Multicast-Address Allocation (malloc)

 Last Modified: 2001-08-29

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Stephen Hanna  <>
     Dave Thaler  <>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     Scott Bradner  <>
     Allison Mankin  <>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Allison Mankin  <>

 Technical Advisor(s):
     Thomas Narten  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:

Description of Working Group:

Note: This Working Group is co-chartered in the Internet Area.

Multicast address allocation is an essential part of using IP
multicast. Multicast addresses are an even more limited resource than
unicast addresses, and must be allocated dynamically if they are to
satisfy expected demand. To this end, the MALLOC WG will define three
protocols which work together to form a global dynamic multicast
address allocation mechanism. These protocols will be:

- a "host to Address Allocation Server" protocol used by a host to
  obtain one or more multicast addresses from an address allocation
  server within its domain.

- an intra-domain server to server protocol that address allocation
  servers within the same domain can use to ensure that they do not 
  out conflicting addresses.

- an inter-domain protocol to provide aggregatable multicast address
  ranges to domains, which the servers in that domain can then allocate
  individual multicast addresses out of. This protocol will work in
  conjunction with the IDMR WG's Border Gateway Multicast Protocol to
  provide a scalable inter-domain multicast routing solution.

Although mechanisms for enforcing policies for multicast address
allocation may be considered, setting any such policies is not within
the scope of this WG.  Alternative multicast models are also out of

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Report on simulation and implementation efforts with existing 
                protocol proposals. Address any problems in the specifications 
                that were found. 

   Done         Meet at Orlando IETF. Review and finalize the host-server 

   Done         Submit the host-server protocol to the IESG for consideration 
                as a Proposed Standard. 

   Done         Repost the MADCAP scope-nesting option document as a WG 

   Done         Repost the updated architecture document as a WG 

   Done         Submit the abstract API document(s) to the IESG for 
                consideration as Informational. 

   Done         Review and finalize the inter-domain protocol 

   Done         Submit the inter-domain protocol to the IESG for consideration 
                as Experimental 

   Done         Submit the architecture document to the IESG for consideration 
                as Informational 

   Done         Submit the MADCAP scope-nesting option document to the IESG 
                for consideration as Proposed Standard 

   Done         Review and finalize the intra-domain protocol 

   Done         Complete action of withdrawing intra-domain protocol (due to 
                lack of community interest and serious fixes needed) 

   Aug 01       Submit the MIB to the IESG for consideration as a Proposed 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Jan 99 Jul 02   <draft-ietf-malloc-malloc-mib-07.txt>
                Multicast Address Allocation MIB 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2730 PS   Dec 99    Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol 

RFC2771 I    Feb 00    An Abstract API for Multicast Address Allocation 

RFC2907 PS   Sep 00    MADCAP Multicast Scope Nesting State Option 

RFC2908 I    Sep 00    The Internet Multicast Address Allocation Architecture 

RFC2909 E    Sep 00    The Multicast Address Set Claim (MASC) Protocol 

RFC3307 PS   Sep 02    Dynamic Allocation Guidelines for IPv6 Multicast 