~ April 1996 INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS ------------------------ The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities. These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR@ISI.EDU". ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The Internet Monthly Report mailing list is now managed by MajorDomo at ISI.EDU. The announcements of new issues on the Internet Monthly Report are sent to the IETF-Announce list and to this IMR list. Requests to be ADDED or DELETED from the Internet Monthly report list should be sent to "majordomo@isi.edu" with the message body either "subscribe imr" or "unsubscribe imr". Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs". For example: To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU Subject: getting imrs help: ways_to_get_imrs or URL: http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/imr/ IMR Editor [Page 1] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD IAB MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Internet Projects INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11 Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 11 Directory and Database Services . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13 US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14 MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17 UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21 TERENA List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26 IMR Editor [Page 2] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD --------------------------- The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp access on host ftp.isi.edu, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB World-Wide Web page with URL http://www.iab.org/iab/. Brian Carpenter IAB Chair INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS ---------------------------- IETF Monthly Report for April, 1996 1. At the plenary session of the Los Angeles IETF meeting, new IESG and IAB members were announced. The current IESG memers are: Harald T. Alvestrand Fred Baker (Chair) Scott Bradner Jeff Burgan Joel Halpern Frank Kastenholz Deirdre Kostick Allison Mankin Keith Moore Mike O'Dell Joyce K. Reynolds Jeff Schiller The current IAB members are: J Allard Brian Carpenter (Chair) Steve Bellovin Jon Crowcroft Robert Elz Elise Gerich Erik Huizer John Klensin Bob Moskowitz Radia Perlman Yakov Rekhter Chris Weider 2. The next IETF will be meeting in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from June 24-28, 1996. If this date looks familiar, it is the same date as INET '96! This is not a "joint" meeting per se, but both meetings will be held in the Montreal Convention Center, and the IETF and INET'96 will permit attendees to attend each others sessions (assuming space is available). See the IETF or ISOC Web Pages for more information. Closing out the year, the IETF will be returning to San Jose, California on December 9-13, 1996.Following that, the IETF travels to Memphis, Tennessee where Federal Express will be the host. This meeting will be held April 7-11, 1997. IMR Editor [Page 3] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file 0mtg- sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories. This information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on the Web. The URL is: http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us 3. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory. The following IESG minutes have been added: March 28, 1996 (iesg.96-03-28) April 11, 1996 (iesg.96-04-11) 4. The IESG approved or recommended the following seven Protocol Actions during the month of April, 1996: o An LDAP URL Format be published as a Proposed Standard. o A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters be published as a Proposed Standard. o Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) be published as a Proposed Standard. o IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration be published as a Proposed Standard. o GSS-API Authentication Method for SOCKS Version 5 be published as a Proposed Standard. o The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism be published as a Proposed Standard. o A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV) be published as an Experimental Protocol. 5. The IESG issued 12 Last Calls to the IETF during the month of April, 1996: o An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format <draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicast-addr-fmt-04> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. IMR Editor [Page 4] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 o Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS <draft-ietf-dnsind-ixfr-06> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE) <draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-09> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o Serial Number Arithmetic <draft-ietf-dnsind-serial-03> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY) <draft-ietf-dnsind-notify-07> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-ip-ds-03> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-tcp-ds-03> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol <draft-ietf-snmpv2-udp-ds-03> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) <draft-elkins-pem-pgp-03> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o PGP Message Exchange Formats <draft-atkins-pgpformat-01> for consideration as an Informational RFC. o INTERNET REGISTRY IP ALLOCATION GUIDELINES <draft-hubbard-registry-guidelines-01> for consideration as a Best Current Practices RFC. o TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options <draft-ietf-tcplw-sack-02> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. 6. One working group was concluded during the month of April, 1996: Address Autoconfiguration (addrconf) 7. A total of 95 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month of April, 1996: IMR Editor [Page 5] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) ) (iplpdn) o Management Information Base for Frame Relay DTEs <draft-ietf-iplpdn-frmib-dte-06.txt> (pppext) o The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP) <draft-ietf-pppext-netbios-fcp-08.txt> (cat) o The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism <draft-ietf-cat-kerb5gss-07.txt> (mobileip) o IP Mobility Support <draft-ietf-mobileip-protocol-16.txt> (rtfm) o Traffic Flow Measurement: Meter MIB <draft-ietf-rtfm-acct-meter-mib-01.txt> (snanau) o Definitions of Managed Objects for APPC <draft-ietf-snanau-appcmib-06.txt> (idmr) o Core Based Trees (CBT) Multicast -- Protocol Specification <draft-ietf-idmr-cbt-spec-05.txt> (ipngwg) o Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 <draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-05.txt> (none) o Routing Aspects Of IPv6 Transition <draft-ietf-ngtrans-routing-aspects-01.txt> (ipngwg) o An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format <draft-ietf-ipngwg-unicast-addr-fmt-04.txt> (none) o Mobility Support in IPv6 <draft-teraoka-ipv6-mobility-sup-03.txt> (none) o The Photuris Session Key Management Protocol <draft-simpson-photuris-10.txt> (idr) + BGP communities attribute <draft-ietf-idr-communities-00.txt> (ipatm) o IP Broadcast over ATM Networks. <draft-ietf-ipatm-bcast-03.txt> (dhc) o DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions <draft-ietf-dhc-options-1533update-03.txt> (entmib) o Entity MIB <draft-ietf-entmib-entmib-03.txt> (none) o Common NNTP Extensions <draft-barber-nntp-imp-03.txt> (isdnmib) o ISDN Management Information Base <draft-ietf-isdnmib-snmp-isdn-mib-06.txt> (none) o Guidelines for IETF Meeting Sites <draft-prior-future-host-guidelines-01.txt> (atommib) o Definitions of Textual Conventions and OBJECT-IDENTITIES for ATM Management <draft-ietf-atommib-atm2TC-03.txt> (ipatm) o IPv6 and Neighbour Discovery over ATM <draft-ietf-ipatm-ipv6nd-02.txt> (poised95) o The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3 a proposed revision of part of RFC 1602 <draft-ietf-poised95-std-proc-3-06.txt> (grip) o Expectations for Security Incident Response IMR Editor [Page 6] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 <draft-ietf-grip-framework-irt-02.txt> (isdnmib) o Dial Control Management Information Base <draft-ietf-isdnmib-dial-control-04.txt> (dlswmib) o Definitions of Managed Objects for Data Link Switching using SNMPv2 <draft-ietf-dlswmib-mib-08.txt> (rip) + Protocol Analysis for Triggered RIP <draft-ietf-rip-trigger-analysis-00.txt> (none) o Architectural Principles of the Internet <draft-iab-principles-02.txt> (none) o ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT) <draft-pouffary-itot-02.txt> (none) o The Private Communication Technology Protocol <draft-benaloh-pct-01.txt> (ipngwg) o Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6 <draft-ietf-ipngwg-pmtuv6-02.txt> (cidrd) o INTERNET REGISTRY IP ALLOCATION GUIDELINES <draft-hubbard-registry-guidelines-01.txt> (poised95) o The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards Process <draft-ietf-poised95-ietf-orgs-01.txt> (none) o ICMP Security Failures Messages <draft-simpson-icmp-ipsec-fail-02.txt> (ipngwg) o IP Version 6 over PPP <draft-ietf-ipngwg-pppext-ipv6cp-02.txt> (poised95) o IETF-ISOC relationship <draft-ietf-poised95-isoc-02.txt> (none) o RSVP Extensions for IPSEC Data Flows <draft-berger-rsvp-ext-03.txt> (tcplw) o TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options <draft-ietf-tcplw-sack-02.txt> (idr) o BGP Route Reflection An alternative to full mesh IBGP <draft-ietf-idr-route-reflect-02.txt> (pppext) o Layer Two Forwarding (Protocol) "L2F" <draft-ietf-pppext-l2f-02.txt> (none) o GZIP file format specification version 4.3 <draft-deutsch-gzip-spec-04.txt, .ps> (none) o ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3 <draft-deutsch-zlib-spec-04.txt, .ps> (none) o DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3 <draft-deutsch-deflate-spec-04.txt, .ps> (rolc) + Support for Sparse Mode PIM over ATM <draft-ietf-rolc-pim-atm-00.txt> (none) o INTERNET MESSAGE ACCESS PROTOCOL - VERSION 4 <draft-crispin-imap-base-04.txt> (dnsind) o Serial Number Arithmetic <draft-ietf-dnsind-serial-03.txt> (dhc) o Authentication for DHCP Messages <draft-ietf-dhc-authentication-02.txt> IMR Editor [Page 7] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 (dhc) o An Extension to the DHCP Option Codes <draft-ietf-dhc-options-opt127-02.txt> (rtfm) o Traffic Flow Measurement: Architecture <draft-ietf-rtfm-acct-arch-report-01.txt> (dhc) o An option for FQDNs in DHCP options <draft-ietf-dhc-fqdn-opt-01.txt> (dnsind) o Selection of Secondary DNS Servers <draft-ietf-dnsind-2ndry-01.txt> (ipsec) o Combined DES-CBC, HMAC and Replay Prevention Security Transform <draft-ietf-ipsec-esp-des-md5-01.txt> (none) o Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP) - NBMA <draft-luciani-rolc-scsp-02.txt> (http) o Proposed HTTP State Management Mechanism <draft-ietf-http-state-mgmt-01.txt, .ps> (atommib) o Managed Objects for Managing the Collection and Storage of ATM Accounting Information <draft-ietf-atommib-acct-01.txt> (snanau) o Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN <draft-ietf-snanau-appnmib-01.txt> (none) o Clarification on the use of Hostnames, Mail Boxes and Mail Domains in the DNS <draft-andrews-dns-hostnames-02.txt> (none) o Greek Character Encoding for Electronic Mail Messages <draft-rfced-info-spinellis-01.txt> (madman) + Mail and Directory Alarms <draft-ietf-madman-alarmmib-00.txt> (none) + The ESP Stream Transform <draft-caronni-esp-stream-00.txt> (none) + Authenticated Firewall Traversal with IPsec. <draft-richardson-ipsec-aft-00.txt> (none) + Netstrings <draft-bernstein-netstrings-00.txt> (none) + Easily Parsed LIST Format (EPLF) <draft-bernstein-eplf-00.txt> (none) + Tools in the War on Mail Loops <draft-bernstein-mail-loops-war-00.txt> (none) + Public Information Retrieval Protocol (PIRP) <draft-bernstein-pirp-00.txt> (none) + Notice-Requested-Upon-Delivery-To (NRUDT) <draft-bernstein-nrudt-00.txt> (none) + The qmail-send Bounce Message Format (QSBMF) <draft-bernstein-qsbmf-00.txt> (none) + The Hash Convention For Mail System Status Codes (HCMSSC) <draft-bernstein-hcmssc-00.txt> (atommib) + Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management <draft-ietf-atommib-atm1ng-00.txt> (atommib) + Textual Conventions for MIB Modules Using Performance History Based on 15 Minute Intervals IMR Editor [Page 8] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 <draft-ietf-atommib-perfhistTC-00.txt> (trunkmib) o Definitions of Managed Objects for DDS Interface Types <draft-ietf-trunkmib-dds-mib-01.txt> (atommib) + Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH Interface Type <draft-ietf-atommib-sonetng-00.txt> (none) + Distributed Dynamic Multicast Address(DDMA) Assignment in Internet <draft-son-ddma-00.txt> (idr) + BGP communities attribute <draft-ietf-idr-communities-wrongcp-00.txt> (pier) + Why consider Renumbering Now <draft-ietf-pier-consider-00.txt> (idmr) + Core Based Tree (CBT) Multicast Interoperability - Stage 1 <draft-ietf-idmr-cbt-interop1-00.txt> (none) + PPP Callback Control Protocol <draft-gidwani-ppp-callback-cp-00.txt> (none) + How new BGP Attribute Types are defined <draft-manning-bgpattrib-type-00.txt> (none) + New TLD Catagories <draft-higgs-tld-cat-00.txt> (none) + Three-Way Handshake for IS-IS Point-to-Point Adjacencies <draft-katz-isis-3way-00.txt> (dhc) + Graceful renumbering of networks with DHCP <draft-ietf-dhc-renumbering-00.txt> (none) + Photuris Schemes and Privacy Protection <draft-simpson-photuris-schemes-00.txt> (mobileip) + The Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Mobility Support <draft-ietf-mobileip-mib-00.txt> (none) + Definitions of Managed Objects for HTTP <draft-hazewinkel-httpmib-00.txt> (pier) + Router Renumbering Guide <draft-ietf-pier-rr-00.txt> (none) + Definitions of Managed Objects for an Information Store <draft-hazewinkel-ismib-00.txt> (none) + Definitions of Managed Objects for an Information Retrieval Service <draft-hazewinkel-rsmib-00.txt> (none) + Internet Security Transform Enhancements <draft-simpson-ipsec-enhancement-00.txt> (none) + Source directed access control on the Internet. <draft-bradner-access-control-00.txt> (mhtml) + MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML) <draft-ietf-mhtml-spec-00.txt> (none) + IANA Character Set Registration Procedures <draft-freed-charset-reg-00.txt> (none) + Transient Neighbors for IPv6 over ATM <draft-armitage-ipatm-tn-00.txt> (avt) + RTP Payload Format for H.263 Video Stream <draft-ietf-avt-rtp-payload-00.txt> (none) + TFTP Blocksize Option <draft-malkin-tftpexts-blksize-opt-00.txt> (ipsec) + HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay Prevention IMR Editor [Page 9] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-hmac-md5-00.txt> (ipsec) + HMAC-SHA IP Authentication with Replay Prevention <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-hmac-sha-00.txt> 8. There were 13 RFC's published during the month of April, 1996: RFC St WG Title ------- -- -------- ------------------------------------- RFC1924 I (none) A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses RFC1925 I (none) The Twelve Networking Truths RFC1926 I (none) An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on Top of ATM RFC1927 I (none) Suggested Additional MIME Types for Associating Documents RFC1928 PS (aft) SOCKS Protocol Version 5 RFC1929 PS (aft) Username/Password Authentication for SOCKS V5 RFC1930 BCP (idr) Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of an Autonomous System (AS) RFC1931 I (none) Dynamic RARP Extensions and Administrative Support for Automatic Network Address Allocation RFC1932 I (ipatm) IP over ATM: A Framework Document RFC1933 PS (ngtrans) Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers RFC1934 I (none) Ascend's Multilink Protocol Plus (MP+) RFC1935 I (none) What is the Internet, Anyway? RFC1936 I (none) Implementing the Internet Checksum in Hardware St(atus): ( S) Internet Standard (PS) Proposed Standard (DS) Draft Standard ( B) Best Current Practice ( E) Experimental ( I) Informational Steve Coya <scoya@cnri.reston.va.us> IMR Editor [Page 10] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 INTERNET PROJECTS ----------------- INTERNIC -------- REGISTRATION SERVICES InterNIC Registration Services Monthly Letter Progress Report Cooperative Agreement NCR-9218742 June 3, 1996 Progress Report for April 1, 1966 through April 31, 1996 I. Significant Events During April 1996, InterNIC Registration Services assigned the following network addresses, and registered domain names to include top-level country domains: Assigned Registered Country Domain(s) Network Addresses 16,781,886 * Domain Names Registered 45,102 Top-level Country Domain(s) 4 CF - Central African Republic NE - Niger MF - Mauritanie OM - Oman * Note: Allocated for reassignment from the RIPE Registry. The voice mail ports were installed and the new telephone script was implemented allowing callers to select the section from which support is needed. Received digital telephones to accommodate the anticipated operations needs after 15-day final invoices are sent out. work on the transfer of responsibilities for IP allocation from Canada to the InterNIC is continuing. The draft IP Allocation document (RFC 1466) was released as a Best Current Practice (BCP) and should become official within a few weeks. IMR Editor [Page 11] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Draft versions of contact and domain registration templates were prepared and are under evaluation. CSR Guardian training began in April in preparation for Guardian implementation. Finalized Guardian schema. Guardian features are being added to the hstreg (host registration) application. Finished coding and successfully tested the domreg application for Guardian. Missed report processing was completed for February; backlog should be eliminated in May. Work continues on Domain editor tool. The InterNIC Template Generator tool was changed to be compatible with version 3.0 of the domain registration template; it will now generate a 3.0 template. Hostmaster backlog was completely eliminated. Generation of new domain name invoices continues. The backlog was reduced to one week. The invoice generator for renewal invoices is ready. The process of sending out 60-day renewal notices was initiated. Development of "payment uploader" is in progress (for transferring payment information from the Access database into the main database). Installed Sparc center 2000, installed Ingres. Configuration of Sun Ultra is in progress. Rolled out additional Sparc 20s for information service machines. All information and database files for the rs machine were ported to the Auspex 150 NSF server. The tracking system files were successfully transferred to the Auspex 650 NSF server. Continued work with Patrick Crispin to allow InterNIC hosting of the ROADMAP Internet training series. Tom Newell attended the Coalition for Networked Information conference on March 25-26. Revised and implemented InterNIC Registration Services Home Page. During April, new domain requests continued to range between 1,000 and 2,000+ per day. Updates ranged from 400 to 800+ a day. Applications that do not need human review are processed within a day. Approximately 50% are handled in this manner. The remaining IMR Editor [Page 12] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 applications and questions enter a queue for resolution by one of the processing staff. This queue is currently a week and a half long. II. Current Status E-mail 109,778 (hostmaster@internic.net) Postal/Fax 772 (primarily Domreg requests) Phone 22,878 Connections Retrievals Gopher 34,166 67,180 WAIS 113,216 49,940 FTP 94,241 203,854 Mailserv 3,992 Telnet 166,097 Http 4,398,014 In addition, for WHOIS the number of queries were: Client Server _______ _________ 693,016 10,101,977 Debbie Fuller <Debbief@internic.net> INTERNIC DIRECTORY AND DATABASE SERVICES In February, we started porting our production servers to Solaris. The port of one backup server (ds1.internic.net) was started in February and completed in early March. The port of our primary server (ds0.internic.net) was started in late March and completed in early April. During April, we also completed the conversion of our third server, so our production servers are all running Solaris. As noted previously, testing and rebuilds of databases mean that each machine was down for an extended period when it is converted. The other two servers support all of our user applications, so service was always available during the conversion process. A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and we will send information about listing your resource in the Directory of Directories. If you prefer, you can enter information IMR Editor [Page 13] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 about your resource in our WWW suggestion form. The form can be reached through our Directory of Directories Web page at: http://ds.internic.net:80/ds/dsdirofdirs.html Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net> THE US DOMAIN REGISTRY A new policy has been added to the criteria for delegating domain names under the US Domain: It is the intention that the delegation of third level (for example, locality) domain names be wide spread to many registries. It is undesirable for one person or organization to manage a large part of the third level names in any particular geographic or logical area. No individual or organization shall have more than 500 delegations total in the US Domain as a whole, or more than 50 delegation in any particuilar second level (for example, a state). Some of the processing of requests to the US Domain administrator is now automated. In particular, most requests to register names in localities already delegated are automatically forwarded to the administrator for that locality. The US Domain administrator no longer makes direct registrations of hosts, and only makes delegations of third or fourth level domain names (such as localities). To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and subdomains not administered by the US Domain Registrar, get the file "us-domain-delegated.txt". URL: ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/us-domain-delegated.txt For further information about the US Domain, send a message to: US-DOMAIN@ISI.EDU, or see our WEB page: http://www.isi.edu/us-domain US DOMAIN ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ------------------------------------ EMAIL/FAX 1830 IMR Editor [Page 14] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 PHONE 500 ---------------------------- Total Contacts 2330 DELEGATIONS 54 FORWARDED DELEGATIONS: 420 OTHER US DOMAIN MSGS: 1856 --------------------------- Total 2330 OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name servers, and whois listings. In addition, and not listed below, another 55 localities have been delegated in New Jersey, New York, Indiana, Iowa and Pennsylvania this month. MAJOR SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED K12 CC TEC STATE LIB MUS GEN DST COG =================================================================== 51 35 33 47 38 23 23 9 3 =================================================================== ---------------------------------- THIRD LEVEL DELEGATIONS THIS MONTH ---------------------------------- COG.MI.US Council of Governments, Michigan LOCALITIES ========== MADISON.TN.US JACKSON.TN.US HUMBOLDT.TN.US GIBSON.TN.US MAYFLOWER.AR.US VILONIA.AR.US GREENBRIER.AR.US ROGERS.AR.US EARLHAM.IA.US MUCKLESHOOT.NSN.US BATAVIA.IL.US APPLETON.WI.US GREEN-BAY.WI.US OSHKOSH.WI.US SUCCASUNNA.NJ.US HOPATCONG.NJ.US IMR Editor [Page 15] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 LEBEC.CA.US HOLLY-SPRINGS.NC.US HALIFAX.NC.US SAN-DIEGO.CA.US CONWAY.AR.US LOUISVILLE.KY.US LEXINGTON.KY.US EDGEWOOD.WA.US CHESAPEAKE-BEACH.MD.US SPRINGFIELD.VA.US ALBANY.OH.US MONTGOMERY.MD.US GLENSIDE.PA.US ENFIELD.NH.US GUTTENBERG.NJ.US ELLISVILLE.MO.US GLENDALE.CA.US WESTCLIFFE.CO.US EAST-PROVIDENCE.RI.US ALLEGEN.MI.US MARTIN.FL.US ALEXANDRIA.VA.US LONG-BEACH.MS.US GULFPORT.MS.US PASS-CHRISTIAN.MS.US WARMINSTER.PA.US SOUTHAMPTON.PA.US BRISTOL.PA.US LEVITTOWN.PA.US HEBER-CITY.PA.US CTSI.NSN.US ANNADALE.VA.US LA.CA.US BEVERLY-HILLS.CA.US HOLLYWOOD.CA.US VENICE.CA.US OTHER US DOMAIN DELEGATIONS THIS MONTH -------------------------------------- CI.INDEPENDENCE.MO.US CO.BROWN.NE.US SPOKANE.CC.WA.US CI.SAN-MARINO.CA.US CI.ORINDA.CA.US WWW.TORRANCE.CA.US ROSEVILLE.PROB.FED.US TOWNHALL.CI.WEYMOUTH.MA.US ADMIN.CO.FAYETTE.GA.US GR.CC.WA.US LAKEFRONT.STERLING.VA.US CI.GENEVA.NE.US CI.SMYRNA.GA.US VIL.OAK-BROOK.IL.US METRO.DST.OR.US TOWN.PROVINCETOWN.MA.US TOWN.SANDWICH.MA.US TOWN.WELLFLEET.MA.US TOWN.YARMOUTH.MA.US TOWN.TRURO.MA.US TOWN.ORLEANS.MA.US TOWN.MASHPEE.MA.US TOWN.HARWICH.MA.US TOWN.EASTHAM.MA.US TOWN.FALMOUTH.MA.US TOWN.DENNIS.MA.US TOWN.CHATHAM.MA.US TOWN.BARNSTABLE.MA.US TOWN.BREWSTER.MA.US TOWN.BOURNE.MA.US CI.BUENA-PARK.CA.US CO.CLEVELAND.NC.US JUNEAU.LIB.AK.US CI.DONIPHAN.NE.US CASA.GEN.MI.US EPISCOPAL-HS.JAX.FL.US CO.YORK.VA.US FPC.LEXINGTON.MA.US CI.LA-MESA.CA.US CI.YORK.NE.US CHANG.ARLINGTON.TX.US TIC.STEAMBOAT-SPRINGS.CO.US CI.RICHMOND.IL.US CI.WILMINGTON.DE.US NEWHORIZONS.MOBILE.AL.US MARC.PA.BATON-ROUGE.LA.US CI.KENT.WA.US IGUANA.KANSAS-CITY.MO.US CI.CLEBURNE.TX.US TAROT.SALEM.MA.US IMR Editor [Page 16] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 WICCA.SALEM.MA.US OCCCULT.SALEM.MA.US PELLITIER.LEOMINSTER.MA.US KOSKI.LEOMINSTER.MA.US KING.LEOMINSTER.MA.US CI.SIOUX-CITY.IA.US WCICC.SIOUX-CITY.IA.US CO.WOODBURY.IA.US SCHROTH.MARTINSBURG.WV.US GSDC.STATESVILLE.NC.US CI.WEST-BEND.WI.US SJC.CC.OK.US HEALTH.CO.ONIEDA.NY.US CI.VALENTINE.NE.US CI.STAUNTON.VA.US CI.IMPERIAL-BEACH.CA.US SACRAMENTO.COURT.FED.US YOSEMITE.COURT.FED.US FRESNO.COURT.FED.US BOROUGH.MEDIA.PA.US CHAMBER.GRAYS-HARBOR.WA.US CYBERCITY.GEN.CA.US CI.EMERYVILLE.CA.US CHAMINADE.CHATSWORTH.CA.US KOREA.EMB.WASHINGTON.DC.US SWEDEN.EMB.NW.DC.US WILLIAMS.WASHINGTON.DC.US CI.EAST-POINT.GA.US MIAMI-POLICE.CI.MIAMI.FL.US CITY.LONG-BEACH.WA.US ARL.BOSTON.MA.US ----------------------------------------------------------- URL: http://www.isi.edu/us-domain/ Ann Cooper & Shanthi Ranganathan (US-Domain@ISI.EDU) MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING - March ---------------------------------- This report summarizes March 1996 activities of Merit's Internet Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) service and other projects. Several new organizations are now relying on the Routing Arbiter project's Route Servers for peering at the NAPs. At the Washington, D.C. NAP (MAE-East), Delphi uses the Route Servers as its primary source of routing information for ESnet, PIPEX, DRA Net, Capital Area Internet Service (CAIS), IConNet, Netcom, and Hyperspace, and is actively migrating as many other peerings as possible to use the RSs. Tools developed by the Routing Arbiter are now being used along with the Internet Routing Registry (IRR) to configure RGnet/RAINet's production Cisco routers. Alan Barrett of PIPEX/IAfrica and Randy Bush of RGnet provided valuable feedback on RA services at the March meeting of the IETF Routing Policy System (RPS) Working Group; their suggestions prompted the Routing Arbiter to make immediate changes in the software to improve its usability. The RPS Working Group, chaired by Cengiz Alaettinoglu of the RA and IMR Editor [Page 17] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Daniel Karrenberg of the RIPE NCC, is defining the next-generation language in which users of the Routing Arbiter Database (RADB) will specify the information held in the database, the mechanism by which information in the RADB will be distributed to other sites, and standard tools which will analyze information in the RADB. The Routing Arbiter would like to thank Barrett, Bush, and other members of the Internet community who have provided extremely useful feedback on RA services. Using many of the suggestions and comments from recent IEPG and NANOG meetings, Craig Labovitz has compiled several new Internet routing statistics Web pages. See: http://www.ra.net/statistics/ These pages include real-time graphs of network instability, bar charts of the sources of routing instability, snapshots of the Route Servers' routing tables, graphs of long-term trends, and reports of invalid routing reports and IRR discrepancies. In improving the quality and accuracy of these reports, Merit needs the help of Internet Service Providers. The reports are only as accurate as the raw data the Route Servers receive in peering sessions. If you are not peering with the Route Servers, we encourage you to do so. Your routes will ONLY be used for statistics collection purposes (unless you have explicitly registered policy in the IRR and indicated that the RA should propagate the routes.) To peer with the Route Servers, send mail to rs-peer@ra.net. The Routing Arbiter wishes to thank the following organizations for providing routes for statistics collection and analysis: ANS, Advantis, Aimnet, alpha dot net, Alternet, Argonne, CAIS, CERFnet, CWInet, DIGEX, DRA Net, the Defense Research Engineering Network, DXnet, Delphi, ESnet, Insnet, IOSnet, IConNet, Interpath, MCI, Nacamar Data Communications, NAP.NET, Net Access, Netcom, Netrail, PIPEX, SURAnet, Supernet, The Planet, The Well, and US Cyber. The Resource Allocation Committee has funded development of Merit's Network Statistics Collection and Reporting software package. The goal of the one-year project, managed by Bill Norton, is to develop a Web interface that ISPs and other organizations can use to collect and display network performance statistics for their portion of the Internet. Sue Hares, Gerald Winters, Craig Labovitz, Elise Gerich, Dun Liu, and Bill Norton attended the 35th IETF in Los Angeles. Norton, Gerich, and Liu met with Vern Paxson of Lawrence Berkeley National IMR Editor [Page 18] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Laboratory and Jamshid Mahdavi of the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center to discuss Paxson's previous research on network performance, and to plan for the comparable collection and analysis of data for 1996. Gerich also participated in several meetings of the Internet Architecture Board. The final report for the NSFNET project, titled "NSFNET: A Partnership for High-Speed Networking," is now available on the Merit Web pages. See: http://www.merit.edu/nsfnet/final.report Susan R. Harris (srh@merit.edu) MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING - April ---------------------------------- This report summarizes April 1996 activities of Merit's Internet Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) service and other projects. A new Merit graphical tool, called ASExplorer, makes it possible to explore the real-time AS routing topology and instability of the Internet. The tool generates hourly maps of current NAP stability levels, based on the dynamic routing information collected by Route Servers at the Network Access Points. Users select a NAP, click on an AS peering with the Route Servers, and follow color-coded links to display successive layers of neighbor ASs. The thicker the line linking a Route Server and AS, the greater the number of BGP updates, and the greater the instability of routing information at the NAP. Clicking on an AS also displays InterNIC contact information for that Autonomous System. ASExplorer, which was developed by Craig Labovitz, requires a frames-capable browser such as Netscape 2.0. See: http://www.ra.net/tools/asexplorer/ Brian Renaud, Xin Liu, and Jerry Winters of the Routing Arbiter Database support team have been working with RADB maintainers--end users authorized to modify database records--to remove more than 4,000 duplicated Route objects from the database. The project is part of a long-term Merit effort to identify, correct, and remove inaccurate or obsolete records from the RADB. To initiate the project, the team sent e-mail messages to more than 800 maintainers listing Route objects duplicated in another Internet Routing Registry (IRR) database or covered by a shorter (less specific) aggregate Route object in the RADB. The staff offered to delete the duplicated records on behalf of the maintainer, or send the IMR Editor [Page 19] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 maintainers the duplicated route objects fully prepared for deletion, so they could review the deletions and send in the transactions themselves. Depending on the response, the team then worked on a case-by-case basis to update or delete the Route objects. The process involved updating maintainer information, working with multi-homed ISPs to find appropriate solutions, providing tutorials on the RADB and IRR, and finding ways to ensure consistency among IRR registries. The 4,000 deleted objects represented roughly ten percent of those registered in the database. Users can display current information about RADB route duplication and coverage for any AS on the Routing Arbiter Web pages: http://www.ra.net/cgi-bin/ra/radb-duplicates.pl Merit has received a continuation of funding for its IDRP project, which is managed by the MITRE Corporation. Merit's development effort for the GateD-IDRP implementation is led by Sue Hares. In this phase of the project, Hares and other Merit staff will implement IDRP QOS support for multiple FIBs and priority queuing for multiple types of network reachability information. Jerry Winters attended the 24th RIPE meeting in Berlin, where he presented updates on ASExplorer, the RADB, and RAWhoisd. Susan R. Harris (srh@merit.edu) UCL ---- THe main UCL workitem in the last period of Merci sponsored work has been the release of SDR 2.2a9 for platforms including SunOS Solaris, HPUX, OSF/1, Linux and Win95. This incorporates the Session Invitiation Protocol, which allows active setup of conferences between participants as well as the "tune in" classic session directory style of conference coordination. The Robust-Audio Tool has also undergone further releases. We have also started playing with RSVP (the ISI release and Cisco's beta release). This is in an environment that includes an ATM infrastructure between routers. John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK) IMR Editor [Page 20] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 CALENDAR -------- Last update 07/9/96 The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to: <meeting-planning@ietf.org> Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information for the events listed below. FYI - The EMail World & Internet World originally scheduled for Sept. 10-12, 1996 has been moved to Oct. 15-17, 1996. Boston, MA. A copy of this calendar is available as follows: VIA FTP ------- IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites. US East Coast Address: ds.internic.net ( US West Coast Address: ftp.isi.edu ( Europe Address: nic.nordu.net ( Pacific Rim Address: munnari.oz.au ( Africa Address: ftp.is.co.za ( cd ietf ls *0mtg* Gopher ------ Available on the Gopher Server running on IETF.CNRI.RESTON.VA.US ( under "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF Meetings / Scheduling Calendar". WWW --- <http://www.ietf.cnri.reston.va.us/home.html> Click on the link for "meetings" and you should find an entry "listing of other Internet related events". ************************************************************************ 1996 IMR Editor [Page 21] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 ---- Aug. 12-16 12th Europ. Conf. on AI (ECAI) Budapest, Hungary Aug. 14-15 Web Developer '96 Dallas, TX Aug. 18-21 Object World West San Jose, CA Aug. 19-23 ATM Forum Baltimore, MD Aug. 20-22 Int. World Australia Pacific Sydney, Australia Aug. 21 Commercenet Pittsburgh, PA Aug. 25-28 8th IEEE Workshop on Local & Metro. Area Networks Berlin, Germany Aug. 26-30 SIGCOMM '96 Stanford, CA Aug. 27-30 Object World Australia Sydney, Australia FALL NSC'96 - Network Services Conf. Bled, Slovenia Sep. 2-5 22nd Euromicro Conference Prague, Czech Sep. 2-6 14th IFIP Conf. Canberra, AU Sep. 3-5 iTV96 Interactive Television 1996 at the University of Edinburgh Scotland, UK Sep. 3-5 TINA '96 Heidelberg, Germany Sep. 6-7 ITS European Regional Wkshop Vienna, Austria Sep. 9-13 ANSI X3T10 '96 Digital Natick, MA Sep. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Sep. 16-20 NetWorld+Interop Atlanta, GA Sep. 16-20 OMG TC (Software 2000) Hyannis, MA Sep. 16-20 Web Developer Canada '96 Vancouver, Canada Sep. 17-19 IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting Washington, DC Sep. 18 Commercenet Santa Clara, CA Sep. 23-26 Internet World Philippines '96 Manila, Philippines Sep. 24-27 IFIP WG6.1 w/FORTE/PSTV (Under Consideration) Sep. 25-27 Internet World Philippines '96 Manila, Philippines Sep. 25-27 3rd Int'l Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communication Princeton, NJ Sep. 29-Oct 4 10th USENIX Syst. Admin Conference (LISA '96) Chicago, IL Oct. 1-3 Email World & Internet Expo Toronto, Ontario, CA Oct. 2-4 Object World Tokyo Tokyo, Japan Oct. 6-9 Asia Pacific Distributed Solutions Event Queensland, Australia Oct. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 St. Petersburg Bch, FL Oct. 7-11 ATM Forum Montreux, Switzerland Oct. 7-11 NetWorld+Interop Paris, France Oct. 7-11 Performance 96 Conference Lausanne, Switzerland Oct. 9-11 Object World Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany Oct. 13-16 IEEE Local Computer Ntwrks (LCN) Minneapolis, MN Oct. 14-17 MEDNET '96 European Congress of the Internet in Medicine Brighton, UK Oct. 15 Commercenet New Orleans, LA Oct. 15-17 EMail World & Internet Expo Boston, MA Oct. 15-18 3rd Int'l on Protocols for IMR Editor [Page 22] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Multimedia Systems Madrid, Spain Oct. 16-18 Internet World Monterrey '96 Monterrey, Mexico Oct. 16-19 5th Int'l Conference on Computer Communications & Ntwrks Rockville, MD Oct. 17-20 IEEE Symposium on Planning & Design of Broadband Networks Quebec, Canada Oct. 21-25 ICECCS'96 (held jointly with 6th CSESAW, 4th IEEE RTAW) Montreal, Canada Oct. 28-31 2nd USENIX Seattle, WA Oct. 28-Nov. 1 NetWorld+Interop London, England Oct. 29-31 Internet Professional '96 Paris, France Oct. 29-Nov. 1 ICNP-96 Int'l Conf. on Network Protocols Columbus, Ohio Oct. 29-Nov. 1 2nd USENIX Symp. Operating Sys. Design & Implement. (OSIDI II) Seattle, WA Nov. 1996 OMG TC (Groupe Bull) Nice, France Nov. 4-7 APPN Implementers Workshop Raleigh, NC Nov. 4-8 ANSI X3T10 '96 Western Digital Palm Springs, CA Nov. 6-8 Web Developer Mexico '96 Mexico Ciy, Mexico Nov. 10-12 2nd annual of ACM's MobiCom '96 Rye, New York Nov. 11-15 IEEE 802 '96 Hotel Vancouver Vancouver, BC Canada Nov. 12-15 3rd Int'l Conf. on Multimedia Modeling Toulouse, France Nov. 13 Commercenet Santa Clara, CA Nov. 18-20 2nd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce Oakland, CA Nov. 18-22 ACM Multimedia '96 Boston, MA Nov. 18-22 IEEE Globecom 96 London, England Nov. 18-22 Supercomputing '96 (Firm) Pittsburgh, PA Nov. 20-21 IEEE Global Internet '96 London, UK Nov. 25-29 NetWorld+Interop Sydney, Australia Dec. 2-4 Web World San Diego, CA Dec. 2-6 ANSI X3T11 Rochester, MN Dec. 2-6 ATM Forum Vancover, BC Dec. 4-6 Vir. Reality & VRML World '96 Boston, MA Dec. 9-12 Internet World '96 Baltimore, MD Dec. 9-13 37th IETF San Jose, CA Dec. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Dec. 10-13 Fall Internet World '96 New York, NY Dec. 12 Internet Security for System & Network Administrators Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 13 Commercenet Albuquerque, NM 1997 ----------- Jan. 6-10 ANSI X3T10 '97 Jan. 6-10 USENIX '97 Annual Technical Conf. Anaheim, CA IMR Editor [Page 23] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Jan. 6-10 USELINUX: Linux Appl. Dev. Anaheim, CA Jan. 7-10 13th Annual Hawaii Int'l Conf on Systems Sciences Maui, Hawaii Jan. 7-10 Internet World Canada '97 Toronto, Canada Jan. 21-23 Internet World Shanghai-China Shanghai, China Jan. 21-25 Internet World Singapore Intl Singapore Jan. 28-30 IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting Orlando, FL Feb. 3-7 ANSI X3T11 TBA Feb. 10-11 ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security San Diego, CA Feb. 17-19 Internet Expo & EMail World San Jose, CA Mar. 1-5 ACM '97: The Next 50 yrs. of Computing San Jose, CA Mar. 10-13 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Mar. 10-14 IEEE 802 '97 Irvine?/Albuguerque Mar. 11-14 Spring Internet World '97 Los Angeles, CA Mar. 11-15 ANSI X3T10 '97 Mar. 17-19 1st Euromicro Working Conf. on Software Maintenance & Reengineering Berlin, Germany Mar. 19-21 Internet World Asia '97 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Apr. 7-11 38th IETF Memphis, TN Apr. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 TBA Apr. 7-11 IEEE Infocom '97 Kobe, Japan Apr. 9-11 ISADS 97 - 3rd Intl Symposium on Autonmous Decentralized Sys. Berlin, Germany Apr. 22-24 Internet Expo & EMail World Chicago, IL May 5-9 ANSI X3T10 '97 May 12-16 IFIP/IEEE San Diego, CA May 28-30 Web Developer '97 Chicago, IL Jun. 3-5 Internet World Mexico '97 Mexico City, Mexico Jun. 8-12 ICC '97 Montreal Jun. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Jun. 9-13 ANSI X3T11 TBA Jul. 7-11 IEEE 802 '97 Hyatt Regency Maui, Lahaina HI Jul. 14-18 ANSI X3T10 '97 Aug. 11-15 ANSI X3T11 TBA Aug. 11-15 (tenative) 39th IETF Munich, Germany Aug. 12-14 (tenative) Internet Expo & EMail World Boston, MA Sep. 8-12 ANSI X3T10 '97 Sep. 8-12 OIW (Firm) Sep. 8-14 TELECOM Interactive 97 Geneva, Switzerland Sep. 14-18 ACM SIGCOMM '97 Cannes, French Riviera, France Oct. 6-10 ANSI X3T11 TBA Nov. 3-7 ANSI X3T10 '97 Dec. 8-12 OIW (Firm) TELECOM '97 Asia (Venue and Dates to be Determined) IMR Editor [Page 24] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 1998 ----------- SPRING 1998 TELECOM '97 Africa Midrand, South Africa Aug. 23-29 15th IFIP World. Com. Conf. Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary 1999 ----- Oct. 8-14 TELECOM '99 Geneva, Switzerland ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IMR Editor [Page 25] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 TERENA List of Meetings ======================= This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the chair of the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have additions/corrections/comments, please mail <secretariat@terena.nl>. MEETING/DATE LOCATION ============ ======== TERENA General Assembly ----------------------- GA6 24-25 October Bled GA7 15-16 May 1997 Edinburgh TERENA Executive Committee -------------------------- 10 September Amsterdam TERENA Technical Committee -------------------------- 23 September Brussels TERENA Working Groups --------------------- TF-TEN 29-30 August Stuttgart PHARE Research Networking 25 October Bled CEEnet 26 October Bled INSIGHT Workshop 28-29 October Bled TERENA Office Meeting --------------------- IMR Editor [Page 26] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 22 August Amsterdam ----------------------------------------------------------------- EBONE ----- ECCO (Ebone Consortium of Contributing Organisations) 23 September Copenhagen EEMA ---- Moscow Conference 26-27 September Moscow Regional Conference 29 November - 1 December Malta EWOS ---- TA34, 17-18 September Brussels TA35, 3-4 December " TA36, 25-26 February 1997 " TA37, 13-14 May 1997 " TA38, 16-17 September 1997 " TA39, 2-3 December 1997 " SC - 24 September " SC - 17 December " Workshops 35: 21-25 October Brussels 36: 20-24 January 1997 " 37: 7-11 April 1997 " 38: 16-20 June 1997 " 39: 27-31 October 1997 " ETSI ---- Seminar/Workshop 1-3 October Nice, France GA24 10-11 December Nice, France TA25 23-25 October " IETF IMR Editor [Page 27] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 ---- 9-13 December San Jose, CA 7-11 April 1997 Memphis, Tenn. 11-15 August 1997 Munich, Germany RIPE-NCC Contributor's Committee -------------------------------- Annual Meeting 11 September Amsterdam RIPE ---- RIPE23 23-25 September Amsterdam +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TERENA CONFERENCES ------------------ Call for Papers JENC8 - 8th Joint European Networking Conference ------------------------------------------------ "Diversity and Integration: The New European Networking Landscape" 12-15 May 1997 Edinburgh, Scotland This conference will be the European Forum to get up-to-date information, to debate and assess the new deregulated tele- communication environment in Europe, new leading-edge applications, and the network/internetwork support infrastructure which is currently being developed Subject Areas: * Emerging Network Technologies and Network Engineering * User Support, Training and Education * Security and Management Issues * Information Systems and Distributed Applications * Economic and Political Issues --Deadline for paper submission 10 November 1996-- IMR Editor [Page 28] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 For all information please contact the JENC8 Secretariat at: TERENA Secretariat Singel 466-468 1017 AW Amsterdam, The Netherlands tel: +31 20 6391131 fax: +31 20 6393289 email: <jenc8-sec@terena.nl> http://www.terena.nl/jenc8 or JENC8 Local Organization c/o Concorde Services Ltd Unit 5, SECC Glasgow, G3 8YW, Scotland email: <jenc8@ed.ac.uk> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The NSC'96 (Network Services Conference 1996) scheduled for 22 - 24 October has been CANCELLED until further notice +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OTHER CONFERENCES ----------------- TINA'96: ------- The Convergence of Telecommunications and Distributed Computing Technologies 3-5 September The Stadthall, Heidelberg, Germany The emphasis of the conference will be on experimental results and experience with real systems, although theoretical contributions of clear practical importance will also be considered. Deadline paper submission 1 March 1996 to <TINA96@eurescom.de> BAR-IT'96 (Barents Region) 2nd International Conference on Information Technology ------------------------------------------------------ 16-18 September IMR Editor [Page 29] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 Apatity (Murmansk Region) Russia The conference will focus on the development and efficient application of information and communication technology in the Barents Region. See WWW page: http://www.sn.no/~gunnark/barit96 International Congress and Technical Exhibition "Water: Ecology and Technology" ----------------------------------------------- 17-21 September Moscow, Russia Organized by: Russian Federal Committee for Water Management, Russian Federal Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection, Municipal Enterprise "Mosvodokanal", State Enterprise "Vodokanal St. Petersburg",Stock Company "SIBICO International". For all further information, contact: <postmaster@sibico.MSK.RU> telephone/telefax: +7 095 207 63 60 2nd International Conference on Satellite Communications (ISCS'96) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 23-27 September Moscow, Russia The conference will explore the theme "Satellites for Global Communications" with representives from government, international organizations, industry, research institutes and universities - for discussions on recent advances and future trends of development and applications of satellite communications. For further information please email: <enir@icsti.su> or tel: +7 095 198 7691 fax: +7 095 943 0089 MoMuC-3 3rd International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications -------------------------------------------------------------- 25-27 September Hyatt Regency Hotel, Princetown, New Jersey, USA Aimed at stimulating technical exchange in the emerging and strategically important field of mobile multimedia communications. For information contact email <MoMuC3@ccrl.nj.nec.com The Future of Biotechnologies in Europe --------------------------------------- From Research and Development to Industrial Competitiveness IMR Editor [Page 30] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 26-27 September Palais des Congres, Brussels, Belgium Organized by Club de Bruxelles with the support of the European Commission (DGXII) and the cooperation of EISG (Europe Information Service Group). This conference will provide useful information on the present and future of biotechnology in view of the drafting of the Fifth Framework Programme. For information and registration contact: tel: +32 2 743 1520 fax: +32 2 733 5050 Performance '96 --------------- International Conference on Performance Theory, Measurement and Evaluation of Computer and Communications Systems Organized by IFIPWG7.3 7-11 October Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland Deadline paper submission 15 March 1996 Further information on WWW Page: http://lrcwww.epfl.ch/perf96/ PROMS'96 Third International Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------- 15-18 October Madrid, Spain This workshop is intended to contribute to scientific, strategical and practical cooperation between research institutes and industrial companies in the area of distributed multimedia applications, protocols, and intelligent management tools, with emphasis on their usage on broadband networks. Papers to be submitted by 7 June. For information contact Arturo Azcorra at <aazcorra@dit.upm.es> 6th CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Conference 1996 -------------------------------- 5-6 November Sheraton Brussels Hotel, Brussels, Belgium Theme of this conference is "Standards on Trial: Case Studies in European Standardization" Deadline for abstracts is 13 Sept. For further information: c/o CENELAC, Tel: +32 2 519 6871 Fax: +32 2 519 6919 IDATE96 IMR Editor [Page 31] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 18th International Conference of IDATE -------------------------------------- 6-8 November Montpellier, France An opportunity for professional contacts with major industrial group leaders, users and clients, researchers and academics, administrators and politians. Full details of the conference available on the Web: http://www.idate.fr CEN/TC304 - Character Set Technology Workshop --------------------------------------------- 11-12 November Bled, Slovenia Providing multilingual support in middleware: Implementing the Universal Character Set ISO 10646 in the European Information Society For information look up URL: http://www.e5.ijs.si/i18n/ws-bled.html IEEE Global Internet 1996 ------------------------- 20-21 November Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London This mini-conference will provide an open forum for the communications and computer networking communities to review the state-of-the-art technologies and applications of the evolving Global Internet. Deadline paper submissions 15 May to: http://gaia.cs.umass.edu:80/tccc/internet96/ or email Jon Crowcroft <jon@cs.ucl.ac.uk> EITC'96 - European IT Conference -------------------------------- 25-27 November Congress Centre, Brussels, Belgium "Doing Business in the Information Society" Electronic commerce, provides the focus for sessions on IT applications, enabling technologies and international initiatives. For further information contact European Commission, DGIII or look up WWW: http://www.cordis.lu/esprit/src/eitc96.htm ASIAN'96 - Asian Computing Science Conference --------------------------------------------- 2-5 December Singapore Themes of this conference is: IMR Editor [Page 32] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 - Programming (sematics, languages, systems, ...) - Concurrency & Parallelism (algorithms, formalisms, systems ...) - Networking & Security (algorithms, protocols, formalisms, ...) Additional information available from: http://www.escs.nus.sg/~asian96 Multimedia Computing and Networking 1997 ---------------------------------------- 10-12 February 1997 San Jose, CA, USA The object of this conference is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners working in all facets of multimedia computing and networking. Paper submission by 16 July 1996. For further information email <mmcn@cs.utexas.edu> IEEE INFOCOM '97 16th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer & Communications Societies --------------------------------------------------- 7-11 April 1997 Kobe, Japan Paper submissions by 14 June 1997. For further information contact http://www.ics.uci.edu/~infocom/ http:// arpeggio.ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/infocom.html ISADS 97 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems --------------------------------------------------------------- 9-11 April 1997 Berlin, Germany Supported by Hitachi, DeTeBerkom, NEC, Digital, GMD-FOCUS, Hewlett Packard, IBM. The focus will be on advancements and innovations in ADS platforms and applications. Integration of telecommunication and computing aspects into a uniform concept for providing an open distributed processing environment. For information see WWW: http://www.fokus.gmd.de/ws/isads97/ EEMA'97 10th Annual Conference of European Electronic Messaging Association ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMR Editor [Page 33] Internet Monthly Report April 1996 16-19 June 1997 Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands Issues of the conference will be: Global Security; Corporate Directories; Messaging Products & Services; Electronic Commerce; Global Messaging Enterprise; European Initiatives; Mobile Messaging Technology; Messaging Technology & Management Strategy; Intranet; World Wide Web & Infobots. For information contact WWW: http://www.eema.org/ INET'97 ------- 24-27 June 1997 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Further information will be available soon. ==================================================== This meeting list is also available on our WWW page: http://www.terena.nl/news/ ==================================================== IMR Editor [Page 34]