~ July 1995 INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS ------------------------ The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. This report is for Internet information purposes only, and is not to be quoted in other publications without permission from the submitter. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities. These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR@ISI.EDU". Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list should be sent to "imr-request@isi.edu". Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc- info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs". For example: To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU Subject: getting imrs help: ways_to_get_imrs Cooper [Page 1] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 RESOURCE DISCOVERY AND DIRECTORY SERVICE. . . . . . . . page 3 INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Internet Projects ACM SIGCOMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11 INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 12 Directory Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14 US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15 MERIT/NSFNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18 UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23 TERENA List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27 Cooper [Page 2] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD --------------------------- The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp access on host ftp.isi.edu, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB World- Wide Web page with URL http://www.iab.org/iab/. Brian Carpenter <brian@dxcoms.cern.ch> IAB Chair INTERNET RESEARCH REPORTS ------------------------- RESOURCE DISCOVERY AND DIRECTORY SERVICE ---------------------------------------- The Internet Research Task Force on Resource Discovery is continuing its experimental efforts with the Harvest system (http://harvest.cs.colorado.edu/). We are moving Harvest increasingly towards an interoperation architecture for network search systems, by working with commercial search & retrieval engine vendors to (a) integrate their engines, and (b) define promising future research problems related to this integration effort. We are also working on support for distributed searching, repluggable object storage managers, local post- processing of query results, and deployment of an experimental national caching infrastructure. - Mike Schwartz University of Colorado - Boulder Chair, IRTF-RD schwartz@cs.colorado.edu INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS ---------------------------- 1. The summer IETF meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden the week of July 17-21, 1995. The meeting was very well attended, approximately 20% higher than the attendence level in Amsterdam, the first IETF meeting. The IETF will be meeting in Dallas, Texas on December 4-8, 1995. Our local host for this meeting is MCI. At this time, two meetings have been tentatively scheduled for 1996: March 4-8 in Los Angelas, California followed by a meeting in Montreal, Canada which is scheduled for June 24-28, 1996. Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be sent to the Cooper [Page 3] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 IETF Announcement list. Remember that information on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file 0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories. This information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on the Web. The URL is: http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us 2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory. The following IESG minutes have been added: June 22, 1995 (iesg.95-06-22) 3. The IESG approved or recommended the following 12 Protocol Actions during the month of July, 1995: o The Content-MD5 Header Field <RFC1544> for publication as a Draft Standard. o The ESP DES-CBC Transform for publication as a Proposed Standard. o Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and Multipart/Encrypted for publication as a Proposed Standard. o Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol for publication as a Proposed Standard. o IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) for publication as a Proposed Standard. o IP Authentication Header for publication as a Proposed Standard. o IP Authentication using Keyed MD5 for publication as a Proposed Standard. o XDR: External Data Representation Standard for publication as a Proposed Standard. o Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2 for publication as a Proposed Standard. o RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2 Cooper [Page 4] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 for publication as a Proposed Standard. o MIME Object Security Services for publication as a Proposed Standard. o EDI Meets the Internet: Frequently Asked Questions about Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) on the Internet for publication as an Informational RFC. 4. The IESG issued one Last Call to the IETF during the month of July, 1995: o Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 <draft-ietf-html-spec-04> being considered for the status of Proposed Standard. 5. Two Working Groups were created during this period: MessageWay (msgway) Process for Organization of Internet Standards 95 (poised95) Additionally, one Working Group was concluded: Electronic Data Interchange (edi) 6. A total of 96 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month of July, 1995: (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) ) (avt) o RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with Minimal Control <draft-ietf-avt-profile-05.txt, .ps> (avt) o RTP payload format for H.261 video streams <draft-ietf-avt-h261-01.txt> (cat) o FTP Security Extensions <draft-ietf-cat-ftpsec-08.txt> (svrloc) o Service Location Protocol <draft-ietf-svrloc-protocol-06.txt> (rsvp) o Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1 Functional Specification <draft-ietf-rsvp-spec-07.txt, .ps> (ipatm) o IP over ATM: A Framework Document <draft-ietf-ipatm-framework-doc-04.txt, .ps> (mobileip) o IP Mobility Support <draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-11.txt> (ids) o A Specification for the Simple Internet White Pages Service <draft-ietf-ids-iwps-design-spec-01.txt> Cooper [Page 5] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 (none) o Mobility Support in IPv6 <draft-perkins-ipv6-mobility-sup-02.txt> (ipngwg) o IPv6 Program Interfaces for BSD Systems <draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-02.txt> (trainmat) o Catalogue of Network Training Materials <draft-ietf-trainmat-catalogue-03.txt> (snmpv2) o Textual Conventions for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-ietf-snmpv2-tc-ds-03.txt> (snmpv2) o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-ip-ds-02.txt> (snmpv2) o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-udp-ds-02.txt> (snmpv2) o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-tcp-ds-02.txt> (dnsind) o Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS <draft-ietf-dnsind-ixfr-02.txt> (cat) o Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (IDUP-GSS-API) <draft-ietf-cat-idup-gss-02.txt> (mobileip) o Route Optimization in Mobile IP <draft-ietf-mobileip-optim-02.txt> (wts) + The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol <draft-ietf-wts-shttp-00.txt> (dnsind) o Notify: a mechanism for prompt notification of authority zone changes <draft-ietf-dnsind-notify-02.txt> (uri) o Mailserver URL Specification <draft-ietf-uri-url-mailserver-02.txt> (none) o IP Architecture Extensions for ATM <draft-rekhter-ip-atm-architecture-01.txt> (mimesgml) o The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type <draft-ietf-mimesgml-related-02.txt> (dhc) o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-02.txt> (addrconf) o IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration <draft-ietf-addrconf-ipv6-auto-03.txt> (dnsind) o Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS) <draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-02.txt> (ipsec) o The Photuris Session Key Management Protocol <draft-ietf-ipsec-photuris-02.txt> (uri) o finger URL Specification <draft-ietf-uri-url-finger-03.txt> (mailext) o Common Internet Message Attributes <draft-ietf-mailext-mail-attributes-02.txt> (cat) o Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings <draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-cbind-01.txt> Cooper [Page 6] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 (uri) o The Path URN Specification <draft-ietf-uri-urn-path-01.txt> (none) o Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) <draft-nsa-isakmp-01.txt, .ps> (aft) o GSS-API Authentication Method for SOCKS Version 5 <draft-ietf-aft-gssapi-02.txt> (atommib) o Definitions of Supplemental Managed Objects for ATM Management <draft-ietf-atommib-atm2-02.txt> (intserv) o Specification of Controlled Delay Quality of Service <draft-ietf-intserv-control-del-svc-01.txt> (intserv) o Network Element Service Specification Template <draft-ietf-intserv-svc-template-01.txt> (none) o OSPF with Digital Signatures <draft-murphy-ospf-signature-01.txt> (cat) o Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service Application Program Interface: C-bindings <draft-ietf-cat-idup-cbind-01.txt> (pppext) o PPP Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) <draft-ietf-pppext-eap-auth-01.txt> (none) o IP Broadcast over ATM Networks. <draft-smith-ipatm-bcast-01.txt> (none) o Post Office Protocol - Version 3 <draft-myers-pop-pop3-04.txt> (run) o Netiquette Guidelines <draft-ietf-run-netiquette-guide-01.txt> (mimesgml) o Encapsulating SGML Documents Using the Multipart/Related Content-Type <draft-ietf-mimesgml-encap-01.txt> (none) o A One-Time Password System <draft-haller-otp-01.txt> (ipngwg) o Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) <draft-ietf-ipngwg-discovery-01.txt> (none) + Coexistence between Version 1 and Version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework <draft-kzm-snmpv2-coex-alt-00.txt> (none) + Conformance Statements for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-kzm-snmpv2-conf-alt-00.txt> (none) + Introduction to Version 2 of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework <draft-kzm-snmpv2-intro-alt-00.txt> (none) + Management Information Base for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-kzm-snmpv2-mib-alt-00.txt> (none) o Transport Mappings for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-kzm-snmpv2-tm-ds-03.txt> (none) + Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) Cooper [Page 7] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 <draft-kzm-snmpv2-proto-alt-00.txt> (none) + Structure of Management Information for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-kzm-snmpv2-smi-alt-00.txt> (none) + Administrative Infrastructure for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-kzm-snmpv2-adminv2-alt-00.txt> (none) + User-based Security Model for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) <draft-kzm-snmpv2-sec-alt-00.txt> (none) + Simple Network Paging Protocol - Version 3 - Two-Way Enhanced <draft-gwinn-paging-protocol-v3-00.txt> (http) + HTTP Session Extension <draft-ietf-http-ses-ext-00.txt> (none) + SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting <draft-dewinter-queue-start-00.txt> (cat) + Simple GSS-API Negotiation Mechanism <draft-ietf-cat-snego-00.txt> (mixer) + Equivalences between 1988 X.400 and RFC-822 Message Bodies <draft-ietf-mixer-bodymap-00.txt> (cat) + PEM-Based IDUP Mechanism (PIM) <draft-ietf-cat-pim-00.txt> (atommib) + Definitions of Textual Conventions for ATM Management <draft-ietf-atommib-atm2TC-00.txt> (none) + An Application Level Internet Payment Syntax <draft-eastlake-internet-payment-00.txt> (none) + Problems with TCP Connections Terminated by RSTs or Timers <draft-heavens-problems-rsts-00.txt> (none) + Guidelines for IETF Meeting Sites <draft-prior-future-host-guidelines-00.txt> (none) o A Means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System <draft-davis-dns-loc-02.txt> (none) + Simple Authentication Mechanism for SNMP. <draft-romanov-simple-snmp-00.txt> (avt) + RTP Payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video <draft-ietf-avt-mpeg-00.txt> (uri) + Issues Concerning URN Assignment and Resolution <draft-ietf-uri-urn-issues-00.txt> (none) + SONAR - A Network Proximity Service <draft-moore-sonar-00.txt> (cat) + The FIPS PUB JJJ Entity Authentication GSS-API Mechanism <draft-ietf-cat-fipsjjjgss-00.txt> (none) + CyberCash Credit Card Protocol Version 0.8 <draft-eastlake-cybercash-v08-00.txt> (asid) + Managing the X.500 Root Naming Context <draft-ietf-asid-name-context-00.txt> (cidrd) o Address Allocation for Private Internets <draft-ietf-cidrd-private-addr-01.txt> Cooper [Page 8] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 (mobileip) + IP Encapsulation within IP <draft-ietf-mobileip-ip4inip4-00.txt> (mobileip) + Minimal Encapsulation within IP <draft-ietf-mobileip-minenc-00.txt> (ipatm) + IP Multicasting over ATM: System Architecture Issues <draft-ietf-ipatm-arch-00.txt> (none) + Integrated Servces IP Multicasting over ATM <draft-milliken-ipatm-services-00.txt> (none) + MMUSIC/ITU Interoperability Scenarios <draft-bormann-mmusic-itu-interop-00.txt> (mmusic) + Managing Shared Ephemeral Teleconferencing State: Policy and Mechanism <draft-ietf-mmusic-agree-00.txt, .ps> (none) + The Finger User Information Protocol <draft-zimmerman-finger-use-00.txt> (none) + Telnet Authentication and Encryption Option <draft-galvin-telnet-authenc-00.txt> (html) + HTML Tables <draft-ietf-html-tables-00.txt> (none) + Telnet Authentication and Encryption: GSSAPI Option <draft-galvin-telnet-gssapi-00.txt> (ssh) + Site Security Handbook for System and Network Administrators <draft-ietf-ssh-handbook-00.txt> (uri) + How Roy would Implement URNs and URCs Today <draft-ietf-uri-roy-urn-urc-00.txt> (none) + Session Identity Notification Protocol (SINP) <draft-goto-sinp-00.txt> (none) + Session Identity Notification Protocol (SINP) <draft-goto-sinp-00.txt> (none) + Document Classification Descriptors <draft-treese-class-desc-00.txt> (radius) + Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) <draft-ietf-radius-radius-00.txt> (none) + Session Indentify <draft-goto-sinp-00.txt-> (radius) + RADIUS Accounting <draft-ietf-radius-accounting-00.txt> (none) + Session Identify Notification Protocol <draft-goto-sinp-00.txt-.txt> (asid) + A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information <draft-ietf-asid-mime-direct-00.txt> (asid) + A Simple Caching Scheme for LDAP and X.500 Directories <draft-ietf-asid-ldap-cache-00.txt> (none) + Addendum to RFC 1602 -- Variance Procedure <draft-postel-variance-00.txt> (bridge) + Definitions of Managed Objects for Source Routing Bridges <draft-ietf-bridge-sr-obj-00.txt> Cooper [Page 9] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 7. There was one RFC published during the month of July, 1995: RFC St WG Title ------- -- -------- ------------------------------------- RFC1800 S (none) INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS St(atus): ( S) Internet Standard (PS) Proposed Standard (DS) Draft Standard ( E) Experimental ( I) Informational Steve Coya (scoya@cnri.reston.va.us) Cooper [Page 10] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 INTERNET PROJECTS ----------------- ACM SIGCOMM 1995 ---------------- Call for Participation ---------------------- ACM SIGCOMM 1995 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication Cambridge Marriott Hotel Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA August 28 to September 1, 1995 (Tutorials and Workshop, August 28 and 29) * The conference will be preceded by eight tutorials covering issues from protocol design, multimedia and wireless technology, to high performance networks, security and client/server computing. * The technical conference begins August 30 with a keynote address by this year's ACM SIGCOMM award winner, Prof. David Farber. This will be followed by a highly selective three-day single track technical program with 30 papers in eleven sessions. * The deadline for early registration is 1 August, 1995. The hotel registration deadline is 11 August, 1995. * On-site registration will be available from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. August 28- September 1 and during the welcoming reception, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 29. * For more information: WWW: http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm95/ S. Keshav keshav@research.att.com Telephone: +1 908 582 3384 Fax: +1 908 582 5857 AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA. Cooper [Page 11] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 Tutorials and Technical Program ------------------------------- * Hot Topics in Networking, Including ATM, Multimedia, Wireless Raj Jain, (Ohio State U.). * Designing Protocols using Techniques from Distributed Systems George Varghese, (Washington U., St. Louis). * Rethinking Client/Server Computing Marc Andressen, (Netscape Communications). * Host-Network Interface Issues in High Performance Networks Bruce Davie, (Bellcore). * Designing Secure Protocols Radia Perlman,(Novell Inc.) & Charlie Kaufman, (Lotus Corp.). * Multimedia Networks Aurel Lazar, (Columbia U.). * The Ethernet Renaissance: Key Protocol Enhancements Henry Yang, (Digital Equipment Corp.). * Congestion Management in High Speed Networks K.K. Ramakrishnan, (AT&T Bell Laboratories). The technical program includes sessions on Bandwidth Reservation, Switching & Routing, Protocols, Traffic Characterization, Protocol Implementations, Scheduling, Wireless, Application Support, and Multicast. Detailed descriptions of the tutorials and technical program can be found in the Sigcomm '95 home page http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/sigcomm95. INTERNIC -------- REGISTRATION SERVICES I. Significant Events InterNIC Registration Services assigned over 6,914 network addresses and registered over 12,190 domains. There were four (4) top-level country domains registered during June: Madagascar (MG), Cooper [Page 12] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 Kyrgyzstan (KG), Tanzania (TZ), and Samoa (WS). The suit that Knowledgenet has filed against Network Solutions and David L. Boone over the knowledgenet.com domain has been dismissed. David Boone has agreed to relinquish the domain name to Knowledgenet, Inc. During the month of July, domain requests are averaging between 700- 800+ for new submissions per day. Adjustments continue to be made in domain processing. Additional, staffing is being acquired to accommodate the growth in registration requests. At the close of July 1995, the domain processing queue had again increased from 6,000 to 15,000+ new domain registrations. Mark Kosters, Debbie Fuller and Dave Graves attended the Quarterly Review of InterNIC Registration Services (Network Solutions) and Directory Services (AT&T) at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, VA. Susan Calcari who has relocated to the University of Wisconsin and resumed the weekly production and distribution of the Scout Report also presented. Mark Kosters, Stan Borinski and Kim Hubbard attended the IETF meeting in Stockholm July 16-21, 1995. They presented the RFC1466BIS draft. Parts of the draft were accepted. Additional work is required for portability of address space and assignment criteria. The computer equipment which was ordered for the Info Scout and the Assistant Scout has been delivered. Susan Calcari assisted NSI in the NIC Liaison recruitment process in which a candidate has been selected and will start working soon at NSI. II. Current Status During the month of July 1995, InterNIC Registration Services received communications as shown below. The majority of the correspondence concerned the assignment and re-assignment of network numbers and the registration or change of domain names. E-mail 27,278 (hostmaster@internic.net) Postal/Fax 277 (primarily IP number requests) Phone 4,959 The Registrations Services host computer supported a large volume of information retrieval requests during the month of June. Cooper [Page 13] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 Connections Retrievals Gopher 43,387 41,429 WAIS 29,642 28,093 FTP 45,623 130,352 Mailserv 3,412 Telnet 103,626 Http 124,864 In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were: Client Server 544,452 2,011,513 Mark Kosters markk@internic.net +1 703 742 4795 Software Engineer InterNIC Registration Services INTERNIC DIRECTORY AND DATABASE SERVICES We made a number of improvements to our Web services during July. We have supported Web access to the X.500 directory for some time, but we recently improved the interface. The former system used a Gopher to X.500 gateway to support Web access. It has been replaced with a direct Web to X.500 gateway. The Gopher to X.500 interface remains available for Gopher users. We have also installed a Web based form to allow users to enter information about a resource they feel should be included in our Directory of Directories. A resource owner may also use the form to tell us about their resource. Take a look at our Web pages starting at: http://ds.internic.net A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and we will send information about listing your resource in the Directory of Directories. If you prefer, you can enter information about your resource in our WWW suggestion form. The form can be reached through our Directory of Directories Web page at: http://ds.internic.net:80/ds/dsdirofdirs.html by Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net> Cooper [Page 14] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 US DOMAIN REGISTRY Below is the latest results from the July '95 "Internet Domain Survey" produced by Network Wizards. According to the January '95 survey, the US Top-Level Domain was ranked 18th with a total of 37,615 hosts. It has moved to 14th place and the current total is 113,226 hosts. For more information see RFC 1296; for more data see the zone directory on ftp.nw.com, or http://nw.com. Host Distribution by Top-Level Domain Name 1743390 com 36964 dk 2403 ee 268 lt 11 kz 1411013 edu 23791 kr 2075 co 224 ir 11 ae 350707 de 23706 be 2035 hr 214 eg 9 md 300481 net 18223 il 1992 sk 163 cy 9 fj 291258 uk 16166 tw 1516 lu 142 ag 6 pk 273855 gov 15692 pl 1339 ua 127 pa 5 sn 262644 ca 15392 hk 1242 int 102 jm 5 mk 224778 mil 14842 cz 1087 my 83 pr 5 mc 207426 au 11576 br 1029 cr 65 tn 5 gh 201905 org 11298 hu 1023 cn 59 ni 5 by 159776 jp 9941 ie 950 lv 50 am 5 bb 135462 nl 8748 pt 891 ro 47 mo 4 gl 113974 fr 8382 mx 853 ve 41 li 4 aq 113226 us 8208 sg 848 id 41 ky 4 ai 111861 fi 6800 is 776 kw 29 uz 3 ci 106725 se 6664 cl 645 in 28 gb 2 gn 66608 no 5700 ru 639 bg 27 do 1 ug 63795 ch 5575 gr 550 bm 20 zw 1 lb 46143 it 5467 su 471 fo 19 np 1 ke 43863 nz 3381 si 372 ec 18 sa 1 az 41329 za 3270 ar 367 pe 18 gu 40696 at 2790 tr 365 ph 16 dz 39919 es 2481 th 273 uy 11 zm Cooper [Page 15] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 GROWTH OF THE US DOMAIN (*) --------------------------- 6-mos 1-year Date US % change % change Jan 93 692 Jul 93 1340 93.64 Jan 94 6541 388.13 84.23 Jul 94 16556 153.11 113.52 Jan 95 37615 51.30 475.06 Jul 95 113226 201.01 583.89 (*) Based on Mark Lottors data. US DOMAIN ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ------------------------------------ EMAIL/FAX 850 PHONE 325 ---------------------------- Total Contacts 1175 DELEGATIONS 60 DIRECT REGISTRATIONS: 13 OTHER US DOMAIN MSGS: 1102 --------------------------- Total 1175 OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name servers, and whois listings. The list of delegations below does not reflect the entire number of registrations and delegations in the whole US Domain. Many subdomains have been delegated and administrators of those subdomains register applicants in their domains. Below are direct registrations in the US Domain. Cooper [Page 16] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and subdomains get the file "us-domain-delegated.txt" below. URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-delegated.txt MAJOR SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED K12 CC TEC STATE LIB MUS GEN DST COG =================================================================== 48 35 32 48 36 23 22 10 3 =================================================================== ----------------------- THIRD LEVEL DELEGATIONS ----------------------- STATE.OK.US STATE, OKLAHOMA STATE.MD.US STATE, MARYLAND DST.NC.US DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA DST.PA.US DISTRICT, PENNSYLVANIA CC.NJ.US COMMUNITY COLLEGE, NEW JERSEY CC.PA.US COMMUNITY COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA TEC.PA.US TECHNICAL SCHOOL, PENNSYLVANIA LIB.CT.US LIBRARY, CONNECTICUT LIB.PA.US LIBRARY, PENNSYLVANIA MUS.PA.US MUSEUMS, PENNSYLVANIA GEN.PA.US GENERAL, PENNSYLVANIA COG.PA.US COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT, PENNSYLVANIA COG.NC.US COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT, NORTH CAROLINA LOCALITIES ---------- PLAINVIEW.TX.US CANYON.TX.US ODESSA.TX.US MIDLAND.TX.US SAC.CA.US RACINE.WI.US ANCHORAGE.AK.US WILMINGTON.NY.US SHEBOYGAN.WI.US RAY-BROOK.NY.US STATE-COLLEGE.PA.US INDIANOLA.IA.US PEORIA.IL.US MILFORD.NH.US --------------------------- OTHER US DOMAIN DELEGATIONS --------------------------- ALEXBBS.ALEXANDRIA.VA.US CI.OAK-BLUFFS.MA.US PATHWAY.MILPITAS.CA.US CI.SANTA-CLARITA.CA.US Cooper [Page 17] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 KAW.STERLING.VA.US CI.HUNTSVILLE.AL.US DHDTREE.COG.MI.US CI.PARK-CITY.UT.US WWW.ANAHEIM.CA.US CI.CHULA-VISTA.CA.US MMA.MEXICO.MO.US CI.ANAHEIM.CA.US WWW.PALMDALE.CA.US CI.ST-PETERS.MO.US GRAHAM.GLENN-DALE.MD.US CI.RICHFIELD.MN.US DWCCMHB.CO.WAYNE.MI.US CI.MUNSTER.IN.US SARANAC-LAKE.NY.US CI.BALTIMORE.MD.US MANCHESTER.CC.CT.US CO.HILLSBORO.FL.US RPBBS.HUNTINGTON.WV.US CO.COOK.IL.US DIGITAL.ANDOVER.MA.US CO.ERIE.NY.US WWW.CI.BEVERLY-HILLS.CA.US IDIR.LAWRENCE.KS.US FAIRLINGTON.ARLINGTON.VA.US WESTMINSTER.PVT.K12.CT.US SKYWISE.DEARBORN.MI.US WHITEWATER.FREDERICK.MD.US For more information about the US Domain, send a message to: US-DOMAIN@ISI.EDU, or select one of the URLs below. URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-questionnaire.txt URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-blurb.txt Ann Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU) MERIT/NSFNET ENGINEERING ------------------------ This report summarizes recent activities of Merit's Internet Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) Project. ROUTING ARBITER SERVICES Routing Arbiter services are now fully operational at the Sprint NAP. Located in Pennsauken NJ, the facility comprises an FDDI LAN that supports both shared and dedicated bandwidth with DEC GIGASwitch-based crossbar switching. The RA Web pages provide information for providers who are interested in establishing a peering session with the Sprint Route Server: http://www.ra.net/routing.arbiter/RA/.how.to.peer.html The status of BGP peering sessions at all the connection points is shown in the following table: Cooper [Page 18] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------ BGP Peer Sessions with the RA Route Servers Route Server Status Peer IP Address AS ------------ ------ ---- ---------- -- rs1.aads * Alpha 4550 * NETCOM 2551 rs1.mae-east * AGIS 4200 * AlterNet 701 * ANS 690 * DANTE 1133 * Interpath 3407 * MCI 3561 * Net99 3830 * Netcom 2551 * PIPEX 1849 * Sprint 1239 * SURAnet 86 * WIS.COM 4136 * DIGEX 2548 * ThePlanet 5388 rs2.mae-east * AGIS 4200 * AlterNet 701 * ANS 690 * DANTE 1133 * Interpath 3407 - MCI 3561 * Net99 3830 * Netcom 2551 * PIPEX 1849 * Sprint 1239 * SURAnet 86 * WIS.COM 4136 * DIGEX 2548 * ThePlanet 5388 rs1.pacbell * AGIS 4200 * ANS 690 * Exodus 3967 * Global-Net 3356 * Net99 3830 Cooper [Page 19] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 * NETCOM 2551 - WELL 4540 rs1.sprint * AGIS 4200 * ANS 690 * WIS.COM 4136 Status codes: - Configured, but never recorded active * Up This information is also available from: http://www.ra.net/routing.arbiter/RA/.bgp.peers.html Brian Renaud is working with staff at CA*net to coordinate the task of identifying--and deleting--RADB references to routes belonging to the CA Autonomous System. This effort is one of several ongoing projects that will help eliminate duplicate registrations in the Internet Routing Registry. CISCO QUERY TOOL Internet Routing Registry (IRR) users have long recognized the need for tools that check the IRR against routes actually propagated in the Internet. A tool is now available from Merit that obtains and analyzes routing information from production Ciscos, and compares the data with routes in the Routing Arbiter Database and other registries in the IRR. Called CiscoBGP, the software also flags prefixes that are reserved by RFC1597. An alpha version is available from: ftp://ftp.ra.net/routing.arbiter/RADB/tools/cisco.01.tar.Z Two scripts are provided with CiscoBGP. Cisco_fetch takes the Cisco's IP address and password as input, automatically sets up a telnet session to the router, issues a 'show ip bgp' command, and dumps the BGP routing tables to a file on the local workstation. Usage is as follows: cisco_fetch hostname password enable_password The cisco_check script then processes the 'show ip bgp' output and lists prefixes with AS origins different than those registered in the IRR. Usage is as follows: cisco_check inputfile Cooper [Page 20] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 This command produces output in this format: [????] 6503 185 i [????] 6503 185 3561 701 i [237] 6503 185 i [????] 6503 185 3561 1133 1128 2043 766 i [????] 6503 185 3561 1800 i [????] 6503 185 3561 1800 1883 1880 i [????] 6503 185 3561 1800 1883 1880 1882 i [????] 6503 185 3561 1849 2822 i [????] 6503 185 3561 1239 1795 3463 i [????] 6503 185 3561 701 3557 i [560] 6503 185 3561 560 701 6 i [86] 6503 185 3561 86 48 i [3576] 6503 185 3561 690 1324 1336 55 i [1785] 6503 185 3561 1239 1785 3973 12 i [279] 6503 185 3561 279 3591 i [1785] 6503 185 3561 1239 1785 20 i If the origin AS differs from the origin registered in the RADB/IRR, the correct origin is given in brackets. '?????' indicates that the route object for a given prefix is not registered in the IRR. OTHER ACTIVITIES Jessica Yu attended an AADS NAP peering meeting this month. Among the topics discussed were transit agreements among NAP customers and the status of the NAP's Multi-Lateral Peering Agreement (MLPA), which was developed jointly by Yu and the AADS NAP staff. Brian Renaud, Craig Labovitz, Sue Hares, and Elise Gerich attended the 33rd IETF in Stockholm during the week of July 17. Labovitz collaborated with Cengiz Alaettinoglu in presenting the "Routing Policy Specification Language Dictionary" at the Routing Policy System (RPS) Working Group meetings. At the IEPG meeting, Gerich gave a presentation on issues relating to the reliability of data in the RADB, and discussed the actions Merit plans to take in order to ensure consistency of data in the RADB with other registries in the Internet Routing Registry. Susan R. Harris (srh@merit.edu) Cooper [Page 21] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 UCL ---- Mark Handley attended the Stockholm IETF, and co-chaired the MMUSIC WG with Ruth Lang and Eve Schooler, as well as attending numerous other WGs including int-serv and rsvp. We also helped coordinate the use of the Pan-European PNO ATM Network (PNO = Public Network Operator, which is a newer term for telco or PTT. ATM=Asynchronous Transfer Mode, which is a new term for X.25:-) Tony Ballardie helped run a useful IDMR WG session. The Terena working group on IP and the MICE project coordinated the use of the 34Mbps cross connected ATM trial to carry the mbone to many countries around Europe. There were somne outages (and due to best effort only support for the switch infrastructure, MTTR was a little high) but the access to higher bandwidth meant that many more people were able to join in and actually appreciate the technology, and the value of the IETF. Various US collaborators in the areas of resource reservation and multicast passed through UCL o ntheir way back home. Some work on policy based multicast routing may be forthcoming. John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK) Cooper [Page 22] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 CALENDAR -------- Last update 8/7/95 The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to: <meeting-planning@cnri.reston.va.us> Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information for the events listed below. FYI - New Dates for ULPAA in 1995, was Dec. 4-8, 1995 NOW Dec. 11-15, 1995 - The 4th Intntl Conf. on Telecom Systems, Modelling and Analysis originally scheduled for March 14-17, 1996 has been moved to March 21-24, 1996. Nashville, TN. A copy of this calendar is available as follows: VIA FTP ------- IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites. US East Coast Address: ds.internic.net ( US West Coast Address: ftp.isi.edu ( Europe Address: nic.nordu.net ( Pacific Rim Address: munnari.oz.au ( Africa Address: ftp.is.co.za ( cd ietf ls *0mtg* Gopher ------- Available on the Gopher Server running on IETF.CNRI.RESTON.VA.US ( under "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF Meetings / Scheduling Calendar". WWW ------- <http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/home.html> Click on the link for "meetings" and you should find an entry "listing of other Internet related events". Cooper [Page 23] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 ************************************************************************ 1995 --------- Aug. 6-11 ATM Forum Toronto, CA Aug. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Denver area Aug. 14-18 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Denver area Aug. 19-21 14th Intntl Conf. on AI (IJCAI-95) Montreal, CA Aug. 21-24 ICCC '95 Seoul, Korea Aug. 21-24 APPN Implementers Wkshp (AIW) RTP, NC Aug. 21-24 CONCUR'95 6th Intl. Conf Concurrency Theory Philadelphia, PA Aug. 23-25 IEEE Wkshp on Arch. & Implement of HPC Subsystems HPCS'95 Mystic, CT Aug. 28-31 IFIP IN'95 Working Conf. & Workshop Copenhagen, Denmark Aug. 29-Sep. 1 Windows Solutions San Fran. San Francisco, CA Aug. 30-Sep. 1 ACM SIGCOMM '95 Cambridge, MA SEPTEMBER Windows Solutions Paris Paris, France Sep. 4-6 8th IFIP WG6.1 Int'l Wkshp on Protocol Test Systems Every, France Sep. 12-14 IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting Linthicum, MD Sep. 18-22 Ninth Systems Admin Conf (LISA) Monterey, CA Sep. 18-22 Forum of Incident Handling & Security Teams (First) Karlsruhe, Germany Sep. 20-23 IC3N'95 - 4th Intntl Conf. on Comp. Commun. & Networks Las Vegas, NV Sep. 25-29 7th SDL Forum Oslo, Sweden FALL 1995 Seybold Europe Sep. 4-6 8th IFIP WG6.1 Intntl Wkshp on Protocol Test Systems Every, France Sep. 4-7 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) London, England Sep. 11-15 6th IFIP High Performance Networking, HPN'95 Palma de Mallorca, Spain Sep. 11-15 OIW (Firm) Sep. 18-22 7th Annual Comp. Security Incident Handling Workshop Karlsruhe, Germany Sep. 20-23 4th Intntl Conf. Computer Commun. & Networks (IC3N'95) Las Vegas, NV Sep. 25-29 NetWorld+Interop Atlanta, GA Sep. 26-29 Seybold San Francisco San Francisco, CA Oct. 1-6 ATM Forum Honolulu, HI Oct. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Toronto, Ontario, Canada Oct. 3-11 Telecom '95 Geneva, Switzerland Oct. 9-12 PROMS '95 Salzburg, Austria Oct. 10-11 ANSI X3T11 Cooper [Page 24] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 Oct. 11-13 Intntl Symp. on Multimedia Comm. & Video Coding New York City, NY Oct. 15-18 20th Conf. on Local Computer Netwks (sponsored by IEEE) Minneapolis, MN Oct. 16-19 APPC/APPN Tech. Conf. (AATC) Sydney, AU Oct. 17-20 IFIP WG6.1 FORTE '95 Montreal, Quebec Oct. 31-Nov. 2 APPN Implementers Wkshp (AIW) RTP, NC NOV. 6th MD. Wkshp on Very High Speed Networks Maryland Nov. 3 CPI-C Implementers Wkshp (CIW) RTP, NC Nov. 5-9 ACM Multimedia '95 San Francisco, CA Nov. 6-9 IEEE 802 Plenary (Firm) Montreal, Quebec Nov. 6-10 NetWorld+Interop Paris, France Nov. 7-9 OPENNET '95 Goettingen, Germany Nov. 7-10 ICNP '95 Tokyo, Japan Nov. 8 Membermtg/GIGI e.V. German Internet User Group Goettingen, Germany Nov. 13-17 GLOBECOM '95 Singapore Nov. 14-16 NORDUnet'95 Conf. Copenhagen, Denmark Nov. 27-29 European IT Conf. (IETC'95) Brussels, Belgium Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Email World (Definite) Boston, MA Nov. 27-Dec. 1 Windows Solutions Germany Frankfurt, Germany Dec. 3-6 ACM SIGOPS Dec. 4-8 OIW (Firm) Dec. 4-8 34th IETF (Firm) Dallas, TX Dec. 4-8 ANSI X3T11 (Possible) San Diego, CA Dec. 4-8 Supercomputing '95 (Firm) San Diego, CA Dec. 4-8 Windows Solutions Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Dec. 4-8 X/Open Security Dec. 10-15 ATM Forum London, UK Dec. 11-12 2nd Intntl. Wkshp on High Perf. Protocol Arch. HIPPARCH'95 Sydney, AU Dec. 11-15 11th Comp. Sec. Applications New Orleans, LO Dec. 11-15 1995 IFIP Intntl. Working Conf. Sydney, AU Dec. 11-15 ULPAA (upper layers) Sydney, AU 1996 ----------- Jan. 22-26 USENIX 1996 Tech. Conference San Diego, CA Jan. 23-25 IEEE 802.10 Interim Meeting Salt Lake City, UT Jan. 29-31 Multimedia Computing & Netwkg San Jose, CA Feb. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Feb. 5-9 ATM Forum Los Angeles, CA Feb. 19-21 EMail World & Internet Expo San Jose, CA Feb. 19-23 Int'l Zurich Sem. on Digital Communications Zurich, Switzerland Feb. 22-23 Internet Society Symp on Ntwk Cooper [Page 25] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 & Distributed System Security San Diego, CA Feb. 27-Mar. 1 ICDP '96-IFIP/IEEE Intntl Conf. on Distributed Platforms Dresden, Germany Mar. 4-6 FM-OODS'96, Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems Paris, France Mar. 4-8 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 11-14 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 11-15 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 18-22 35th IETF (Under Consideration) Mar. 18-22 OIW (Firm) Mar. 21-24 4th Intntl Conf. on Telecom Syst. Modeling & Analysis Nashville, TN Mar. 24-28 IEEE INFOCOM'96 San Francisco, CA Apr. 8-13 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Irvine, CA Apr. 11-12 2nd ACM/SIGRAPH Conf. on Assistive Technologies Vancouver, Canada Apr. 15-19 ANSI X3T11 (Tentative) Irvine, CA Apr. 14-19 ATM Forum (Tentative) May 13-16 7th Joint European Ntwk Conf. Budapest, Hungary May 13-29 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21 WGs and Plenary (Firm) Kansas City, MO Jun. 9-14 ATM Forum (Tentative) Jun. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Jun. 10-14 ANSI X3T11 Jun. 11-13 EMail World & Internet Expo Chicago, IL Jun. 23-27 1st Intntl IEEE Wkshp on Enterprise Ntwkg - w/ICC SUPERCOM'96 Dallas, TX Jun. 24-27 ICC '96/SUPERCOMM'96 Dallas, TX Jun. 24-28 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 8-12 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 22-26 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Jul. 29-Aug. 2 36th IETF (Under Consideration) Aug. 5-9 ANSI X3T11 Aug. 18-23 ATM Forum (Tentative) FALL NSC'96 - Network Services Conf. Bled, Slovenia Sep. 2-6 14th IFIP Conf. Canberra, AU Sep. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 10-12 EMail World & Internet Expo Boston, MA Sep. 24-27 IFIP WG6.1 w/FORTE/PSTV (Under Consideration) Oct. 1-3 Email World & Internet Expo Toronto, Ontario, CA Oct. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 St. Petersburg Bch, FL Oct. 6-11 ATM Forum (Tentative) Oct. 8-11 IFIP WG6.1 Combined FORTE/PSTV'96 Kaiserslauten Oct. 28-30 IFIP WG6.1 Protocols for High-Speed Networks Sophia Antipolis Cooper [Page 26] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 Nov. 11-15 37th IETF (Under Consideration) Nov. 18-22 37th IETF (Under Consideration) Nov. 18-22 Supercomputing '96 (Firm) Pittsburgh, PA Nov. 18-22 GLOBECOM'96 London Dec. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Dec. 1-6 ATM Forum (Tentative) Dec. 9-13 OIW (Firm) 1997 ----------- Mar. 10-13 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Apr. 7-11 IEEE INFOCOM'97 Kobe, Japan Jun. 8-12 ICC '97 Montreal Jun. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 8-12 OIW (Firm) Dec. 8-12 OIW (Firm) 1998 ----------- Aug. 23-29 15th IFIP World. Com. Conf. Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary ********************************************************************** Ref. TSec(95)001 August 1995 This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the chair of the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have additions/corrections/comments, please mail <secretariat@terena.nl>. ********************************************************************** MEETING/DATE LOCATION ============ ======== TERENA Executive Committee -------------------------- 15 September Amsterdam TERENA Technical Committee -------------------------- 18 September Amsterdam Cooper [Page 27] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 TERENA General Assembly ----------------------- GA4 19-20 October Rome GA5 16-17 May 1996 Budapest TERENA Working Groups --------------------- WG-MSG (with DANTE MAILFlow and EEMA ICE) 23-24 October Utrecht TERENA - Other -------------- NCC-Contributor's 1 September Amsterdam ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================= TEN-34 ------ 11 September Paris DANTE BoD --------- 22 September Cambridge EBONE ----- ECCO (Ebone Consortium of Contributing Organisations) 12 September Paris EMC (Ebone Management Committee) 29 August Paris RIPE ---- 11-13 October Amsterdam Cooper [Page 28] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 April/May 1996 Berlin NATO/INSIGHT ------------ 16-18 November Budapest IETF ---- 4-8 December Dallas, Texas, USA EWOS ---- Technical Assembly 19/20 September Brussels 12/13 December " Workshops 23-26 October Brussels 15-19 January 1996 " 25-29 March 1996 " 24-28 June 1996 " 21-25 October 1996 " ETSI ---- GA22 5-6 December Nice, France GA23 25-26 April, 1996 " GA24 10-11 December, 1996 " TA23 7-9 November " TA24 22-24 April, 1996 " TA25 23-25 October, 1996 " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TERENA CONFERENCES ------------------ JENC7 - 7th Joint European Networking Conference ------------------------------------------------ 13-16 May 1996 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Budapest, Hungary Cooper [Page 29] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 For information, email <jenc7-sec@terena.nl> WWW access address is: http://www.terena.nl/terena/jenc7 NSC'96 - Network Services Conference 1996 ----------------------------------------- Autumn 1996, Convention Centre, Bled, Slovenia For information, email <nsc96-sec@terena.nl> WWW access address is: http://www.terena.nl/terena/nsc96/ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OTHER CONFERENCES ----------------- nb. For some of the following events, full text information may be available from the TERENA Document Store under the directory calendar, in which case the file name is specified under the information presented below. The files may be retrieved via: anonymous FTP: ftp.terena.nl Email: server@terena.nl Gopher: gopher.terena.nl World Wide Web: http://www.terena.nl/terena/information/calendar/ NANOG - North American Network Operators Group ---------------------------------------------- 11-12 September hosted by the Pittsburgh Super Computer Center, Pittsburgh, Penn., USA For information contact: www.merit.edu or call +1 313 936 26 56 95 FIRST Conference/Workshop ---------------------------- The Forum of Incident Handling and Security Teams (FIRST) will hold its annual conference from: Cooper [Page 30] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 18-22 September University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany For information contact: <first95@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de> or fax no: +49 721 32 550 JOINT WORKING CONFERENCE IFIP TC-6 TC-11 and AUSTRIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY -------------------------------------------- 20-21 September Graz, Austria on professional communication and multimedia application in relation to security aspects. Deadline paper submission 28 February to <rposch@iaik.tu-graz.ac.at> For further information contact Dr. Peter Lipp at: <plipp@iaik.tu-graz.ac.at> tel: +43 316 82 65 88 13. fax:+43 316 85 0144 IC3N'95 - FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS ----------------------------------------- 20-23 September Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Call for Papers information: <ic3n@cacs.usl.edu> or URL: http://www.nscee.edu/~eugene/ic3n/. Paper submission deadline is 17 March. For conference information: <ic3n@cacs.usl.edu> or WWW home page. URL is http://www.nscee.edu/~eugene/ic3n/. PROMS '95 --------- 9-12 October Salzburg University, Salzburg, Austria Second workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems "Mozart on Multimedia Highways" Call for Papers to be submitted by 20 August. To: email <proms-submission@cosy.sbg.ac.at> ftp ftp.cosy.sbg.ac.at /pub/proms For further information also contact: http://www.cosy.sbg.ac.at/proms IEE/BMVA COLLOQUIUM ------------------- Cooper [Page 31] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 DOCUMENT IMAGE PROCESSING FOR MULTIMEDIA ENVIRONMENT 4 November IEE Savoy Place, London, U.K. Papers to be submitted by 4 August to: Dr. R.B. Johnson, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Bristol email <r.b.johnson@bristol.ac.uk> or Dr. t. Tan, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Reading - email <t.tan@rdg.ac.uk> or <k.d.baker@rdg.ac.uk> OPENNET'95 ---------- 7-9 November Goettingen, Germany For information email <konferenz@digi.de> or <schweiger@multinet.de> NORDUnet'95 Conference ---------------------- 14-16 November Sheraton Copenhagen Hotel, Copenhagen, Denmark Organized by UNI-C, this 15th annual conference will provide a forum for universities, industry and public organizations. For information email <Niels.E.Raun@uni-c.dk> or tel: +45 35 82 83 55 fax: +45 31 83 79 49 European IT Conference (IETC'95) -------------------------------- 27-29 November Palais des Congres, Brussels, Belgium Organized by the European Commission, DGIII, the theme of this conference is "Managing Change" and will focus on the challenges to individuals, enterprises and the public secton in contributing and adapting to the Information Society. For information contact EITC'95 on Internet: http://www.cordis.lu or fax: +32 2 296 99 30 1995 IFIP International Working Conference on User Layer Protocols, Architectures and Applications (ULPAA) --------------------------------------------------------------- 11-15 December Sydney, Australia Deadline for submission of papers by 15 May For further info-> http:/www.ee.uts.edu.au/ifip/ULPAA95.html Cooper [Page 32] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND NETWORKING 1996 ---------------------------------------- 29-31 January 1996 San Jose, California This conference is part of the IS&T/SPIE 1996 International Symposium on Electronic Imaging to be held 28 Jan. - 2 Feb.1996 Deadline of paper submission 10 July - electronic versions to: <mmcn96@cs.utexas.edu> For up-to-date information about MMCN96 access web page at: http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/mmcn96 INTERNATIONAL ZURICH SEMINAR ON DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------- Broadband Communiations: Networks, Services, Applications, Future Directions 19-23 February 1996 Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland Deadline for submission of papers is 15 May 1995 For further information, email Prof. Dr. Bernhard Plattner <izs96-pc-chair@tik.ethz.ch>, fax.+41 1 632 1035 Call for Papers on TERENA Document Server under rare/information/calendar. The file is called izs96-cfp.txt. ASSETS'96 - The 2nd ACM/SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies -------------------------------------------------------------------- (sponsored by ACM's Special Interest Group on Computers and the Physically Handicapped) 11-12 April 1996 Vancouver Renaissance Hotel, Vancouver, Canada The conference scope spans disability and special needs of all kinds, including but not limited to: sensory; motor; cognitive; and emotional. Submission of papers (17 October) and further info. contact: David L. Jaffe, Program Chair <jaffe@roses.stanford.edu> or Ephraim P. Glinert, General Chair <glinert@cs.rpi.edu> ================== updated 31.07.1995 ================== -------------------- Madeleine Oberholzer TERENA Secretary Cooper [Page 33] Internet Monthly Report July 1995 Address: TERENA Secretariat Singel 466 - 468 NL - 1017 AW AMSTERDAM Voice : + 31 20 639 11 31 Fax : + 31 20 639 32 89 Email : secretariat@terena.nl (for all general matters) Cooper [Page 34]