Reported by Bill Fenner/Xerox PARC

Minutes of the Inter-Domain Multicast Routing Working Group (IDMR)

The IDMR Working Group met twice at the 33rd IETF in Stockholm.  The
first session was held on Tuesday, 18 July, and the second session on
Wednesday, 19 July.

First Session

The first session was shorter than expected due to some agenda juggling.

Tony Ballardie, IDMR co-chair, mentioned the new IDMR Working Group URL:

Ken Carlberg's Presentation

Ken Carlberg, of SAIC, provided a further report on Harris's simulation
efforts.  Harris is simulating the performance of CBT and PIM for a
Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS -- think ``interactive video
gaming'') environment.  (Steve Batsell gave a presentation at Danvers on
DIS requirements).  Ken said that Harris has put out a technical report
describing their simulation and results, but it is not yet available
publicly.  Contact Bibb Cain <> or Steve
Batsell <> for availability of the report.

The results Ken presented used two different topologies:  the AAI
topology (which is basically a single loop), and an artificial mesh
topology with average node degree of 3.

Several measurements were simulated.

   o End-to-end delay using PIM-sparse and source-based trees was 15%
     (AAI) to 30% (mesh) lower than CBT.

   o Bandwidth efficiency (protocol overhead) was approximately equal
     for PIM-sparse, using both shared and source-based trees, and CBT.
     PIM-dense protocol overhead was much higher.

   o PIM-sparse with unicast to RP on the AAI has end-to-end delays that
     are 60% higher than with CBT, and uses 50% more bandwidth.

   o Routing table size was significantly smaller using CBT than PIM.
     With 20,000 groups and 200 senders to each group and 50% group
     membership, PIM-sparse with source based trees uses 3,010,000
     routing table entries but CBT only uses 10,000.

Based upon these simulation results, Harris recommends:

   o CBT should be used to support DIS applications.

   o PIM should be modified such that the decision on source-based tree
     mode vs.  shared-tree mode should be made by group initiator rather
     than receivers.  Classifying a group for its whole lifetime reduces
     the complexity of switching trees and can reduce routing table

Eric Crawley's Presentation

The second presenter was Eric Crawley, from Bay Networks.  Eric talked
about experience gained from implementing CBT in a router.  Eric
suggested a new mode for CBT, called ``native mode''.  When all the
multicast routers on a subnet use CBT, there is no need to encapsulate
traffic with the CBT header, thus saving extra traffic on a shared
subnet.  The DR Selection algorithm increases join times and can be
optimized in the case when a router knows that it is the only CBT router
on the network, but it would be nice to find a faster algorithm for the
general case.  CBT also takes less room in forwarding tables, since
there is only one entry per group, instead of one per source and group.
The tree-setup phase of CBT also means that resources can be allocated
while building the tree, and if resource reservation fails alternate
tree paths may be tried, without need for modifications to the core
protocol.  Eric plans to collect data comparing performance of DVMRP and
CBT on the same platform.

Ross Finlayson's Presentation

The final presenter was Ross Finlayson, who talked about automatic
multicast tunnelling through a firewall.  Ross implemented a system that
uses `sd', the session directory, to identify candidates to be relayed
across the firewall.  The portion inside the firewall periodically sends
a `ping' to each candidate group, with a high enough TTL to reach all
internal nodes.  If it gets a response to its `ping', there is an
internal member, and it notifies the portion outside the firewall to
start forwarding traffic.  The firewall uses a set of application-level
gateways to forward traffic, so that other data on the same multicast
address cannot get through.  The decision was made to trust the MBONE
tools (`vat', `wb', `sd', etc.)  as there are never any commands
directly transmitted, just multimedia data.

Second Session

Bill Fenner's Presentation

Bill Fenner from Xerox PARC spoke about Hierarchical Multicast Routing
for the MBONE. The MBONE is growing at an extreme rate, and is still
using a single instance of DVMRP, a RIP-like protocol that was designed
to handle at most a couple of hundred routes.  It is currently handling
thousands of routes, and the routing tables continue to grow.  Moving to
hierarchical routing will solve many problems, such as route instability
by isolating routing problems to the domain in which they occur, and
will allow the testing of new multicast routing protocols without
interfering with global multicast routing.

To ease the transition to hierarchical routing, the requirements for
Level 1 (intra-domain) routers are kept small:

   o Participate in a Domain-Wide Report protocol, similar to IGMP. The
     DWR protocol allows domain membership to be known by the Level 2
     (inter-domain) routers.

   o Supply the Level 2 border routers with a list of address prefixes
     describing the networks inside the domain.  This allows the Level 2
     routers to determine whether a multicast packet is from an internal
     source or is transit from another domain.

   o Deliver copies of all internally-generated traffic with sufficient
     scope to all Level 2 border routers.

   o Accept and propagate a ``default'' multicast route.

The initial Level 2 (inter-domain) protocol will be a modification of
DVMRP. In hierarchical DVMRP, each domain is assigned an identifier and
packets are routed at Level 2 on their domain-identifier.  Level 2
routers use a special all-border-routers multicast group in the Level 1
multicast domain for transit traffic, and to allow injection of packets
from each border router.  This can cause duplicate traffic, as the
encapsulated and non-encapsulated forms of a packet may traverse the
same link.  However, it is expected that proper placement of domain
boundaries can solve this problem, and that a domain will generally
either be transit (in which case the traffic is solely encapsulated) or
leaf (in which case the traffic is solely un-encapsulated).

A paper on hierarchical DVMRP by Ajit Thyagarajan and Steve Deering that
describes hierarchical DVMRP in more detail is available from:

When PIM is used in a Level 1 domain, a subset of the border routers are
designated as RPs for groups with no global RP. When there is an
internal source, it sends a Register to one of these border routers,
which informs the other border routers and they join the distribution
tree for the group.  This allows the injection of internal traffic to
all L2 border routers.  For incoming traffic, the internal receivers
join to the same RP, which is adjacent to the L2 border router, and data
flows down the (*,G) tree.

With PIM at Level 2, it actually appears to be a single large PIM
domain, using the hierarchy inherent in unicast routing.  This is
because it is expected that the hierarchy boundaries will be the same
for unicast and multicast routing, and since the routers already have
the unicast routing table there is no need to add another one
paralleling it.

Note that some of this functionality will change as the Level 2 protocol
evolves (e.g., changing from DVMRP to PIM-sparse).  Changes can be
isolated to multicast border routers, placed at the L1/L2 boundary.  (In
fact, MBRs will probably be implemented on the same machine as the L2
router, but that is not a requirement).

It is unclear whether there is a single L1<>L2 interaction that can be
defined.  It may be that 4 will suffice (`Dense'<>`Dense' protocol,
`Dense'<>`Sparse', S<>S, S<>D), but it is not clear yet whether that
is either necessary or sufficient.  Further research is required on the
topic of this interaction.

Tony Ballardie's Presentation

Tony Ballardie from UCL then spoke on hierarchical routing as it applies
to CBT. When using CBT as a Level 2 protocol, the Level 2 border routers
must have a way to choose or discover the Level 2 cores for a group.
This may be via domain-wide reports, or some other mechanism.  The
Level 2 tree must be built before data can be forwarded; this may result
in some data loss depending on the size of queues and the speed of
creating the tree branch.  This is considered acceptable since it is
better than flooding the data everywhere.

When the Level 1 protocol is CBT, the injecting border router unicasts a
CBT-encapsulated copy of the packet to an internal core if there are
internal members.  The address of the internal core is included in the
domain-wide report.  All groups have internal cores, whether they are
inter-domain or intra-domain.  In addition, if the packet must transit
this domain, the border router sends it on the all-border-routers group,
using the Level 2 DVMRP encapsulation.

For sources within a Level 1 CBT cloud, the ``master core'' forwards the
packet to the core of the Level 2 all-border-routers group.  There was
some discussion as to how the intra-domain core knows what kind of
encapsulation the packet should use, and it was resolved that this issue
needs more investigation, as it is unwise to require all internal cores
to have knowledge of the Level 2 protocol.

Deborah Estrin's Presentation

Deborah Estrin presented a PIM specification update over the MBONE from
Los Angeles.  MBONE quality from LA to Stockholm was extremely
impressive.  Recent changes in the PIM specification include:

   o Separation of the document into individual Sparse and Dense mode

   o Major editorial changes and updated figures.

   o New RP mechanisms integrated.

   o Changes in packet formats.

The new RP mechanism was described at the Danvers IETF, and is now
incorporated into the specification.  There were several new messages
(Register-Ack, Candidate-RP-Advertisement, and Poll), changed messages
(Join/Prune, Register, RP-Reachability), and obsolete messages
(Register-Stop).  The updated specification will be submitted as an
Internet-Draft, but until it is, an interim version is available from:

Also see PIM-SM.diffs in the same directory for details of the
specification changes.

Open Discussion

An open discussion followed on how the IDMR working group should
advance.  It is clear that the working group charter needs to be
revised, as all of the milestones listed have passed.  It was suggested
that PIM and CBT should be submitted as Experimental RFCs.  Hierarchical
routing looks promising to help solve some of the routing problems, but
it is still too early to know what problems will crop up with it (i.e.,
will the L1<>L2 interactions end up being an n-squared problem?).