REMIND version 3.2 for UNIX

REMIND is a sophisticated alarm/calendar program.  Details are given
in the man page, "remind.1".


If you have Tcl/Tk (wish 4.1 or higher) installed and are running X11:

1) Type: wish ./ from the top-level Remind directory.
   Fill in the various options and hit "Build Remind"

2) Type: "make install" -- you may need to be root to do this.

If you do NOT have Tcl/Tk or are NOT running X11:

1) Edit the file "src/custom.h" according to your preferences.

2) Edit the file "src/lang.h" to choose a language.

3) Type: "make"

4) Type: "make install" -- you may need to be root to do this.

The subdirectory "www" contains scripts for making a nice calendar
web server.  See the files README and Makefile in that directory.

The file "examples/defs.rem" has some sample Remind definitions and
commands, as well as U.S. and Jewish holidays.


Remind has support for languages other than English.  See the file
"src/lang.h" for details.  The language support may vary - you can change
only the substitution filter, or you can translate all of the usage
instructions and error messages as well.  See "src/langs/french.h" for an
example of the latter.

To compile Remind for a non-english language, look at the constants
defined in "src/lang.h".  Then, to compile Remind for Italian (as an
example), type:


If you add support for a non-English language, Remind will accept both the
English and non-English names of months and weekdays in an input script.
However, you should not rely on this feature if you want to write portable
Remind scripts.

At a minimum, you should support month and day names in the foreign
language, and should modify the substitution filter appropriately.
If you are truly diligent, you can translate usage and error messages

Take a look at the files "src/langs/english.h" and
"src/langs/german.h" if you want to add support for your favourite
language.  If you do add another language to Remind, please let me
know!  Here are the basic guidelines:

- Your language file should be called "src/langs/lxxx.h", where lxxx
  is the first 8 characters of the ENGLISH name of your language.

- Your language file should define L_LANGNAME to be the full English
  name of your language, with the first letter capitalized and the rest

- You can test your language file with the script "tests/tstlang.rem"

RELEASE NOTES -- miscellaneous info that couldn't go anywhere else!


If you're running under X11 and you have the Tcl tools, you can create
simple pop-up reminders by creating the following Tcl script called
'popup'.  It pops a message on to the screen and waits for you to
press the 'OK' button.  If you don't press the OK button within 15
seconds, it exits anyway.  To use it, you can use the '-k' option for
Remind as follows:

	remind "-kpopup '%s'&" .reminders

Or use the following in your Remind script:

	REM AT 17:00 RUN popup 'Time to go home.' &

This Tcl script is a slightly modified version of one submitted by
Norman Walsh.

-------------- Cut Here ---------- Cut Here ---------- Cut Here -------------
wm withdraw .
after 15000 { destroy . ; exit }
tk_dialog .d { Message } $argv warning 0 { OK }
destroy .
-------------- Cut Here ---------- Cut Here ---------- Cut Here -------------

Dianne Skoll <>