Begin3 Title: Linley's Dungeon Crawl Version: 4.0.0b26 (rev A) Entered-date: 2013-12-10 Description: A fun game in the grand tradition of games like Rogue, Hack and Moria. Keywords: Author: Linley Henzell Maintained-by: Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platforms: DOS, AmigaOS, MacOS, OS/2, Windows, GNU/Linux Copying-policy: Crawl General Public License Modified-date: 2025-03-12.0 Group: games CRC: 086e599d MD5: de4b0ebe4d9db4317794997d7457c75b SHA: 3882a3d366a719b9bb74442e1009095e55e9cb55d7d8171218959352f75df0de End