November 1996 INTERNET MONTHLY REPORTS ------------------------ The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by the participating organizations. Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first business day of the month describing the previous month's activities. These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR-ED@ISI.EDU". ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` The Internet Monthly Report mailing list is now managed by MajorDomo at ISI.EDU. The announcements of new issues on the Internet Monthly Report are sent to the IETF-Announce list and to this IMR list. Requests to be ADDED or DELETED from the Internet Monthly report list should be sent to "" with the message body either "subscribe imr" or "unsubscribe imr". Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs". For example: To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU Subject: getting imrs help: ways_to_get_imrs or URL: IMR Editor [Page 1] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD IAB MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Internet Projects INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18 Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18 Directory Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21 MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25 UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27 CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28 TERENA List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 32 IMR Editor [Page 2] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 INTERNET ARCHITECTURE BOARD --------------------------- The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp access on host, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB World-Wide Web page with URL Brian Carpenter IAB Chair INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS ---------------------------- IETF Monthly Report for November, 1996 1. The IETF returns to San Jose, California on December 9-13, 1996. Our local host will be cisco Systems. The Secretariat will open for registrations the first part of October. The IETF opens 1997 in Memphis, Tennessee where Federal Express will be the host. This meeting will be held April 7-11, 1997. Following Memphis, the IETF is we returning to Europe and will met in Munich, Germany August 11-15, 1997, hosted by Digi/ISOC.DE. The Secretariat is still working on the final meeting of 1997. Once all the arrangements have been made, notifications will be sent to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information on future IETF meetings can be always be found in the file 0mtg-sites.txt which is located on the IETF shadow directories. This information can also be viewed from the IETF Home Page on the Web. The URL is: 2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences have been publicly available on the IETF Shadow directories since 1991. These files are placed in the /ftp/iesg directory. The following IESG minutes have been added: October 31, 1996 (iesg.96-10-31) IMR Editor [Page 3] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 3. The IESG approved or recommended the following six Protocol Actions during the month of November, 1996: o HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay Prevention be published as a Proposed Standard. o HMAC-SHA IP Authentication with Replay Prevention be published as a Proposed Standard. o HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication be published as an Informational RFC. o IMAP/POP AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge/Response be published as a Proposed Standard. o Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Repeater Devices be published as a Proposed Standard. o HTTP State Management Mechanism be published as a Proposed Standard. 4. The IESG issued six Last Calls to the IETF during the month of November, 1996: o ISDN Management Information Base <draft-ietf-isdnmib-snmp-isdn-mib-08> (Proposed Standard) o Dial Control Management Information Base <draft-ietf-isdnmib-dial-control-05> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o Internet Group Management Protocol, Version 2 <draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-v2-05> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o The MIME Multipart/Related Content-type <draft-ietf-mhtml-related-00> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML) <draft-ietf-mhtml-spec-05> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. o Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators <draft-ietf-mhtml-cid-02> for consideration as a Proposed Standard. IMR Editor [Page 4] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 5. Two Working Groups were created during this period: Application Configuration Access Protocol (acap) Roaming Operations (roamops) 6. A total of 260 Internet-Draft actions were taken during the month of November, 1996: (Revised draft (o), New Draft (+) ) (cat) o FTP Security Extensions <draft-ietf-cat-ftpsec-09.txt> (rsvp) o Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1 Functional Specification <draft-ietf-rsvp-spec-14.txt, .ps> (idmr) o Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Motivation and Architecture <draft-ietf-idmr-pim-arch-04.txt> (idmr) o Internet Group Management Protocol MIB <draft-ietf-idmr-igmp-mib-04.txt> (idmr) o IP Multicast Routing MIB <draft-ietf-idmr-multicast-routmib-04.txt> (none) o Simple Secure DNS <draft-ohta-simple-dns-02.txt> (ipngwg) o Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 <draft-ietf-ipngwg-bsd-api-06.txt> (dhc) o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcp-08.txt> (cat) o Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (IDUP-GSS-API) <draft-ietf-cat-idup-gss-06.txt> (mobileip) o Route Optimization in Mobile IP <draft-ietf-mobileip-optim-05.txt> (idr) o A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4) <draft-ietf-idr-bgp4-04.txt> (dhc) o Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) <draft-ietf-dhc-dhcpv6-08.txt> (dnsind) o Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE) <draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-11.txt> (ion) + NHRP Protocol Applicability Statement <draft-ietf-ion-nhrp-appl-00.txt> (none) + Router Architecture Extensions for ATM : Overview <draft-rfced-info-katsube-00.txt> (cat) o Generic Security Service API Version 2 : C-bindings <draft-ietf-cat-gssv2-cbind-03.txt> (ipsec) o Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) <draft-ietf-ipsec-isakmp-06.txt, .ps> IMR Editor [Page 5] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (intserv) o Network Element Service Specification Template <draft-ietf-intserv-svc-template-03.txt> (mmusic) o SDP: Session Description Protocol <draft-ietf-mmusic-sdp-02.txt, .ps> (ion) o IP Broadcast over ATM Networks <draft-ietf-ion-bcast-01.txt> (none) o SMTP Service Extension for Authentication <draft-myers-smtp-auth-04.txt> (cidrd) o Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation <draft-ietf-cidrd-classless-inaddr-02.txt> (dhc) o DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions <draft-ietf-dhc-options-1533update-05.txt> (nimrod) o DNS Resource Records for Nimrod Routing Architecture <draft-ietf-nimrod-dns-02.txt> (rsvp) o RSRR: A Routing Interface For RSVP <draft-ietf-rsvp-routing-01.txt, .ps> (none) o RSTs Considered Harmful <draft-heavens-problems-rsts-03.txt> (asid) o A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information <draft-ietf-asid-mime-direct-03.txt> (ion) o Classical IP and ARP over ATM <draft-ietf-ion-classic2-01.txt> (none) o Simple Authentication and Security Layer <draft-myers-auth-sasl-06.txt> (idmr) o Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM): Protocol Specification <draft-ietf-idmr-pim-sm-spec-09.txt> (grip) o Expectations for Security Incident Response <draft-ietf-grip-framework-irt-03.txt> (receipt) o An Extensible Message Format for Message Disposition Notifications <draft-ietf-receipt-mdn-02.txt> (none) o ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT) <draft-pouffary-itot-04.txt> (drums) o Simple Mail Transfer Protocol <draft-ietf-drums-smtpupd-03.txt> (intserv) o General Characterization Parameters for Integrated Service Network Elements <draft-ietf-intserv-charac-02.txt> (madman) o Network Services Monitoring MIB <draft-ietf-madman-nsm-mib-03.txt> (ids) o A Common Schema for the Internet White Pages Service <draft-ietf-ids-iwps-schema-spec-02.txt> (cat) o The SESAME V5 GSS-API Mechanism <draft-ietf-cat-sesamemech-02.txt> (intserv) o Integrated Services Management Information Base <draft-ietf-intserv-mib-04.txt> (rsvp) o RSVP Management Information Base <draft-ietf-rsvp-mib-04.txt> IMR Editor [Page 6] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (nimrod) o Endpoint Identifier Destination Option <draft-ietf-nimrod-eid-01.txt> (intserv) o Specification of the Controlled-Load Network Element Service <draft-ietf-intserv-ctrl-load-svc-04.txt> (ipngwg) o Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 Specification <draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6-tunnel-05.txt> (ospf) o OSPF for IPv6 <draft-ietf-ospf-ospfv6-03.txt> (ospf) + The OSPF Opaque LSA Option <draft-ietf-ospf-opaque-00.txt> (tls) + The SSL Protocol Version 3.0 <draft-ietf-tls-ssl-version3-00.txt> (pppext) o The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) <draft-ietf-pppext-bacp-05.txt> (atommib) o Definitions of Tests for ATM Management <draft-ietf-atommib-test-01.txt> (ids) o X.500 Implementations Catalog-96 <draft-ietf-ids-x500-imps-05.txt> (none) + Application REQuested IP over ATM (AREQUIPA) <draft-rfced-info-almesberger-00.txt> (mobileip) o Mobility Support in IPv6 <draft-ietf-mobileip-ipv6-02.txt> (ifmib) o The Interfaces Group MIB <draft-ietf-ifmib-mib-05.txt> (applmib) o Definitions of Managed Objects for Applications <draft-ietf-applmib-sysapplmib-06.txt> (none) o The "data" URL scheme <draft-masinter-url-data-02.txt> (dhc) o Authentication for DHCP Messages <draft-ietf-dhc-authentication-03.txt> (none) o Header Compression for IPv6 <draft-degermark-ipv6-hc-02.txt> (dhc) o Extensions for DHCPv6 <draft-ietf-dhc-v6exts-04.txt> (dnsind) o Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers <draft-ietf-dnsind-2ndry-04.txt> (dnsind) o Clarifications to the DNS Specification <draft-ietf-dnsind-clarify-02.txt> (ion) + Server Cache Synchronization Protocol (SCSP) <draft-ietf-ion-scsp-00.txt> (ion) o Multicast Server Architectures for MARS-based ATM multicasting. <draft-ietf-ion-marsmcs-01.txt, .ps> (http) o Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP <draft-holtman-http-negotiation-04.txt> (http) o HTTP State Management Mechanism <draft-ietf-http-state-mgmt-05.txt, .ps> (rsvp) o RSVP Diagnostic Messages <draft-ietf-rsvp-diagnostic-msgs-02.txt> IMR Editor [Page 7] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (ion) o ATM Signalling Support for IP over ATM - UNI 4.0 Update <draft-ietf-ion-sig-uni4.0-01.txt> (atommib) o Managed Objects for Controlling the Collection and Storage of Accounting Information for Connection-Oriented Networks <draft-ietf-atommib-acct-04.txt> (snanau) o Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN <draft-ietf-snanau-appnmib-02.txt> (rsvp) o Local Policy Modules (LPM): Policy Control for RSVP <draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-lpm-01.txt, .ps> (none) o Clarification on the use of Hostnames, Mail Boxes and Mail Domains in the DNS <draft-andrews-dns-hostnames-03.txt> (ipsec) o HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication <draft-ietf-ipsec-hmac-md5-01.txt> (none) o Top Level Domain Classification and Categorization <draft-higgs-tld-cat-03.txt> (mhtml) o MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents, such as HTML (MHTML) <draft-ietf-mhtml-spec-05.txt> (none) o IANA Character Set Registration Procedures <draft-freed-charset-reg-01.txt> (avt) o RTP Payload Format for H.263 Video Stream <draft-ietf-avt-rtp-payload-02.txt> (none) o Transient Neighbors for IPv6 over ATM <draft-armitage-ion-tn-01.txt> (ipsec) o HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay Prevention <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-hmac-md5-04.txt> (ipsec) o HMAC-SHA IP Authentication with Replay Prevention <draft-ietf-ipsec-ah-hmac-sha-04.txt> (mhtml) o Sending HTML in E-mail, an informational supplement to RFC ???: MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML) <draft-ietf-mhtml-info-05.txt> (none) o Distributed Component Object Model Protocol -- DCOM/1.0 <draft-brown-dcom-v1-spec-01.txt> (none) o Another ATM Signaling Protocol for IP (IP-SVC) <draft-fujikawa-ipsvc-01.txt> (asid) o An Application/Directory MIME Content-Type Electronic Business Card Profile <draft-ietf-asid-mime-vcard-01.txt> (none) o Using the MARS model in non-ATM NBMA networks. <draft-armitage-ion-mars-nbma-01.txt> (ifmib) o Definitions of Managed Objects for System and Interface Testing <draft-ietf-ifmib-testmib-01.txt> (ids) o Finding Stuff (Providing information to support service discovery) <draft-ietf-ids-discovery-03.txt> (ion) o IPv6 over NBMA Networks <draft-ietf-ion-ipv6-nbma-01.txt> IMR Editor [Page 8] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (hubmib) o Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ethernet-like Interface Types <draft-ietf-hubmib-etherif-mib-01.txt> (ipsec) o Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol <draft-ietf-ipsec-arch-sec-01.txt> (none) o A.L.P.E.S. Administration deLocalisee Par Emissions Securisees a TCP/IP protocol <draft-durand-alpes-01.txt> (none) o SMTP Message Submission and Relay <draft-gellens-submit-02.txt> (none) o ACAP -- Application Configuration Access Protocol <draft-myers-acap-spec-01.txt> (none) o The Public Key Login Protocol <draft-kemp-auth-pklogin-02.txt, .ps> (rsvp) o Policy Control for RSVP: Architectural Overview <draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-arch-01.txt, .ps> (rsvp) o RSVP Extensions for Policy Control <draft-ietf-rsvp-policy-ext-01.txt, .ps> (none) o User-Agent Display Attributes <draft-mutz-http-attributes-02.txt> (none) o Voice Profile for Internet Mail - version 2 <draft-ema-vpim-03.txt> (ipsec) o The resolution of ISAKMP with Oakley <draft-ietf-ipsec-isakmp-oakley-02.txt> (pkix) o Internet Public Key Infrastructure Part III: Certificate Management Protocols <draft-ietf-pkix-ipki3cmp-01.txt> (ipngwg) + IPv6 Router Alert Option <draft-ietf-ipngwg-ipv6router-alert-00.txt> (none) o Web Based System and Network Management <draft-mellquist-web-sys-01.txt> (roamops) + Dialup Roaming Requirements <draft-ietf-roamops-roamreq-00.txt> (urn) o Resolution of Uniform Resource Identifiers using the Domain Name System <draft-ietf-urn-naptr-01.txt> (agentx) o Agent Extensibility (AgentX) Protocol Version 1 <draft-ietf-agentx-ext-pro-01.txt> (issll) o IP Integrated Services with RSVP over ATM <draft-ietf-issll-atm-support-02.txt, .ps> (none) o Redundant MARS architectures and SCSP <draft-armitage-ion-mars-scsp-02.txt> (find) o The Common Indexing Protocol (CIP) <draft-ietf-find-new-cip-01.txt> (none) o SBM (Subnet Bandwidth Manager): A Proposal for Admission Control over Ethernet <draft-yavatkar-sbm-ethernet-02.txt> (ion) o Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay <draft-ietf-ion-fr-update-02.txt> IMR Editor [Page 9] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (intserv) o Integrated Services Management Information Base Guaranteed Service Extensions <draft-ietf-intserv-guaranteed-mib-02.txt> (none) o Internet Calendar Access Protocol (ICAP) <draft-oleary-icap-01.txt> (oncrpc) o RPCSEC_GSS Protocol Specification <draft-ietf-oncrpc-rpcsec_gss-01.txt> (ediint) o Requirements for Inter-operable Internet EDI <draft-ietf-ediint-req-01.txt> (none) o S/Ident: Security Extensions for the Ident Protocol <draft-morgan-ident-ext-02.txt> (atommib) o Accounting Information for ATM Networks <draft-ietf-atommib-atmacct-01.txt> (intserv) o The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated Services <draft-ietf-intserv-rsvp-use-01.txt> (stdguide) o Guide for Internet Standards Writers <draft-ietf-stdguide-ops-01.txt> (bmwg) o Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching Devices <draft-ietf-bmwg-lanswitch-01.txt> (none) o Domain Names and Company Name Retrieval <draft-klensin-tld-whois-01.txt> (roamops) + Review of Roaming Implementations <draft-ietf-roamops-imprev-00.txt> (dnsind) o Secret Key Transaction Signatures for DNS (TSIG) <draft-ietf-dnsind-tsig-01.txt> (issll) + QOSPPP Framing Extensions to PPP <draft-ietf-issll-framing-ext-00.txt> (none) o A Framework for Providing Integrated Services Over Shared and Switched LAN Technologies <draft-ghanwani-framework-is-lan-01.txt> (none) o EARTH - EAsy IP multicast Routing THrough ATM clouds <draft-smirnov-ion-earth-01.txt> (none) o Network Ingress Filtering Defending Against IP Source Address Spoofing <draft-ferguson-ingress-filtering-01.txt> (none) o IMAP URL Scheme <draft-newman-url-imap-03.txt> (none) o FTP Extensions for Variable Protocol Specification <draft-allman-ftp-variable-03.txt> (none) o The Safe Response Header <draft-holtman-http-safe-01.txt> (none) o MIME Parameter Value and Encoded Words: Character Sets, Language, and Continuations <draft-freed-pvcsc-01.txt> (ipngwg) o IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments <draft-ietf-ipngwg-multicast-assgn-01.txt> (ediint) o MIME-based Secure EDI <draft-ietf-ediint-as1-02.txt> (none) o NNTP LIST Additions <draft-hernacki-nntplist-01.txt> (urn) o URN Syntax <draft-ietf-urn-syntax-01.txt> IMR Editor [Page 10] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (none) o Payload Format for HTTP Encoding in RTP <draft-aboba-rtp-http-01.txt> (none) + Uniform Resource Locators for Television and Telephony <draft-zigmond-media-url-00.txt> (none) o MIME Calendaring and Scheduling Content Type Profile <draft-dawson-csp-01.txt> (ipsec) + Combined 3DES-CBC, HMAC and Replay Prevention Security Transform <draft-ietf-ipsec-esp-3des-md5-00.txt> (ion) + Classical IP to NHRP Transition <draft-ietf-ion-transition-00.txt> (none) + Universal Format for Logger Messages <draft-abela-ulm-00.txt> (none) + MIME Calendaring and Scheduling Content Type <draft-dawson-csct-00.txt> (mboned) + Administratively Scoped IP Multicast <draft-ietf-mboned-admin-ip-space-00.txt> (none) + Limiting the role of IPv4-compatible Addresses in IPv6 <draft-harrington-ngtrans-v4comp-00.txt> (none) + Internet Location Path System (ILPS) <draft-martins-ilps-00.txt> (none) + Transaction Internet Protocol <draft-lyon-itp-nodes-00.txt> (none) + Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), version 2 <draft-wessels-icp-v2-00.txt> (rsvp) + Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) -- Version 1 Message Processing Rules <draft-ietf-rsvp-procrules-00.txt, .ps> (none) o The Multicast Dissemination Protocol (MDP) Framework <draft-macker-mdp-framework-01.txt> (none) + Version management with meta-level links via HTTP/1.1 <draft-ota-http-version-00.txt> (none) + Proximity Proxies for Mobile Nodes and Mobility Agents (PPM) <draft-liyunzhou-mobileip-ppm-00.txt, .ps> (none) + Network Data Management Protocol <draft-stager-pdc-netapp-backup-00.txt> (tls) + Addition of Kerberos Cipher Suites to Transport Layer Security (TLS) <draft-ietf-tls-kerb-cipher-suites-00.txt> (none) + Router Architecture Extensions for ATM : Overview <draft-rfced-info-katsube-oops-00.txt> (asid) + Use of Language Codes in LDAP <draft-ietf-asid-ldapv3-lang-00.txt> (roamops) + The Network Access Identifier <draft-ief-roamops-nai-00.txt> (none) + The Report of the IAB Character Set Workshop <draft-weider-iab-char-wrkshop-00.txt> IMR Editor [Page 11] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (none) + Interoperability Rules for Multicast Routing Protocols <draft-thaler-interop-00.txt, .ps> (none) + IGRPng for IPv6 <draft-minnear-igrpng-00.txt> (pkix) + Architecture for Public-Key Infrastructure <draft-ietf-pkix-apki-00.txt> (dhc) + The User Class Option for DHCP <draft-ietf-dhc-userclass-00.txt> (bmwg) + Terminology for Cell/Call Benchmarking <draft-ietf-bmwg-call-00.txt> (none) + DHCP Options for Novell Directory Services <draft-provan-dhcp-options-dir-serv-00.txt> (none) + Uniform Resource Locators (URL) <draft-fielding-url-syntax-00.txt> (poisson) o A New IETF Document Classification <draft-ietf-poisson-ietfdoc-01.txt> (rps) + Representing Tunnels in RPSL <draft-ietf-rps-tunnels-00.txt> (none) + MLST Command and Extensions to FTP <draft-hethmon-mlst-command-ftp-00.txt> (none) + Remote Passphrase Authentication Part One: Extended Introduction <draft-petke-ext-intro-00.txt> (none) + Remote Passphrase Authentication Part Four: Service-to-Deity Protocol <draft-petke-serv-deity-protocol-00.txt> (none) + Remote Passphrase Authentication Part Two: The Mechanism <draft-petke-mech-00.txt> (none) + Remote Passphrase Authentication Part Three: HTTP Authentication Scheme <draft-petke-http-auth-scheme-00.txt> (none) + NNTP Full-text Search Enhancements <draft-ballou-nntpsrch-00.txt> (none) o RTP extension for Scalable Reliable Multicast <draft-parnes-rtp-ext-srm-01.txt> (none) + Mail Header Registration Procedure <draft-palme-MHRegistry-00.txt> (none) + Path QoS Collection for RSVP-friendly Hop-by-hop QoS Routing <draft-ohta-rsvp-friendly-hop-path-00.txt> (none) + ARIS: Aggregate Route-Based IP Switching <draft-woundy-aris-ipswitching-00.txt> (ipsec) o The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP <draft-ietf-ipsec-ipsec-doi-01.txt> (ion) + Inverse Address Resolution Protocol <draft-ietf-ion-inarp-update-00.txt> (none) + POP3 AUTHentication command <draft-myers-sasl-pop3-00.txt> (none) + HTTP-based SNMP and CMIP Network Management <draft-deri-http-mgmt-00.txt> IMR Editor [Page 12] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (none) + PF_KEY Key Management API, Version 2 <draft-mcdonald-pf-key-v2-00.txt> (none) + Tag Switching: Tag Stack Encodings <draft-rosen-tag-stack-00.txt> (none) + Transmission of IPv6 Packets over IPv4 Networks without Tunnels <draft-carpenter-ipng-6over4-00.txt> (none) + Copy Control for Web Documents <draft-daviel-web-copy-control-00.txt> (none) o Implementation of Mandatory Tunneling via RADIUS <draft-aboba-radius-tunnel-imp-01.txt> (none) + Scenarios and Appropriate Protocols for Distributed Interactive Simulation <draft-myjak-lsma-scenarios-00.txt> (snanau) + Definitions of Managed Objects for DLUR <draft-ietf-snanau-dlurmib-00.txt> (snanau) + Definitions of Managed Objects for HPR <draft-ietf-snanau-hprmib-00.txt> (ssh) + Users' Security Handbook <draft-ietf-ssh-users-00.txt> (none) + Efficient HyperLink Maintenance for HTTP <draft-pritchard-http-links-00.txt> (none) + The Kitchen Sink Resource Record <draft-eastlake-kitchen-sink-00.txt> (urn) + Conventions for the Use of HTTP for URN Resolution <draft-ietf-urn-http-conv-00.txt> (ftpext) + Internationalization of the File Transfer Protocol <draft-ietf-ftpext-intl-ftp-00.txt> (dhc) + DHCP Option for IEEE 1003.1 POSIX Timezone Specifications <draft-ietf-dhc-timezone-00.txt> (otp) + OTP Verification Examples <draft-ietf-otp-ver-00.txt> (dhc) + An Inter-server Protocol for DHCP <draft-ietf-dhc-interserver-00.txt> (svrloc) + The service: URL Scheme <draft-ietf-svrloc-service-scheme-00.txt> (none) + IPv6 network prefix notation <draft-durand-ipv6prefix-00.txt> (none) + Requirements for WEB Browser-based Internet Printing <draft-wright-ipp-req-00.txt> (none) + A Simple IP Security API Extension to BSD Sockets <draft-mcdonald-simple-ipsec-api-00.txt> (tls) + Addition of Shared Key Authentication to Transport Layer Security (TLS) <draft-ietf-tls-passauth-00.txt> (none) + Elvis Spoofing <draft-elvis-email-spoof-00.txt> (frnetmib) + Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service <draft-ieft-frnetmib-frs-mib-00.txt> IMR Editor [Page 13] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (none) + HTTP-based Distributed Content Editing Scenarios <draft-lassila-http-edit-dist-00.txt> (none) + Simple Universal Call/Conference Establishment Sequence - (SUCCESS) <draft-cordell-success-00.txt> (frnetmib) + Managed Objects for Monitoring and Controlling the Frame Relay/ATM Service Interworking Function <draft-ietf-frnetmib-atmiwf-00.txt> (urn) + Requirements and a Framework for URN Resolution Systems <draft-ietf-urn-req-frame-00.txt> (calsch) + MIME application/calendar Content Type <draft-ietf-calsch-sch-00.txt> (none) o Enhanced Communications Transport Service Definition <draft-kim-jtc1-sc6-ects-01.txt> (disman) + Definitions of Managed Objects for the Delegation of Management Scripts <draft-ietf-disman-script-mib-00.txt> (none) + The Weak Authentication and Tracing Option <draft-eastlake-weak-ato-00.txt> (none) + Representing the Dublin Core within X.500, LDAP and CLDAP <draft-hamilton-dcxl-00.txt> (ion) + Definitions of Managed Objects for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM Networks <draft-ietf-ion-mars-mib-00.txt> (none) + Internet Service Provider Address Coalitions (ISPACs) <draft-li-ispac-00.txt> (ids) + NAMING PLAN FOR AN INTERNET DIRECTORY SERVICE <draft-ietf-ids-dirnaming-00.txt> (rtfm) + Real Time Flow Measurement Working Group - New Attributes for Traffic Flow Measurement <draft-ietf-rtfm-new-traffic-flow-00.txt> (svrloc) + An API for Service Location <draft-ietf-svrloc-api-00.txt> (asid) + WHOIS++ templates <draft-ietf-asid-whois-schema-00.txt> (none) + Internet Printing Protocol - IPP/1.0 <draft-isaacson-ipp-info-00.txt> (rmonmib) + Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifiers <draft-ietf-rmonmib-rmonprot-v2-00.txt> (ipsec) + Inline Keying within the ISAKMP Framework. <draft-ietf-ipsec-inline-isakmp-00.txt> (none) + Architecture of the Resource Reservation Service for the Commercial Internet <draft-suzuki-res-resv-svc-arch-00.txt> (none) + Bulletins as an Extension to HTML <draft-holstege-bulletintext-00.txt> (none) + LZS Payload Compression Transform for ESP <draft-sabin-lzs-payload-00.txt> IMR Editor [Page 14] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (cat) + Public Key Cryptography for Cross-Realm Authentication in Kerberos <draft-ietf-cat-kerberos-pk-cross-00.txt> (none) + Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol <draft-whipple-vrrp-00.txt> (none) + Using PICS for Copyright Notice and Control <draft-reagle-pics-copyright-00.txt> (applmib) + Application Management MIB <draft-ietf-applmib-mib-00.txt> (atommib) + Managed Objects for Recording ATM Performance History Data Based on 15 Minute Intervals <draft-ietf-atommib-atmhist-00.txt> (rps) + Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) <draft-ietf-rps-rpsl-00.txt> (asid) + Definition of the inetOrgPerson Object Class <draft-ietf-asid-inetorgperson-00.txt> (applmib) + Definitions of Managed Objects for WWW Servers <draft-ietf-applmib-wwwmib-00.txt> (radius) + RADIUS Attributes for Tunnel Protocol Support <draft-ietf-radius-tunnel-auth-00.txt> (none) + Integrated-Services/RSVP Requirements for Layer 2 Traffic Control <draft-hoffman-issll-l2tcreq-00.txt> (none) + MTP/SO: Self-Organizing Multicast <draft-bormann-mtp-so-00.txt> (drums) + Message Format Standard <draft-ietf-drums-msg-fmt-00.txt> (none) + RMFP: A Reliable Multicast Framing Protocol <draft-crowcroft-rmfp-00.txt> (none) + Limitations of Internet Protocol Suite for Distributed Simulation in the Large Multicast Environment <draft-pullen-lsma-limitations-00.txt> (mmusic) + A real-time stream control protocol (RTSP) <draft-ietf-mmusic-stream-00.txt, .ps> (none) + Simple Unified Networking <draft-ohta-sun-00.txt> (bmwg) + Connectivity <draft-ietf-bmwg-ippm-connect-00.txt> (none) + A Simulation of QOSFP Multicasting for a Large Area <draft-pullen-qospf-model-00.txt> (none) + A Simulation Model for IP Multicast with RSVP <draft-pullen-ipv4-rsvp-00.txt> (bmwg) + Empirical Bulk Transfer Capacity <draft-ietf-bmwg-ippm-treno-btc-00.txt> (mmusic) + Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) <draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-00.txt> (calsch) + Calendaring Interoperability Protocol <draft-ietf-calsch-cip-00.txt> (asid) + Architecture of the WHOIS++ service <draft-ietf-asid-whoispp-00.txt> IMR Editor [Page 15] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 (none) + IETF Criteria For Evaluating Reliable Multicast Transport and Application Protocols <draft-mankin-reliable-multicast-00.txt> (mmusic) + SAP: Session Announcement Protocol <draft-ietf-mmusic-sap-00.txt, .ps> (printmib) + Printer MIB <draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-00.txt, .ps> (tls) + Modifications to the SSL protocol for TLS <draft-ietf-tls-ssl-mods-00.txt> (issll) + Integrated Services over ATM LAN Emulation (LANE) Networks <draft-ietf-issll-lane-00.txt> (none) + The RWhois Uniform Resource Locator <draft-mealling-rwhoisurl-00.txt> (none) + Key Derivation for Authentication, Integrity, and Privacy <draft-horowitz-key-derivation-00.txt> (cat) + Key Derivation for Kerberos V5 <draft-ietf-cat-kerb-key-derivation-00.txt> (cat) + Triple DES with HMAC-SHA1 Kerberos Encryption Type <draft-ietf-cat-kerb-des3-hmac-sha1-00.txt> (none) + Secure FTP over SSL <draft-murray-auth-ftp-ssl-00.txt> (find) + Using the Common Indexing Protocol in an LDAP Environment <draft-ietf-find-cip-ldap-00.txt> (bmwg) + Framework for IP Provider Metrics <draft-ietf-bmwg-ippm-framework-00.txt> (ospf) + OSPF Standardization Report <draft-ietf-ospf-stdreport-00.txt> (bmwg) + A One-way Delay Metric for IPPM <draft-ietf-bmwg-ippm-delay-00.txt> (none) + Alternatives for Enhancing RTP Scalability <draft-aboba-rtpscale-00.txt> (avt) o Compressing IP/UDP/RTP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links <draft-ietf-avt-crtp-01.txt> (none) + Selectively Reliable Transport Protocol <draft-laviano-srtp-00.txt> IMR Editor [Page 16] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 7. There were nine RFC's published during the month of November, 1996: RFC St WG Title ------- -- -------- ------------------------------------- RFC2009 E (none) GPS-Based Addressing and Routing RFC2011 PS (snmpv2) SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Internet Protocol using SMIv2 RFC2012 PS (snmpv2) SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol RFC2013 PS (snmpv2) SNMPv2 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol using SMIv2 RFC2022 PS (ipatm) Support for Multicast over UNI 3.0/3.1 based ATM Networks. RFC2039 I (none) Applicability of Standards Track MIBs to Management of World Wide Web Servers RFC2050 B (none) INTERNET REGISTRY IP ALLOCATION GUIDELINES RFC2056 P (uri) Uniform Resource Locators for Z39.50 RFC2057 I (none) Source directed access control on the Internet. St(atus): ( S) Internet Standard (PS) Proposed Standard (DS) Draft Standard ( B) Best Current Practice ( E) Experimental ( I) Informational Steve Coya <> IMR Editor [Page 17] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 INTERNET PROJECTS ----------------- INTERNIC -------- REGISTRATION SERVICES I. Significant Events Help Desk Support * The Call Center Manager is now on call 24 hours a day via pager. * As part of the selection process for a new PBX/ACD system, three customer site visits were made by Tim McLain and Debbie Fuller to view installed and operational systems. * The Call Center reconfiguration was completed and Billing CSRs moved downstairs from the third floor into the newly configured Call Center on the first floor. Name Registration Support * The Processing Center Manager is now on call 24 hours a day via pager. * Approximately 96% of the total new domains registered in October were processed automatically. Billing Support * Record amounts of payments were received in November, causing significant challenges in processing payments in a timely manner. * A plan was developed to perform a large volume of problem reconciliation tasks related to customer payments; many of these involve payments submitted without a copy of the invoice or other identifying documentation stating to what name a payment should be applied. *Work space was freed up in the Receivables area to provide work space for temporary hires to work on the elimination of the payment data entry backlog and the reconciliation tasks. * The process of outsourcing most fulfillment services was started; this includes printing, folding, inserting, bar-coding, and mailing of invoices and 15-Day Deactivation Letters; previously, just the folding, inserting, and mailing tasks were outsourced. IMR Editor [Page 18] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 IP Support * Staffing plans and a preliminary budget were completed with regard to separating the IP Section from InterNIC Registration Services. Information Services Support * Robin Murphy and Anna Carts assisted Pete Magoon (Training Manager) in the development of Billing-Outsourcing Overview training materials to be used with customer service representatives (CSRs). Engineering Support Software modifications made include: * The DomReg software was enhanced to avoid a PGP time-out. * A response message was added to CReg to notify customers that the Before-Use Guardian option has not yet been implemented. * MTS was modified to handle SunOS and Solaris versions of mktemp-file. 7 New software development work completed includes: * A GUI-based query tool was created to help CSRs perform their job more efficiently. Miscellaneous Training Support: * Staffing of the InterNIC Training Section was completed with the transfer of two InterNIC staff members and the hiring of one outside candidate. * First Virtual payment processing training was provided to all InterNIC CSRs on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 21-23. * Billing-Outsourcing Overview training materials were prepared and provided to Information Services for addition to the InterNIC internal web site. * Furniture and equipment requirements for a new training facility were completed. * Legal staff provided a standard response for CSRs to use for customers who ask about the InterNIC policy with regard to registering offensive names. IMR Editor [Page 19] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 II. Current Status November: Email: 244,228 Postal/Fax: 994 Phone: 30,090 Gopher connections: 8014 retrievals: 27157 WAIS connections: 31502 retrievals: 20394 FTP connections: 55786 retrievals: 101879 Mailserv: n/a Telnet: 71284 Http: 3592320 Whois client: 677393 Whois server: 7587989 Rich Landers <> INTERNIC DIRECTORY AND DATABASE SERVICES In July, InterNIC Directory and Database Services took over generation of the Netfind seed database. We have recently changed the procedure used to build that database and future versions will contain a great deal more data than the previous versions (the new database contains over 760,000 entries). The new database is also substantially larger (about 4 times larger) than the previous version, so sites that are running Netfind servers may need to allocate more space to the database. These changes do NOT affect Netfind users. Users can continue to use Netfind the same way. The additional data should improve the accuracy of Netfind searches but users should see no major differences in the way they use the system. Sites running Netfind servers should check for information on the new seed database and the new version of Netfind that supports it. The old seed database and older version of Netfind remain available and can also be accessed through the above URL. IMR Editor [Page 20] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find a resource that you offer, send mail to and we will send information about listing your resource in the Directory of Directories. If you prefer, you can enter information about your resource in our WWW suggestion form. The form can be reached through our Directory of Directories Web page at: by Rick Huber <> THE US DOMAIN REGISTRY The US Domain online line registration form may be found at The US Domain administrator no longer makes direct registrations of hosts, and only makes delegations of third or fourth level domain names (such as localities). Some of the processing of the requests to the third level domain name is now automated. In particular, most requests to register names in localities already delegated are automatically forwarded to the administrator for that locality. A limit has been added to the criteria for delegating domain names under the US Domain: It is the intention that the delegation of third level (for example, locality) domain names be wide spread to many registries. It is undesirable for one person or organization to manage a large part of the third level names in any particular geographic or logical area. No individual or organization shall have more than 500 delegations total in the US Domain as a whole, or more than 50 delegation in any particuilar second level (for example, a state). The special domains under the state codes: The K12, CC, TEC, LIB, STATE, DST, COG and GEN domain under each state are established for special purposes (see RFC 1480). IMR Editor [Page 21] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 In addition to the constaint to use them only for the defined purpose, each of these special domains is also to delegated only to a manager within the state, and the operation of the delegated registry should be non-profit. The LIB domain should be managed by a govermental or educational library organization. Further, it is most appropriate for the K12, CC, and TEC, domains to be managed by an educational organization (for example, a university or a department of education), or a state government agency. The STATE domain is most appropriately managed by an agency of the state government. DST and COG should be managed by a goverment agency. The GEN domain may be delegated to any organization that will provide the registration service for free (and remember the purpose of the GEN domain is to register statewide non-profit organizations). To obtain a copy of the list of other delegated localities and subdomains not administered by the US Domain Registrar, get the file "us-domain-delegated.txt". URL: For further information about the US Domain, send a message to: US-DOMAIN@ISI.EDU, or see our WEB page: The US Domain RWhois database now has the records of 6150 domain names. IMR Editor [Page 22] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 US DOMAIN ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ------------------------------------ EMAIL/FAX 5841 PHONE 450 ---------------------------- Total Contacts 6291 DELEGATIONS 1301 FORWARDED DELEGATIONS: 954 OTHER US DOMAIN MSGS: 4036 --------------------------- Total 6291 OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES INCLUDE: referrals to other subdomains or to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications, application requests, discussion and clarification of the requests, questions about names, resolving technical problems with zone files and name servers, and whois listings. Not listed below, another 1200 localities have been delegated in Arizona, Alabama, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Hawii, Idaho, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Michigan, Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Virginia, Vermont, Texas,Tennessee, Washington and Wyoming this month. MAJOR SUBDOMAINS DELEGATED K12 CC TEC STATE LIB MUS GEN DST COG =================================================================== 51 38 34 47 39 25 25 9 5 =================================================================== ----------------------- THIRD LEVEL DELEGATIONS ----------------------- CC.OK.US. Community Colleges, Oklahama. MUS.LA.US. Museums, Louisiana. GEN.WA.US. General, Washington. IMR Editor [Page 23] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 LOCALITIES ========== MANCHESTER.MA.US. CRUZ-BAY.VI.US. FRANKLIN.OH.US. MONTICELLO.IN.US. FULTON.NY.US. LYNWOOD.CA.US. STEVENS.WA.US. SCHOHARIE.NY.US. OKANOGAN.WA.US. JACKSON.OH.US. JACKSON.NJ.US. BRIDGEWATER.NJ.US. CLAYTON.MO.US. CAVE-CREEK.AZ.US. DULLES.VA.US. ST-THOMAS.VI.US. ST-JOHN.VI.US. ST-CROIX.VI.US. BEAVER-CREEK.CO.US. MOUNT-CLEMENS.MI.US. CAMP-HILL.PA.US. DELHI-HILLS.OH.US. PACIFIC-PALISADES.HI.US. PULASKI.AR.US. WRIGHTSVILLE.AR.US. ORANGE.FL.US. WOODBURY.IA.US. ANTIOCH.CA.US. YAKIMA.WA.US. OTTAWA.IL.US. SHELBY.KY.US. MOUNT-HOOD.OR.US. SAINT-FRANCISVILLE.LA.US. MANCHESTER-BY-THE-SEA.MA.US. OTHER US DOMAIN DELEGATIONS THIS MONTH -------------------------------------- CCA.CI.COATESVILLE.PA.US. COE.WOODBINE.MD.US. CI.BRIGANTINE.NJ.US. CI.PINE-CITY.MN.US. SIERRAMADRE.LIB.CA.US. FD.CHARDON.OH.US. WYSO.YELLOW-SPRINGS.OH.US. CI.HEATH.OH.US. CO.MOORE.NC.US. CI.KEMBALL.NE.US. SJS.HYDES.MD.US. PRUE.K12.OK.US. PAWHUSKA.K12.OK.US. WELLSTON.K12.OK.US. OAKS.K12.OK.US. PRETTYWATER.K12.OK.US. DUNCAN.K12.OK.US. HOBART.K12.OK.US. RYAL.K12.OK.US. KELLYVILLE.K12.OK.US. MIAMI.K12.OK.US. WELEETKA.K12.OK.US. CLEVELAND.K12.OK.US. COALGATE.K12.OK.US. LONESTAR.K12.OK.US. CLAREMORE.K12.OK.US. KEYSTONE.K12.OK.US. AFTON.K12.OK.US. BLUEJACKET.K12.OK.US. CAVESPRINGS.K12.OK.US. BARTLESVILLE.K12.OK.US. SCOFFEYVILLE.K12.OK.US. WWW.UCVTS.TEC.NJ.US. GOTMY.BIRD-IN-HAND.PA.US. CI.FRUITLAND.ID.US. COMMUNITY.FLOYD.VA.US. CI.PLEASANT-HILL.MO.US. CI.TEKAMAH.NE.US. CI.GENOA.NE.US. CI.SUTHERLAND.NE.US. SUSSEX.TEC.NJ.US. CI.WASILLA.AK.US. LINUX.CARRBORO.NC.US. CLUON.LAKE-SHASTA.CA.US. ELECTION-INFO.GEN.AK.US. STJOHNCHRY.GEN.MI.US. BABER.YARDLEY.PA.US. THERAPY.WASHINGTON.DC.US. IMR Editor [Page 24] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 BP.WASHINGTON.DC.US. BP.BELLE-CHASSE.LA.US. BP.PORT-LAVACA.TX.US. BORO.DORMONT.PA.US. CO.ESSEX.NY.US. CO.OTSEGO.NY.US. HEALTH.CO.WYOMING.NY.US. SS-BBS.GEN.GA.US. CI.IOLA.KS.US. CI.NEWMAN-GROVE.NE.US. CI.RANDOLPH.NE.US. OREGON.COURT.FED.US. SNAP.LIB.CA.US. ----------------------------------------------------------- URL: Shanthi Ranganathan (US-Domain@ISI.EDU) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING -------------------------- This report summarizes November 1996 activities of Merit's Internet Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) service and other projects. Jerry Winters, Xin Liu, and Craig Labovitz are developing a distributed version of RAWhoisd, the RADB whois server. Known as Trawhoisd (Trivial rawhoisd), the new server will allow users to cache any or all of the databases in the Internet Routing Registry on local workstations, giving users complete, local administrative control of their own registry. The streamlined Trawhoisd code is easy to install and run, and will be ported to a variety of platforms. Users can select a subset of the registries to be locally cached--only AS objects, Route objects, or Maintainer objects, for example. This kind of flexibility brings considerable savings in cache storage requirements--a major concern for users maintaining their own copies of the IRR. Trawhoisd supports data caching in two ways: by FTP and by mirroring. When cached data is mirrored, users can choose to update the cache every few minutes, providing near real-time accuracy for the data. The RIPE NCC currently supports mirroring, and Merit will soon support its own database mirroring site. This will mean that other IRR organizations, such as MCI, CA*net, and RIPE, can update their database copies with new RADB data as frequently as every five minutes, rather than every 24 hours. IMR Editor [Page 25] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 Trawhoisd will serve compute-intensive users, such as those using RAToolSet to generate router configurations. The requirements of this community of users have not been well served in the past because of RAWhoisd's performance problems. We are pleased to report, however, that recent testing has shown Trawhoisd to be nearly two orders of magnitude faster than RAWhoisd! This performance speedup is realized by avoiding network delays, and by the fact that Trawhoisd is written is C rather than Perl, in which RAWhoisd is implemented (the database management scheme used in Perl is extremely slow). The current, centralized RAWhoisd server will remain available, with the ability to answer router configuration queries and support whois-type browsing of the IRR. A beta version of Trawhoisd will be available soon; if you are interested in being a beta-tester, please send e-mail to We appreciate your contribution! User consulting continues to be a priority for the RADB staff, with e- mail and telephone questions ranging from queries about RIPE syntax to requests for information about the RADB and its role in the Internet Routing Registry. The database support team routinely provides step-by- step instructions for registering user policy in the RADB, writes scripts that allow users to accomplish desired routing registry tasks, offers online tutorials on key topics such as CIDR addressing and PGP encryption, and coordinates efforts among providers and other registries to ensure that appropriate policies are registered in the database. To contact the RADB staff, send e-mail to Bill Norton has been named manager of Merit's Internet Engineering group. In this role, he oversees evolving Routing Arbiter services, NANOG activities, and Merit's developing for-fee Route Server operational activities. Norton also heads Merit's NetSCARF (Network Statistics Collection And Reporting Facility) project. He came to Merit in 1988 to join the NSFNET project staff, and became the lead architect of network management solutions for the NSFNET and the Routing Arbiter Project. On behalf of the Routing Arbiter, he led the initiative to deploy the first SNMPv2 agent in a production environment. Additional Internet Engineering projects include the GateD Consortium, which is led by Sue Hares, and a short-term project to provide routing engineering consultation for the Interim Defense Research and Engineering Network's (IDREN) new national backbone. This effort is led by Craig Labovitz. Norton, Hares, and Labovitz now serve as the Internet Engineering group's leadership team. IMR Editor [Page 26] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 Labovitz and Masaki Hirabaru attended the 7th Maryland Workshop on Very High Speed Networks, sponsored by the Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research and the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. The workshop brought together technical experts to discuss progress and research issues in the design and implementation of very high speed communication networks. In October, Sue Hares taught sessions on host- based and backbone internetworking technology at a NATO Advanced Networking Workshop in St. Petersburg, Russia. Susan R. Harris ( UCL ---- UCL had a very interesting time running the Mbone and SoftwareVision transmission of the IEEE Globecom Conference - we made use of RAT and some novel tricks for linking up high bandwidth parts of the Internet (we were transmittign over IP on SMDS, ATM and while this was happing the London Internet exchange was upgraded to fast ether switching, which improved connectivity between the academic sites and the commercial ones enourmously). A report on the Mbone event (technology and setup and debugging mbone quality) is available from John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK) IMR Editor [Page 27] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 CALENDAR -------- Last update 12/5/96 The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to: <> Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information for the events listed below. A copy of this calendar is available as follows: VIA FTP ------- IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites. US East Coast Address: ( US West Coast Address: ( Europe Address: ( Pacific Rim Address: ( Africa Address: ( cd ietf ls *0mtg* WWW ------- <> Click on the link for "meetings" and you should find an entry "listing of other Internet related events". ************************************************************************ 1996 ----------- Dec. 9-13 37th IETF (host by cisco) San Jose, CA Dec. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Dec. 10-12 EEMA (Electronic Communications) London Dec. 10-13 Fall Internet World '96 New York, NY Dec. 12 Internet Security for System & Network Administrators Pittsburgh, PA IMR Editor [Page 28] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 Dec. 13 Commercenet Albuquerque, NM Dec. 17 TERENA Executive Committee Amsterdam 1997 ----------- Jan. 6-10 ANSI X3T10 '97 Jan. 6-10 USENIX '97 Annual Technical Conf. Anaheim, CA Jan. 6-10 USELINUX: Linux Appl. Dev. Anaheim, CA Jan. 7-10 13th Annual Hawaii Int'l Conf on Systems Sciences Maui, Hawaii Jan. 7-10 Internet World Canada '97 Toronto, Canada Jan. 20-22 RIPE 26 Amsterdam Jan. 21-23 Internet World Shanghai-China Shanghai, China Jan. 21-25 Internet World Singapore Intl Singapore Jan. 22 TERENA Tech. Committee Amsterdam Jan. 28-30 IEEE 802.10 Interim meeting Orlando, FL Jan. 28-31 RSA Data Security Conf San Francisco Feb. 3-7 ANSI X3T11 (host by Sun) San Jose, CA Feb. 9-14 ATM Forum San Diego, CA Feb. 10-11 ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security San Diego, CA Feb. 10-12 Multimedia Computing & Networking 1997 San Jose, CA Feb. 17-19 Internet Expo & EMail World San Jose, CA Feb. 24-26 2nd Annual VRML '97 Monterey, CA Mar. 1-5 ACM '97: The Next 50 yrs. of Computing San Jose, CA Mar. 10-11 10th Int'l Unicode Conf & Global Computing Showcase Mainz, Germany Mar. 10-13 UniForum San Francisco, CA Mar. 10-14 OIW (Firm) Mar. 10-14 IEEE 802 '97 Irvine?/Albuguerque Mar. 11-14 Spring Internet World '97 Los Angeles, CA Mar. 11-15 ANSI X3T10 '97 Mar. 17-19 1st Euromicro Working Conf. on Software Maintenance & Reengineering Berlin, Germany Mar. 19-21 Internet World Asia '97 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Mar. 24-27 APPN Implementers Workshop Raleigh, NC Apr. 2-3 Europia '97 Edinburgh, Scotland Apr. 7-10 EMA'97 Philadelphia, PA Apr. 7-11 38th IETF (host by Fed. Exp) Memphis, TN Apr. 7-11 ANSI X3T11 (Brocade) Palm Springs, CA Apr. 7-11 IEEE INFOCOM '97 Kobe, Japan Apr. 7-12 W3C "Accessibility" 6th Int'l WWW Conference Santa Clara, CA IMR Editor [Page 29] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 Apr. 9-11 ISADS 97 - 3rd Intl Symposium on Autonmous Decentralized Sys. Berlin, Germany Apr. 22-24 Internet Expo & EMail World Chicago, IL Apr. 27-May 2 ATM Forum Chicago, IL May 5-9 ANSI X3T10 '97 May 5-9 NATO Workshop Edinburgh, Scotland May 12-15 8th JENC8 Edinburgh, Scotland May 12-16 IFIP/IEEE San Diego, CA May 15-16 TERENA General Assembly Edinburgh, Scotland May 19-21 7th Int'l Workshop on Ntwk & Oper for Digital Audio & Video St. Louis, MO May 21-23 RIPE 27 Dublin May 27-29 IS&N '97 4th Int'l Conf. on Intelligence in Services & Networks Como, Italy May 28-30 Web Developer '97 Chicago, IL Jun. 2-6 IEEE Multimedia Systems '97 Ottawa, CANADA Jun. 3-5 Internet World Mexico '97 Mexico City, Mexico Jun. 8-12 ICC '97 (joint with ENM) Montreal, CANADA Jun. 9-13 OIW (Firm) Jun. 9-13 ANSI X3T11 (host by Boeing) Seattle, WA Jun. 16-18 EEMA'97 Netherlands Jun. 24-27 INET '97 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jul. 7-11 IEEE 802 '97 Hyatt Regency Maui, Lahaina HI Jul. 14-18 ANSI X3T10 '97 Jul. 14-17 APPN Implementers Workshop San Jose, CA Jul. 20-25 ATM Forum Montreal, CANADA Jul. 24-25 DMS '97 Vancouver, CANADA Aug. 4-8 ANSI X3T11 (host by Hitachi) Honolulu, HI Aug. 11-15 39th IETF (host by German ISOC) Munich, Germany Aug. 12-14 (tenative) Internet Expo & EMail World Boston, MA Sep. 8-12 ANSI X3T10 '97 Sep. 8-12 OIW (Firm) Sep. 8-14 TELECOM Interactive 97 Geneva, Switzerland Sep. 10-12 IDMS '97 w/ ACM SIGMM, GMD, IEEE Darmstadt, Germany Sep. 14-18 ACM SIGCOMM '97 Cannes, French Riviera, France Sep. 21-26 ATM Forum Paris, France Oct. 6-10 ANSI X3T11 (host by FSI) Tucson, AZ Oct. 7-10 COMDEX Internet '97 and Object World '97 Internet Forum Europe (IFE) & Object World Frankfurt (OWF) Frankfurt, Germany Nov. 3-7 ANSI X3T10 '97 Nov. 30-Dec 5 ATM Forum Singapore Dec. 1-5 ANSI X3T11 (host by DPT) Orlando, FL Dec. 8-12 40th IETF (tentative) Univ. of Hawaii Dec. 8-12 OIW (Firm) TELECOM '97 Asia (Venue and Dates to be Determined) IMR Editor [Page 30] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 1998 ----------- Feb. 8-13 ATM Forum TBA Apr. 19-24 ATM Forum TBA SPRING 1998 TELECOM '97 Africa Midrand, South Africa Jul. 26-31 ATM Forum TBA Aug. 23-29 15th IFIP World. Com. Conf. Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary Oct. 4-9 ATM Forum TBA Dec. 6-11 ATM Forum TBA 1999 ----- Oct. 8-14 TELECOM '99 Geneva, Switzerland IMR Editor [Page 31] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 TERENA CALENDAR updated 5 December 1996 This list of meetings is provided for information. Many of the meetings are closed or by invitation; if in doubt, please contact the chair of the meeting or the TERENA Secretariat. If you have additions/corrections/comments, please mail <>. ********************************************************************** NAME / DATE LOCATION TERENA General Assembly GA7 15-16 May 1997 Edinburgh TERENA Executive Committee 17 December Amsterdam TERENA Technical Committee 22 January 1997 (tbd) Amsterdam JENC8 Programme Committee 4 December Amsterdam 12 February 1997 Amsterdam Conference Committee 17 January 1997 Amsterdam TF-CACHE -------- 23 January 1997 Amsterdam EEMA ---- Spring Conference and Exhibition 25-26 February 1997 Berlin IMR Editor [Page 32] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 ENPG ---- 9-10 January 1997 Amsterdam ETSI ---- GA24 10-11 December Nice, France TA25 23-25 October " EWOS ---- EWOS Assembly 1, 3-4 December Brussels EWOS Assembly 2, 25-26 February 1997 " EWOS Assembly 3, 13-14 May 1997 " EWOS Assembly 4, 16-17 September 1997 " EWOS Assembly 5, 2-3 December 1997 " Workshops 36: 20-24 January 1997 Brussels 37: 7-11 April 1997 " 38: 16-20 June 1997 " 39: 27-31 October 1997 " ICT Partnership - General Meeting --------------------------------- 29 January 1997 (tbc) Brussels IETF ---- 37, 9-13 December San Jose, CA 38, 7-11 April 1997 Memphis, Tenn. 39, 11-15 August 1997 Munich, Germany ISOC ---- Symposium 10-11 February 1997 San Diego, CA NATO ---- Workshop 5-9 May 1997 Edinburgh IMR Editor [Page 33] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 RIPE ---- RIPE 26 20-22 January 1997 Amsterdam RIPE27 21-23 May 1997 Dublin RIPE IR Training 11 November Berlin 12 November " +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TERENA CONFERENCES JENC8 - 8th Joint European Networking Conference "Diversity and Integration: The New European Networking Landscape" 12-15 May 1997 Edinburgh, Scotland This conference will be the European Forum to get up-to-date information, to debate and assess the new deregulated tele-communication environment in Europe, new leading-edge applications, and the network/internetwork support infrastructure which is currently being developed Subject Areas: * Emerging Network Technologies and Network Engineering * User Support, Training and Education * Security and Management Issues * Information Systems and Distributed Applications * Economic and Political Issues IMR Editor [Page 34] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 For information please contact the JENC8 Secretariat at: TERENA Secretariat Singel 466-468 1017 AW Amsterdam, The Netherlands tel: +31 20 6391131 fax: +31 20 6393289 email: <> or JENC8 Local Organization c/o Concorde Services Ltd Unit 5, SECC Glasgow, G3 8YW, Scotland email: <> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OTHER CONFERENCES ASIAN'96 - Asian Computing Science Conference ------------------------------------------------------------ 2-5 December Singapore Themes of this conference is: - Programming (sematics, languages, systems, ...) - Concurrency & Parallelism (algorithms, formalisms, systems ...) - Networking & Security (algorithms, protocols, formalisms, ...) Additional information available from: IMR Editor [Page 35] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 COREC - "Interregional Cooperation in RTD - Challenges and Opportunities for Regions in Economic Conversion" ----------------------------------------------------------= 16-17 December Bremen, Germany This conference is about "Interregional Cooperation in Research and Technological Development and its Impact on Regional Economies". Background is the experience of the community initiative STRIDE and other programmes of the European Commission. Agenda is available on the Internet under: Any further information may be obtained from: Mr. Wolfgang Petzold <> Senator fur Wirtschaft, Mittelstand, Technologie und Europeangelegenheiten Internet Society's 5th Annual Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security ------------------------------------------------------ 10-11 February 1997 San Diego, California, USA The symposium is intended for people interested in the practical aspects of network and distributed system security. It focuses on actual system design and implementation, rather than theory. For information, see ISOC web page: Multimedia Computing and Networking 1997 ---------------------------------------- 10-12 February 1997 San Jose, CA, USA The object of this conference is to bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners working in all facets of multimedia computing and networking. Paper submission by 16 July 1996. For further information email <> IEEE INFOCOM '97 16th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer & Communications Societies ---------------------------------------------------- 7-11 April 1997 Kobe, Japan Paper submissions by 14 June 1997. =46or further information contact http:// IMR Editor [Page 36] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 ISADS 97 3rd International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems --------------------------------------------------------------- 9-11 April 1997 Berlin, Germany Supported by Hitachi, DeTeBerkom, NEC, Digital, GMD-FOCUS, Hewlett Packard, IBM. The focus will be on advancements and innovations in ADS platforms and applications. Integration of telecommunication and computing aspects into a uniform concept for providing an open distributed processing environment. For information see WWW: IS&N '97 4th International Conference on Intelligence in Services & Networks ------------------------------------------------------------------- 27-29 May 1997 Como, Italy Title: "Technology for Co-operative Competition". The conference will provide a forum for the discussion of issues and the exchange of outstanding technical results related to the engineering of advanced communication services and experiments on their use. Sponsored by the European Commission and Italtel, and supported by ACTS projects in IS&N domain. Further information is available on WWW: ECOOP'97 11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming ------------------------------------------------------- 9-13 June 1997 University of Jyv=E4skyl=E4, Jyv=E4skyl=E4, Finland =46or information see www page: or IMR Editor [Page 37] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 EEMA'97 Electronic Commerce and Messaging in Europe' "The Premier European Forum for Advanced Business" ------------------------------------------------- 16-18 June 1997 Maastricht Exhibition and Congress Centre, Maastricht, Netherlands Issues of the conference will be: Global Security; Corporate Directories; Messaging Products & Services; Electronic Commerce; Global Messaging Enterprise; European Initiatives; Mobile Messaging Technology; Messaging Technology & Management Strategy; Intranet; World Wide Web & Infobots. For information contact WWW: INET'97 - Workshop ------------------ 15-21 June 1997 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Focus of the workshop will be upon assisting countries that are either not yet connected to the Internet or are in the process of developing and enhancing an initial national Internet. For copy of announcement e-mail <> Apply for admission by 7 February 1997 to e-mail <> INET'97 7th Annual Internet Society Conference --------------------------------------- 24-27 June 1997 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The conference will address the traditional and evolving frontiers of the Internet as well as its significant impact on education, commerce and societies throughout the world. -information on INET97, the K-12 workshop, the Tutorials, and the associated Developing Countries Workshop, along with an abstract submission form, can be found on the ISOC web page: or, for information via e-mail: - for details of submission procedure email <> - for other information email <> IMR Editor [Page 38] Internet Monthly Report November 1996 FMOODS'97 - Second IFIP Interrnational Workshop on Formal Methods for Open-based Distributed Systems --------------------------------------------------- 21-23 July 1997 Canterbury, United Kingdom Objective is to provide an integrated forum for the presentation of research in several related fields. Paper submission deadline 14 January 1997 For all information: e-mail <> or web page: http://alethea.u, IDMS'97 European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services -------------------------------------------------------- 10-12 September 1997 Darmstadt, Germany In cooperation with ACM SIGM, Gesellschaft fuer Informatik, GMD, IEEE Computer Society and VDE ITG The purpose of this 4th workshop is to provide a forum for the presentation, exploration and discussion of technologies and their advancements in the broad field of interactive distributed multimedia systems. Paper submission due 1 March 1997 For additional information se www: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IMR Editor [Page 39]