ploaded to are the files, EMM386 mostly executable package, and, EMM386
mostly source package.  Now then, no more name and directory changes.

This version of EMM386 supports the option MEMCHECK (completely
reprogrammed) to allow EMM386 to work with USB flash drives.  It has
been successfully tested transferring files to and from my Lexar 256M
JumpDrive in FreeDOS, then to Windows XP.  The new version also fixes
a small bug in VDS function 8103h that will affect few.  Other
reported cosmetic bugs remain.

If you wish to have EMM386 loaded and access a USB flash drive, you
must specify MEMCHECK on the EMM386 command line in CONFIG.SYS, along
with any other desired options.  You should also have the USB flash
drivers loaded, typically USBASPI.SYS and DI1000D.SYS.  Those are the
only two USB driver files tested in conjunction with this version.

Tedious details follow....

MEMCHECK was rewritten so that when specified it allocates space for
four scratch page tables, using an additional 16K of extended memory.
If a memory block move in INT 15h function 87h is outside normal
extended memory address ranges, MEMCHECK dynamically maps that range
of memory to the scratch page tables -- two for source outside of
range, two for destination outside of range -- and sets the proper
page directory entry(ies) to point to the scratch page tables.  This
makes the memory accesses valid.  Two page tables are used in case a
block move spans a page table.

USB flash drives use high memory values to map information in, address
E8000000h is used on my system.  Can't give much more information, the
gory details of USB memory-mapping are unbeknownst to me.  Tom Ehlert
clued me in on this fact and that knowledge allowed me to rewrite
MEMCHECK to work with (at least my) USB flash drives.

The greatest drawback so far is that CuteMouse locks up the machine
when USBASPI.SYS is loaded.  However, this is true even when only
HIMEM.SYS is loaded, or when the Microsoft version of HIMEM and EMM386
are loaded.  Why CuteMouse doesn't work with USBASPI.SYS is difficult
to say since USBASPI.SYS is closed source.  I can say that here it
locks up on the C205h INT 15h function to initialize the mouse.
Appears that somewhere in BIOS accessing the ports 60-64h and EBh
(delay) it winds up in an infinite loop looking for a port value.  How
the heck USBASPI.SYS goofs those up, no idea.  Tragically, CuteMouse
appears to be the only notable free DOS driver still out there,
forcing a choice between mouse and flash drive.  Sob.

Aside from the above, I may see what can be done to make a
FreeDOS-bootable USB flash drive, just because it seems like a pretty
cool idea.  There are references to having done this with Linux, so
FreeDOS should be doable.