August 1996


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.
These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR@ISI.EDU".


The Internet Monthly Report mailing list is now managed by MajorDomo at
ISI.EDU.  The announcements of new issues on the Internet Monthly Report
are sent to the IETF-Announce list and to this IMR list.

Requests to be ADDED or DELETED from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "" with the message body either
"subscribe imr" or "unsubscribe imr".

Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL
may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with
the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs".  For example:

        To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
        Subject: getting imrs

        help: ways_to_get_imrs

or  URL:

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 1]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996



     IAB MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3

  Internet Projects

     INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
       Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 13
       Directory Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 14
       US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15
     MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
     UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20

  CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21
    TERENA List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 2]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996


     The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp
     access on host, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB
     World-Wide Web page with URL

     Brian Carpenter IAB Chair


              IETF Monthly Report for August, 1996

     1. The IETF met in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from June 24-28, 1996.
     It was another record setter as over 1200 attendees registered.
     Much of this was probably due to the IETF meeting along side INET

     The IETF returns to San Jose, California on December 9-13, 1996.
     Our local host will be cisco Systems. The Secretariat will open for
     registrations the first part of October. The IETF opens 1997
     Memphis, Tennessee where Federal Express will be the host.  This
     meeting will be held April 7-11, 1997. Following Memphis, the IETF
     is we returning to Europe and will met in Munich, Germany August
     11-15, 1997, hosted by Digi/ISOC.DE. The Secretariat is still
     working on the final meeting of 1997.

     Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be
     sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information on
     future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file 0mtg-
     sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories.  This
     information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on the Web.
     The URL is:


     2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly
     available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files
     are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory.

     The following IESG minutes have been added:

           July 25, 1996 (iesg.96-07-25)
           August 8, 1996 (iesg.96-08-08)

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 3]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     3. The IESG approved or recommended the following 26 Protocol
        Actions during the month of August, 1996:

        o  UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646 be
           published as an Informational RFC.

        o  Observations on the use of Components of the Class A Address
           Space within the Internet be published as an Informational

        o  The PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol (IPXCP)
           be published as a Draft Standard.

        o  Domain Name System Security Extensions be published as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 be published as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  A Proposed Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication
           be published as a Proposed Standard.

        o  INTERNET MESSAGE ACCESS PROTOCOL - VERSION 4rev1 be published
           as a Proposed Standard.

        o  IMAP4 COMPATIBILITY WITH IMAP2BIS be published as an
           Informational RFC.

           published as an Informational RFC.

        o  IMAP4 COMPATIBILITY WITH IMAP2BIS be published as an
           Informational RFC. oThe PPP SNA Control Protocol (SNACP) be
           published as a Proposed Standard.

        o  Source directed access control on the Internet be published
           as an Informational RFC.

        o  Local Mail Transfer Protocol be published as an Informational

        o  TELNET CHARSET Option be published as an Experimental

        o  IP over HIPPI be published as a Draft Standard.

        o  Traffic Flow Measurement: Architecture be published as an
           Experimental Protocol.

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 4]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

        o  Traffic Flow Measurement: Meter MIB be published as an
           Experimental Protocol.

        o  Service Location Protocol be published as a Proposed

        o  Entity MIB be published as a Proposed Standard.

        o  SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes be
           published as a Proposed Standard.

        o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format
           of Internet Message Bodies be published as a Draft Standard.

        o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media
           Types be published as a Draft Standard.

        o  MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three:
           Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text be published as
           a Draft Standard.

        o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Four:
           Registration Procedures be published as a Best Current
           Practices RFC.

        o  Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Five:
           Conformance Criteria and Examples be published as a Draft

        o  Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) be
           published as a Proposed Standard.

        o  RADIUS Accounting be published as an Informational RFC.

     4. The IESG issued six Last Calls to the IETF during the month of
     August, 1996:

        o  HTTP State Management Mechanism
           <draft-ietf-http-state-mgmt-03> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  IMAP4 QUOTA extension <draft-myers-imap-quota-01> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  IMAP4 non-synchroniziong literals
           <draft-myers-imap-literal-01> for consideration as a Proposed

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

        o  IMAP4 ACL extension <draft-myers-imap-acl-03> for
           consideration as a Proposed Standard.

        o  HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay Prevention
           <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-hmac-md5-01> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

        o  HMAC-SHA IP Authentication with Replay Prevention
           <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-hmac-sha-01> for consideration as a
           Proposed Standard.

     5. One new Working Group was formed this period.

           MBONE Deployment (mboned)

      and one Working Group was concluded:

         Internet User Glossary (userglos)

     6. A total of 117 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the
     month of August, 1996:

                 (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) )

      (rsvp)     o  Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1
                    Functional Specification
                    <draft-ietf-rsvp-spec-13.txt, .ps>
      (dnssec)   o  Domain Name System Security Extensions
      (none)     o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the Fabric
                    Element in Fibre Channel Standard
      (oncrpc)   o  Authentication Mechanisms for ONC RPC
      (none)     o  Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP) Architecture
      (none)     o  Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP) Specification
      (cat)      o  Generic Security Service Application Program
                    Interface, Version 2 <draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-08.txt>
      (wts)      o  The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
      (idr)      o  A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)
      (dhc)      o  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6
                    (DHCPv6) <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-07.txt>
      (cat)      o  Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

      (intserv)  o  Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service
      (rip)      o  RIPng for IPv6 <draft-ietf-rip-ripng-04.txt>
      (ion)      +  IP Broadcast over ATM Networks.
      (entmib)   o  Entity MIB <draft-ietf-entmib-entmib-07.txt>
      (isdnmib)  o  ISDN Management Information Base
      (uri)      +  The Handle System
      (none)     o  TELNET CHARSET Option
                    <draft-gellens-telnet-char-option-04.txt, .ps>
      (mixer)    o  Mapping between X.400 and RFC-822/MIME Message
                    Bodies <draft-ietf-mixer-bodymap-06.txt>
      (none)     o  Application Level Internet Payment Syntax
      (html)     o  Internationalization of the Hypertext Markup
                    Language <draft-ietf-html-i18n-05.txt>
      (ipsec)    o  Simple Key-Management For Internet Protocols (SKIP)
      (madman)   o  Mail Monitoring MIB
      (madman)   o  Network Services Monitoring MIB
      (mixer)    o  A MIME body part for FAX
      (mixer)    o  A MIME body part for ODA
      (http)     o  Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
                    <draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-07.txt, .ps>
      (http)     +  HTTP/1.2 EXTENSION PROTOCOL (PEP)
      (intserv)  o  Specification of the Controlled-Load Network Element
                    Service <draft-ietf-intserv-ctrl-load-svc-03.txt>
      (hubmib)   o  Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium
                    Attachment Units (MAUs)
      (none)     +  PEM Compression Encryption Module
      (ipsec)    o  Encoding of an Unsigned Diffie-Hellman Public Value
      (ipsec)    o  X.509 Encoding of Diffie-Hellman Public Values
      (ipsec)    o  SKIP Algorithm Discovery Protocol

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

      (ipsec)    o  SKIP Extensions for IP Multicast
      (mixer)    o  Carrying PostScript in X.400 and MIME
      (none)     o  Extending NAT <draft-rfced-info-hurn-01.txt>
      (wts)      o  Security Extensions For HTML
      (dhc)      o  Extensions for DHCPv6 <draft-ietf-dhc-v6exts-02.txt>
      (dnsind)   o  Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers
      (ipsec)    o  SKIP extension for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS)
      (dnssec)   o  Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update
      (dnssec)   o  Detached Domain Name System Information
      (none)     o  VEMMI URL Specification
      (http)     o  Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
      (atommib)  o  Managed Objects for Controlling the Collection and
                    Storage of Accounting Information for
                    Connection-Oriented Networks
      (asid)     o  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: Standard and
                    Pilot Attribute Definitions
      (fddimib)  o  FDDI Management Information Base
      (asid)     o  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)
      (none)     o  Tools in the War on Mail Loops
      (none)     o  Public Information Retrieval Protocol (PIRP)
      (none)     o  Notice-Requested-Upon-Delivery-To (NRUDT)
      (none)     o  The qmail-send Bounce Message Format (QSBMF)
      (none)     o  Easily Parsed LIST Format (EPLF)
      (none)     o  Netstrings <draft-bernstein-netstrings-01.txt>
      (none)     o  The Hash Convention For Mail System Status Codes
                    (HCMSSC) <draft-bernstein-hcmssc-01.txt>
      (atommib)  o  Definitions of Managed Objects for ATM Management

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

      (atommib)  o  Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH
                    Interface Type <draft-ietf-atommib-sonetng-01.txt>
      (pier)     o  Router Renumbering Guide <draft-ietf-pier-rr-02.txt>
      (none)     o  Source directed access control on the Internet.
      (mhtml)    o  MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents,
                    such as HTML (MHTML) <draft-ietf-mhtml-spec-03.txt>
      (ipsec)    o  HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay Prevention
      (ipsec)    o  HMAC-SHA IP Authentication with Replay Prevention
      (mhtml)    o  Sending HTML in E-mail, an informational supplement
                    to RFC ???: MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate
                    HTML Documents (MHTML)
      (none)     o  New Registries and the Delegation of International
                    Top Level Domains
      (rtfm)     o  Traffic Flow Measurement: Experiences with NeTraMet
      (ids)      o  Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services
      (ids)      o  Finding Stuff (Providing information to support
                    service discovery) <draft-ietf-ids-discovery-01.txt>
      (pier)     o  Network Renumbering Overview: Why would I want it
                    and what is it anyway?
      (none)     o  SMTP Extension for Message Submission/Relay
      (oncrpc)   o  Binding Protocols for ONC RPC Version 2
      (oncrpc)   o  RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification
                    Version 2 <draft-ietf-oncrpc-remote-02.txt>
      (none)     o  The Public Key Login Protocol
                    <draft-kemp-auth-pklogin-01.txt, .ps>
      (none)     o  User-Agent Display Attributes
      (none)     o  IPv6 Router Alert Option
      (none)     o  Resolution of Uniform Resource Identifiers using the
                    Domain Name System <draft-daniel-naptr-01.txt>
      (none)     o  Redundant MARS architectures and SCSP
      (ion)      o  Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay
      (none)     o  Reducing the ISDN costs of Network Applications that
                    use TCP/IP. <draft-waters-reduce-isdn-costs-01.txt>

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Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

      (mboned)   +  Multicast pruning a necessity
      (none)     +  S/Ident: Security Extensions for the Ident Protocol
      (asid)     +  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8
                    String Representation of Distinguished Names
      (asid)     +  An Approach for Using Domains in LDAP Distinguished
                    Names <draft-ietf-asid-ldap-domains-00.txt>
      (ediint)   +  Requirements for Inter-operable Internet EDI
      (rip)      +  RIPng Protocol Applicability Statement
      (none)     +  Virtual Tunneling Protocol (VTP)
      (atommib)  +  Accounting Information for ATM Networks
      (fddimib)  +  FDDI Management Information Base in the SNMPv2 SMI
      (none)     +  Interworking Between CDPD and Mobile IP Networks
      (none)     o  TCP and UDP over IPv6 Jumbograms
      (none)     +  Dedicated Token Ring Concentrator MIB
      (none)     +  RTP Payload Format for Bundled MPEG
      (none)     +  Quick Mail Transfer Protocol (QMTP)
      (none)     +  The Owner Hack <draft-bernstein-owner-hack-00.txt>
      (none)     o  Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
                    Levels <draft-bradner-key-words-02.txt>
      (intserv)  +  The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated Services
      (mhtml)    +  Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators
      (none)     +  IP Cluster <draft-chu-ip-cluster-00.txt>
      (stdguide) +  Guide for Internet Standards Writers
      (none)     +  Political Disclosure Transmission Protocol
                    (DISCLOSE) <draft-rfced-info-dixon-00.txt>
      (bmwg)     +  Benchmarking Terminology for Local Area Switching
                    Devices <draft-ietf-bmwg-lanswitch-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Sink-Assisted Routing Protocol (SARP) For General
                    IP Multicasting <draft-yong-sarp-00.txt>
                    Examples of UPP Over PEP (as used in JEPI)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 10]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

      (none)     o  "irc: URL scheme" <draft-mirashi-url-irc-01.txt>
      (none)     +  New Registries assignment, new iTLD formats and
                    implementation of International Top Level Domains
      (none)     +  Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 for
                    IPv4, IPv6 and OSI <draft-rfced-info-mills-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Proposed Mechanism for Self-Labeling of Content
      (dhc)      +  DHCP Options for Service Location Protocol
      (none)     +  Creation of and Registration in the ".NUM" Top Level
                    Domain <draft-rfced-info-schultz-00.txt>
      (none)     +  Application/Directory Profile for LDAP and X.500
                    Knowledge <draft-wahl-know-mime-00.txt>
      (none)     +  WebNFS Server Specification
      (none)     +  The PORT Resource Record
      (none)     +  Mobile Network Tracing
      (none)     +  Ruby in the Hypertext Markup Language
      (none)     +  WebNFS Client Specification

     7. There were 30 RFCs published during the month of August, 1996:

        RFC     St   WG        Title
        ------- --  --------   -------------------------------------
        RFC1888 E   (ipngwg)   OSI NSAPs and IPv6
        RFC1963 I   (pppext)   PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (SDTP)
        RFC1967 I   (pppext)   PPP LZS-DCP Compression Protocol
        RFC1970 PS  (ipngwg)   Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6
        RFC1971 PS  (addrconf) IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
        RFC1972 PS  (ipngwg)   A Method for the Transmission of IPv6
                               Packets over Ethernet Networks
        RFC1974 I   (pppext)   PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol
        RFC1975 I   (pppext)   PPP Magnalink Variable Resource
        RFC1976 I   (pppext)   PPP for Data Compression in Data
                               Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE)
        RFC1977 I   (pppext)   PPP BSD Compression Protocol
        RFC1978 I   (pppext)   PPP Predictor Compression Protocol
        RFC1979 I   (pppext)   PPP Deflate Protocol
        RFC1980 I   (none)     A Proposed Extension to HTML: Client-Side
                               Image Maps

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 11]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

        RFC1981 PS  (ipngwg)   Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6
        RFC1983 I   (userglos) Internet Users' Glossary
        RFC1984 I   (none)     IAB and IESG Statement on Cryptographic
                               Technology and the Internet
        RFC1985 PS  (none)     SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message
                               Queue Starting
        RFC1986 E   (none)     Experiments with a Simple File Transfer
                               Protocol for Radio Links using Enhanced
                               Trivial File Transfer Protocol (ETFTP)
        RFC1987 I   (none)     Ipsilon's General Switch Management
                               Protocol Specification Version 1.1
        RFC1988 I   (none)     Conditional Grant of Rights to Specific
                               Hewlett-Packard Patents In Conjunction
                               With the Internet Engineering Task
                               Force's Internet-Standard Network
                               Management Framework
        RFC1989 DS  (pppext)   PPP Link Quality Monitoring
        RFC1990 DS  (pppext)   The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)
        RFC1991 I   (none)     PGP Message Exchange Formats
        RFC1992 I   (nimrod)   The Nimrod Routing Architecture
        RFC1993 I   (pppext)   PPP Gandalf FZA Compression Protocol
        RFC1994 DS  (pppext)   PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication
                               Protocol (CHAP)
        RFC1995 PS  (dnsind)   Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS
        RFC1996 PS  (dnsind)   A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of
                               Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY)
        RFC1997 PS  (idr)      BGP Communities Attribute
        RFC1998 I   (idr)      An Application of the BGP Community
                               Attribute in Multi-home Routing

     St(atus):  ( S) Internet Standard
                (PS) Proposed Standard
                (DS) Draft Standard
                ( B) Best Current Practice
                ( E) Experimental
                ( I) Informational

     Steve Coya <>

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 12]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996




     The following report covers the months of July, August, and

     I.  Significant Events

     * HostReg and CReg templates are now being processed automatically;
     previously they had to be processed manually; now about 50% are
     being processed automatically.

     * The auto-registration software now sorts requests into six
     groups:  (1) COM, (2) ORG, (3) NET, (4) GOV, (5) EDU and (6) TLD;
     this eliminates a manual step in the process and allows the ability
     to put an increased priority on GOV, EDU and TLD requests.

     * Plans to initiate a night shift are under development to assist
     in reducing the manual processing backlog.

     * Informal training was provided for Billing CSRs regarding how to
     register as a contact.

     * Selection and training of a second shift for processing support
     was completed; a full day training class was held on Saturday,
     September 10th; final staffing arrangements were completed for a
     night shift with a start date of September 30th.

     * A "SWAT Team" of existing staff was used to reduce the backlog.

     * Fax processing has become an overwhelming problem, requiring over
     four full-time equivalent employees.

     * Duane Stone and Carley Johnson represented the InterNIC DomReg
     Section at Network World Interop.

     * Testing of a share-ware Fax Server solution is going very well;
     it would make faxes available as e-mail; the fax viewer works very
     well on Sparc 5s and also supports sending faxes out; the MTS and
     Ack/Nak interfaces still need to be completed.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 13]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     * DomReg software enhancements have reduced the number of requests
     that need to be processed manually from about 1,000 to 700 (30%

     * A method for gathering performance measurements was finalized and

     II. Current Status

     August:   Email: 221,961
             Postal/Fax: 2,475
             Phone: 33,497

             Gopher connections: 9,684             retrievals: 27,815
             WAIS connections: 48,124              retrievals: 29,125
             FTP connections: 66,003               retrievals: 132,917
             Mailserv: 1,338
             Telnet: 103,564
             Http: 3,742,911

     Whois client: 1,245,005
     Whois server: 7,275,885

     Rich Landers <>


     InterNIC Directory and Database Services is now the "official"
     source for the Netfind seed database and the Netfind source code.
     The seed database is updated monthly and is available at:


     The Netfind source code is available at:


     The latest version is 5.0.1.

     The netfind code comes with version 1.60 beta5 of MIT's pthreads
     for building pthread support if pthreads are not native. GNU make
     and gcc (both available from the GNU software FTP archive) are
     necessary to build MIT's pthreads.

     Netfind 5.0.1 is not currently backward compatible with SunOS 4.*
     and lightweight process threads (LWP). For those still wishing to

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 14]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     provide netfind servers on SunOS platforms, v4.7 of the netfind
     code has been modified to use the new seed database.  The modified
     version 4.7 is also available from the above web page.

     A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find
     a resource that you offer, send mail to and
     we will send information about listing your resource in the
     Directory of Directories.  If you prefer, you can enter information
     about your resource in our WWW suggestion form.  The form can be
     reached through our Directory of Directories Web page at:


     by Rick Huber <>


     The US Domain now has an online line registration form.

     Some of the processing of the requests to the third level domain
     name is now automated. In particular, most requests to register
     names in localities already delegated are automatically forwarded
     to the administrator for that locality.

     The US Domain administrator no longer makes direct registrations of
     hosts, and only makes delegations of third or fourth level domain
     names (such as localities).

     A new policy has been added to the criteria for delegating domain
     names under the US Domain:

         It is the intention that the delegation of third level (for
         example, locality) domain names be wide spread to many
         registries.  It is undesirable for one person or organization
         to manage a large part of the third level names in any
         particular geographic or logical area.

         No individual or organization shall have more than 500
         delegations total in the US Domain as a whole, or more than 50
         delegation in any particuilar second level (for example, a

     About the special domains under the state codes.

         The K12, CC, TEC, LIB, STATE, DST, COG and GEN domain under
         each state are established for special purposes (see RFC 1480).

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 15]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

         In addition to the constaint to use them only for the defined
         purpose, each of these special domains is also to delegated
         only to a manager within the state, and the operation of the
         delegated registry should be non-profit.

         The LIB domain should be managed by a govermental or
         educational library organization.

         Further, it is most appropriate for the K12, CC, and TEC,
         domains to be managed by an educational organization (for
         example, a university or a department of education).

         The STATE domain is most appropriately managed by an agency of
         the state government.  DST and COG should be managed by a
         goverment agency.

         The GEN domain may be delegated to any organization that will
         provide the registration service for free (and remember the
         purpose of the GEN domain is to register statewide non-profit

     To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and
     subdomains not administered by the US Domain Registrar, get the
     file "us-domain-delegated.txt".


     For further information about the US Domain, send a message to:
     US-DOMAIN@ISI.EDU, or see our WEB page:



     EMAIL/FAX             2975
     PHONE                  525
     Total Contacts        3500

     DELEGATIONS            122
     Total                 3500

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or
     to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application
     requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions
     about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name
     servers, and whois listings.

     In addition, and not listed below, another 315 localities have been
     delegated in Arizona, Arkansas,  California, Colorado, Connecticut,
     Massachusetts, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Michigan , Mississippi,
     North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Vermont, this

                        MAJOR SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED

     K12     CC      TEC     STATE   LIB     MUS     GEN     DST     COG
     51      35      33      47      38      23      23      9       4



     CAPE-FEAR.NC.US                 PARK-RIDGE.IL.US
     PENDLETON.OR.US                 PURGATORY.CO.US
     STOW.OH.US                      KEWAUNEE.WI.US
     OAK-LAWN.IL.US                  COLORADO-CITY.AZ.US
     PICAYUNE.MS.US                  CLARK.KY.US
     PICO-RIVERA.CA.US               DOWNEY.CA.US
     STAFFORD.VA.US                  NOVATO.CA.US
     GOLDEN.CO.US                    PAWHUSKA.OK.US
     URBANA.IL.US                    ELIZEBETH-CITY.NC.US
     HAZEN.AR.US                     DES-ARC.AR.US
     CARLISLE.AR.US                  BEEBE.AR.US
     NEW-BERN.NC.US                  LINDSAY.CA.US

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     OFALLON.MO.US                   ELDON.MO.US
     BEAVER-DAM.WI.US                BOSTON.MA.US


     CI.MERRILL.WI.US                CO.LINCOLN.WI.US
     CI.MUSKEGO.WI.US                CO.WAYNE.MI.US
     CO.WAYNE.NY.US                  CI.MCMINNVILLE.OR.US
     CI.SHOW-LOW.AZ.US               CO.JACKSON.OR.US
     CI.ST-JOSEPH.MO.US              CO.EATON.MI.US
     CI.TAUNTON.MA.US                CI.MARION.IN.US
     WFRPC.DST.FL.US                 43RD.CI.CHICAGO.IL.US
     WWCC.CC.WY.US                   NOCK.WASHINGTON.DC.US
     CRRL.LIB.VA.US                  ACID.WATERLOO.IL.US

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 18]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     MARC.NW.DC.US                   WMR-SCCA.GEN.MI.US



     Shanthi Ranganathan (US-Domain@ISI.EDU)



     This report summarizes August 1996 activities of Merit's Internet
     Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) service and
     other projects.

     An incremental update client has recently been implemented for the
     Routing Arbiter Database by Jerry Winters of the RADB staff.  The
     new client polls the RIPE registry's mirroring site every 30
     minutes for database updates; previously, updates were only
     provided once each day.  The technology thus significantly improves
     the timeliness of the Internet Routing Registry (IRR) data provided
     by RAWhoisd, the whois server.  Winters has been
     testing a server that will allow Merit to support its own database
     mirroring site, much like RIPE's.  This would mean that other IRR
     organizations, such as MCI, CA*net, and RIPE, could update their
     database copies with new RADB data as frequently as every five
     minutes, rather than every 24 hours.  The Merit mirroring site
     would also support a hot backup system for the production RADB
     database system.

     As part of Merit's ongoing research on routing technologies and
     protocols, IPv6 routing support has been added to the Multi-
     Threaded Routing Toolkit (MRT).  The development work is being
     carried out by Masaki Hirabaru, an Associate Professor of
     Information Science at Japan's Nara Institute of Science and
     Technology, who is working at Merit for part of the 1996 academic
     year.  Hirabaru is developing a wide-area IPv6 testing environment
     for MRT using the 6bone, a virtual network that links sites in
     North America, Europe, and Japan.  The 6bone is layered on top of
     portions of the physical, IPv4-based Internet to support routing of
     IPv6 packets, as that function has not yet been integrated into

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 19]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

     many production routers.  The 6bone comprises islands of IPv6 hosts
     connected by virtual point-to-point links, called tunnels.  The
     tunnel endpoints are typically workstation-class machines with
     operating system support for IPv6.  Support for RIPng and the IPv6
     policy language has also been implemented in MRT, including
     implementation of IPv6 access-lists and router descriptions.  In
     addition, Hirabaru and MRT developer Craig Labovitz have been
     working with IPv6 operating system development groups to fix
     several bugs in the IPv6 kernel software.

     Susan R. Harris (


     Mark Handley and Jon Crowcroft attended SIGCOMM 96 and ran a
     tworkshop day on future multicast research problems (see for further

     John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 20]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996


Last update 07/9/96

The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat
as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are
requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this
calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to:


Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information
for the events listed below.

FYI - The EMail World & Internet World originally scheduled for
      Sept. 10-12, 1996 has been moved to Oct. 15-17, 1996.
      Boston, MA.

A copy of this calendar is available as follows:

- -------
IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites.

        US East Coast Address: (
        US West Coast Address: (
        Europe Address: (
        Pacific Rim Address: (
        Africa Address: (

cd ietf
ls *0mtg*

- -------
Available on the Gopher Server running on IETF.CNRI.RESTON.VA.US
( under "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) / IETF
Meetings / Scheduling Calendar".

- -------
<> Click on the link
for "meetings" and you should find an entry "listing of other Internet
related events".


IMR Editor                                                     [Page 21]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

- -----------
Oct. 1-3          Email World & Internet Expo     Toronto, Ontario, CA
Oct. 2-4          Object World Tokyo              Tokyo, Japan
Oct. 6-9          Asia Pacific Distributed
                      Solutions Event             Queensland, Australia
Oct. 7-11         ANSI X3T11                      St. Petersburg Bch, FL
Oct. 7-11         ATM Forum                       Montreux, Switzerland
Oct. 7-11         NetWorld+Interop                Paris, France
Oct. 7-11         Performance 96 Conference       Lausanne, Switzerland
Oct. 9-11         Object World Frankfurt          Frankfurt, Germany
Oct. 13-16        IEEE Local Computer Ntwrks (LCN) Minneapolis, MN
Oct. 14-17        MEDNET '96  European Congress
                   of the Internet in Medicine    Brighton, UK
Oct. 15           Commercenet                     New Orleans, LA
Oct. 15-17        EMail World & Internet Expo     Boston, MA
Oct. 15-18        3rd Int'l on Protocols for
                     Multimedia Systems           Madrid, Spain
Oct. 16-18        Internet World Monterrey '96    Monterrey, Mexico
Oct. 16-19        5th Int'l Conference on
                   Computer Communications & Ntwrks  Rockville, MD
Oct. 17-20        IEEE Symposium on Planning & Design
                    of Broadband Networks         Quebec, Canada
Oct. 21-25        ICECCS'96  (held jointly with
                     6th CSESAW, 4th IEEE RTAW)   Montreal, Canada
Oct. 28-31        2nd USENIX                      Seattle, WA
Oct. 28-Nov. 1    NetWorld+Interop                London, England
Oct. 29-31        Internet Professional '96       Paris, France
Oct. 29-Nov. 1    ICNP-96  Int'l Conf. on
                  Network Protocols               Columbus, Ohio
Oct. 29-Nov. 1    2nd USENIX Symp. Operating Sys.
                   Design & Implement. (OSIDI II) Seattle, WA
Nov. 1996         OMG TC  (Groupe Bull)           Nice, France
Nov. 4-7          APPN Implementers Workshop      Raleigh, NC
Nov. 4-8          ANSI X3T10 '96 Western Digital  Palm Springs, CA
Nov. 6-8          Web Developer Mexico '96        Mexico Ciy, Mexico
Nov. 10-12        2nd annual of ACM's MobiCom '96 Rye, New York
Nov. 11-15        IEEE 802 '96 Hotel Vancouver    Vancouver, BC Canada
Nov. 12-15        3rd Int'l Conf.
                     on Multimedia Modeling       Toulouse, France
Nov. 13           Commercenet                     Santa Clara, CA
Nov. 18-20        2nd USENIX Workshop on
                     Electronic Commerce          Oakland, CA
Nov. 18-22        ACM Multimedia '96              Boston, MA
Nov. 18-22        IEEE Globecom 96                London, England
Nov. 18-22        Supercomputing '96 (Firm)       Pittsburgh, PA
Nov. 20-21        IEEE Global Internet '96        London, UK
Nov. 25-29        NetWorld+Interop                Sydney, Australia

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

Dec. 2-4          Web World                       San Diego, CA
Dec. 2-6          ANSI X3T11                      Rochester, MN
Dec. 2-6          ATM Forum                       Vancover, BC
Dec. 4-6          Vir. Reality & VRML World '96   Boston, MA
Dec. 9-12         Internet World '96              Baltimore, MD
Dec. 9-13         37th IETF                       San Jose, CA
Dec. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Dec. 10-13        Fall Internet World '96         New York, NY
Dec. 12           Internet Security for System
                   & Network Administrators       Pittsburgh, PA
Dec. 13           Commercenet                     Albuquerque, NM

- -----------
Jan. 6-10         ANSI X3T10 '97
Jan. 6-10         USENIX '97
                    Annual Technical Conf.        Anaheim, CA
Jan. 6-10         USELINUX: Linux Appl. Dev.      Anaheim, CA
Jan. 7-10         13th Annual Hawaii Int'l Conf
                    on Systems Sciences           Maui, Hawaii
Jan. 7-10         Internet World Canada '97       Toronto, Canada
Jan. 21-23        Internet World Shanghai-China   Shanghai, China
Jan. 21-25        Internet World Singapore Intl   Singapore
Jan. 28-30        IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting     Orlando, FL
Feb. 3-7          ANSI X3T11                      TBA
Feb. 10-11        ISOC Symposium on Network and
                   Distributed System Security    San Diego, CA
Feb. 17-19        Internet Expo & EMail World     San Jose, CA
Mar. 1-5          ACM '97: The Next 50 yrs. of Computing
                                                  San Jose, CA
Mar. 10-13        UniForum                        San Francisco, CA
Mar. 10-14        OIW (Firm)
Mar. 10-14        IEEE 802 '97 Irvine?/Albuguerque
Mar. 11-14        Spring Internet World '97       Los Angeles, CA
Mar. 11-15        ANSI X3T10 '97
Mar. 17-19        1st Euromicro Working Conf. on
                   Software Maintenance & Reengineering
                                                  Berlin, Germany
Mar. 19-21        Internet World Asia '97    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Apr. 7-11         38th IETF                       Memphis, TN
Apr. 7-11         ANSI X3T11                      TBA
Apr. 7-11         IEEE Infocom '97                Kobe, Japan
Apr. 9-11         ISADS 97 - 3rd Intl Symposium on
                  Autonmous Decentralized Sys.    Berlin, Germany
Apr. 22-24        Internet Expo & EMail World     Chicago, IL
May  5-9          ANSI X3T10 '97
May 12-16         IFIP/IEEE                       San Diego, CA
May 28-30         Web Developer '97               Chicago, IL

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

Jun. 3-5          Internet World Mexico '97       Mexico City, Mexico
Jun. 8-12         ICC '97                         Montreal
Jun. 9-13         OIW (Firm)
Jun. 9-13         ANSI X3T11                      TBA
Jul. 7-11         IEEE 802 '97 Hyatt Regency      Maui, Lahaina HI
Jul. 14-18        ANSI X3T10 '97
Aug. 11-15        ANSI X3T11                      TBA
Aug. 11-15 (tenative)  39th IETF                  Munich, Germany
Aug. 12-14 (tenative)  Internet Expo & EMail World      Boston, MA
Sep. 8-12         ANSI X3T10 '97
Sep. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
Sep. 8-14         TELECOM Interactive 97        Geneva, Switzerland
Sep. 14-18        ACM SIGCOMM '97  Cannes, French Riviera, France
Oct. 6-10         ANSI X3T11                      TBA
Nov.  3-7         ANSI X3T10 '97
Dec. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
                  TELECOM '97 Asia (Venue and Dates to be Determined)

- -----------
SPRING 1998       TELECOM '97 Africa              Midrand, South Africa
Aug. 23-29        15th IFIP World. Com. Conf.     Vienna, Austria and
                                                   Budapest, Hungary

- -----

Oct. 8-14         TELECOM '99                     Geneva, Switzerland

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

TERENA List of Meetings

This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the
meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact
the chair of the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have
additions/corrections/comments, please mail <>.


MEETING/DATE                    LOCATION
============                    ========

TERENA General Assembly
24-25 October                   Bled
15-16 May 1997                  Edinburgh

TERENA Executive Committee
17 December                     Amsterdam

TERENA Technical Committee
13 November                     Brussels
22 January 1997                 Amsterdam

TERENA Office Meeting
16 October                      Amsterdam

Conference Committee
8 November (provisional)        Edinburgh

Programme Committee
4 December                      Amsterdam

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

INSIGHT Training Workshop
28-29 October                   Bled

26 October                      Bled

PHARE Research Networking
25 October                      Bled


Electronic Commerce '96         Wembley, London
15-17 October

Regional Conference
29 November - 1 December        Malta

Electronic Communications       Olympia, London
10-12 December

TA35, 3-4 December              Brussels
TA36, 25-26 February 1997           "
TA37, 13-14 May 1997                "
TA38, 16-17 September 1997          "
TA39, 2-3 December 1997             "
SC - 24 September                   "
SC - 17 December                    "
35: 21-25 October               Brussels
36: 20-24 January 1997              "
37: 7-11 April 1997                 "
38: 16-20 June 1997                 "
39: 27-31 October 1997              "

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

1-3 October                     Nice, France
GA24 10-11 December             Nice, France
TA25 23-25 October                "

9-13 December                   San Jose, CA
7-11 April 1997                 Memphis, Tenn.
11-15 August 1997               Munich, Germany

20-22 January 1997              Amsterdam

May 1997                        Dublin

NATO Workshop
5-9 May 1997                    Edinburgh



Call for Papers

JENC8 - 8th Joint European Networking Conference
"Diversity and Integration: The New European Networking Landscape"
12-15 May 1997
Edinburgh, Scotland

This conference will be the European Forum to get up-to-date
information, to debate and assess the new deregulated tele-
communication environment in Europe, new leading-edge applications,
and the network/internetwork support infrastructure which is
currently being developed

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

Subject Areas:
* Emerging Network Technologies and Network Engineering
* User Support, Training and Education
* Security and Management Issues
* Information Systems and Distributed Applications
* Economic and Political Issues

  Deadline for paper submission 10 November 1996 to:

For information please contact the JENC8 Secretariat at:

TERENA Secretariat
Singel 466-468
1017 AW Amsterdam, The Netherlands

tel: +31 20 6391131      fax: +31 20 6393289

email: <>


JENC8 Local Organization
c/o Concorde Services Ltd
Unit 5, SECC
Glasgow, G3 8YW, Scotland

email: <>



Performance '96
International Conference on Performance Theory, Measurement and
Evaluation of Computer and Communications Systems
Organized by IFIPWG7.3
7-11 October
Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Deadline paper submission 15 March 1996
Further information on WWW Page:

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 28]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

Third International Workshop on Protocols for Multimedia Systems
15-18 October
Madrid, Spain
This workshop is intended to contribute to scientific, strategical and
practical cooperation between research institutes and industrial
companies in the area of distributed multimedia applications, protocols,
and intelligent management tools, with emphasis on their usage on
broadband networks.  Papers to be submitted by 7 June.  For information
contact Arturo Azcorra at <>

6th CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Conference 1996
5-6 November
Sheraton Brussels Hotel, Brussels, Belgium
Theme of this conference is "Standards on Trial: Case Studies in
European Standardization"
Deadline for abstracts is 13 Sept. For further information:
c/o CENELAC,  Tel: +32 2 519 6871        Fax: +32 2 519 6919

18th International Conference of IDATE
6-8 November
Montpellier, France
An opportunity for professional contacts with major industrial
group leaders, users and clients, researchers and academics,
administrators and politians.
Full details of the conference available on the Web:

CEN/TC304 - Character Set Technology Workshop
11-12 November
Bled, Slovenia
Providing multilingual support in middleware: Implementing the
Universal Character Set ISO 10646 in the European Information Society
For information look up URL:

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 29]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

"The Telematics Revolution,
Consequences for Individuals and Organisations"
13 November
University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Theme of the conference is that progress of information and
telecommunication technologies do create a huge number of questions,
be it social, jurisdictional, economic or technical.
Parallel sessions will deal with: interactive scientific visual-
isation, tele-learning, user aspects of multimedia, distant
consultation and using of laboratories.
For all information and to receive brochure, contact
Mr. Marc Fleskens at email address <>

IEEE Global Internet 1996
20-21 November
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London
This mini-conference will provide an open forum for the communications
and computer networking communities to review the state-of-the-art
technologies and applications of the evolving Global Internet.
Deadline paper submissions 15 May to:
or email Jon Crowcroft <>

20-22 November
Sevilla, Spain
Organized by Sadiel and the WWW Consortium, with the support of the
European Commission. The object of this symposium is the advancement
of the internationalization and multilingualism of the Web, as well
as to seek agreement on the relevant standards.
Registration from 15 September.
For further information see:

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 30]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

EITC'96 - European IT Conference
25-27 November
Congress Centre, Brussels, Belgium
"Doing Business in the Information Society"
Electronic commerce, provides the focus for sessions on IT
applications, enabling technologies and international initiatives.
Post-Conference Workshops to be held on 28 November.
For information contact European Commission, DGIII or

ASIAN'96 - Asian Computing Science Conference
2-5 December
Themes of this conference is:
- Programming (sematics, languages, systems, ...)
- Concurrency & Parallelism (algorithms, formalisms, systems ...)
- Networking & Security (algorithms, protocols, formalisms, ...)
Additional information available from:

Multimedia Computing and Networking 1997
10-12 February 1997
San Jose, CA, USA
The object of this conference is to bring together researchers,
developers, and practitioners working in all facets of multimedia
computing and networking.
Paper submission by 16 July 1996.
For further information email <>

COREC -"Interregional Cooperation in RTD - Challenges and
Opportunities for Regions in Economic Conversion"
16-17 December
Bremen, Germany
Background is the experience of the community initiative STRIDE and
other programmes of the European Commission.The conference will deal
questions of RTD-programmes and policies, their European Dimension
and impact on regional development.
For information contact Mr. Wolfgang Petzold at:
email <>

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 31]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

16th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer & Communications Societies
7-11 April 1997
Kobe, Japan
Paper submissions by 14 June 1997.
For further information contact

3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems
9-11 April 1997
Berlin, Germany
Supported by Hitachi, DeTeBerkom, NEC, Digital, GMD-FOCUS,
Hewlett Packard, IBM.
The focus will be on advancements and innovations in ADS platforms
and applications. Integration of telecommunication and computing
aspects into a uniform concept for providing an open distributed
processing environment.
For information see WWW:

10th Annual Conference of European Electronic Messaging Association
16-19 June 1997
Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands
Issues of the conference will be:
Global Security; Corporate Directories; Messaging Products & Services;
Electronic Commerce; Global Messaging Enterprise; European Initiatives;
Mobile Messaging Technology; Messaging Technology & Management
Strategy; Intranet; World Wide Web & Infobots.
For information contact WWW:

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 32]
Internet Monthly Report                                      August 1996

The Internet: The Global Frontiers
24-27 June 1997
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The conference will address the traditional and evolving frontiers of
the Internet as well as its significant impact on education, commerce
and societies throughout the world.  Abstracts of papers to be submitted
by 10 October.  -for details of submission procedure email <inet-> -for program information email <inet- -for general information email <inet'>

        This meeting list is also available on our WWW page:

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 33]