This is file readme.kfc to accompany KTFC version 0.5. KTFC is the acronym for "Kermit To FirstClass" and is the name of a script set which allows Kermit to communicate automatically with the FirstClass Server (trademark SoftArc Inc.), widely used to provide e-mail and BBS services. With KTFC, messages are read and composed off line. Messages in conferences on the FirstClass server can be read automatically. KTFC 0.5 requires MS-DOS Kermit 3.1.6 or later. Potentially, KTFC can work with any Kermit which has script processing as good as MS-DOS Kermit 3.1.6. Learn about Kermit from KTFC 0.5 has been tested with FirstClass Server version 3.5.2. Installation Copy the 6 files, datefil0.5, ktfc0d5.txt, mailout, prolog0.5, scan0.5 and sr0.5 to your Kermit directory. ktfc0d5.txt contains extensive detailed instructions. Read it with any editor. EDIT is a good choice in MS-DOS. Alternatively, copy the MIME archive, ktfc0d5.64, to your Kermit directory and decode it. If you have ktfc0d5.64 on a diskette in the A: drive and the Kermit directory is c:\util\kermit type this. copy a:\ktfc0d5.64 c:\util\kermit<enter> Move to the Kermit directory. In our example type this. cd c:\util\kermit<enter> Expand the archive using a MIME base64 decoder. MIME en/decoding programs are available for all operating systems in current use. In MS-DOS, MIME64 written by Karl Hahn will work. Search for on the Web. If mime64.exe is in the \mime directory type this to expand the KTFC archive. \mime\mime64 ktfc0d5.64<enter> The 6 files plus this readme.kfc will be produced. After extracting the files, mime64 will report "No MIME base64 lines found in ktfc0d5.64". Don't worry about this message. If using follow the analogous procedure. Unpack the archive with pkunzip.exe which is readily available from BBS and Internet servers.