Hi, check out
http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/~eric/stuff/soft/ cdrom2ui.zip

The new version not only contains the < 1024 byte "eject close lock unlock
reset" (and check for drive presence, show list of possible drives when an
invalid drive letter was given) CDROM user interface tool...
...no, it now also contains the (UPXed) < 2.5 kByte XXL version of my
tool, which has the extra commands PAUSE CONT INFO PLAYxx. Yes! It is a
very small AUDIO CD PLAYER . PAUSE / CONT stop and resume audio playing
(is there a way to stop "harder" to make resume impossible?). INFO shows
the valid range of track numbers and the size (in minutes and seconds) of
the current medium. Plus it shows the *current* track / index and relative
and absolute playing position if you call it while audio is active (or at
most paused)! Most important, of course, there is the PLAYxx command to
play audio track number xx. Examples:
But careful: CDROM PLAY15 X:
  will do nothing, as CDROM (the 1k version) simply ignores audio commands.
  Not even an error message is shown.
Actually, the help screen is shown if and only if you do not give a drive
letter as command line argument.

Have fun with this new baby player .
