Telephone Number Mapping WG (enum) Wednesday, March 20 at 0900-1130 ================================= CHAIRS: Patrik Faltstrom <> Richard Shockey <> Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: In Body: subscribe Archive: AGENDA BASHING (5 min) Scribe Introduction … Jay Hilton < applause > . NEW CHARTER REVIEW - Chair’s (5 Min) Revised Milestones - SERVICE FIELD DOCUMENTS ( 1 Hour ??) ENUM Service Descriptions A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Issues: General framework of the problem statement. What is the goal if any of granularity in service registrations? What services do we want to register and why? Should registrations be 1 RFC per protocol? The Use of ENUM by SIP A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Issues: Processing of 2 SIP service fields in one ENUM registration? Order and Preference issues? Is this a ENUM WG document? Coordination with SIPPING WG? ENUM Service Resolution A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Issues: What is this draft meant to do? Direction on Presence only Service Field Is Presence different from SIP ?? The ENUM TEL enumservice A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Issues: Why? Is this just for call forwarding or is there carrier specific issues in this ... aka LNP? Is this a ENUM WG document? CORE DOCUMENT REVIEW (45 min ??) 2916bis Update - The E.164 to URI DDDS Application A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Issues: Review of Goals and Objectives for Revision Status of DDDS Requirements for Service Registration ..Privacy? Applicability Statement? OTHER DOCUMENTS Extensible Provisioning Protocol and E.164 (10 min +) A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Issues: Is this the direction the WG wants to go? Possible transport options? Tier 1 and or Tier 2 usages? Relation to PROVREG ENUM Call Flows (10 min) draft-lind-enum-callflows-03.txt Issues: This document has been around a while but let us clarify what direction this is taking. What is the goal and purpose of the document? Is this an accurate picture of possible scenarios? Should Call Flows descriptions be application specific and included in service registration documentation? DOCUMENTS OF NOTE [ NOT ON AGENDA ] US ENUM Forum Overview A URL for this Internet-Draft is: History and Context of ENUM Operational Decisions A URL for this Internet-Draft is: Should these documents be made Informaitonal RFC's Number Portability in the PSTN draft-ietf-enum-e164-gstn-np-03.txt Issues: Status to Last Call OPEN DISCUSSION