If you have mail in the OUTBOX that is ready to send, do it now while the telephone line is
still open. Click on the "Send Unsent Mail" icon.
.DOC = an MS-Word text file.
* However, since MS-Word runs under
Windows, we have to use a support program like VIEW.EXE. The "Word" file will
then be converted to plain text and the images included in a "Word" file
will not be shown.
Files that cannot be handled by Arachne can, like allfiles, be
saved to any directory on the hard drive of the computer, a diskette, or even
to a CD and then handled by appropriate programs.
Example: you received an e-mail with a .pdf file attached.
Save the .pdf
file to disk or (if you are running in an MS-DOS window) to a Windows directory
where it can subsequently be viewed, e.g., with Acrobat Reader in Windows.
* It is possible to view .pdf files with DOS and Arachne, but this is a
complicated matter for advanced users only.
Save with F2 key
The default subdirectory for saving your files is .\download. You may
change the destination directory and the filename to what you like, but
do not change the extension.
DOS does not allow long file names; up to 8 characters may be used before
the extension. A valid file name in DOS is: 12345678.ext or abcdefgh.txt.
Example: You have an e-mail in your inbox with the subject "Holland Promotion".
Opening this e-mail by clicking on the green text in the subject line will
show the message, the name of the message, and all attachments sent with
this message.
The message is stored in the Arachne .\mail subdirectory
and has been named by Arachne to something like: 01414700.cnm. All incoming
mail receives a .cnm extension.
This raw version of the message, as received from your ISP, can be renamed
and saved into any directory in your system. Let's save it...
Open the message and press the F2 key. If you want the e-mail message
renamed to new-name.cnm and then saved to .\download\new-name.cnm, change the
default "Save to: .\download\01414700.cnm" to your preference.
The e-mail has an attachment called nl.pdf. If you click on the attachment
the next screen states: "Arachne does not know how to handle this file" and
offers to save it as .\download\nl.pdf. However, you would like to save
nl.pdf to a diskette with the new name holland.pdf.
#1 Insert a diskette into the A: drive
#2 Change the proposed filename from .\download\nl.pdf to A:\holland.pdf
#3 Press the ENTERkey
Attachment #2, holland.jpg
Arachne displays .jpg, .gif and .bmp images. These images are shown on your
monitor. Since the image attachments are already opened by Arachne they cannot
be saved with a simple click on the attachment name.
Place the cursor on the image and mark the image with the Shift+Enter
keys. Next use the F2key to choose the destination and name to
save this image.
More generally, you can save any image shown on the monitor by placing
the cursor over that image on the screen, pressing Shift+Enter (you
will see the image again, but now isolated from text or other images), and
saving it using the F2 key.
Use hot key P [printer]
With the Printer command in Arachne you can print your files, but TEXT
files only!
You have a choice of actually printing to paper or to
"export" it to a file ; choose export and give the file name and
* You have to use a DOS-printer. "Win" printers will NOT function. A "Post
Script" printer is best, it will also print images.
Upper left-hand corner:
Move... | Trash » | Forward... | Reply |
These buttons are useful for determining the final disposition of your e-mail.
| Move... |
Moves the e-mail to one of the dedicated "mail folders". Mail folders can
be made, filled and deleted... play with this toy and enjoy.
| Trash » |
This button moves your unwanted mail to the waste bin. Files can be recovered
out of the trash bin. Use hotkey M [Mail] and click on the "Trash" icon to
access the message, or click on the "Empty Trash" icon to delete it permanently.
You can also delete your mail from the Inbox directly. Click on
the green subject line NOT with the left mouse button (to read the mail) but
with the right button - the mail is now colored yellow. Press the DELETE
key and the message is gone; no recovery possible.
You may mark several messages yellow and delete them all at once with the
| Forward... |
Forward a message to someone. Pay attention to the address!
You can add comments and attachments to the message to forward. Save the
message to the OUTBOX with the 'Save to OUTBOX [F2]' button.
| Reply... |
A reply to a message is not difficult. A click on the REPLY button will do.
But first you have to decide if you want your reply to go to the "From" or
"Reply to" address, and if you want to include the original message or to start
with a blank screen. The choice is yours.
After you have made your choices, click on Reply and the color of the
message text will turn to green on a black background, i.e., if you are in the
internal editing mode and not using an external editor.
Type your new text or your comments to the message you are replying to.
Attachments must be attached now in the attachment boxes.
Text from a .txt file may also be included.
Place the cursor where you want
the extra text inserted.
Type CTRL+R [Read] and give the file name
and the full path to where it is located.
You want to insert the text file example.txt from a diskette.
CTRL+R [read text file]
Type: A:\example.txt
After the completion of your reply mail: press the 'Save to OUTBOX [F2]' button.
Mail folders
Clicking the "mail folders" icon will show you the existing mail folders.
Click on one of them, and you are able to view, edit, forward or delete the
e-mails saved in the mail folder the same as in the INBOX.
Sent Mail
Mail already Sent is stored in the .\MAIL subdirectory.
...cnm = see new mail in inbox
...tbs = to be send mail in outbox
...snt = sent mail
With the Sent Mail icon you can open, edit, delete and resend already
sent mail.
Compose mail
The hot key C [COMPOSE] invokes the internal editor. You may
have met this editor already by using the F4 key or in replying to an e-mail.
Sometimes the 'word wrap' feature does not seem to wrap.
Check if there is a space at the end of the line. If so, press the END
key and remove that space. 'Word wrap' should now work properly.
Inserting a (text) file into your message.
You are a scout and you have written a piece of text residing on your HD under
C:\scouts\hobby.txt. Do you want to type it all over again?
Of course not! Place the cursor on the spot where you want 'hobby.txt'
to appear.
Press CTRL+R
Type: C:\scouts\hobby.txt and press ENTER.
Only .txt files can be inserted into your message by CTRL+R. All
other files, images, zip, word, pdf, etc. must be attached to your e-mail.
However up to 4 attachments are allowed.
Place the cursor in the first attachment box and give the file name and the
full path (if files from outside the Arachne directory are to be attached).
Send Files
If you have more than 4 attachments to send, use the
Send files icon on the Mail page.
All files ready for uploading to your ISP are located here. You can
view them and if you are not happy, you may Modify them.
When modifying your mail, all
attachments are lost and must be attached again.
Send unsent mail
Click on the icon to send your unsent mail. If you are not already connected
to your ISP, you will get an Error screen with an option to dial Alt+D.
Are all messages sent? Check by clicking on the "Sent Messages" icon.
Press the M hotkey and Get New Mail to check if there is any
new mail.
After downloading this, use Alt+H to hang up the
Address book ...... Make mailing list
Many viruses use an 'address book' to copy themselves to all your
friends. Although Arachne can't be used by a virus to copy the address book
the best protection is not to use it at all...
Use e-dress list
All e-mail addresses are stored in the file 'e-dress.txt' with each entry on a
separate line like this:
"Bastiaan" <bastiaan.pa3ffz@hetnet.nl>
"Redactie CQ-PA" <cqpa@vrza.org>
"Zwarte Piet" <pieterman@sinterklaas.sp>
The e-dress list can be found in the main Arachne directory: as "e-dress.txt" or
at the bottom of the Inbox/Reply page or at the
Compose new mail pages. Help for e-dress is present there too.
You might also use F3 and make the URL: file:e-dress.txt
. Changes to the list can be made with hot key F4 [edit file].
Suppose you want to send all the members of your family an e-mail.
Make a mailing list, or copy the addresses to a new list, just like the
e-dress list format.
Call this list 'family' (no extension) and save the family list to the
Arachne main directory.
Type in the "To:" field of your e-mail "@family" and Arachne will send
your message to all addresses on your "family" list.
The addressees cannot detect the names of the other addressees on the list;
just "@family" is shown.
Type your own address as the last entry on that list, to check out if this
really functions.
Trash and Empty trash
Use "Trash" to recover and "Empty Trash" for final deletion of e-mails.
More help...
More help will be translated... but this is all for now.
Use your Arachne and play with it...
homepage: http://home.hetnet.nl/~ba8tian/index.html