
March 1996


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.
These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR-ED@ISI.EDU".

The Internet Monthly Report list is now managed by MajorDomo at ISI.EDU.
The announcements of new issues on the Internet Monthly Report are sent
to the IETF-Announce list and to this IMR list.

Requests to be added or deleted from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "majordomo@isi.edu" with the message body either
"subscribe imr" or "unsubscribe imr".

Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL
may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with
the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs".  For example:

        To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
        Subject: getting imrs

        help: ways_to_get_imrs

or  URL: http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/imr/

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 1]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996



     INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3


     INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11
       Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11
       Directory Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15
       US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16


       Internet Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17
       TERENA List of Meetings. .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 2]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp
     access on host ftp.isi.edu, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB
     World-Wide Web page with URL http://www.iab.org/iab/.

     Brian Carpenter IAB Chair


     IETF Monthly Report for March, 1996

     1. The IETF met in Los Angeles, California from March 4-8, 1996,
        another meeting with over 1,000 attendees. The terminal room
        facilities were provided by Softbank/Interop.

        The next IETF meeting will be in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from
        June 24-28, 1996. If this date looks familiar, it is the same
        date as INET '96! This is not a "joint" meeting per se, but both
        meetings will be held in the Montreal Convention Center. Closing
        out the year, the IETF will be returning to San Jose, California
        on December 9-13, 1996. Following that, the IETF travels to
        Memphis, Tennessee where Federal Express will be the host. This
        meeting will be held April 7-11, 1997.

        Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be
        sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information
        on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file
        0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories.
        This information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on
        the Web. The URL is:


     2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly
        available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These
        files are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory.

        The following IESG minutes have been added:

           February 22, 1996 (iesg.96-02-22)

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 3]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     3. The IESG approved or recommended the following 16 Protocol
        Actions during the month of March, 1996:

        o  PPP in Frame Relay be published as a Proposed Standard.

        o  The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP) be published as
           a Proposed Standard.

        o  PPP for Data Compression in Data Circuit-Terminating
           Equipment (DCE) be published as an Informational document.

        o  PPP LZS-DCP Compression Protocol (LZS-DCP) be published as
           an Informational document.

        o  PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (SDTP) be published as an
           Informational document.

        o  PPP Magnalink Variable Resource Compression be published as
           an Informational document.

        o  PPP Deflate Protocol be published as an Informational

        o  PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol be published as an
           Informational document.

        o  PPP Hewlett-Packard Packet-by-Packet Compression (HP PPC)
           Protocol be published as an Informational document.

        o  PPP Gandalf FZA Compression Protocol be published as an
           Informational document.

        o  PPP Predictor Compression Protocol be published as an
           Informational document.

        o  PPP BSD Compression Protocol be published as an Informational

        o  The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) be published as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  The PPP DES Encryption Protocol (DESE) be published as an
           Informational document.

        o  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0 be published as an
           Informational document.

        o  Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect Devices be

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 4]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

           published as an Informational document.

     4. The IESG issued 16 Last Calls to the IETF during the month of
        March, 1996:

        o  An LDAP URL Format <draft-ietf-asid-ldap-format-03> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6
           <draft-ietf-ipngwg-pmtuv6-01> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  RTP Payload Format for JPEG-compressed Video
           <draft-ietf-avt-jpeg-02> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting
           <draft-dewinter-queue-start-01> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  Uniform Resource Locators for Z39.50
           <draft-ietf-uri-url-irp-04> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  RTP payload format for H.261 video streams
           <draft-ietf-avt-h261-01> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  Definition of X.500 Attribute Types and an Object Class to
           Hold Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)
           <draft-ietf-asid-x500-url-02> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  RTP Payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video
           <draft-ietf-avt-mpeg-01> for consideration as a Proposed

        o  A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)
           <draft-gulbrandsen-dns-rr-srvcs-03> for consideration as an
           Experimental Protocol.

        o  PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
           <draft-ietf-pppext-chap-ds-00> for consideration as a Draft

        o  A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters
           <draft-ietf-asid-string-filter-01> for consideration as a

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 5]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

           Proposed Standard.

        o  PPP Link Quality Monitoring <draft-ietf-pppext-lqm-ds-00>
           for consideration as a Draft Standard.

        o  Service Location Protocol <draft-ietf-svrloc-protocol-12>
           for consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, and
           Fast Recovery Algorithms <draft-stevens-tcpca-spec-01> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Token Ring
           Networks <draft-ietf-ipngwg-token-ring-01> for consideration
           as a Proposed Standard.

        o  The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)
           <draft-ietf-pppext-multilink-12> for consideration as a Draft

     5. One Working Groups was concluded:

           Internet Stream Protocol V2 (st2)

     6. A total of 87 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month
        of March, 1996:

                 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )

      (pppext)   o  The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP)
      (svrloc)   o  Service Location Protocol
      (rsvp)     o  Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1
                    Functional Specification
                    <draft-ietf-rsvp-spec-11.txt, .ps>
      (none)     o  IP Router Alert Option
      (822ext)   o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part
                    One: Format of Internet Message Bodies
      (ripv2)    o  RIP-II MD5 Authentication
      (dnsind)   o  A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes
                    (DNS NOTIFY) <draft-ietf-dnsind-notify-07.txt>
      (dnsind)   o  Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS
                    UPDATE) <draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-09.txt>
      (none)     o  Router Architecture Extensions for ATM : Overview

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Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

      (http)     o  A Proposed Extension to HTTP : Digest Access
                    Authentication <draft-ietf-http-digest-aa-03.txt>
      (none)     o  A DNS RR for specifying the location of services
                    (DNS SRV) <draft-gulbrandsen-dns-rr-srvcs-03.txt>
      (wts)      o  Requirements for Web Transaction Security
      (822ext)   o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part
                    Two: Media Types <draft-ietf-822ext-mime-imt-04.txt>
      (822ext)   o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part
                    Five: Conformance Criteria and Examples
      (idr)      o  Destination Preference Attribute for BGP
      (822ext)   o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part
                    Four: Registration Procedures
      (ipngwg)   o  Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)
      (none)     o  TELNET CHARSET Option
                    <draft-gellens-telnet-char-option-02.txt, .ps>
      (atommib)  o  Definitions of Textual Convention and
                    OBJECT-IDENTITY Objects for ATM Management
      (ssh)      o  Site Security Handbook
      (ipngwg)   o  A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
                    Ethernet Networks
      (ipngwg)   o  A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
                    FDDI Networks <draft-ietf-ipngwg-fddi-ntwrks-03.txt>
      (rip)      o  Triggered Extensions to RIP to Support Demand
                    Circuits <draft-ietf-rip-trigger-rip-02.txt>
      (poised95) o  IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall
                    Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall
                    Committees <draft-ietf-poised95-nomcom-04.txt>
      (none)     o  MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
      (none)     o  Universal Payment Preamble
      (none)     o  The Model Primary Content Type for Multipurpose
                    Internet Mail Extensions
      (trunkmib) o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1, E1, DS2
                    and E2 Interface Types
      (trunkmib) o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS3/E3
                    Interface Type <draft-ietf-trunkmib-ds3-mib-02.txt>

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 7]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

      (idr)      o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fourth
                    Version of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP-4)
      (madman)   o  Network Services Monitoring MIB
      (st2)      o  Internet Stream Protocol Version 2 (ST2) Protocol
                    State Machines - Version ST2+
                    <draft-ietf-st2-state-01.txt, .ps>
      (http)     o  PEP: AN EXTENSION MECHANISM FOR HTTP/1.1
                    <draft-khare-http-pep-01.txt, .ps>
      (none)     +  Multiple Response Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
      (none)     o  The SSL Protocol Version 3.0
      (none)     o  IMAP4 ACL extension <draft-myers-imap-acl-01.txt>
      (rolc)     o  NHRP for Destinations off the NBMA Subnetwork
      (pppext)   o  The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) The PPP
                    Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP)
      (ids)      o  X.500 Implementations Catalog-96
      (idr)      +  An Application of the BGP Community Attribute in
                    Multi-home Routing
      (pppext)   o  The PPP SNA Control Protocol (SNACP)
      (idr)      +  BGP Route Reflection An alternative to full mesh
                    IBGP <draft-ietf-idr-route-reflect-00.txt>
      (none)     o  ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version
                    3.3 <draft-deutsch-zlib-spec-03.txt, .ps>
      (none)     o  DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version
                    1.3 <draft-deutsch-deflate-spec-03.txt, .ps>
      (none)     o  GZIP file format specification version 4.3
                    <draft-deutsch-gzip-spec-03.txt, .ps>
      (trunkmib) o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS0 and DS0
                    Bundle Interface Type
      (dnsind)   o  Serial Number Arithmetic
      (none)     o  RTP Payload Format for H.263 Video Stream
      (none)     o  TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast
                    Retransmit, and Fast Recovery Algorithms
      (none)     o  Multicast Server Architectures for MARS-based ATM

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 8]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

                    multicasting. <draft-talpade-ipatm-marsmcs-01.txt,
      (pkix)     o  Internet Public Key Infrastructure Part I: X.509
                    Certificate and CRL Profile
      (none)     o  PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Specification
                    Version 0.96 <draft-boutell-png-spec-01.txt, .ps>
      (ipatm)    +  ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM - UNI 4.0
                    Update <draft-ietf-ipatm-sig-uni-v40-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Mobile-IP Local Registration with Hierarchical
                    Foreign Agents
      (atommib)  +  MIB-Controlled ATM Accounting Management
      (none)     +  Issues for RSVP and Integrated Services over ATM
      (asid)     +  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: Standard and
                    Pilot Attribute Definitions
      (asid)     +  A MIME Content-Type for ASN.1 PDUs
      (idr)      +  An Application of the BGP Community Attribute in
                    Multi-home Routing
      (asid)     +  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: MIME-based
                    Transport Mapping
      (none)     +  RTP usage with Layered Multimedia Streams
      (asid)     +  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)
      (fddimib)  +  FDDI Management Information Base
      (idr)      +  Configuring IDRP Confederations
      (none)     +  A Framework for Supporting RSVP Flows Over ATM
                    Networks <draft-onvural-srinivasan-rsvp-atm-00.txt>
      (drums)    +  Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifictions
      (none)     +  SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error
                    Codes <draft-freed-smtperror-00.txt>
      (snanau)   +  Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN
      (rsvp)     +  Accounting and Access Control in RSVP
                    <draft-ietf-rsvp-lpm-arch-00.txt, .ps>
      (snanau)   +  Definitions of Managed Objects for SNA NAUs

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Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

      (none)     +  Native ATM Support in the Internet
      (none)     +  Clarification on the use of Hostnames in the DNS
      (none)     +  Implementing the Internet Checksum in Hardware
      (none)     +  Greek Character Encoding for Electronic Mail
                    Messages <draft-rfced-info-spinellis-00.txt>
      (none)     +  What is the Internet, Anyway?
      (none)     +  Mail Ubiquitous Security Extensions (MUSE)
      (none)     +  An Extension of the HTTP Authentication Scheme To
                    Support Server Groups
      (none)     +  The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS
                    Algorithms <draft-baldwin-rc5-00.txt>
      (none)     +  The ESP RC5-CBC Transform
      (none)     +  ASCII Encoding for Domain Names
      (none)     +  Introduction to IP Multicast Routing
      (none)     +  UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO
                    10646 <draft-yergeau-utf8-00.txt>
      (ipsec)    +  HMAC-MD5: Keyed-MD5 for Message Authentication
      (idr)      +  Autonomous System Confederations for BGP

     7. There were 5 RFC's published during the month of March, 1996:

        RFC     St   WG        Title
        ------- --  --------   -------------------------------------
        RFC1919 I   (none)     Classical versus Transparent IP Proxies
        RFC1921 I   (none)     TNVIP protocol
        RFC1922 I   (none)     Chinese Character Encoding for Internet
        RFC1923 I   (rip)      RIPv1 Applicability Statement for
                               Historic Status

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 10]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     St(atus):  ( S) Internet Standard
                (PS) Proposed Standard
                (DS) Draft Standard
                ( B) Best Current Practice
                ( E) Experimental
                ( I) Informational

     Steve Coya <scoya@cnri.reston.va.us>




     Progress Report for February 1, 1966 through February 29, 1996

     I.  Significant Events

     During February 1996, InterNIC Registration Services assigned the
     following network addresses, and registered domain names to include
     top-level country domains:

                                Assigned    Registered   Country Domain
     Network Addresses            5,316
     Domain Names Registered                  34,933
     Top-level Country Domain(s)                   3     SY - Syria
                                                         AW - Aruba
                                                         KH - Cambodia

     The following is to correct information that was stated incorrectly
     on the January 1996 Report.

                                Assigned    Registered   Country Domain
     Network Addresses            5,706
     Domain Names Registered                  31,766

     Installed the new asnreg application.  Made semantic changes in the
     ureg application and initiated beta test.

     The 60-Day Notice program related to Domain Name renewals ran
     successfully. Data was entered into the Access database for
     payments received through February 5.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 11]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     Trained additional staff in help desk telephone support as a means
     of attacking the backlog in the Domain Names Registration and
     Billing areas.

     Implemented a modified work schedule involving early and late
     shifts and 4 days by 10 hour shifts to allow for increased work
     space for help desk and template processing support.

     Proposed enhancements to the autoreg and domreg applications that
     could result in about a 10% increase in automatic processing (10%
     reduction in manual processing); the required coding is in progress
     by Engineering.

     Siemens Rolm provided ACD equipment/software training to Debbie
     Fuller, Carol Bowles and Nancy Krakover with a focus on automated
     production of reports.

     Completed draft of first NIC Liaison newsletter.

     Mark Kosters, Tom Newell and Kim Hubbard participated on a panel at
     a Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX) sponsored meeting regarding
     the next generation of the InterNIC.  Mark Kosters, Tom Newell, and
     Kim Hubbard attended the North American Network Operators Group
     (NANOG) meeting in San Diego.

     Completed and posted the Lame Delegation Policy revision for
     community review.

     During February, new domain requests averaged 2,000 a day while
     updates averaged 1,000.  Applications that do not need human review
     are processed within a day.  Approximately 75% of the new
     applications and 60% of the updates are handled in this manner.
     The remaining applications and questions enter a queue for
     resolution by one of the processing staff.  This queue length
     averaged 2 weeks during February.  Temporary staff, initially added
     to handle routine phone calls, were trained to process application

     II.  Current Status

     During the month of February 1996, InterNIC Registration Services
     received communications as shown below.  The majority of the
     correspondence concerned domain billing. Other correspondences
     include the assignment and re-assignment of network numbers and the
     registration or change of domain names.

          E-mail     75,594     (hostmaster@internic.net)
          Postal/Fax    636    (primarily Billing requests)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 12]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

          Phone      14,111

     The Registration Services host computer supported the following
     information retrieval requests during the month of February:

                     Connections   Retrievals
          Gopher       31,698          60,100
          WAIS         78,882          43,834
          FTP          62,141         158,289
          Mailserv      3,866
          Telnet      116,058
          Http      1,714,113

     In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were:

                       Client        Server
                      _______       _________

                      977,319        5,554,658

     Progress Report for March 1, 1966 through March 31, 1996

     I.  Significant Events

     During March 1996, InterNIC Registration Services assigned the
     following network addresses, and registered domain names to include
     top-level country domains:

                                Assigned    Registered   Country Domain
     Network Addresses           5,950
     Domain Names Registered                  43,548
     Top-level Country Domain(s)                   3
                                                    NF - Norfolk Island
                                                    TV - Tuvalu
                                                    PF - French Polynesia

     A new Automated Call Distributor (ACD) printer was received and
     installed. The draft phone script was shortened to avoid
     overloading the voice mail system until additional voice mail ports
     are installed.

     Data was entered into the Access database for payments received
     through February 21.

     Initiated requisition for renewal of T1 service from BBN Planet.

     Defined short-term requirements for additional T1 service.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 13]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     Added changes to RWhois spec version 1.1 for non-hierarchical
     indication in the schema definition.

     Fixed a bug in the RWhois client.

     Increased Autoreg processing speed -it will process all daily
     receipts in less than a day.

     Mark Kosters, Jasdip Singh, Tom Newell, Julie Robichaux, and Kim
     Hubbard attended the IETF meeting.

     The IP allocation draft was accepted in the CIDRD Working Group to
     become a BCP/RFC.  Mark Kosters and Kim Hubbard traveled to Canada
     to meet with CAnet to discuss the InterNIC temporarily taking over
     processing of IP numbers.

     The Lame Delegation policy was submitted to SAIC legal staff for

     Improvements were made in the domreg application. The process of
     implementing the Guardian schema was initiated.

     Selected the top vendor (MCI) for additional T1 service.

     During March, new domain requests continued to range between 1,000
     and 2,000 per day.  Updates ranged from 400 to 600+ a day.
     Applications that do not need human review are processed within a
     day. Approximately 75% are handled in this manner.  The remaining
     applications and questions enter a queue for resolution by one of
     the processing staff. This queue is currently a week and a half

     II.  Current Status

     During the month of March 1996, InterNIC Registration Services
     received communications as shown below.  The majority of the
     correspondence concerned domain billing. Other correspondences
     include the assignment and re-assignment of network numbers and the
     registration or change of domain names.

          E-mail    107,384     (hostmaster@internic.net)
          Postal/Fax    523    (primarily Domreg requests)
          Phone      22,270

     The Registration Services host computer supported the following
     information retrieval requests during the month of March:

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 14]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

                     Connections   Retrievals
          Gopher       26,843          51,353
          WAIS         81,659          40,067
          FTP          69,794         166,304
          Mailserv      3,992
          Telnet      102,613
          Http      1,969,441

     In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were:

                       Client        Server
                      _______       _________

                      750,562        5,825,252

     Debbie Fuller  <Debbief@internic.net>


     In February, we started porting our production servers to Solaris.
     The port of one backup server (ds1.internic.net) was started in
     February and completed in early March.  The port of our primary
     server (ds0.internic.net) was started in late March and should be
     complete by the time this version of the IMR comes out.

     Our primary server runs some management applications that do not
     run on all three servers, and it is also our primary mail machine,
     so the port is a bit more complicated than ds1.  We expect to port
     the second backup machine (ds2.internic.net) before the end of

     As noted previously, testing and rebuilds of databases mean that
     each machine is down for an extended period when it is converted.
     The other two servers support all of our user applications, so
     service should always be available.

     To avoid problems, users should connect to ds.internic.net so they
     will reach one of the servers that is still up.  If users connect
     to a specific server, either by name (i.e. ds1.internic.net instead
     of the general ds.internic.net) or by specific address, they will
     see outages.  Users may also see problems if they have bookmarks or
     other saved pointers to a specific machine.

     A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find
     a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and
     we will send information about listing your resource in the
     Directory of Directories.  If you prefer, you can enter information

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 15]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     about your resource in our WWW suggestion form.  The form can be
     reached through our Directory of Directories Web page at:


     by Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net>


     The US Domain Registry has installed a client/server Rwhois
     protocol to support the US Domain WHOIS information.  We register
     third level delegations.  For example, K12.IL.US, TACOMA.WA.US, or
     STATE.MN.US would have entries in the US WHOIS database. To look up
     a US domain name, do the following:

             whois -h nii.isi.edu <domain-name>

     We request all third level subdomain administrators of the US
     Domain to operate a RWHOIS server for those subdomains under them.

     See http://www.isi.edu/us-domain/RWhois Sources and Information for
     more information.

     For further information about the US Domain, send a message to:
     US-DOMAIN@ISI.EDU, or browse our WEB page:



     EMAIL/FAX               1100
     PHONE                   600
     Total Contacts          1700

     DELEGATIONS             36
     Total                   1700

     OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or
     to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

     requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions
     about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name
     servers, and whois listings.

     To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and
     "us-domain-delegated.txt" below.

        URL: http://www.isi.edu/us-domain
        URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-delegated.txt

                        MAJOR SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED

     K12     CC      TEC     STATE   LIB     MUS     GEN     DST     COG
     49      34      32      47      35      23      21      8       1

     Ann Cooper (Cooper@ISI.EDU) and Shanthi Ranganathan (Shanthi@ISI.EDU).


Internet Events

Last update 03/12/96

The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a
means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to
send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section.
Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to:


Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information for
the events listed below.

FYI - The 4th Intntl Conf. on Telecom Systems, Modelling and
      Analysis originally scheduled for March 14-17, 1996 has
      been moved to March 21-24, 1996. Nashville, TN.

A copy of this calendar is available as follows:


IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites.

        US East Coast Address:  ds.internic.net (

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

        US West Coast Address:  ftp.isi.edu (
        Europe Address:  nic.nordu.net (
        Pacific Rim Address:  munnari.oz.au (
        Africa Address:       ftp.is.co.za (

cd ietf
ls *0mtg*


Available on the Gopher Server running on IETF.CNRI.RESTON.VA.US
( under "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF
Meetings / Scheduling Calendar".


<http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/home.html> Click on the link for
"meetings" and you should find an entry "listing of other Internet
related events".


Mar. 11-13        Wkshp on Network Security
                   Firewalls & Internet Svs.      New York, NY
Mar. 11-14        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 11-15        ANSI X3T10 '96 QLogic           San Diego, CA
Mar. 11-15        IEEE 802 '96 Hyatt Regency      La Jolla, CA
Mar. 18-22        OIW (Firm)
Mar. 20           Commercenet                     Washington DC
Mar. 20-23        1st ACM Int'l Conference on
                     Digital Libraries            Bethesda, MD
Mar. 21-24        4th Intntl Conf. on Telecom Syst.
                   Modeling & Analysis            Nashville, TN
Mar. 25-28        APPN Implementers Workshop      San Jose, CA
Mar. 24-28        IEEE Infocom '96 Hotel Nikko    San Francisco, CA
Apr. 1-4          Internet World Brazil '96       Rio de Janiero, Brazil
Apr. 1-5          NetWorld+Interop                Las Vegas, NV
Apr. 9-13         ANSI X3T11 (Firm)               Palm Springs, CA
Apr. 11-12        2nd ACM/SIGRAPH Conf. on
                   Assistive Tech. ASSETS'96      Vancouver, Canada
Apr. 11-14        IEEE SOUTHEASTCON '96           Tampa, FL
Apr. 15-19        ATM Forum                       Anchorage, Alaska
Apr. 15-19        ANSI X3T11 (Tentative)          Irvine, CA
Apr. 17           Commercenet (and FSTC)          San Francisco, CA
Apr. 18-19        34th ACM Southeast Conference   Tuskegee, Al>abama
Apr. 28-May 1     EMA Annual Conference           Anaheim, CA

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 18]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

Apr. 29-May 3     Spring Internet World '96       San Jose, CA
May 5-9           Object World East               Boston, MA
May 6-10          ANSI X3T10 '96 Adaptec          Ft. Lauderdale, FL
May 6-10          5th Int'l WWW Conference        Paris, France
May 7-10          1st Annual Conf. Emerging
                   Tech & Appl in Communications  Portland, OR
May 6-8           IEEE Symposium
                    on Security & Privacy         Oakland, CA
May 6-8           ATM Year '96                    San Jose, CA
May 8-10          IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting     Oakland, CA
May 13-15         ADL '96 Forum: Forum on Research &
                   Tech. Adv. in Digital Libraries  Washington, DC
May 13-16         7th Joint European Ntwk Conf.   Budapest, Hungary
May 13-17         5th UNIX Sys. Admn, Ntwkng
                   Security Symp.                 Washington, DC
May 13-29         ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 21
                   WGs and Plenary (Firm)         Kansas City, MO
May 15-17         Internet World Japan '96        Makuhari Messe, Japan
May 16            Commercenet                     Santa Clara, CA
May 21-23         Internet World Intntl '96       London, England
May 23-24         3rd Intntl Wkshp on Community
                   Networking (Tentative)         Antwerpen, Belgium
May 28-31         Internet World Korea '96        Seoul, Korea
Jun. 3-5          18th Biennial Symposium on Communications
                                                  Kingston, Ont, Canada
Jun. 3-7          OMG TC (DISA, NSA)              Washington, DC
Jun. 4-6          Internet World Mexico '96       Mexico City, Mexico
Jun. 6            Commercenet                     Boston, MA
Jun. 10-14        ATM Forum                       Orlando, FL
Jun. 10-14        NetWorld+Interop                Frankfurt, Germany
Jun. 10-14        OIW (Firm)
Jun. 10-14        ANSI X3T11                      Santa Fe, NM
Jun. 10-15        Americas TELECOM '96            Rio de Janeiro
Jun. 11-13        EMail World & Internet Expo     Chicago, IL
Jun. 11-14        Vir. Reality & VRML World '96   San Jose, CA
Jun. 17-21        2nd Conf. Object-Oriented
                   Technologies & Sys. (COOTS)    Toronto, Ont, Canada
Jun. 18-21        Object World United Kingdom     London, England
Jun. 23-27        1st Intntl IEEE Wkshp on
                   Enterprise Ntwkg - w/ICC
                   SUPERCOM'96                    Dallas, TX
Jun. 24-27        ICC '96/SUPERCOMM'96            Dallas, TX
Jun. 25-28        INET '96                        Montreal, Canada
Jun. 24-28        36th IETF                       Montreal, Canada
Jun. 28-29        Asia Pacific Networking         Montreal, Canada
Jul.  8-12        IEEE 802 '96 Univ of Twente     Enschede, Netherlands
Jul. 10-13        4th TCL/TK Workshop (TCL/TK 96) Monterey, CA
Jul. 11-14        Virtual Reality World & VRML World   San Jose, CA

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Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

Jul. 15-18        APPN Implementers Workshop      Raleigh, NC
Jul. 15-19        ANSI X3T10 '96 Symbios Logic    Colorado Springs, CO
Jul. 15-19        NetWorld+Interop                Tokyo, Japan
Jul. 17           Commercenet                     Santa Clara, CA
Jul. 19-22        Internet World Korea '96        Seoul, Korea
Jul. 22-25        6th USENIX Security Symposium   San Jose, CA
Jul. 26-28        Internet World Home Expo '96    San Jose, CA
Jul 29-Aug 2      OMG TC (Telefonica I+D)         Madrid, Spain
Aug. 5-8          Internet World Brazil '96       Sao Paulo, Brazil
Aug. 5-9          ANSI X3T11                      Boulder, CO area
Aug. 12-16        12th Europ. Conf. on AI (ECAI)  Budapest, Hungary
Aug. 14-15        Web Developer '96               Dallas, TX
Aug. 18-21        Object World West               San Jose, CA
Aug. 19-23        ATM Forum                       Baltimore, MD
Aug. 20-22        Int. World Australia Pacific    Sydney, Australia
Aug. 21           Commercenet                     Pittsburgh, PA
Aug. 25-28        8th IEEE Workshop on
                     Local & Metro. Area Networks Berlin, Germany
Aug. 26-30        SIGCOMM '96                     Stanford, CA
Aug. 27-30        Object World Australia          Sydney, Australia
FALL              NSC'96 - Network Services Conf. Bled, Slovenia
Sep. 2-6          14th IFIP Conf.                 Canberra, AU
Sep. 9-13         ANSI X3T10 '96 Digital          Natick, MA
Sep. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Sep. 13-17        10th USENIX Syst. Admin
                   Conference (LISA '96)          Chicago, IL
Sep. 10-12        EMail World & Internet Expo     Boston, MA
Sep. 16-20        NetWorld+Interop                Atlanta, GA
Sep. 16-20        OMG TC (Software 2000)          Hyannis, MA
Sep. 17-19        IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting     Washington, DC
Sep. 18           Commercenet                     Santa Clara, CA
Sep. 24-27        IFIP WG6.1 w/FORTE/PSTV (Under Consideration)
Sep. 25-27        Internet World Philippines '96  Manila, Philippines
Oct. 1-3          Email World & Internet Expo     Toronto, Ontario, CA
Oct. 2-4          Object World Tokyo              Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 7-11         ANSI X3T11                      St. Petersburg Bch, FL
Oct. 7-11         ATM Forum                       Montreux, Switzerland
Oct. 7-11         NetWorld+Interop                Paris, France
Oct. 7-11         Performance 96 Conference       Lausanne, Switzerland
Oct. 9-11         Object World Frankfurt          Frankfurt, Germany
Oct. 15           Commercenet                     New Orleans, LA
Oct. 21-25        ICECCS'96  (held jointly with
                     6th CSESAW, 4th IEEE RTAW)   Montreal, Canada
Oct. 28-Nov. 1    NetWorld+Interop                London, England
Oct. 29-Nov. 1    2nd USENIX Symp. Operating Sys.
                   Design & Implement. (OSIDI II) Seattle, WA
Nov. 1996         OMG TC  (Groupe Bull)           Nice, France
Nov. 4-7          APPN Implementers Workshop      Raleigh, NC

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Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

Nov. 4-8          ANSI X3T10 '96 Western Digital  Palm Springs, CA
Nov. 10-12        2nd annual of ACM's MobiCom '96 Rye, New York
Nov. 11-15        IEEE 802 '96 Hotel Vancouver    Vancouver, BC Canada
Nov. 12-15        3rd Int'l Conf.
                     on Multimedia Modeling       Toulouse, France
Nov. 13           Commercenet                     Santa Clara, CA
Nov. 18-20        2nd USENIX Workshop on
                     Electronic Commerce          Oakland, CA
Nov. 18-22        ACM Multimedia '96              Boston, MA
Nov. 18-22        IEEE Globecom 96                London, England
Nov. 18-22        Supercomputing '96 (Firm)       Pittsburgh, PA
Nov. 25-29        NetWorld+Interop                Sydney, Australia
Dec. 2-6          ANSI X3T11                      TBD
Dec. 2-6          ATM Forum                       Vancover, BC
Dec. 4-6          Vir. Reality & VRML World '96   Boston, MA
Dec. 9-12         Internet World '96              Baltimore, MD
Dec. 9-13         37th IETF                       San Jose, CA
Dec. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Dec. 10-13        Fall Internet World '96         New York, NY
Dec. 13           Commercenet                     Albuquerque, NM

Jan. 6-10         ANSI X3T10 '97
Jan. 6-10         USENIX '97
                    Annual Technical Conf.        Anaheim, CA
Jan. 7-10         13th Annual Hawaii Int'l Conf
                    on Systems Sciences           Maui, Hawaii
Jan. 28-30        IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting     Orlando, FL
Mar. 1-5          ACM '97: The Next 50 yrs. of Computing
                                                  San Jose, CA
Mar. 10-13        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 10-14        OIW (Firm)
Mar. 10-14        IEEE 802 '97 Irvine?/Albuquerque?
Mar. 11-15        ANSI X3T10 '97
Apr. 7-11         38th IETF                       Memphis, TN
May  5-9          ANSI X3T10 '97
Jun. 8-12         ICC '97                         Montreal
Jun. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Jul. 7-11         IEEE 802 '97 Hyatt Regency      Maui, Lahaina HI
Jul. 14-18        ANSI X3T10 '97
Sep. 8-12         ANSI X3T10 '97
Sep. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
Nov.  3-7         ANSI X3T10 '97
Dec. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
                  TELECOM '97 Asia (Venue and Dates to be Determined)


IMR Editor                                                     [Page 21]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996


Spring 1998       TELECOM '97 Africa              Midrand, South Africa
Aug. 23-29        15th IFIP World. Com. Conf.     Vienna, Austria and
                                                   Budapest, Hungary


Oct. 8-14         TELECOM '99                     Geneva, Switzerland


TERENA Calendar-Mar'96

This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the meetings
are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the chair of
the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have
additions/corrections/comments, please mail <secretariat@terena.nl>.

Updated March 1996

MEETING/DATE                    LOCATION
============                    ========

TERENA Executive Committee
12 March                        Amsterdam
9 April                             "

TERENA General Assembly
16-17 May                       Budapest

24-25 October                   Bled

TERENA Working Groups
12 May                          Budapest

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996


13 May                          Budapest

October (tbd)                   Bled

JENC7 Programme Committee
8 March                         Amsterdam


EMC (Ebone Management Committee)
25 March                        Paris

EOT (Ebone Operations Team)
26-27 March                     Paris

ECCO (Ebone Consortium of Contributing Organisations)
16 April                        Paris

22-24 April                       Berlin

29 June                         Montreal, Canada

CEENet/NATO Workshop
September                       tbd

4-8 March                       Los Angeles, CA, USA
24-28 June                      Montreal, Quebec, Canada
November                        tbd
7-11 April 1997                 Memphis, Tenn. USA

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

Annual Conference
11-14 June                      Brussels

25-29 March                     Brussels
24-28 June                         "
21-25 October                      "

GA23 18-19 April                Nice, France
GA24 10-11 December               "

TA24 15-17 April                  "
TA25 23-25 October                "



JENC7 - 7th Joint European Networking Conference
13-16 May
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Budapest, Hungary


Subject areas are:
- -User Support and Education
- -Policy, Economic and Societal Issues
- -Network Engineering
- -Network Technology
- -Application Technology
- -Infrastructure Developments
- -Networking Sersvices

For information, email <jenc7-sec@terena.nl>
WWW access address is: http://www.terena.nl/terena/jenc7

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

NSC'96 - Network Services Conference 1996
22 - 24 October
Convention Centre, Bled, Slovenia

For information, email <nsc96-sec@terena.nl>
WWW access address is: http://www.terena.nl/terena/nsc96/



nb. For some of the following events, full text information may be
available from the TERENA Document Store under the directory calendar,
in which case the file name is specified under the information
presented below. The files may be retrieved via:

anonymous FTP:   ftp.terena.nl
Email:           server@terena.nl
Gopher:          gopher.terena.nl
World Wide Web:  http://www.terena.nl/terena/information/calendar/

IDMS'96 - European Workshop on
Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Sersvices
4-6 March
Berlin, Germany
Organized by GI, ITG, GMD FOKUS. The objective of this workshop is to
cover the needs of business/residential customers in the information
society with the goal of obtaining an integrated approach in
extensibility, scalability and quality of service.
For information contact:
Eckhard Moeller/Herwart Pusch at GMD FOKUS.
tel:    +49 30 254 99 234/233   /  fax: +49 30 254 99 202
email:  idms@fokis.gmd.de
Also see URL:   http://www.fokus.gmd.de/ws/idms

ASSETS'96 - The 2nd ACM/SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies
(sponsored by ACM's Special Interest Group on Computers and the
Physically Handicapped)
11-12 April
Waterfront Center Hotel, Vancouver, Canada
The conference scope spans disability and special needs of all kinds,
including but not limited to: sensory; motor; cognitive; and emotional.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

For further information contact:
Conference Program Chair  <jaffe@roses.stanford.edu>
Conference General Chair  <glinert@cs.rpi.edu>
The Conference Web Page may be found at:

3rd International Conference on Electronic Library and
Visual Information Research (ELVIRA 96)
The UK Digital Libraries Conference.
30 April - 2 May
Hilton National Hotel, Milton Keynes, UK
Covering both technical and socio-economic aspects of the electronic
library, as well as providing a forum discussion of new areas of
Submission of papers is 17 November 1995.
For further information contact:
Kathryn Arnold <karnld@dmu.ac.uk>  or
WWW page:  http://ford.mk.dmu.ac.uk/elvira/elvira3.html

16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Sources
(ICDCS-16) - Advance Program
27 - 30 May
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong
For information see

3rd International Workshop on Services in Distributed
and Networked Environments (SDNE'96)
3-4 June
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee
on Distributed Processing.
The international flavor of the workshop reflects the scope
and diversity of worldwide internetworking.
For information contact:
WWW page: http://www.citi.umich.edu/sdne.html
email:    <sdne96@citi.umich.edu

EEMA '96 Conference
(European Electronic Messaging Association)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

10-13 June
Les Pyramides/Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Brussels, Belgium.
Working to shape the future of global messaging, this will be a
user-driven conference, created for the business user.
For information contact: <eemaoffice@attmail.com>
or tel: +44 1386 793 028         fax: +44 1386 793 268

INET'96 - Developing Country Workshop
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
A seven-day program of intensive instruction with a hands-on
emphasis on Internet set up, operations, maintenance and management.
For information email <workshop-info@isoc.org>
For application to attend email <workshop-apply@isoc.org>

The Internet: Transforming our Society Now
25-28 June
Montreal Convention Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
This 6th annual conference of the Internet Society will be focusing
on worldwide issues of Internet networking.
One-page abstracts due by 15 Feb.1996 to <inet-submission@isoc.org>
The Program Committee may be contacted at <inet-program@isoc.org>
Information also available on:
WWW page:  http://www.isoc.org/conferences/inet96/

Second International Conference on Distance Education in Russia
2 - 5 July
Moscow, Russia
The theme of this conference is "Open and Distance Learning as a
Development Strategy".
Papers to be submitted by 1 March 1996
For information see http://aie.riis.ru/english/confer/icded96.html
or email <icded96.aie.msk.su

Forum of Incident Respone and Security Teams (FIRST)
8th Annual Computer Security Incident Handling Workshop

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

28-31 July
Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, California, USA
"After the Internet - then What?" - the changing nature of
incidents and our ability to respond
Abstracts/Proposals due 15 January 1996.
For information see WWW page: http://www.first.org/first/
or email: <f96-prog@first.org>

The Convergence of Telecommunications and Distributed
Computing Technologies
3-5 September
The Stadthall, Heidelberg, Germany
The emphasis of the conference will be on experimental results
and experience with real systems, although theoretical contributions
of clear practical importance will also be considered.
Deadline paper submission 1 March 1996 to <TINA96@eurescom.de>

International Congress and Technical Exhibition
"Water: Ecology and Technology"
17-21 September
Moscow, Russia
Organized by: Russian Federal Committee for Water Management,
Russian Federal Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Environment
and Natural Resources Protection, Municipal Enterprise "Mosvodokanal",
State Enterprise "Vodokanal St. Petersburg",Stock Company "SIBICO
For all further information, contact:
telephone/telefax: +7 095 207 63 60

2nd International Conference on Satellite Communications (ISCS'96)
23-27 September
Moscow, Russia
The conference will explore the theme "Satellites for Global
Communications" with representives from government, international
organizations, industry, research institutes and universities - for
discussions on recent advances and future trends of development and
applications of satellite communications.
For further information please email:  <enir@icsti.su>  or
tel: +7 095 198 7691
fax: +7 095 943 0089

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 28]
Internet Monthly Report                                       March 1996

Performance '96
International Conference on Performance Theory, Measurement and
Evaluation of Computer and Communications Systems
Organized by IFIPWG7.3
7-11 October
Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Deadline paper submission 15 March 1996
Further information on WWW Page: http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/perf96/

Third International Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems
15 - 18 October
Madrid, Spain
This workshop is intended to contribute to scientific, strategical
and practical cooperation between research institutes and industrial
companies in the area of distributed multimedia applications, protocols,
and intelligent management tools, with emphasis on their usage on
broadband networks.
Papers to be submitted by 7 June.
For information contact Arturo Azcorra at <aazcorra@dit.upm.es>

Call for Papers for the 16th Annual Joint Conference
of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies.
Paper submissions by 14 June 1997.
For further information contact
http:// arpeggio.ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/infocom.html

TERENA Secretariat
Singel 466 - 468
Voice   : + 31 20 639 11 31
Fax     : + 31 20 639 32 89
Email   : secretariat@terena.nl  (for all general matters)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 29]