Open Watcom C/C++/FORTRAN Source Code

This directory contains the source code archives for the Open Watcom C/C++ 
and FORTRAN/77 products. In this directory you will find two separates
sets of source code achives; one set is the release source code and the
other set is the development source code. The release source code will
be the source code archive that corresponds to a stable release of the
product that includes pre-compiled binaries. The development source code
archive contains the latest code from the development branch in Perforce,
which is useful if you wish to initially populate your source code tree
and avoid a long initial sync with Perforce.

The release source archives will always be in the form of:

Both archives contain the exact same source code, however the ZIP file 
contains files with CR/LF style line endings (ie: DOS, Windows and OS/2),
while the tar.bz2 file contains files with Unix style line endings. Make
sure you use the correct version for the platform you are devleoping
under, especially if you plan to use the archive to populate your Perforce
source code tree.

The development source code is archived on a Linux platform daily and will 
present in this directory with the filename:


If you wish to play with the latest Open Watcom source code, this is the 
archive you should get. But bear in mind this is development code so there
is a good chance it will crash!

Have fun!