Reported by Jennifer Sellers/NASA NREN

Minutes of the Internet School Networking Working Group (ISN)


The meeting opened with a sharing of experiences as the participants
introduced themselves and told of projects in school networking of which
they are aware.  Projects mentioned were:

   o Merit Network's efforts in K-12 education headed by Dana Sitzler
     (not present);

   o Elementary and secondary school telecommunications in Germany,
     coordinated by educator Klaus Fuller;

   o European Schools Project using ``teletrips,'' curriculum-based
     projects including the AquaData project, reported by Aad Nienhuis;

   o The Internet Society's K-12 Committee, which is chaired by Bruce

   o California initiatives for training teachers to educate using the
     Internet reported by Joyce Reynolds of Information Sciences
     Institute, who has been working with Carol Teach in the California
     Department of Education, and Joan Gargano of the University of
     California at Davis;

   o Pandora Systems's World Classroom Project, and the Pacific Bell
     (California, US) system now under development reported by Mitra of
     Pandora Systems;

   o AT&T Learning Network (US) reported by Paul Lustgarten of AT&T;

   o Rutgers University's efforts in the elementary and secondary school
     arena providing accounts to teachers in the area local to Rutgers,
     reported by Mel Pleasant;

   o The (US) National School Network Testbed Project developed by Bolt
     Beranek and Newman, reported by Cindy Mills of BBN; a University of
     Hawaii pilot project with 25 school teachers to produce
     curriculum-based lesson plans using networks, reported by Jody Chu
     of the university;

   o A number of schools are connected to SURFnet (Netherlands),
     reported Maria Heijne of SURFnet; and

   o (US) NASA NREN's project which has a pilot project with several
     schools across the US and is developing a set of tutorial videos
     for informing/motivating schools about the Internet and also for
     training educators and students to use Internet tools, reported by
     Jennifer Sellers, NASA National Research and Education Network.

A number of other group members introduced themselves and gave their

Educator Presentation

Klaus Fueller, a German educator, gave a presentation on his
perspectives in school networking.  He mentioned that some of the
pedigogical potential of networks is that using them in instruction can
encourage students to read, write, follow discourse and discussion, and
practice foreign language as a means of communication rather than as a
classroom exercise.  For teachers, the use of networks can allow for
collaboration.  In teaching students about networks, they learn a new
means of information retrieval, how to make (local and international)
contacts, and how to use network resources.  Klaus emphasized the use of
e-mail and suggested that e-mail-only, rather than full Internet access,
may serve many schools very well.  He suggested that non-technical
teacher training materials, developed by teachers on the net, are sorely
needed.  He will be giving a teacher training course on 20 September and
is looking for teacher volunteers around the world to coordinate with
him.  If interested, please contact him.

Klaus then gave an overview of the domain naming of schools in Germany,
which follows the scheme of

Finally, Klaus mentioned the technical issues and barriers to elementary
and secondary school networking, some of which are that there are no
technical people at the local level, materials for technical training
are scarce, software is needed to simplify use of the network, and
schools without LANs and only stand-alone machines need to be

For further information, send mail to

Review of FAQ Document

The FAQ document, which is now an Internet-Draft,
draft-ietf-isn-faq-01.txt, will be an RFC FYI document by the time of
the Houston IETF in November.  There will be information added on
``low-low'' level connectivity, that is, mail and news only.  The
document is currently extremely US-centric, and those outside the US are
encouraged to give input that will help broaden it, both in choice of
vocabulary and in scope.  It is hoped that all members of the working
group will not only review the document themselves but also disseminate
it to the educators with whom they work, for review and comment.  A
number of comments for improvement were made during the meeting.  Thanks
to all who gave feedback, and please follow up by posting the feedback
electronically to this list or directly to Jennifer Sellers by 6 August
if possible.

Connectivity Models Document

The group discussed Gene Hastings' ( document,
``Connectivity Models for Internet Access'' (available via anonymous FTP
as models.mar93/  Ellen Hoffman, co-Chair of the USERDOC2
Working Group, will coordinate with Gene and Jennifer to add to the
beginning of the connectivity models document some general issues
covered in the ``How to Connect'' document of the USERDOC2 Working
Group.  The ISN Working Group hopes to release the document, at a
minimum, as an Internet-Draft, and possibly an FYI RFC, by the Houston
IETF in November.

Review and Revise Charter

The milestone stating that the group will release a directory (X.500) of
people involved in networks in elementary and secondary education was
revised.  It had been expected that Merit would receive funds to carry
out much of this task, and those funds were not forthcoming.
Additionally, it is outside the scope of a working group to maintain
data, and in order to make this directory useful, data would need to be
maintained.  Some discussion of directory services offered by the
InterNIC ensued, and April Marine will coordinate with InterNIC staff to
discover what precisely is available and if it might serve the original
intent of the group's milestone.  April will also talk to the players in
RIPE who might be able to coordinate the service in Europe.

The text of the charter was also discussed, and the group agreed that a
few key concepts should be incorporated into the new charter:

   o The group should be international in focus.

   o The wording ``primary and secondary'' (education) should replace

   o The group could be most useful by identifying barriers and/or
     problems in the area of school networking around the world and
     proposing solutions.

   o The group will work to identify gaps where solutions are not
     readily available or don't seem to be on the horizon.

Klaus Fueller, Bruce Nelson, and Aad Nienhuis volunteered to craft a
draft charter and post it to the ISN mailing list for comments.

The meeting lasted approximately two hours and was adjourned around
15:30 local time.  Thanks to Ray Harder who took notes for the minutes
during the meeting.


Rich Bowen     
Thomas Brisco  
J. Nevil Brownlee
Jodi-Ann Chu   
Jill Foster    
Klaus Fueller  
Raymond Harder 
Maria Heijne   
Marco Hernandez
Ellen Hoffman  
Andrew Knutsen 
John Larson    
Thomas Lenggenhager
Paul Lustgarten
Paolo Malara   
April Marine   
Cynthia Mills  
Bruce Nelson   
David O'Leary  
Mel Pleasant   
Joyce K. Reynolds
Jennifer Sellers
Patricia Smith 
Milan Sova     
Claudio Topolcic
Marc van der Noordaa
Ruediger Volk  
Sam Wilson