COMPUTE is a very simple program for evaluating a mathematical expressions.
Argument can be given as a program parameter or can be typed interactively.
If everything is OK, return code is 0, else it is non-zero:
1: non valid expression
2: division by zero
3: wrong argument for power
4: floating point number for logical operation
5: result is too big
6: result is too small
7: zero or negative logarithm

COMPUTE can use the language resource strings if environment variables LANG
and NLSPATH are properly set. Otherwise default strings will be used.

This small tool is written in Turbo pascal and can be spread and modified 
under terms of GNU licence.

1.2 -the errorlevel value sometimes wasn't properly set
    -russian message file definitely fixed by Oleg

1.1 +added check for zero and negative logarithms
    -fixed some errors in syntax checking inside math functions    
    +checks for overflow
    +tries to check underflows too however it can't be 100% reliable without 
     FPU code
    +added GNU notice when running without parameters or with "/?"
    -fixed some typos in russian language file

1.0 initial release