IP Payload Compression Protocol (IPPCP) working group minutes

Chair: Naganand Doraswamy
Area Director: Thomas Narten
mailing address: ippcp@external.cisco.com

The agenda for the meeting was

1. Status - Naganand
2. Architecture/Protocol draft- Avram Shacham
3. LZS draft- Bob Monsour
4. Next Steps- Naganand

1. Status

The architecture draft went through the working group last call with
minor editorial changes. There were no major changes to necessitate the
need for another last call. Thomas Narten had some comments which needs
to be incorported into the draft. 

There was some discussion as to how to deal with getting new transform
ID's from IANA. It was decided that we will follow the same model as the
IPsec working group for getting new transform ID's. 

The working group agreed that we should not mandate any compression
algorithm. The working group also decided not to define tunnel mode for the

2. Architecture/Protocol draft

Avram discussed the changes in the draft before it went to the last
call. The latest draft is draft-ietf-ippcp-protocol-03.txt.

Cisco's prototype implementation was discussed. The prototype has the
new header format done. ISAKMP negotiation is in progress.

Avram suggested using some kind of guidelines for the drafts describing
new algorithms. These include

- Getting a transform ID < 64 for manual setup
- Getting a trasnform ID for DOI and define parameters if any
- Guidelines on non-expansion
	- threshold
	- compressibility

It was also decided not to restrict the CPI values 0-63 only for manual
setup but also use it for ISAKMP for well known algorithms.

3. LZS Compression draft

Bob discussed the changes to the draft and agreed to incorporate the
guidelines in the draft. This draft will become an informational RFC. 
Bob also discussed licensing issues for LZS both hardware and software.

4. Next Steps

It was agreed that interoperability is most important. IPPCP will be
tested in the next IPsec workshop. The architecture draft will move
forward after review from IESG. 

There was also encouragement for people to write drafts for other
compression algorithms.