Remote Direct Data Placement (rddp)

 Last Modified: 2006-03-24

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     David Black  <>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     Magnus Westerlund  <>
     Lars Eggert  <>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Lars Eggert  <>

 Technical Advisor(s):
     Allyn Romanow  <>
     Stephen Bailey  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe

Description of Working Group:

The purpose of this WG is to enable Remote Direct Data Placement (rddp)
capabilities with IP transport protocols, in particular with
SCTP. RDDP capabilities refer to the ability to place data directly
from the NIC into application buffers, without intensive CPU
usage. This strategy avoids the costs of data copying and enables
using IP as a method for high speed buffer to buffer transfer,
allowing IP to replace special purpose networks currently in use.
Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) is an example of this concept.

Conceptually, RDDP functionality can be viewed as consisting of two
layers. First the direct data placement capability, which is
accomplished through a tag and a lookup table on the NIC. Above this
core functionality, an RDDP control protocol is needed to specify how
the direct data placement can be used, for example READ and WRITE

The work of the WG is to accomplish four items:

1) A (transport independent) protocol core to support direct data
   placement from the NIC into specified memory, usually application

2) A (transport independent) protocol core layered on top of the direct
   data placement protocol that specifies control of RDDP.

3) A mapping of the direct data placement protocol onto SCTP,
   for standards track, including a clear applicability statement
   of the expected service from the mapping.

4) A mapping of the direct data placement protocol onto TCP, for
   informational, because TCP's service is a less good match to RDDP,
   including an applicability statement of the issues regarding the
   service available from the mapping.

The working group will ensure that the resulting technology will be
secure and will not enable new attacks on systems supporting RDDP.
The WG will not modify existing Internet transport protocols, but
may forward issues it discovers in such transport protocols that
are not full Internet Standards to the appropriate IETF WGs for
their consideration.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit Internet-Draft including problem statement and 

   Done         Submit Initial draft of Remote Direct Data Placement protocol 

   Done         Submit Initial draft of RDMA control protocol, to be named. 

   Done         Initial draft mapping the RDDP core and control onto SCTP 
                including A/S 

   Done         Submit problem statement and architecture drafts to IESG for 
                consideration as informational publications 

   Done         Initial draft of security considerations for RDDP 

   Done         Initial draft of informational mapping of the RDDP core and 
                control onto TCP 

   Done         Initial draft of applicability statement covering both the SCTP 
                and TCP mappings 

   Done         Submit RDMA control protocol (named TBD) to IESG for 
                consideration as a Proposed Standard 

   Done         Submit Remote Data Placement Protocol (RDDP) to IESG for 
                consideration as a Proposed Standard 

   Done         Submit RDDP security considerations draft to IESG 

   Done         Submit mapping of the RDDP core and RDMA control protocols onto 
                SCTP to IESG for consideration as proposed standard 

   Done         Submit mapping of the RDDP core and RDMA control protocols onto 
                TCP for consideration as an informational publication 

   Done         Submit applicability statement for RDDP core and RDMA control 
                protocols over both SCTP and TCP for consideration as an 
                informational publication 

   Oct 2005       Consult Area Directors about any additional work the WG should 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Feb 2003 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-rddp-rdmap-07.txt>
                A Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol Specification 

Feb 2003 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-rddp-ddp-07.txt>
                Direct Data Placement over Reliable Transports 

Jun 2003 Jun 2006   <draft-ietf-rddp-applicability-08.txt>
                Applicability of Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol (RDMA) 
                and Direct Data Placement (DDP) 

Sep 2003 Sep 2006   <draft-ietf-rddp-sctp-07.txt>
                Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Direct Data 
                Placement (DDP) Adaptation 

Oct 2003 Oct 2006   <draft-ietf-rddp-mpa-08.txt>
                Marker PDU Aligned Framing for TCP Specification 

Oct 2003 Jun 2006   <draft-ietf-rddp-security-10.txt>
                DDP/RDMAP Security 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC4297 I    Dec 2005    Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over IP Problem 

RFC4296 I    Dec 2005    The Architecture of Direct Data Placement (DDP)And 
                       Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA)On Internet Protocols