EAP Method Update (emu)

 Last Modified: 2006-08-16

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Joseph Salowey  <jsalowey@cisco.com>

 Security Area Director(s):
     Russ Housley  <housley@vigilsec.com>
     Sam Hartman  <hartmans-ietf@mit.edu>

 Security Area Advisor:
     Sam Hartman  <hartmans-ietf@mit.edu>

 Mailing Lists: 
     General Discussion:emu@ietf.org
     To Subscribe:      https://www1.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/emu
     Archive:           http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/emu/current/index.html

Description of Working Group:

The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [RFC 3748] is a network
access authentication framework used in the PPP, 802.11, 802.16, VPN,
PANA, and in some functions in 3G networks. EAP itself is a simple
protocol and actual authentication happens in EAP methods.

Over 40 different EAP methods exist. Most of this methods are
proprietary methods and only a few methods are documented in RFCs. The
lack of documented, open specifications is a deployment and
interoperability problem. In addition, none of the EAP methods in the
standards track implement features such as key derivation that are
required for many modern applications. This poses a problem for, among
other things, the selection of a mandatory to implement EAP method in
new network access technologies. For example, no standards track
methods meet new requirements such as those posed in RFC 4017, which
documents IEEE 802.11 requirements for EAP methods.

This group is chartered to work on the following types of mechanisms to
meet RFC 3748 and RFC 4017 requirements:

- An update to RFC 2716 to bring EAP-TLS into standards track, clarify 
specification, interoperability, and implementation issues gathered 
over the years, and update the document to meet the requirements of 
RFC 3748, RFC 4017, and EAP keying framework documents. Backwards 
compatibility with RFC 2716 is a requirement.

- Enhanced functionality to enable a TLS-based EAP method to support 
authentication methods beyond certificates, channel bindings and other 
optional functions required in RFC 4017. So as to enable RFC 2716bis 
to focus solely on clarifications to the existing protocol, this effort
will be handled in a separate document. Depending on an analysis of the
behavior of existing implementations, it is possible that this effort
may be able to use the existing EAP-TLS type code, or it may need to be
handled via assignment of a new EAP Type Code.

- A mechanism based on strong shared secrets that meets RFC 3748 and 
RFC 4017 requirements. This mechanism should strive to be simple and
compact for implementation in resource constrained environments.

- A mechanism meeting RFC 3748 and RFC 4017 requirements that makes use
of existing password databases such as AAA databases. The 
implementation should strive to be usable in resource constrained 

In order to facilitate the development of the shared secret and 
password based methods design teams will be formed. The design teams 
should take into consideration existing methods including mechanisms 
based on EAP-TLS such as TLS-PSK.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Form design team to work on strong shared secret mechanism 

   Done         Submit 2716bis I-D 

   Jun 2006       Submit first draft of enhanced EAP-TLS I-D 

   Jul 2006       Form password based mechanism design team 

   Done         Submit first draft of shared secret mechanism I-D 

   Aug 2006       Submit 2716bis draft to IESG for Proposed Standard 

   Nov 2006       Submit 2716bis draft to IESG for draft standard 

   Dec 2006       Submit first draft password based method I-D 

   Jan 2007       Submit Strong Shared Secret Mechanism to IESG 

   Jan 2007       Submit enhanced EAP-TLS to IESG 

   Aug 2007       Submit password Based Mechanism to IESG 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Feb 2006 Aug 2006   <draft-simon-emu-rfc2716bis-03.txt>
                The EAP TLS Authentication Protocol 

 Request For Comments:

  None to date.