July 1997


The purpose of these reports is to communicate to the Internet Research
Group the accomplishments, milestones reached, or problems discovered by
the participating organizations.

Each organization is expected to submit a 1/2 page report on the first
business day of the month describing the previous month's activities.
These reports should be submitted via network mail to "IMR-ED@ISI.EDU".


The Internet Monthly Report mailing list is now managed by MajorDomo at
ISI.EDU.  The announcements of new issues on the Internet Monthly Report
are sent to the IETF-Announce list and to this IMR list.

Requests to be ADDED or DELETED from the Internet Monthly report list
should be sent to "majordomo@isi.edu" with the message body either
"subscribe imr" or "unsubscribe imr".

Details on obtaining the current IMR, or back issues, via FTP or EMAIL
may be obtained by sending an EMAIL message to "rfc-info@ISI.EDU" with
the message body "help: ways_to_get_imrs".  For example:

        To: rfc-info@ISI.EDU
        Subject: getting imrs

        help: ways_to_get_imrs

or  URL: http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/imr/

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 1]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997



     IAB MESSAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3
     INTERNET ENGINEERING REPORTS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page  3

  Internet Projects

     INTERNIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
       Registration Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
       Directory Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19
       US Domain Registry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20
     MERIT INTERNET ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23
     UCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25
     IANA REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 25
     RFC EDITOR REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 26
  CALENDAR OF EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27
    TERENA List of Meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31
    SOFTBANK Forums. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 2]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


     The minutes of the IAB back to 1990 are available for anonymous ftp
     access on host ftp.isi.edu, directory /pub/IAB, or via the IAB
     World-Wide Web page with URL http://www.iab.org/iab/.

     Brian Carpenter IAB Chair


                 Internet Monthly Report for July, 1997

  1. As I write this, we are about to leave for the IETF Meeting in
     Munich, Germany. Our hosts for this meeting Digi/ISOC.DE. The
     final meeting of the year will be held in Washington, DC from
     December 8-12, 1997. Our local host is Newbridge Networks. The
     IETF will meet in Los Angeles from March 30 - April, 3, 1998 and
     then in Chicago August 24-28. We're still looking into the final
     meeting of 1998.

     Once all arrangements have been made, notifications will be sent
     to the IETF Announcement list. Remember that information on
     future meetng sites can always be found in the file
     0mtg-sites.txt, located on the IETF shadow directories. Of
     course, this information is provided on the Web. The IETF's URL


  2. The minutes of the IESG teleconferences be found on all the IETF
     shadow directories in the iesg directory.

     The following IESG minutes have been added:

       June 5, 1997 (iesg.97-06-05)
       July 10, 1997 (iesg-97-07-10)

  3. The IESG approved or recommended the following 13 Protocol
     Actions during the month of July, 1997:

     o Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers for
       publication as a Best Current Practices RFC.

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 3]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     o SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining for publication
       as a Draft Standard.

     o Routing Aspects Of IPv6 Transition for publication as an
       Informational RFC.

     o VENUS - Very Extensive Non-Unicast Service for publication as
       an Informational RFC.

     o Review of Roaming Implementations for publication as an
       Informational RFC.

     o Application of Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), version 2 for
       publication as an Informational RFC.

     o The "data" URL scheme for publication as a Proposed Standard.

     o Clarifications to the DNS Specification for publication as a
       Proposed Standard.

     o IMAP URL Scheme for publication as a Proposed Standard.

     o MIME Parameter Value and Encoded Word Extensions: Character
       Sets, Languages, and Continuations for publication as a
       Proposed Standard.

     o Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages:
       The Content-Disposition Header Field for publication as a
       Proposed Standard.

     o IMAP4 Mailbox Referrals for publication as a Proposed Standard.

     o IMAP4 Multi-Accessed Mailbox Practice (None)

  4. Four Last Calls were issued by the IESG during the month of July,

     o Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
       <draft-myers-auth-sasl-11> for consideration as a Proposed

     o Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.3 Medium Attachment
       Units (MAUs) using SMIv2 <draft-ietf-hubmib-mau-mib-04> for
       consideration as a Proposed Standard.

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 4]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     o Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP
       <draft-ietf-http-hit-metering-03> for consideration as a
       Proposed Standard.

     o Compressing IP/UDP/RTP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links
       <draft-ietf-avt-crtp-03> for consideration as a Proposed

  5. Six new working groups were created

       TCP Over Satellite (tcpsat)
       IP Payload Compression Protocol (ippcp)
       Transaction Internet Protocol (tip)
       IP Over IEEE 1394 (ip1394)
       PSTN and Internet Internetworking (pint)
       Uniform Resource Locator Registration Procedures (urlreg)

  6. There were 284 Internet-Draft Actions during the month of July,

     (idmr)     o Internet Group Management Protocol MIB
     (idmr)     o Core Based Trees (CBT version 2) Multicast Routing
                  -- Protocol Specification --
     (none)     o Photuris: Session Key Management Protocol
     (none)     o The Auto-Submitted, Supersedes and Expires E-mail
                  Headers <draft-ietf-mailext-new-fields-08.txt>
     (ion)      o NHRP Protocol Applicability Statement
     (ipsec)    o Internet Security Association and Key Management
                  Protocol (ISAKMP)
     (intserv)  o Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service
     (none)     o Loop control for the Auto-Submitted e-mail header
     (rsvp)     o RSVP Cryptographic Authentication
     (ion)      o IP Broadcast over ATM Networks
     (cat)      o The Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation
                  Mechanism <draft-ietf-cat-snego-06.txt>
     (ssh)      o Site Security Handbook

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     (asid)     o A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information
     (grip)     o Expectations for Security Incident Response
     (receipt)  o An Extensible Message Format for Message
                  Disposition Notifications
     (intserv)  o General Characterization Parameters for Integrated
                  Service Network Elements
     (rsvp)     o RSVP Management Information Base
     (intserv)  o Integrated Services Management Information Base
     (ion)      o Definitions of Managed Objects for Classical IP and
                  ARP Over ATM Using SMIv2
     (http)     o PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP
                  <draft-ietf-http-pep-04.txt, .ps>
     (dhc)      o An Extension to the DHCP Option Codes
     (dhc)      o An option for FQDNs in DHCP options
     (ipsec)    o The OAKLEY Key Determination Protocol
     (dnsind)   o Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers
     (http)     o Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP
     (pppext)   o PPP LCP Extensions
     (asid)     o Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3):
                  Attribute Syntax Definitions
     (asid)     o Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)
     (drums)    o Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF
     (atommib)  o Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH
                  Interface Type <draft-ietf-atommib-sonetng-02.txt>
     (none)     o Photuris: Extended Schemes and Attributes
     (none)     o IANA Charset Registration Procedures
     (ion)      o Transient Neighbors for IPv6 over ATM
     (none)     o TFTP Blocksize Option

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Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (mhtml)    o Sending HTML in E-mail, an informational supplement
                  to RFC ???: MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate
                  HTML Documents (MHTML)
     (ipsec)    + The ESP Triple DES Transform
     (none)     o Using the MARS model in non-ATM NBMA networks.
     (ipsec)    o IP Authentication Header
     (issll)    o Providing integrated services over low-bitrate
                  links <draft-ietf-issll-isslow-02.txt>
     (pppext)   o Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol--PPTP
     (ipsec)    o The resolution of ISAKMP with Oakley
     (ipngwg)   o IPv6 Router Alert Option
     (roamops)  o Dialup Roaming Requirements
     (none)     o Redundant MARS architectures and SCSP
     (none)     o SMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining
     (none)     o SBM (Subnet Bandwidth Manager): A Proposal for
                  Admission Control over IEEE 802-style networks
     (none)     o Internet Calendar Access Protocol (ICAP)
     (ediint)   o Requirements for Inter-operable Internet EDI
     (intserv)  o The Use of RSVP with IETF Integrated Services
     (bmwg)     o Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching Devices
     (none)     o Domain Names and Company Name Retrieval
     (issll)    o The Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP
     (none)     o The TACACS+ Protocol Version 1.77
     (none)     o Network Ingress Filtering: Defeating IP Source
                  Address Spoofing Denial of Service Attacks
     (none)     o A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
                  ARCnet Networks.
     (none)     o IMAP URL Scheme <draft-newman-url-imap-10.txt>

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Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (ipngwg)   o IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments
     (none)     o Advanced Sockets API for IPv6
     (ediint)   o MIME-based Secure EDI
     (none)     o NNTP LIST Additions
     (rmonmib)  o Remote Network Monitoring MIB Extensions for Switch
                  Networks Version 1.0
     (none)     o Wrapping MIME Objects: Application/MIME
     (http)     o Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP
     (frnetmib) o Management Information Base for Frame Relay Data
                  Compression <draft-ietf-frnetmib-dcp-02.txt>
     (http)     o Feature Tag Registration Procedures
     (none)     o Universal Format for Logger Messages
     (tls)      o Addition of Kerberos Cipher Suites to Transport
                  Layer Security (TLS)
     (roamops)  o The Network Access Identifier
     (none)     o DHCP Options for Novell Directory Services
     (none)     o PF_KEY Key Management API, Version 2
     (radius)   o Implementation of PPTP/L2TP Compulsory Tunneling
                  via RADIUS <draft-ietf-radius-tunnel-imp-03.txt>
     (lsma)     o Scenarios and Appropriate Protocols for Distributed
                  Interactive Simulation
     (ssh)      o Users' Security Handbook
     (dhc)      o DHCP Option for IEEE 1003.1 POSIX Timezone
                  Specifications <draft-ietf-dhc-timezone-03.txt>
     (urn)      o Guidelines and a Framework for URN Resolution
                  Systems <draft-ietf-urn-req-frame-03.txt>
     (none)     o Representing the Dublin Core within X.500, LDAP and
                  CLDAP <draft-hamilton-dcxl-02.txt>
     (rtfm)     o RTFM Working Group - New Attributes for Traffic
                  Flow Measurement
     (rmonmib)  o Remote Network Monitoring MIB Protocol Identifiers

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 8]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (vrrp)     o Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
     (asid)     o The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical
                  Specification <draft-ietf-asid-ldif-02.txt>
     (printmib) o Printer MIB <draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-02.txt>
     (find)     o A Tagged Index Object for use in the Common
                  Indexing Protocol
     (avt)      o Compressing IP/UDP/RTP Headers for Low-Speed Serial
                  Links <draft-ietf-avt-crtp-03.txt>
     (asid)     o Definition of an Object Class to Hold LDAP Change
                  Records <draft-ietf-asid-changelog-01.txt>
     (none)     o Internationalization of Domain Names
     (none)     o Flow Grouping For Reducing Reservation Requirements
                  for Guaranteed Delay Service
     (none)     o Telnet Com Port Control Option
     (harts)    o Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the
                  Internet <draft-ietf-harts-guide-03.txt>
     (ipngwg)   o IP Version 6 over PPP
     (none)     o Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4
     (dnsind)   o Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS NCACHE)
     (none)     o Content Duration MIME Header Definition
     (none)     o Toll Quality Voice - 32 kbit/s ADPCM MIME Sub-type
                  Registration <draft-ema-vpim-32kadpcm-01.txt>
     (none)     o VPIM Voice Message MIME Sub-type Registration
     (none)     o Survey of Defined Managed Objects for Applications
                  Management <draft-hazewinkel-appl-mib-01.txt>
     (mixer)    o Using the Internet DNS to Distribute MIXER
                  Conformant Global Address Mapping (MCGAM)
     (idr)      o A Framework for Inter-Domain Route Aggregation
     (http)     o HTTP Remote Variant Selection Algorithm -- RVSA/1.0
     (pppext)   o Mobile-IPv4 Configuration Option for PPP IPCP
     (none)     o Communicating Presentation Information in Internet
                  Messages: The Content-Disposition Header Field

IMR Editor                                                      [Page 9]
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     (mixer)    o Use of an X.500/LDAP directory to support MIXER
                  address mapping <draft-ietf-mixer-directory-02.txt>
     (webdav)   o Requirements for Distributed Authoring and
                  Versioning on the World Wide Web
     (rmonmib)  o Remote Network Monitoring Management Information
                  Base for High Capacity Networks
     (rtfm)     o Traffic Flow Measurement: Meter MIB
     (none)     o Scalable support for multi-homed multi-provider
                  connectivity <draft-bates-multihoming-01.txt>
     (spki)     o Simple Public Key Certificate
     (run)      o DON'T SPEW A Set of Guidelines for Mass Unsolicited
                  Mailings and Postings (Spam*)
     (fax)      o File Format for Internet Fax
     (http)     + Problem with HTTP/1.1 Warning header, and proposed
                  fix <draft-ietf-http-warning-00.txt>
     (radius)   o RADIUS Server MIB
     (asid)     o LDAP Multi-master Replication Protocol
     (ipngwg)   o Transmission of IPv6 Packets over FDDI Networks
     (ipngwg)   o Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks
     (radius)   o RADIUS Client MIB
     (none)     o RSVP over ATM Implementation Guidelines
                  <draft-ietf-issll-atm-imp-guide-01.txt, .ps>
     (qosr)     o A Framework for QoS-based Routing in the Internet
     (none)     o S/MIME Message Specification
     (secsh)    o Connect <draft-ietf-secsh-connect-01.txt>
     (roamops)  o Guidelines for the Secure Operation of RADIUS
                  Proxies in Roaming <draft-ietf-roamops-auth-02.txt>
     (tcpimpl)  o Known TCP Implementation Problems
     (issll)    o PPP in a real-time oriented HDLC-like framing
     (pkix)     o Internet Public Key Infrastructure Part IV:
                  Certificate Policy and Certification Practices
                  Framework <draft-ietf-pkix-ipki-part4-01.txt>

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     (pppext)   o PPP over AAL5 and FUNI
     (secsh)    o SSH Transport Layer Protocol
     (secsh)    o SSH Authentication Protocol
     (aft)      o SOCKS Protocol Version 5
     (none)     o Directory Entries From Email Address
     (asid)     o A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with
                  LDAPv3 <draft-ietf-asid-ldapv3schema-x500-01.txt>
     (avt)      o RTP Profile for Audio and Video Conferences with
                  Minimal Control
     (pppext)   o PPP LCP CallBack
     (ipngwg)   o Router Renumbering for IPv6
     (rsvp)     o Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) Version 1
                  Applicability Statement Some Guidelines on
                  Deployment <draft-ietf-rsvp-intsrv-analysis-01.txt>
     (asid)     o An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information
                  Service <draft-ietf-asid-nis-schema-02.txt>
     (find)     o Hierarchical Extensions to the Common Indexing
                  Protocol <draft-ietf-find-cip-hierarchy-01.txt>
     (none)     o HTTP based Geo-temporal Searching (HGS).
     (ipsec)    + The ESP RC5-CBC Algorithm
     (none)     o Application of Internet Cache Protocol (ICP),
                  version 2 <draft-wessels-icp-v2-appl-02.txt>
     (snmpv3)   o An Architecture for Describing Internet Management
                  Frameworks <draft-ietf-snmpv3-next-gen-arch-04.txt>
     (ipsec)    + The ESP CAST128-CBC Algorithm
     (urn)      o A URN Namespace for IETF Documents
     (ipngwg)   o An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format
     (none)     o IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture
     (ipsec)    + The ESP DES-CBC Transform
     (ipngwg)   o IPv6 Testing Address Allocation
     (none)     o Plaintext Password SASL Mechanism and Transition
                  Codes <draft-newman-sasl-plaintrans-03.txt>

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 11]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (none)     o The IP Network Address Translator (NAT)
     (ftpext)   o Feature negotiation mechanism for the File Transfer
                  Protocol <draft-ietf-ftpext-feat-01.txt>
     (none)     o Firewall Traversal authorization system
     (pppext)   o Layer Two Tunneling Protocol "L2TP" Security
                  Extensions for Non-IPSEC networks
     (http)     o Scenarios for the Delivery of Negotiated Content
                  using HTTP
     (snmpv3)   o View-based Access Control Model for the Simple
                  Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
     (none)     o Application Protocol Design Principles
     (ipp)      o Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Security
     (none)     + PPP/IPCP Extension for Word Alignment of IP
                  Datagrams <draft-rfced-info-martin-00.txt>
     (radius)   + RADIUS Accounting Interim Accounting Record
                  Extension <draft-ietf-radius-acct-interim-00.txt>
     (ipsec)    o IP Security Document Roadmap
     (ipsec)    + The Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 within ESP and AH
     (ipsec)    + The Use of HMAC-MD5-96 within ESP and AH
     (ipsec)    + The ESP DES-CBC Cipher Algorithm With Explicit IV
     (ipsec)    + ESP with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
     (none)     + Analysis of Services and Interfaces used when
                  Interworking Between the Internet and the
                  Intelligent Network (I.N.)
     (ipsec)    + The ESP ARCFOUR Algorithm
     (asid)     + Lightweight Directory Access Protocol: Dynamic
                  Attributes <draft-ietf-asid-ldap-dynatt-00.txt>
     (ipsec)    + The ESP DES-XEX3-CBC Transform
     (mhtml)    + MIME E-mail Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents,
                  such as HTML (MHTML) <draft-ietf-mhtml-rev-00.txt>
     (none)     + Transaction Internet Protocol - Requirements

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 12]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (none)     + Advise on the implementation of In-Reply-To,
                  References and Supersedes e-mail and netnews
                  headers <draft-palme-newfields-info-00.txt>
     (http)     o Feature Tag Scenarios
     (none)     + Telnet Remote Serial Port (RSP) Option
     (ipcdn)    + Cable Modem Management Information Base for MCNS
                  compliant Cable Modems
     (ipcdn)    + Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Management
                  Information Base for MCNS compliant RF interfaces
     (asid)     + The vCard Schema For Use In LDAPv3
     (none)     + Cache Array Routing Protocol v1.0
     (none)     o Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS
     (none)     + The Compressed Payload Header
     (none)     + Internet Technology for Integration of Carrier
                  Network Management (TMN) and Enterprise Network
                  Management <draft-bogler-tmn-internet-00.txt>
     (none)     + Key Management for Multicast: Issues and
                  Architectures <draft-wallner-key-arch-00.txt>
     (issll)    + RSVP over ATM Implementation Requirements
                  <draft-ietf-issll-atm-imp-req-00.txt, .ps>
     (none)     o ODETTE File Transfer Protocol
     (none)     + IPSOFACTO: IP Switching Over Fast ATM Cell
                  Transport <draft-acharya-ipsw-fast-cell-00.txt>
     (none)     + The Site Installation Handbook
     (none)     o A Dictionary Server Protocol
     (fax)      + Capabilities Exchange and Immediate Delivery over
                  ESMTP <draft-ietf-fax-transport-00.txt>
     (cat)      + The Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)
     (none)     + HTTP/1.1 Message Digest Attribute Request
     (pppext)   + The PPP DES Encryption Protocol, Version 2
     (ipp)      o Mapping between LPD and IPP Protocols

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 13]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (none)     + IP Multicast over ATM MLIS using ATM Multicast
                  Routers <draft-ishikawa-ion-mcatm-mlis-00.txt>
     (none)     + IP Multicast Routing over ATM
     (snmpv3)   o User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of
                  the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3)
     (tcpimpl)  + Some Testing Tools for TCP Implementors
     (none)     + Open Software Distribution Methods
     (ipp)      + Internet Printing Protocol/1.0: Protocol
                  Specification <draft-ietf-ipp-protocol-00.txt>
     (none)     + Path MTU discovery in the presence of security
     (none)     + Why traceroute can not work through IPsec gateways
     (ipngwg)   + TLA and NLA Assignment Rules
     (none)     + NNTP Generic Data Extensions
     (ippcp)    + IP Payload Compression Protocol (IPComp)
     (ipsec)    + The ESP Blowfish-CBC Algorithm Using an Explicit IV
     (none)     + Capabilities Negotiation with BGP-4
     (none)     + LDAP Object Class for Application Users
     (pppext)   + The PPP Triple-DES Encryption Protocol (3DESE)
     (ipsec)    + The ESP 3DES-CBC Algorithm Using an Explicit IV
     (idmr)     + Core Based Trees (CBT) Multicast Routing MIB
     (cat)      + FTP Authentication Using DSA
     (cat)      + Encryption using KEA and SKIPJACK
     (ipsec)    + The ESP IDEA-CBC Algorithm Using Explicit IV
     (ipsec)    + IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
     (none)     + ILMI-Based Server Discovery for ATMARP
     (none)     + ILMI-Based Server Discovery for MARS

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 14]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (calsch)   + iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability
                  Protocol (iTIP) Part One: Scheduling Events and
                  BusyTime <draft-ietf-calsch-itip-part1-00.txt>
     (calsch)   + iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability
                  Protocol (iTIP) Part Two: Scheduling To-Dos
     (calsch)   + iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability
                  Protocol (iTIP) Part Three - Scheduling Journal
                  Entries <draft-ietf-calsch-itip-part3-00.txt>
     (none)     + Dynamic Tunneling Path Configuration for
                  Uni-directional Link Routing
     (none)     + An IP tunneling approach for Uni-directional Link
                  routing <draft-izumiyama-udlr-tunnel-00.txt>
     (none)     + Guidelines for Next Hop Client (NHC) developers
     (avt)      + RTP Payload Format for QuickTime Media Streams
     (aft)      + Feature Discovery: A Generic Extension Mechanism
                  for SOCKS Version 5
     (dhc)      + Netware/IP Domain Name and Information
     (none)     + IMSS: IP Multicast Shortcut Service
     (issll)    + A Framework for Integrated Services and RSVP over
                  ATM <draft-ietf-issll-atm-framework-00.txt>
     (acap)     + ACAP Authorization Identifier Datasets
     (dnssec)   + Domain Name System Security Extensions
     (none)     + SOCKS V5 UDP and Multicast Extensions
     (none)     + ESP with Cipher Block CheckSums (CBCS)
     (asid)     + LDAP Replication Requirements
     (asid)     + The Java LDAP Application Program Interface
     (ipngwg)   o IPv6 Name Lookups Through ICMP
     (mhtml)    + Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators
     (svrloc)   + Wide Area Network Service Location
     (none)     + Proposal for SPKI Certificate Formats and Semantics

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 15]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (none)     + Synchronous IP Switching Protocol
     (ion)      + A Distributed MARS Service Using SCSP
     (ion)      + Intra-area IP unicast among routers over legacy ATM
     (none)     + Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security
     (none)     + Directory Schema Listing Requirements
     (asid)     + Schema for Replication Information
     (none)     + Information Exchange to Be Supported by the Service
                  Support Transfer Protocol (SSTP)
     (ip1394)   o IP over IEEE 1394 (High Performance Serial Bus)
                  Revision 1a <draft-ietf-ip1394-high-perform-02.txt>
     (pppext)   o PPP Over FUNI <draft-ietf-pppext-funi-01.txt>
     (rsvp)     + Protocol for Exchange of PoliCy Information (PEPCI)
     (none)     + Internet Email Subaddressing
     (ipcdn)    + IP Over Cable Data Networks - Terms of Reference
     (acap)     + ACAP Personal Addressbook Dataset Class
     (pppext)   + PPP LCP Self Describing Padding
     (ipngwg)   o Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6)
     (ipngwg)   + IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
     (ipngwg)   + Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification
     (lsma)     + Taxonomy of Communication Requirements for
                  Large-scale Multicast Applications
     (asid)     + LDAP API Extensions for Sort and Simple Paged
                  Results <draft-ietf-asid-ldapv3-api-ext-00.txt>
     (idr)      + Using a Dedicated AS for Sites Homed to a Single
                  Provider <draft-ietf-idr-as-dedicated-00.txt>
     (none)     + End-to-End Traffic Management Issues in IP/ATM
                  Internetworks <draft-jagan-e2e-traf-mgmt-00.txt>
     (ipngwg)   + Site prefixes in Neighbor Discovery
     (pkix)     + Internet Public Key Infrastructure

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 16]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (pkix)     + Internet Public Key Infrastructure Part V: Time
                  Stamp Protocols <draft-pkix-ipki5tsp-00.txt>
     (none)     + RTP Payload Format for BT.656-3 Encoding
     (ngtrans)  + Site prefixes in Neighbor Discovery
     (asid)     + Referral Whois Protocol (RWhois) 2.0
     (none)     o A Stream Cipher Encryption Algorithm 'Arcfour'
     (none)     + IPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 and IPv4
                  Tunnels <draft-conta-ipv6-inv-nd-tun-00.txt>
     (http)     + An Extension to HTTP : Digest Access Authentication
     (none)     + DHCP Server Verification by Client Via DNSSEC
     (none)     + Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Frame Relay
     (none)     + Conversion of MIMEDIR content into XML
     (issll)    + Integrated Service Mappings on IEEE 802 Networks
     (ippcp)    + IP Payload Compression Protocol Architecture
     (none)     + Error Record (ERR) for DNS
     (dhc)      + Subnet Selection Option for DHCP
     (none)     + Scalability Issues in Label Switching over ATM
     (idr)      + Route Aggregation Tutorial
     (none)     + ACK Spacing for High Delay-Bandwidth Paths with
                  Insufficient Buffering
     (acap)     o ACAP personal options dataset class
     (none)     + HTTP X-Connfrom header
     (ipsec)    + The ESP CAST5-128-CBC Transform
     (none)     + Handling Internationalized Query Components in URLs
     (none)     + Normalization of Internationalized Identifiers
     (dhc)      + Securing DHCP <draft-ietf-dhc-securing-dhc-00.txt>

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 17]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     (tn3270e)  + Definitions of Managed Objects for TN3270E Response
                  Time Collection Using SMIv2
     (asid)     + The C LDAP Application Program Interface
     (none)     + Universal Forms Description Language Specification
                  Version 3.2 <draft-ietf-ufdl-spec-00.txt>
     (none)     + Universal Forms Description Language Specification
                  Version 3.2 <draft-gordon-ufdl-spec-00.txt>
     (avt)      + RTP Payload for DTMF Digits
     (svrloc)   + Definition of lpr: URLs for use with Service
                  Location <draft-ietf-svrloc-lpr-scheme-00.txt>
     (none)     + Uniform Resource Locators (URL): DNS URL Naming
                  Scheme <draft-goland-url-dns-00.txt>

  7. Seven RFCs were published during this period

     RFC2093 E  (none)    Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP)
     RFC2094 E  (none)    Group Key Management Protocol (GKMP)
     RFC2170 I  (none)    Application REQuested IP over ATM
     RFC2177 PS (none)    IMAP4 IDLE command
     RFC2178 DS (ospf)    OSPF Version 2
     RFC2179 I  (none)    Network Security For Trade Shows
     RFC2180 I  (none)    IMAP4 Multi-Accessed Mailbox Practice

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 18]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997




     July InterNIC Stats

     Monthly Registrations: 138,814

     Gopher Sessions: 64,418         Retrievals: 8164
     WAIS Sessions: 20,017           Retrievals: 12,423
     FTP Sessions: 119,307           Retrievals: 201,245
     Telnet Sessions: 71,069
     HTTP: 13,386,951
     Whois Client Queries: 5,153,853
     Whois Server Queries: 28,483,417

     Updates: 172,397
     email: 558,630

     Rich Landers <richl@internic.net>


     The InterNIC Guide to US Universities is now available at:


     The Guide can be searched by name of the institution or
     geographically by state.  It provides contact information for the
     institution including a link to the college's web site.

     The University Guide was developed by Aldea Communications.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 19]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     A reminder - if you would like to help the Internet community find
     a resource that you offer, send mail to admin@ds.internic.net and
     we will send information about listing your resource in the
     Directory of Directories.  If you prefer, you can enter
     information about your resource in our WWW suggestion form.  The
     form can be reached through our Directory of Directories Web page


     by Rick Huber <rvh@ds.internic.net>


     A total of about 2000 locality domains that were delegated to several
     domain name managers have been returned to the US Domain
     administrator.  These localities will be made available for
     redelegation in the coming months.

     A new policy has been added regarding the locality delegation.  For
     delegations (or redelegations) made after 1-Jul-97, it is assumed by
     the US Domain Administrator that every applicant for the delegation (or
     redelegation) of a locality name has the written agreement of the
     legitimate government for that locality for the applicant to manage the
     domain name of that locality.

     Evidience of such an agreement does not need to be presented at the
     time of delegation (except that the administrative contact on the
     application template must be the government representative).  However,
     if the delegation is later challenged or contested, the manager of the
     locality domain must produce the agreement.  Failure to do so will
     most likely result in the transfer of the management of the locality
     domain to another manager that does have such an agreement.

     If there is a dispute as to what is the legitimate government for a
     locality is and who may act for it, the league of cities or
     association of municipalities of that state (as recognized by the
     National League of Cities) may be asked to assist in resolving such

     In some places there are overlapping jurisdictions with the same name
     (for example, the city of Los Angeles and the county of Los Angeles).
     In such cases, the higher level government should have priority.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 20]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     The US Domain registration form is now available online at

     The US Domain has the maps of all the delegated special domains
     online at http://www.isi.edu/us-domain.

     The US Domain administrator no longer makes direct registrations of
     hosts, and only makes delegations of third or fourth level domain
     names (such as localities).

     Some of the processing of the requests to the third level domain
     name is now automated. In particular, most requests to register
     names in localities already delegated are automatically forwarded to
     the administrator of that locality.

     A new policy has been added regarding the charges for the domain name
     passed on during delegation.  The administrator of the locality has to
     notify one year in advance before charging for those domains.


             EMAIL/FAX            4293
             PHONE                 500
             Total Contacts       4793

             DELEGATIONS:          271
             FORWARDED REQUESTS:  1847
             OTHER US DOMAIN MSGS:2675
             Total                4793

     OTHER US DOMAIN MESSAGES include referrals to other subdomains
     or to/from the InterNic, phone calls, modifications,
     application requests, discussion and clarification of the
     requests, questions about names, resolving technical problems
     with zone files and name servers, and whois listings.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 21]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


     K12     CC      TEC     STATE   LIB     MUS     GEN     DST     COG
     52      39      36      47      41      26      28      10      6


     GEN.OK.US.                      General Independent Entities,


     GLOUCESTER.NJ.US.                       NEW-ORLEANS.LA.US.
     NAMPA.ID.US.                            MANHATTAN.KS.US.
     MERIDIAN.MI.US.                         BOLTON.VT.US.
     FRANKLIN.KS.US.                         WATERFORD.NY.US.
     BERKELEY-LAKE.GA.US.                    SWANZEY.NH.US.
     ALBANY.NH.US.                           BERKELEY.IL.US.
     BUTLER.IN.US.                           PITKIN.CO.US.
     PEPPERMALL.MA.US.                       PORT-CLINTON.OH.US.
     WEBBERVILLE.MI.US.                      PERRY.MI.US.
     POTTERVILLE.MI.US.                      MORRICE.MI.US.
     DURAND.MI.US.                           LAINGSBURG.MI.US.
     BATH.MI.US.                             FOWLERVILLE.MI.US.
     PLAQUEMINE.LA.US.                       FREDON.NJ.US.
     HAMPTON.NJ.US.                          OGDENSBURG.NJ.US.
     STANHOPE.NJ.US.                         STILLWATER.NJ.US.
     BEATTYVILLE.KY.US.                      MAGGIE-VALLEY.NC.US.
     CASHMERE.WA.US.                         ADIRONDACK.NY.US.
     BELLEVUE.OH.US.                         MILAN.OH.US.
     VERMILION.OH.US.                        KENSINGTON.NH.US.
     SANDWICH.NH.US.                         STRATFORD.NH.US.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 22]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


     We delegated 228 4th level domain names this month.

     URL: http://www.isi.edu/us-domain/

     Shanthi Ranganathan (US-Domain@ISI.EDU)


     This report summarizes July 1997 activities of Merit's Internet
     Engineering group on behalf of the Routing Arbiter (RA) service and
     other projects.

     Organizations that are peering with the Route Server Next
     Generation (RSng) project's Route Servers can use a new Web
     Interface to check the parameters of their peering session:


     The new form displays public fields in RSng's extended 'inet-rtr'
     (Internet router) objects, which specify routes that the Route
     Server should import and export on behalf of each peer.  The RSng
     inet-rtr object, which was developed by Jake Khuon, extends the
     definition found in the RIPE document, "Specifying an `Internet
     Router' in the Routing Registry" (RIPE-122).

     To use the Configuration Viewer to view an RSng inet-rtr object,
     simply enter the IP address or AS number of the peer you want to
     obtain information about.  The Configuration Viewer only displays
     public information about routes exchanged with the Route Servers,
     rather than private network contact information.  The Configuration
     Viewer was developed by Abha Ahuja.


     Merit is pleased to announce a new, distributed version of its
     Internet Rover package.  Developed by Bill Norton to monitor
     network devices for the NSFNET project, the Rover code is now used
     to monitor networks worldwide, including the Italian National
     Network, the Pentagon Network, and the Princeton Network.

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 23]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

     The previous, centralized Rover code was based on a simple model:
     if a device failed a test, an alert would be displayed at the
     Network Operations Center.  NOC operators would then investigate
     the cause of the failed test and take any necessary action.  When
     the test succeeded, the alert would be removed.

     Over the past ten years, Merit programming staff have worked with
     many network operators to evolve the software package to meet their
     needs.  The latest release, Internet Rover 4.0, introduces the
     notion of distributed "Area Managers" into the model.  The Area
     Managers, which perform tests and maintain a list of alerts on
     remote systems, use an SNMP agent to externalize the list of alerts
     to the Central Network Management Stations (CNMS).  In this way,
     the Distributed Rovers can be deployed and connected across a
     wide-area network.

     Locating the Area Managers topologically closer to the devices
     being monitored decreases the likelihood of packet loss from
     intermediate network failures, and lowers network management
     bandwidth requirements.

     In addition, the Distributed Rovers can be split along
     administrative boundaries, such as AS's, making it possible for
     networks to share aggregated network management information.  NOCs
     can then "view" one another's alert screens, making it much easier
     to operate backup NOCs and share NOC services.

     For more information about the new Rover code, see:


     A new mailing list provides a forum for user feedback to the Rover
     developers. To join, send e-mail to majordomo@merit.edu with
     'subscribe your.email.address rover@merit.edu' (without the quotes)
     as the only text.

     Engineer Craig Labovitz and Merit President Eric Aupperle attended
     an Internet Service Quality Workshop sponsored by Bellcore, which
     featured presentations on future differentiated services for the
     Internet.  Bill Norton, Jake Khuon, and Abha Ahuja of the RSng
     staff attended a PacBell NAP open house. Route Servers managed by
     the Route Server Next Generation project (www.rsng.net/) are up and
     running at the Digital Internet Exchange and the AADS, MAE-West,
     MAE-East interconnection points, in addition to the PacBell NAP.

     Susan R. Harris (srh@merit.edu)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 24]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


     Main work this month was with SAIC on testing a research reliable
     multicast protocol, over the CAIRN. Paper based on work has been
     submitted to INFOCOM 98.

     John Crowcroft (j.crowcroft@CS.UCL.AC.UK)


     IANA Monthly Report - July 1997

     BOOTP-DHCP Extension Codes              8
     Cable Address Blocks                    2
     Country Codes                           2
     DHCP Options                            2
     INT Domains                             1
     MIME Media Types                        2
     Multicast Addresses: Individual Ass.    2
     Novell SAP Numbers                      1
     PPP Field Assignments                   1
     Private Enterprise Numbers              70
     Port Assignments                        48
     Protocol Type/Field Assignments         2
     SMI Numbers                             5
     SOCKS Methods                           3
     Telnet Options                          3

     Josh Elliott (elliott@isi.edu)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 25]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


     This is a summary of Request for Comments Editor activity for the
     month of July, 1997:

                                  TIME IN QUEUE
     DOCUMENTS        New*   30 days     60 days      90 days      TOTAL
     Beginning of       0        8          13            6       | 27
     month                                                        |
     New               22        0           0            0       | 22
     Processed          6        4           5            3       | 18
     End of month      16        4           8            3       | 31

     * New RFCs added to queue throughout the month

     The Requests for Comments (RFCs) are a series of notes, started in
     1969, about the Internet (originally the ARPANET). The notes discuss
     many aspects of computing and computer communication focusing in
     networking protocols, procedures, programs, and concepts, but also
     including meeting notes, opinion, and sometimes humor. The
     specification documents of the Internet protocol suite, as defined by
     the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and its steering group (the
     IESG), are published as RFCs.

     RFCs-to-be are edited by the RFC Editor.  RFCs enter the RFC Editor's
     work queue either by an action of the IESG or by independent
     submission.  Most independent submissions are referred to the IESG to
     check for overlap with IETF work.  The IESG might put a hold on a
     document to gather more input from its members.  The wait for an RFC
     to be published varies as there can be unforeseen complications
     (typically editorial matters that need clarification from the author).
     Documents can be removed from the publication queue if they are found
     to be insufficient or incorrect or if the IESG asks the author to join
     work already in progress in the IETF.

     Mary Kennedy (rfc-ed@isi.edu)

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 26]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


Last update 07/10/97

The information below has been submitted to the IETF Secretariat
as a means of notifying readers of future events. Readers are
requested to send in dates of events that are appropriate for this
calendar section. Please send submissions, corrections, etc., to:


Please note: The Secretariat does not maintain on-line information
for the events listed below.

A copy of this calendar is available as follows:

IETF Information is available by anonymous FTP from several sites.

        US East Coast Address:  ds.internic.net (
        US West Coast Address:  ftp.isi.edu (
        Europe Address:  nic.nordu.net (
        Pacific Rim Address:  munnari.oz.au (
        Africa Address:       ftp.is.co.za (

cd ietf
ls *0mtg*

<http://www.ietf.org/home.html> Click on the link for "meetings" and
you should find an entry "listing of other Internet related events".



Jul. 14-17        5th TCL/TK Workshop             Boston, MA
Jul. 14-18        ANSI X3T10 '97
Jul. 14-17        APPN Implementers Workshop      San Jose, CA
Jul. 17-19        VTIC-97                         San Jose CA
Jul. 20-25        ATM Forum                       Montreal, CANADA

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 27]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Jul. 23-26        ACM DL '97  2nd ACM Int'l
                     Conf. on Digital Libraries   Philadelphia, PA
Jul. 24-25        DMS '97                         Vancouver, CANADA
Aug. 4-8          ANSI X3T11 (host by Hitachi)    Honolulu, HI
Aug. 11-15        39th IETF (host by German ISOC) Munich, Germany
Aug. 12-14        DCI's Internet Expo             Boston, MA
Aug. 13-15        IEEE 25th Annual Int'l Computer Software and
                   Application Conference         Washington, DC
Sep.              RIPE28                          TBD
Sep  2-5          1997 Int'l Conference
                  Intelligent Networks and
                  Intelligence in Networks        Paris, France
Sep. 5            TERENA Technical Committee      Amsterdam
Sep. 5            TERENA Executive Committee      Amsterdam
Sep. 7-11         5th European Conf. on
                   Computer Supported Coop. Work
                   Lancaster University           U.K.
Sep. 8-12         ANSI X3T10 '97
Sep. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
Sep. 8-14         TELECOM Interactive 97          Geneva, Switzerland
Sep. 10-12        IDMS '97  w/ ACM SIGMM, GMD, IEEE
                                                  Darmstadt, Germany
Sep. 11-12        4th Int'l Workshop on
                     Community Networking (IEEE)  Atlanta, Georgia
Sep. 14-18        ACM SIGCOMM '97  Cannes, French Riviera, France
Sep. 16-17        EWOS Assembly                   Brussels
Sep. 21-26        ATM Forum                       Paris, France
Sep. 26-30        3rd ACM/IEEE on Mobile Computing
                   & Networking 1997 (MobiCom'97) Budapest, Hungary
Oct. 6-10         ANSI X3T11  (host by FSI)       Tucson, AZ
Oct. 7-10         COMDEX Internet '97 and Object World '97
                  Internet Forum Europe (IFE) & Object
                     World Frankfurt (OWF)        Frankfurt, Germany
Oct. 15-17        ACM SIGPLAN - Conf. on
                   Domain-Specific Languages      Santa Barbara, CA
Oct. 23-24        TERENA General Assembly         Madrid
Oct. 24-26        1st Int'l Enterprise Distributed
                   Objected Computing Wrkshop
                   EDOC '97                       Gold Coast, Australia
Oct. 23-25        ETSI                            Nice, France
Oct. 26-31        LISA '97 - 11th Systems
                   Administration Conference      San Diego, CA
Oct. 27-31        EWOS Workshops                  Brussels
Oct. 28-31        IEEE Int'l Conf. on
                      Network Protocols           Atlanta, GA
Nov. 3-5          Int'l Test Conference 1997
                  Sheraton Washington Hotel       Washington, DC
Nov. 3-7          ANSI X3T10 '97

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 28]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Nov. 3-7          SPIE Int'l Symposium
                   Voice, Video & Data Communications
                   Conf. on Performance & Control of
                   Network System - Special Session on
                   Switching & Traffic Mgmt in
                   High Speed Networks            Dallas, TX
Nov. 3-7          2nd French/Brazilian Symposium
                  on Distributed System Architectures:
                  Telecommunication Multimedia Architectures
                                                  Ceara, Brazil
Nov. 8-14         ACM MULTIMEDIA '97              Seattle, WA
Nov. 10-14        IEEE 802 Plenary  Queen Elizabeth, Montreal
Nov. 12-13        CEN/CENELEC/ETSI                Brussels
Nov. 19-21        ICCC'97                         Cannes, France
Nov. 24-26        PROMSMmNet '97
                   Multimedia Networking          Santiago, Chile
Nov. 30-Dec 5     ATM Forum                       Singapore
Dec. 1-3          30th IEEE/ACM Int'l Symposium
                   on Microarchitecture           RTC, NCA
Dec. 1-5          ANSI X3T11 (host by DPT)        Orlando, FL
Dec. 2-3          EWOS Assembly                   Brussels
Dec. 8-12         40th IETF (Host: Newbridge)     Washington, DC
Dec. 8-12         OIW (Firm)
Dec. 8-12         USENIX Symposium on Internet Technology
                      and Systems)                Monterey, CA
Dec. 17-19        97 Int'l Sym. on Communications Hsinchu, Taiwan

TBA               TELECOM '97 Asia                TBA

Jan 6-8           W3C Interest Group Mtg          TBA
Jan.              RIPE29                          Amsterdam (tbd)
Jan 26-29         7th Security Symposium          San Antonio, TX
Feb. 8-13         ATM Forum                       Anaheim, CA
Feb 7-9           DCI'S Internet Expo             San Jose, CA
Mar. 9-11         2nd Euromicro Working Conf. on
                   Soft. Maint. & Reeng.          Florence, Italy
Mar. 9-13         IEEE 802 Plenary                Irvine, CA
Mar. 29-Apr 2     IEEE INFOCOM '98 - Hotel Nikko  San Francisco, CA
Mar. 30-Apr. 3    41st IETF (Tentative)           Los Angeles, CA
Apr. 3-4          IEEE "OPENARCH '98"             San Francisco, CA
Apr. 12-17        WWW7                            Brisbane, Australia
Apr. 18-23        CHI '98 (ACM SIGCHI)            Los Angeles, CA
Apr. 19-24        ATM Forum                       Berlin, Germany
Apr 20-22         W3C Interest Group Mtg          TBA
May               RIPE30                          Stockholm (tbd)
May 5-8           Networld+Interop '98            Las Vegas, NV

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 29]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

SPRING 1998       TELECOM '97 Africa              Midrand, South Africa
Jun 13-17         USENIX '98 Technical Conf.      New Orleans, LA
Jun 16-18         DCI's Internet Expo             Chicago, IL
Jul. 6-10         IEEE 802 Plenary                San Diego, CA
Jul. 20-24        INET '98                        TBA
Jul. 26-31        ATM Forum                       Portland, OR
Aug. 23-29        15th IFIP World. Com. Conf.     Vienna, Austria and
                                                   Budapest, Hungary
Aug. 23-28        42nd IETF (Tentative)           Chicago, IL
Aug. 29-Sep 4     SIGCOMM '98                     Vancouver, CANADA
Sep 1-3           DCI's Internet Expo             Boston, MA
Oct. 4-9          ATM Forum                       Gold Coast, Australia
Oct 20-22         W3C Interest Group Mtg          TBA
Oct 21-23         Networld+Interop '98            Atlanta, GA
Oct. 26-29        TERENA (host by DFN)            Dresden, Germany
Nov. 9-13         IEEE 802 Plenary                Albuquerque, NM
Nov. 29-Dec 4     ATM Forum                       Nashville, TN
Dec. 6-11         12th Systems Administration Conf.
                    (LISA '98)                    Boston, MA
Dec. 7-11         43rd IETF (Tentative)           TBA


Feb. 7-13         ATM Forum (tentative)           TBA
Feb 23-25         W3C Interest Group Mtg          TBA
Apr. 18-24        ATM Forum (tentative)           TBA
May 11-14         Networld+Interop '99            Las Vegas, NV
May 31-Jun 4      WWW8                            Toronto, CANADA
Jun 4-6           W3C Interest Group Mtg          TBA
Jul. 18-24        ATM Forum (tentative)           TBA
late Aug          SIGCOMM '99 (West Coast US)     TBA
Sep. 21-23         W3C Interest Group Mtg         TBA
Sep. 26-Oct 2     ATM Forum (tentative)           TBA
Oct. 8-14         TELECOM '99                     Geneva, Switzerland
Oct. 13-17        Networld+Interop '99            Atlanta, GA
Nov. 28-Dec 4     ATM Forum (tentative)           TBA


May 9-11        Networld+Interop '00              Las Vegas, NV
late Aug        SIGCOMM 2000                      Europe (tentative)
Sep 25-29       Networld+Interop '00              Atlanta, GA

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 30]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997


     The current TERENA Calendar may be found on URL:


     +                                           +
     +       TERENA Secretariat                  +
     +       Singel 466-468                      +
     +       1017 AW Amsterdam                   +
     +       the Netherlands                     +
     +                                           +
     +       email <secretariat@terena.nl>       +
     +                                           +
     +         tel: +31 20 639 1131              +
     +         fax: +31 20 639 3289              +
     +                                           +


Business Conferences & Expositions

BrainShare 97 Sydney
Sydney Convention Centre
Sydney, Australia
011 (61) 2 9369 1242
 Conference:              July 7-11, 1997

Support Services Conference & Expo West
San Jose Convention Center
San Jose, CA
Registration (SOFTBANK Knowledge Interact)
(800) 801-1354 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)
(800) 754-8378 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 378-6643 (International)
Conference:               August 6-8, 1997
Exposition:               August 5-7, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 31]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Windows NT Intranet Solutions
Moscone Convention Center
San Francisco, CA
Customer Service
(888) 800-8920 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 372-7071 (Internatioanl)
Conference:              August 11-15, 1997
Exposition:              August 13-15, 1997

Java Internet Business Expo
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
New York, NY
Customer Service
(888) 528-2397 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 372-7069 (International)
Conference:              August 25-28, 1997
Exposition:              August 26-28, 1997

Sun Microsystems Java Developer and Business Conference
Sydney Conventionf Center, Darling Harbour
Sydney, Australia
011 (61) 2 9211 7767
Conference:              Sept 10-11, 1997

Technology Performance Management Conference and Expo
Opryland Hotel
Nashville, TN
Registration    (SOFTBANK Knowledge Interact)
(800) 909-9848 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)
(888) 611-2189 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 372-7084 (International)
 Conference:             Sept 14-17, 1997
Exposition:              Sept 14-17, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 32]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Seybold San Francisco
Moscone Convention Center
San Francisco, CA
Customer Service
(888) 473-9265 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 372-7078 (International)
Conference:              Sept 29-Oct 3, 1997
Exposition:              Oct 1-3, 1997

Networld+Interop 97 Atlanta
Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA
Customer Service
(800) 962-6513 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 372-7079 (International)
Conference:              Oct 6-10, 1997
Exhibition:              Oct 8-10, 1997

Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta, GA
Customer Service
(800) 962-6513 (U.S. & Canada)
(650) 372-7079 (International)
Conference:              Oct 6-10, 1997
Exhibition:              Oct 8-10, 1997

Networld+Interop 97 Paris
Porte de Versailles
Paris, France
011 (33) 1 46 39 5656
Conference:             Oct 20-23, 1997
Exhibition:             Oct 21-23, 1997

Networld+Interop 97 London
London, England
011 (44) 0181 261 4415
Conference:             Oct 27-30, 1997
Exhibition:             Oct 28-30, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 33]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Windows NT Intranet Solutions Japan
Makuhari Messe
Tokyo, Japan
011 (81) 3 5642 8433
Conference:             Nov 12-14, 1997
Exhibition:             Nov 12-14, 1997

Networld+Interop 97 Sydney
Sydney Convention Center
Sydney, Australia
011 (61) 2 9369 1242
Conference:             Nov 24-28, 1997
Exposition:             Nov 26-28, 1997

Seybold Seminars Tokyo
Makuhari Messe
Tokyo, Japan
011 (81) 3 5642 8433
Conference:             Dec 9-12, 1997
Exposition:             Dec 10-12, 1997

Help Desk Institute Regional Seminar and Expo Series

Help Desk Institute offers several seminar series periodically
throughout the year in various locations
across the United States.  For registration information, please call
(800) 248-5667 or (719) 531-5138 .

Regional Seminar & Expo Series
Customer Service
(800) 248-5667 (U.S. Only)
(719) 531-5138 (International)

Sheraton Washington
Washington DC
Seminar:                July 14-18, 1997
Expo:                   July 16, 1997

Town & Country Resort
San Diego, CA
Seminar:                Oct 6-10, 1997
Expo:                   Oct 8, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 34]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Strategic Networks Seminars

Strategic Networks offers one-day seminars for Interop Remote Access,
Interop NetSwitch, Interop WAN, and Interop Secure ManageNet
periodically throughout the year in various locations in the United
States.  For registration information, please call Strategic Networks
at 800-898-7488. For sponsor opportunities, please call Strategic
Networks at 800-999-7624.

Interop WAN 97 Tour
Planning your WAN Upgrade - Breaking Through
Customer Service
(800) 898-7488 (U.S. only)

Washington DC                   Seminar:                Sept 4, 1997

Newark, NJ                      Seminar:                Sept 9, 1997

Chicago, IL                     Seminar:                Sept 11, 1997

Boston, MA                      Seminar:                Sept 30, 1997

Los Angeles, CA                 Seminar:                Oct 16, 1997

Minneapolis, MN                 Seminar:                Oct 21, 1997

San Francisco, CA               Seminar:                Oct 28, 1997

Atlanta, GA                     Seminar:                Nov 6, 1997

Philadelphia, PA                Seminar:                Nov 13, 1997

Interop NetSwitch 97 Tour
State of the Art ATM and Switched Technology
Customer Service
(800) 898-7488 (U.S. only)

Minneapolis, MN                 Seminar:                Sept 4, 1997

Washington DC                   Seminar:                Sept 11, 1997

Toronto, Canada                 Seminar:                Sept 30, 1997

Denver, CO                      Seminar:                Oct 16, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 35]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Hartford, CT                    Seminar:                Oct 21, 1997

Los Angeles, CA                 Seminar:                Oct 23, 1997

Pittsburgh, PA                  Seminar:                Oct 30, 1997

Newark, NJ                      Seminar:                Nov 6, 1997

Interop Secure ManageNet 97 Tour
Customer Service
(800) 898-7488 (U.S. only)

San Francisco, CA               Seminar:                Sept 9, 1997

Los Angeles, CA                 Seminar:                Sept 11, 1997

Washington DC                   Seminar:                Oct 16, 1997

Newark, NJ                      Seminar:                Oct 21, 1997

Chicago, IL                     Seminar:                Oct 23, 1997

Boston, MA                      Seminar:                Oct 28, 1997

Toronto, Canada                 Seminar:                Oct 30, 1997

Minneapolis, MN                 Seminar:                Nov 6, 1997

Interop ISP 97
Customer Service
(800) 898-7488 (U.S. only)

Chicago, IL                     Seminar:                Sept 5, 1997

Seattle, WA                     Seminar:                Sept 8, 1997

Atlanta, GA                     Seminar:                Sept 10, 1997

Washington DC                   Seminar:                Sept 19, 1997

Los Angeles, CA                 Seminar:                Sept 22, 1997

San Francisco, CA               Seminar:                Sept 24, 1997

Parsippany, NJ                  Seminar:                Sept 26, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 36]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

Dallas, TX                      Seminar:                Sept 30, 1997

 Software Support Professionals Association (SSPA)

SSPA offers a variety of support programs throughout the year which
include executive forums, software support conferences, and monthly
on-line roundtable and executive sessions. For a description of the
events and for registration information, please call SSPA at
 (800) 801-1354 or (719) 531-6522.

Virtual Roundtables
Held On-line at 10:00 A.M. PST
Customer Service
(800) 801-1354 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)

Staffing and Scheduling Tools for Software Support
July 16, 1997

Building Supportability into Products
August 20, 1997

Harnessing the WWW as a Support Resource
Sept 17, 1997

The Virtual Support Center
Oct 22, 1997

Justifying the Benefits of CTI, IVR, and ACD Systems
Nov 19, 1997

A New Training Paradigm for Software Support
Dec , 1997 (TBA)

Executive Forum
Customer Service
(800) 801-1354 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)

Palm Springs, CA                Forum:                  Dec 4-5, 1997

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 37]
Internet Monthly Report                                        July 1997

SSPA Stars Awards and Membership Meeting
San Jose, CA                    Meeting:                Dec 3, 1997
Customer Service
(800) 801-1354 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)

SSPAs Software Support Stars Conference
Customer Service
(800) 801-1354 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)

San Diego, CA                   Conference:             Oct 15-17, 1997

Executive Session
Held On-line at 10:00 A.M. PST
Customer Service
(800) 801-1354 (U.S. only)
(719) 531-6522 (International)

Session:                July 22, 1997

Session:                August 26, 1997

Session:                Sept 23, 1997

Session:                Oct 28, 1997

Session:                Nov 25, 1997

Session:                Dec 23, 1997

SOFTBANK Knowledge Interact Seminars

SOFTBANK Knowledge Interact offers SkillTech Professional Seminars
periodically throughout the year in various locations throughout the
United States.  For a calendar of 1997 events and registration
information, please call SOFTBANK Knowledge Interact at 800-34-TRAIN.

303 Vintage Park Drive
Foster City, CA  94404
(650) 578-6900
Fax: (650) 525-0194

IMR Editor                                                     [Page 38]