matched sets (e.g. 
Resent--From and Resent--To)

The ensuing discussion resulted in the following suggestions:

a. Resent-- headers to be retained, but only to supply 
   information to human readers; interpretation by user agents to 
   be discouraged.

b. Clarify that Resent--headers are intended to be added for 
   "manual" resends only, not for autoÑforwarding or by mailing 

c. Advise as how to generate Resent-- headers when 
   "resending": in what order, and at the top or bottom of the 

d. Advise as how to resend resent messages.

o  On the use of Usenet headers in eÑmail:

There was consensus that:

a. when Usenet header names are newly adopted for use in email, 
   they should have the same meaning as in Usenet.

b. existing and unique Usenet header names should be reserved

c. IANA should maintain a registry of header names.

o  Received header issues

Various chances to Received headers were proposed, including:

o  changing the format to improve ability of MTAs to detect loops
o  an extension mechanism for new sub--fields
o  a requirement for MTAs to include the source network address 
   (to deter SPAM)
o  clarification of the meaning of the date subfield of a received 
o  a list of conditions when received headers should be generated

Specific proposal(s) are needed; discussion is referred to the 
mailing list.

o  On bounced mail

The group agreed to:

o  include advice on how to constrict a non--delivery report in the 
   revised SMUT specification (e.g. it should contain the failed 
   address and some indication of the cause of delivery failure)
o  suggest (not require) NOTARY format

The group decided that issues relating to how to gateway  mail 
into weird environments (e.g. that don't have separate  
header/envelope return addresses or that cannot produce 
reasonable nonÑdelivery reports) were out--of--scope for this 

o  URLs pointing to

The consensus of the attendees was to include URL references to 
the IANA header registry (and perhaps other IANA registries), 
and to ask IANA to maintain registry documents at URLs under 
the domain.

o  On the subject of character sets:

The suggestion was made to incorporate the text from the MIME 
specifications regarding which characters are likely to survive 
mailing.  This should appear in the revised 822 specification, 
with a reference to that text in the revised SMTP specification.

o  Issues with Sender field

The Sender field cannot be relied on because MTAs, UAs, and list 
expanders vary considerably in when they generate such a field 
and what address is placed in that field.

There was near--unanimous opposition to the Chair's suggestion 
that field like Sender (which, according to RFC 822, should never 
be used in automatic replies) could be deprecated and replaced 
with one or more new and better--defined fields.

There was general agreement that the use of the word 
"authentic" with respect to Sender addresses was misleading in 
that Sender provides no guarantee of authenticity, but that it 
was still useful to identify the actual sender of a message even if 
authenticity could not be assured by such a mechanism.

o  Requirement for at least one of To/CC/Bcc

RFC 822 requires at least one of these fields; a proposal had been 
made to eliminate this requirement.

The group agreed that at least one of these headers should be 
included in each message for the benefit of human recipients who 
want to know why they received the message; the revised 822 
spec should explain this.   On the other hand, the presence of at 
least one of these headers should not be a requirement for 
processing (e.g. relaying) of the message, and there is thus no need 
to require one of these fields in the grammar.

o  In--reply--to header

The consensus of the group was to recommend using the message--
id of the replied--to message in the in--reply--to field of the 
reply (presumably while retaining the other (no message--id) 
option for backward--compatibility or for when replying to 
messages with no message--id)

The suggestion was made to use the behavior specified in RFC 

o  On requirement for MTA support for Postmaster address

The consensus was that an SMTP server should verify that its 
Postmaster address is valid (to ensure compliance with the 
requirement that it accept mail to Postmaster).  The rules for this 
are somewhat difficult to define (what does "valid" mean, and 
what action should be taken if this fails?).

It was suggested that this is similar to the requirement for 
implementation of the SMTP VRFY command, in other words, the 
SMTP server should internally attempt to verify the Postmaster 
address as if it were doing a VRFY on the Postmaster address.