The Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
  Susan G. Kleinmann (,
  Sven Rudolph (, and
  Joost Witteveen (
  22 August 1996

  This document answers questions frequently asked about the Debian dis-
  tribution of GNU/Linux.  (See section ``copyrights'' for the Copyright

  1.  Meta-questions


  In what format is this document written?

  This document was written using Linuxdoc-SGML.  The Linuxdoc-SGML
  system can be used to create files in a variety of other formats,
  e.g., GNU info, HTML, LaTeX, TeX .dvi format, and Postscript (TM)


  Where do I get the latest version of this document?

  The latest version of this document can be viewed in HTML format at
  the Debian home page <>.

  It is also available in plain text format at any of the Debian mirrors
  in the directory doc/FAQ as debian-faq.txt.

  The original SGML file used to create this document is available as
  part of the Debian package called doc-debian_VVV-RRR.deb, where VVV is
  the latest version number and RRR is the latest revision number.  This
  package is normally stored in the directory Debian-1.1/binary-all/doc.
  The linuxdoc-sgml package contains tools to transform this document
  into one or more other formats, as required by the user:  GNU info
  files, HTML, LaTex, TeX .dvi format, and Postscript.

  1.3.	Where do I send questions, corrections, etc. about this docu-

  Comments on this document are welcome. Please send Email to debian-

  1.4.	(How) Can I redistribute this file?

  This document is copyright 1996 by ``Software in the Public

  Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
  document provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
  preserved on all copies.

  Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
  document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that
  the section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' is included
  exactly as in the original, and provided that the entire resulting
  derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice
  identical to this one.

  Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
  document into another language, under the above conditions for
  modified versions, except that the sections entitled ``GNU General
  Public License'' and this permission notice may be included in
  translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in
  the original English.

  1.5.	What information resources were used to obtain the questions and
  answers presented here?

  This FAQ previously was maintained by J.H.M. Dassen
  ( and Chuck Stickelman (

  Parts of the information came from

  o  The Debian-1.1 release annoucement
     <> by Bruce Perens.

  o  The Linux FAQ <> by
     Ian Jackson <>.

  o  The Debian Mailing List Archives <

  o  The dpkg programmers' manual, which is incorporated into recent
     versions of the Debian package known as dpkg.

  o  The Debian policy manual, which is incorporated into recent
     versions of the Debian package known as dpkg.

  o  The many developers, volunteers, and beta testers.

  o  The flaky memories of its authors.

  The authors would like to thank all those who helped make this
  document possible.

  2.  Definitions and Overview

  2.1.	What is Debian GNU/Linux?

  Debian GNU/Linux is a particular distribution of the Linux operating
  system, and numerous packages that run on it.	In principle, users
  could obtain the Linux kernel from the 'net or elsewhere, and compile
  it themselves.  They could then obtain source code for many
  applications in the same way, compile the programs, then install them
  into their systems.  For complicated programs, this process can be not
  only time-consuming but error-prone.	To avoid it, users often choose
  to obtain the operating system and the application packages from one
  of the Linux distributors.   What distinguishes the various Linux
  distributors are the software, protocols, and practices they use for
  packaging, installing, and tracking applications packages on users'
  systems, combined with installation and maintenance tools,
  documentation, and other services.

  Debian GNU/Linux is the result of a volunteer effort to create a free,
  high-quality Unix-compatible operating system, complete with a suite
  of applications.  The idea of a free Unix-like system originates from
  the GNU project, and many of the applications that make Debian
  GNU/Linux so useful were developed by the GNU project.  Debian was
  created by Ian Murdock in 1993, initially under the sponsorship of the
  Free Software Foundations's GNU project.  Today, Debian's developers
  think of it as a direct descendent of the GNU project.

  Debian GNU/Linux is

  o  full featured:  The Debian distribution includes nearly 500
     software packages at present.  Users can select which packages to
     install; Debian provides a tool for this purpose.	You can find a
     list and descriptions of the packages currently available in the
     Debian distribution at any of the Debian mirror sites.

  o  free to use and redistribute:  There is no consortium membership or
     payment required to participate in its distribution and
     development.  All packages that are formally part of the Debian
     distribution are free to redistribute, usually under terms
     specified by the GNU General Public License.  The Debian FTP
     archives also carry approximately 50 software packages (in the non-
     free and contrib directories at the FTP archives), which are
     distributable under specific terms included with each package.

  o  dynamic:  With about 100 volunteers constantly contributing new and
     improved code, the Debian distribution is evolving rapidly.  New
     releases are made about every three months, and the FTP archives
     are updated daily.

  Though Debian itself is free software, it is a base upon which value-
  added GNU/Linux distributions can be built. By providing a reliable,
  full-featured base system, Debian provides GNU/Linux users with
  increased compatibility, and allows GNU/Linux distribution creators to
  eliminate duplication-of-effort and focus on the things that make
  their distribution special.

  2.2.	Ok, now I know what Debian is...what's Linux!?

  In short, Linux is the kernel of a Unix-like operating system.  It was
  originally designed for 386/486/Pentium PCs; now, ports to other
  systems, including multi-processor systems, are under development.
  Linux is written by Linus Torvalds and many computer scientists around
  the world.

  Besides its kernel, a "Linux" system usually has

  o  a file system that follows the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

  o  a wide range of Unix utilities, many of which have been developed
     by the GNU project and the Free Software Foundation.

  The combination of the Linux kernel, the filesystem, the GNU and FSF
  utilities, and the other utilities are designed to achieve compliance
  with the POSIX (IEEE 1003.1) standard.  (The authors would very much
  like to give you a pointer to an on-line document that described that
  standard, but the IEEE is another one of those organizations that gets
  away with declaring standards and then requiring that people PAY to
  find out what they are.  This makes about as much sense as having to
  find out the significance of various colored lights on traffic
  signals.)  At least one distribution (Linux-FT by LaserMoon
  <>) has already been
  certified POSIX compliant.

  For more information about Linux, see Michael Johnson's INFO-SHEET
  <> and META-FAQ

  2.3.	What's the difference between Debian and other Linux distribu-

  Three key features distinguish Debian from other distributions of

     The Debian package maintenance system:
	The entire system, or any individual component of it, can be
	upgraded in place without reformatting, without losing custom
	configuration files, and (in most cases) without rebooting the
	system.	Most GNU/Linux distributions available today have some
	kind of package maintenance system; the ``Debian package
	maintenance system'' is unique and particularly robust.

     Open development:
	Whereas other GNU/Linux distributions are developed by
	individuals, small, closed groups, or commercial vendors, Debian
	is the only GNU/Linux distribution that is being developed
	cooperatively by many individuals through the Internet, in the
	same spirit as GNU/Linux and other Free Software.  More than 100
	volunteer package maintainers are working on over 500 packages
	and improving Debian GNU/Linux.	The Debian developers
	contribute to the project not by writing new applications (in
	most cases), but by packaging existing software according to the
	standards of the project, by communicating bug reports to
	upstream developers, and by providing user support.  See also
	additional information on ``how to become a contributor''.

     The Bug Tracking System:
	The geographical dispersion of the Debian developers required
	sophisticated tools and quick communication of bugs and bug-
	fixes to accelerate the development of the system.  Users are
	encouraged to post bugs in a formal style, which are quickly
	accessible by both FTP and WWW archives to developers and users
	alike.	See additional information in this FAQ on the management
	of the ``Bug Log''.

  2.4.	How does the Debian project fit in or compare with the Free
  Software Foundation's GNU project?

  The Debian system builds on the ideals of free software first
  championed by the FSF and in particular by Richard Stallman.	FSF's
  powerful system development tools, utilities, and applications are
  also a key part of the Debian system.

  At one time, there was a formal relationship between the Debian
  project and the FSF, in that the FSF employed Ian Murdock for a year
  while he was project leader.	The project was then called the "Debian
  GNU/Linux" system.  Now, however, the FSF will pursue its long-
  standing objective of developing a new operating system based on HURD
  ( <>), rather than the
  Linux kernel, while the Debian project will take exclusive control
  over its own technical direction.

  The Debian project supports the goals of FSF and we like to think of
  Debian as "Son of GNU".  We think the FSF considered Debian as a first
  step toward the completed HURD system, and still encourage FSF to
  derive from Debian.  Though the Debian project is no longer sponsored
  by the FSF, both groups have decided that this should not keep us from
  working together, and that we should be partners.  We all look forward
  to more support for Linux in GNU software, and more support for FSF's
  goals in Linux software.


  How does one pronounce Debian and what does this word mean?

  The project name is pronounced Deb'-ian, with a short e, and emphasis
  on the first syllable.  This word is a contraction of the names of
  Debra and Ian Murdock, who founded the project.  (Dictionaries seem to
  offer some ambiguity in the pronunciation of Ian (!), but Ian prefers

  3.  Hardware Requirements


  On what architectures/systems does Debian GNU/Linux run?

  The Debian Linux distribution includes complete source-code for all of
  the included programs, so it should work on all systems which are
  supported by the Linux Kernel; see the Linux FAQ
  <> for details.

  The current Debian Linux distribution contains a complete, binary
  distribution for Intel-based PC's, including 80386, 80486, Pentium,
  and Pentium Pro's.  The development of binary distributions of Debian
  1.1 for 68k processors is currently underway, and ports to Alpha,
  Sparc, and MIPS processors are expected to follow.


  What hardware is assumed by the stock Debian GNU/Linux boot disks?

  The configuration file used to build the standard distribution Debian
  GNU/Linux kernel assumes an 80386 CPU, and includes support for PCMCIA
  cards, most SCSI cards for which there exist Linux drivers (with the
  notable exception of the NCR53c810), and most Ethernet cards for which
  there exist Linux drivers.

  Linux kernels suited to a variety of special platforms are included in
  the directory buzz-fixed/disks-i386/special-kernels at any Debian FTP
  archive site, along with their configuration files.  Briefly, these
  platforms include:

  o  Special Kernel 0: Small kernel (Standard Distribution, but without
     drivers for PCMCIA, QLlogic SCSI host adapters, Ethernet adapters,
     and Sound cards)

  o  Special Kernel 1: All Adaptec SCSI + AdvanSys + Always + AM5379c974
     + BusLogic

  o  Special Kernel 2: DTC + eata_dma (DPT), eata_pio (OLD DPT) + Future

  o  Special Kernel 3: NCR5380/53c400 + NCR53c406a + NCR53c7/8xx

  o  Special Kernel 4: Iomega Parallel + PAS16 + Qlogic + Seagate +
     Trantor + UltraStor

  o  Special Kernel 5: Special NCR53c400 only Kernel

  o  Special Kernel 6: Special NCR53C8xx only Kernel


  What amount of disk space is recommended?

  A generous installation, sufficient to accommodate a few users, X
  windows software, and several large applications, might require disk
  partitions at least as large as:

  o  50 MBytes for the root directory (/)

  o  500 MBytes for /usr

  o  50 MBytes for swap space

  o  50 MBytes for each home directories

  o  100 MBytes for /tmp

  o  100 MBytes for /var

  The optimum disk space allocated for swap depends critically on the
  way the system will be used.	Many people just choose to set aside
  twice as much disk space as they have RAM space.  Systems with large
  RAM may not need so much swap space, especially if there are only a
  few users.  The installation process supports systems with no swap

  3.3.1.  But how much RAM and disk space are absolutely essential?

  These minimal requirements are sufficient for a system without X
  windows and only 1 or 2 users:

  o  15 MBytes of disk space for the base system; this provides a
     minimally-functioning Unix system, but includes no application
     programs and no network support.

  o  80 MBytes of disk space for a standard system running applications
     on the console (i.e., without an X11 interface).

  o  120 MBytes of disk space for a standard system running applications
     with an X11 window system.

  o  300 MBytes and more for all all the optional programs (You probably
     don't need all of these prorams.)

  Debian Linux can be installed on systems with only 4 MBytes of RAM.
  The latest installation disks are especially organized to provide an
  easy installation path for machines with small memories.  Some users
  report success at using Debian Linux to convert PC's having limited
  RAM (and disk space) into X terminals.  An 80386-based system with
  only 4 MBytes of RAM and 40 MBytes disk space has been used to run
  Debian Linux in this way; i.e., both networking and basic X11 server
  functions operated satisfactorily.  This mode of operation even works
  if 1 MByte of the RAM is used as a ramdisk when the machine is booted,
  implying that only 3 Mbytes of RAM is absolutely essential for using
  Debian Linux on a PC in order to use it as an X server.  This mode of
  operation requires a swap partition; without it, the system won't even
  go into multi-user mode.


  How should I partition my drive?

  Partitioning a drive has the disadvantage that drive space can be used
  much less flexibly than an unpartitioned drive.  Most users find,
  however, that this disadvantage is more than offset by the fact that
  damage to a filesystem on a partitioned disk is usually limited to a
  single partition.  Furthermore, backups of a partitioned hard disk can
  be more easily managed because the files that change most frequently
  are likely to be localized to a single partition.

  A user with a 1.6 GByte drive has concluded after a survey of Debian
  users that it's reasonable to design a partitioning scheme that
  closely follows the Linux standard File System Structure
  <>.  For his 1.6 GByte
  disk, he chose these partitions:

  o  30 MBytes for the root directory (/)

  o  450 MBytes for /usr

  o  50 MBytes for swap space

  o  1000 MBytes for home directories (some of this could be used for

  o  0 MBytes for /tmp; make /tmp a symbolic link to /var/tmp

  o  40 MBytes for /var

  Note that for best performance one should definitely place the swap
  file in its own partition.  Ideally, this partition would reside on a
  drive controlled by a different controller than that which contains
  the user partition.  (But hard evidence that this approach really
  yields better performance is lacking at present.)


  Are very large disks supported?

  There is an upper limit on the size of the disk partition that's used
  for booting.	This limit applies to all operating systems, not just
  Linux, and not just Debian Linux.  Basically, the BIOS's typically
  available on PC's cannot access disk partitions larger than 1024
  cylinders or tracks.	Thus, any operating system used on a PC cannot
  be booted from a disk partition larger than 1 GByte.	It's worth
  emphasizing that this restriction only applies to the partition from
  which Linux is booted.  Other partitions can be larger.  One solution
  to this limitation is to place the directory /boot/ in its own (very
  small) partition, entirely within the first 1024 blocks of the disk.

  Recent versions of the Linux kernel include the the Multi-Device disk
  driver ('md'), which provides striping support (sometimes called RAID
  0) in software as well as a linear mode of joining 2 or more disks
  into a single logical device that can be formatted as a single file


  (How) does Debian provide PCMCIA support?

  The version of the kernel distributed with the Debian installation
  disks includes support for PCMCIA cards.  That is, its .config file
  includes the line: CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDE_PCMCIA=y.  This configuration
  just supports modification of the IDE driver in the kernel to support
  IDE disks that are PCMCIA cards.

  Utilities that actually provide pcmcia card services have been
  developed by David Hinds.  These utilities are provided in the Debian
  distribution by the package pcmcia-cs-KKK_VVV-RRR.i386.deb, where the
  components 'VVV' and 'RRR' follow the usual conventions on ``Debian
  package names'', and the component 'KKK' refers to the kernel version
  for which the pcmcia-cs package was built.

  4.  Compatibility issues


  How compatible is Debian with other distributions of Linux?

  Debian developers communicate with other GNU/Linux distribution
  creators in an effort to maintain binary compatibility across Linux
  distributions.  Most commercial GNU/Linux products run as well under
  Debian as they do on the system upon which they were built.

  Debian GNU/Linux adheres strictly to the Linux File System Structure
  <> (now known as the FHS).
  However, there is room for interpretation in some of the rules within
  this standard, so there may be differences between a Debian system and
  other Linux systems.

  4.2.	Can I use RedHat packages (".rpm" files) on my Debian Linux sys-

  Can I use Debian packages (".deb" files) on my RedHat/Slackware/...
  Linux system?

  Different Linux distributions use different package formats and
  different package management programs.

     You probably can:
	A program to unpack a Debian package onto a Linux host that's
	been built from a `foreign' distribution is available, and will
	generally work, in the sense that files will be unpacked.  The
	converse is probably also true, that is, a program to unpack a
	RedHat or Slackware package on a host that's based on Debian
	Linux will probably succeed in unpacking the package and placing
	most files in their intended directories.  This is largely a
	consequence of the existence (and broad adherence to) the Linux
	File System Standard.
     You probably don't want to:
	Most package managers write administrative files when they are
	used to unpack an archive.  These administrative files are
	generally not standardized.  Therefore, the effect of unpacking
	a Debian package on a `foreign' host will have unpredictable
	(certainly not useful) effects on the package manager on that
	system.	Likewise, utilities from other distributions might
	succeed in unpacking their archives on Debian systems, but will
	probably cause the Debian package management system to fail when
	the time comes to upgrade or remove some packages, or even
	simply to report exactly what packages are present on a system.

     A better way:
	The Linux File System Standard (and therefore Debian Linux)
	requires that subdirectories under /usr/local be entirely under
	the user's discretion.	Therefore, users can unpack `foreign'
	packages into this directory, and then manage their
	configuration, upgrade, removal individually.


  Is Debian able to run my old "a.out" programs?

  o  To execute a program whose binary is in a.out (i.e., QMAGIC or
     ZMACI) format,

  o  make sure your kernel has a.out support built into it, either
     directly (CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT=y) or as a module
     (CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT=m).  (Debian is distributed with a kernel with
     support for a.out binaries built in directly.)

     If your kernel supports a.out binaries by a module, then be sure
     that the binfmt_aout module is loaded.  You can do this at boot
     time by entering the line binfmt_aout into the file /etc/modules.
     You can do it from the command line by executing the command insmod
     DIRNAME/binfmt_aout.o where DIRNAME is the name of the directory
     where the modules that have been built for the version of the
     kernel now running are stored.  On a system with the 2.0.0 version
     of the kernel, DIRNAME is likely to be /lib/modules/2.0.0/fs/.

  o  install the package libc4.

  o  To compile programs in the a.out binary format,

  o  install the Debian a.out developer's packages, which are

  o  libc4-dev

  o  aout-binutils

  o  aout-librl

  o  aout-gcc

  o  place the a.out tools ahead of the ELF tools in your path.	That
     is, execute the command export PATH=/usr/i486-linuxaout/bin:$PATH
     (This isn't essential, just advantageous.)	If you're only going to
     do this once, you could execute: PATH=/usr/i486-linuxaout/bin:$PATH
     make [target].
  o  To execute a.out X clients, install the xcompat package.

  If you have a commercial application in a.out format, now would be a
  good time to ask them to send you an ELF upgrade.


  How should I install a non-Debian package?

  Files under the directory /usr/local are not under the control of the
  Debian package management system.  Therefore, it is good practice to
  place the source code for your program in /usr/local/src/.  For
  example, you might extract the files for a package named "foo.tar"
  into the directory /usr/local/src/foo.  After you compile them, place
  the binaries in /usr/local/bin/foo, the libraries in /usr/local/lib,
  and the configuration files in /usr/local/etc/.

  If your programs and/or files really must be placed in some other
  directory, you could still store them in /usr/local, and build the
  appropriate symbolic links from the required location to its location
  in /usr/local, e.g., you could make the link

  ln -s /usr/local/bin/foo /usr/bin/foo

  In any case, if you obtain a package whose copyright allows
  redistribution, you should consider making a Debian package of it, and
  uploading it for the Debian system.  Guidelines for becoming a package
  developer are included in the Debian doc-debian package; or see the
  on-line guide
  <> to
  the package development guidelines.


  Why can't I compile programs that require libtermcap?

  Debian uses the terminfo database and the ncurses library of terminal
  interface routes, rather than the termcap database and the termcap
  library.  Users who are compiling programs that require some knowledge
  of the terminal interface should replace references to libtermcap with
  references to libncurses.

  To support binaries that have already been linked with the termcap
  library, and for which you don't have the source, Debian provides a
  package called termcap-compat.  This provides both and
  /etc/termcap.	Install this package if the program fails to run with
  the error message "can't load library ''", or complains
  about a missing /etc/termcap file.


  Why can't I install AccelX? (termcap again)

  AccelX uses the termcap library for installation.  Debian uses the
  terminfo database and ncurses library instead.  To run programs which
  use the termcap library, install the package termcap-compat; it can be
  found in the misc section in the Debian archives.

  4.7.	Why do I get "Can't find" errors when I try to run

  Programs that require the library are in a.out format.  To
  execute them, you need to install the xcompat package.

  4.8.	Can I install and compile a kernel without some Debian-specific

  Yes.	But you have to understand the Debian policy with respect to

  The Debian C libraries are built with the most recent stable releases
  of the gcc headers.  For example, the Debian-1.1 release uses version
  5.2.18 of the headers.  This practice contrasts with the Linux kernel
  source packages distributed at all Linux FTP archive sites, which uses
  even more recent versions of the headers.  The kernel headers
  distributed with the kernel source are located in

  If you need to compile a program with kernel headers that are newer
  than those provided by libc5-dev, then you must add
  -I/usr/src/linux/include to your command line when compiling.	This
  came up at one point, for example, with the packaging of the
  automounter daemon (amd).  When new kernels changed some internals
  dealing with NFS, amd needed to know about them.  This required the
  inclusion of the latest kernel headers.

  5.  Software Available in the Debian system

  5.1.	What types of applications and development software are avail-
  able for Debian GNU/Linux?

  Like most Linux distributions, Debian GNU/Linux provides

  o  the major GNU applications for software development, file
     manipulation, and text processing, including gcc, libc, g++, make,
     texinfo, gnuplot, the Bash shell and numerous upgraded Unix

  o  Perl and its libraries

  o  TeX, LaTeX, and dvips

  o  the X Window system, which provides a networked graphical user
     interface for Linux, and numerous X applications,

  o  a full suite of other networking applications, including WWW
     servers, browsers, and development tools.

     Nearly 500 packages, ranging from news servers and readers to sound
     support, FAX programs, database and spreadsheet programs, image
     processing programs, communications, net, and mail utilities, Web
     servers, and even ham-radio programs are included in the
     distribution.  Another 50 software suites are available as Debian
     packages, but are not formally part of the Debian distribution due
     to license restrictions.

  5.2.	Who wrote all that software?

  o  Authors whose software is included in the Debian Linux system are
     credited in files listed in /usr/doc/copyright.

  o  Maintainers who package this software for the Debian Linux system
     are listed in the ``Debian control file'' that comes with each

  5.3.	How can I get a current list of programs that have been packaged
  for the Debian project?

  A complete list is available from any of the Debian mirrors.

  The file indices/Packages-Master-i386.gz provides a list, including
  short descriptions, of all packages that are available for computers
  with 80386 (or more advanced) chips.	The file indices/Packages-
  Master-m68k.gz provides a similar list of packages that are available
  for computers with Motorola 68xxx CPUs.

  The WWW interface to the Debian packages <>
  conveniently summarizes the packages in each of about twenty
  "sections" of the Debian archive, as well as the 10 most recently
  uploaded packages.

  5.4.	What's missing from Debian GNU/Linux?

  A list of packages which are most urgently needed for the Debian
  distribution is maintained by Sven Rudolph.  For more details, see the
  section ``on contributing to the Debian project''.

  5.5.	Where is 'which'?

  This is a historical question, no longer relevant, but is included
  with this FAQ because it may still hold the record as the single most
  frequently asked question on the Debian mailing lists.

  The functionality of the Berkeley utility which is provided in the
  Bash shell by the built-in command type.  To learn the path name for
  an executable file "foo", use the command type foo.  To learn all the
  paths where "foo" can be found, use type -a foo.

  To accommodate users' lack of familiarity with this (in this writer's
  opinion, obscure) feature of Bash, the Debian maintainers have built a
  package called debianutils, which includes a Bash script called which.
  This script includes only these lines:

       for i in $*; do
	 type -all -path $i | head -1

  The debianutils package is normally stored in the base section of the
  FTP archive, and is therefore part of the initial installation of
  every Debian system.

  5.6.	(How) Does Debian support Java?

  The Java Development Kit from Sun is currently available as a Debian
  package (jdk_VVV-RRR_i386.deb).  The JDK will allow you to run Java
  programs and applets, and write your own.  If your kernel is properly
  configured (see below), the JDK will allow you to run Java programs
  just like other executables.	The JDK package also includes a number
  of demo programs.

  Debian's kernel is configured with Java support built in as a module
  (i.e., CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA=m).	Users who wish to build their own
  ``custom kernel'' can of course omit this if they choose.  Once module
  support is available in the kernel, you need to make sure the module
  is loaded.  You can do it at boot time by inserting the line
  binfmt_java in the file /etc/modules.	Alternatively, you can install
  the module from the command line by executing the command insmod
  DIRNAME/binfmt_java.o where DIRNAME is the name of the directory where
  the modules that have been built for the version of the kernel now
  running are stored.  On a system with the 2.0.0 version of the kernel,
  DIRNAME is likely to be /lib/modules/2.0.0/fs/.  You can check that a
  module is loaded using the command lsmod.

  Running a Java applet requires a browser with the capability to
  recognize and execute them.  The Netscape browser that can be
  installed as a Debian package will run Java applets.	(The Netscape
  source code is not publicly available.  The Debian netscape package
  provides a wrapper which aids the installation and management of
  Netscape on a Debian system.	This is actually a good example of the
  integration of commercial packages with the Debian system.)

  A final note of mixed blessings: Sun's licensing policies on the JDK
  are becoming more restricted with time, so this package may not be
  available as part of the Debian distribution soon.  It is possible
  that it may be available in the same way that Netscape is available
  for Debian Linux.  Better news is that a number of ports are currently
  being developed with may provide attractive publicly-available

  5.7.	What are all those directories (buzz/non-free/contrib/project)
  at the Debian FTP archives?

  The software that's been packaged for Debian GNU/Linux is available in
  one of several directory trees on each Debian mirror site.

  5.7.1.  Top Level Directories

     The Major Package Trees

     o	Debian-1.1, a.k.a. "buzz": This directory contains the packages
	which formally constitute the most recent release of the Debian
	Linux system.  The contents of this directory do not change.

     o	Debian-1.1-updates, a.k.a. "buzz-fixes": Updates to the current
	release are in this directory.

     o	Debian-1.1.x, a.k.a. "stable" and "buzz-fixed": A copy of the
	the current release with the updates applied.  The minor number
	is changed whenever new updates are added.

     o	"non-free":  This directory contains packages whose distribution
	is restricted in a way which requires that distributors take
	careful account of the specified copyright requirements.  For
	example, some packages have licenses which prohibit commercial
	distribution.  Others can be redistributed but are in fact
	shareware and not freeware.  The licenses of each of these
	packages must be studied, and possibly negotiated, before the
	packages are included in any redistribution (e.g., in a CD-ROM).

     o	"contrib": This directory contains packages which are freely
	distributable, but do not meet the policy requirements for
	distribution by the Debian project for some reason, e.g., the
	packages have some unusual restriction on modification by other
	users, or are only available in binary form.  For such packages,
	the project cannot given the user any means to assure that they
	are free of Trojan horses, and cannot port them to other
	architectures.	Binary-only packages which are not freely
	redistributable are placed in the non-free directory.

     Supplementary directories:

     o	"tools":  DOS utilities for creating boot disks, partitioning
	your disk drive, compressing/decompressing files, and booting

     o	"upgrades": Files needed for upgrading a debian-0.93 system
	(based on a.out binary format files) to Debian-1.1 (based on ELF
	binary files).	Included are instructions for upgrading (either
	"manually" using dpkg, or more automatically, using dselect),
	along with a copy of the particular version of the package
	management tool, dpkg that must be used in a.out systems to
	start the upgrade, and a list of files that will be needed in
	order to do the upgrade.

     o	"doc":	Documentation, instructions on how to submit bug

     o	"debian-lists":	Archives of the Debian mailing lists.

     Of particular interest to developers:

     o	"project/experimental": This directory contains packages and
	tools which are being developed specifically for the Debian
	project, and are still in the testing stage.  Users are welcome
	to use and test these packages, but warned about their state of

     o	"rex", a.k.a. "unstable", a.k.a. "development":	A snapshot  of
	the current development system.	Users are welcome to use and
	test these packages, but are warned about their state of

     o	"private/project/Incoming":  Packages that have been uploaded by
	developers, and which are awaiting placement in the directory
	hierarchy by the distribution maintainer.

     o	"debian-bugs/":	Archive of the bug reports.

     o	"indices":  Various lists, including the Packages-Master file.

  5.7.2.  Sub-directories

  Within each of the major directory trees (Debian-1.1, non-free, and
  contrib, but not project/experimental), which is too small to
  subdivide), the binary packages reside in sub-directories whose names
  indicate the chip architecture for which they were compiled:

  o  binary, which is normally a link to binary-i386.

  o  binary-all, for packages which are architecture-independent.  These
     include, for example, Perl scripts.

  o  binary-i386, for packages which execute on 80x86 machines.

  o  binary-m68k, for packages which execute on machines based on one of
     the Motorola 680x0 processors.  Currently this is done mainly for
     Atari and Amiga computers, and also for some VME based industry
     standard boards.  There is no port of Linux to the old m68k based
     Macintosh's, since Apple will not supply the needed hardware

  o  binary-sparc, for packages which execute on Sun Sparcstations.

  o  binary-alpha, for packages which execute on DEC Alpha machines.

  5.8.	Is source code included with the system?

  Source code is included for everything in the Debian system.	Most of
  the license terms of programs in the system require that source code
  be distributed along with the programs, or that an offer to provide
  the source code accompany the programs.

  Source code may or may not be available for packages in the "contrib"
  "non-free" directories, which are not formally part of the Debian

  5.9.	How can I check that I'm using a Debian system?

  Check for the existence of the file /var/lib/dpkg/status.  This
  contains a stanza reporting the status of each of the installed Debian
  packages on a system.

  5.10.	How can I tell what "version" of the Debian system I am using?

  There is a file, /etc/debian_version, which contains a single one-line
  entry giving the version number of the release, as defined by the
  package base.

  Users should be aware, however, that the Debian system consists of
  many parts, each of which can be updated (almost) independently.  Each
  Debian "release" contains well defined and unchanging contents.
  Updates are separately available.  For a one-line description of the
  installation status of package foo, use the command dpkg -l foo.
  (With no arguments, this command prints out versions of all installed
  packages.)  For a more verbose description, use dpkg --status foo.

  5.11.	How does the Debian distribution support non-English languages?

  o  Debian GNU/Linux is distributed with keymaps for nearly two dozen
     keyboards, and with utilities (in the kbd package) to install,
     view, and modify the tables.  The installation prompts the user to
     specify the keyboad he'll use.

  o  Support for German-languange manpages is provided through the
     manpages-de package, and support for Spanish-language manpages is
     provided through the manpages-es package.	To access an NLS
     manpage, the user must set LC_MESSAGES to the appropriate string.
     In the case of the German-language manpages, LC_MESSAGES must be
     set to 'de_DE'.  The man program will then search for german
     manpages under /usr/man/de_DE.

  6.  Basics of the Debian Package Management System

  6.1.	What is a Debian package?

  Packages generally contain all of the files necessary to implement a
  set of related commands or features.	Packages come in two flavors:

  o  Binary packages, which contain executables, configuration files,
     man/info pages, copyright information, and other documentation.
     These packages are distributed in a Debian-specific ``archive
     format''; they are distinguished by having a '.deb' file extension.

  o  Source packages, which contain all of the files necessary to create
     the comparable binary package.  These packages are distributed as
     gzip-compressed tar files, and therefore are distinguished by a
     '.tar.gz' file extension.

  Installation of software by the package system uses "dependencies"
  which are carefully designed by the package maintainers.  These
  dependencies are documented in the control file associated with each
  package.  For example, the package containing the GNU C compiler (gcc)
  "depends" on the package binutils which includes the linker and
  assembler.  If a user attempts to install gcc without having first
  installed binutils, Debian's package system will send an error message
  that it also needs binutils, and will install gcc only if the user
  agrees to install binutils first.  (However, this facility can be
  overridden by the insistent user.)  More details are given ``below''
  on package dependencies.

  Debian's packaging tools can be used to:

  o  manipulate and manage packages or parts of packages,

  o  aid the user in the break-up of packages that must be transmitted
     through a limited-size medium such as floppy disks,

  o  aid developers in the construction of package archives, and

  o  aid users in the installation of packages which reside on a remote
     FTP site.

  6.2.	What is the format of a Debian package?

  A Debian "package", or a Debian archive file, contains the executable
  files, libraries, and documentation associated with a particular suite
  of program or set of related programs.  Normally, a Debian archive
  file has a filename that ends in .deb.

  Debian archive files can be parsed and manipulated by the utility ar.
  The precise contents of Debian archive files changed since Debian
  0.93.	The new contents are understood by versions of the primary
  package tool, dpkg, later than 0.93.76, and is described in the
  "deb"(5) man page.  The old format is described in "deb-old"(5).

  An archive file contains at least these members (in this order):

  o  debian-binary:  Contains one or more lines; currently it contains
     only one line giving the version number (2.0) of the Debian package

  o  control.tar.gz: A compressed (gzip'd) tar file which contains the
     ``Debian control files'' for this package.	(Confusingly, one of
     these files, and the only one which is required, is itself named

  o  data.tar.gz:  A compressed (gzip'd) tar file which contains the
     executables, libraries, documentation, etc., associated with this

  Additional members may be added.  Detailed requirements for adding
  them are given in the deb manual page.

  6.3.	Why are Debian package names so long?

  The Debian package names conform to the following convention:

  Note that foo is supposed to be the package name.  This naming
  convention is rather new, and some packages have slightly different
  name formats.	As a check, one can learn the package name associated
  with a particular Debian archive file (.deb file) in one of these

  o  inspect the "Packages" file in the directory where it was stored in
     a Debian FTP archive site.	This file contains a stanza describing
     each package; the first field in each stanza is the formal Package

  o  use the command dpkg --info foo_VVV-RRR.deb.  This sends a message
     to STDOUT which gives, among other things, the Package Name
     corresponding to the archive file being unpacked.

  The VVV component is the version number specified by the upstream
  developer.  There are no standards in place here, so the version
  number may have formats as different as "960428" and "2.7.2.l.3".

  The RRR component is the Debian revision number, and is specified by
  the Debian developer (or an individual user if he chooses to build the
  package himself).  This number corresponds to the revision level of
  the Debian package (which includes the Debian-specific Makefile,
  called debian.rules, as well as the Debian control file, usually
  called debian.control).  Thus, a new revision level usually signifies
  changes in the Debian Makefile, the Debian control file, the
  installation or removal scripts, or in the configuration files used
  with the package.

  The Arch component identifies the processor for which the package was
  built.  This is commonly i386, which refers to chips in the 80x86
  family of vintage 80386 or later.  ``Other possibilities'' include
  m68k for processors in the Motorola 680x0 family, etc.

  6.4.	What's a Debian control file?

  Specifics regarding the contents of a Debian control file are provided
  in the manual page deb-control (5).  Briefly, a sample control file is
  shown below for the Debian package libc5_5.2.18-9.deb:

       PACKAGE: libc5
       SECTION: base
       SOURCE: libc5
       DESCRIPTION: The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libraries).
	Includes shared libraries needed to run programs built with libc 5.
       MAINTAINER: David Engel <>
       VERSION: 5.2.18-9
       PRE-DEPENDS: ldso (>=1.7.14-2)
       CONFLICTS: elf-libc, pthreads1
       REPLACES: elf-libc
       PROVIDES: elf-libc, pthreads1
       ARCHITECTURE: i386

  The first line gives the package name.  This is the name by which the
  package can be manipulated by the package tools, and usually similar
  to but not necessarily the same as, the first component string in the
  Debian archive file name.

  The second line gives the "section" where this Debian package is
  stored at the Debian FTP sites.  This is the name of a subdirectory
  (within one of the main directories, see ``more about the Debian FTP
  directory structure'') where the package is stored.

  The Source field identifies the source package from which the binary
  package was made.  Normally, this is the same as the name of the
  package itself.  It can be different, however, when one source package
  actually provides more than one binary package.  For example, three
  different binary packages related to the Java Developer's Kit are
  produced from the single jdk source package:	one for systems with
  Motif libraries (jdk-shared), one for systems without Motif (jdk-
  static), and one package common to both (jdk-common).

  The Description field gives a brief summary of the package's features,
  and the Maintainer field names the Debian package developer and his
  email address.  The version field gives both the upstream developer's
  version number and (in the last component) the revision level of the
  Debian package of this program.

  The Pre-Depends field gives a list of packages that have to be
  available in order to make dpkg even try to install a package. This
  feature is for expert use only.

  The Conflicts field tells the user (and the Debian package maintenance
  tools) what other packages cannot co-exist with the programs in this
  package.  The Replaces field tells what packages will be replaced when
  this one is installed. The Provides field tells what packages will be
  installed by this package; this is a mechanism by which multiple
  packages can be distributed as a single package, which is in some
  cases an aid to the package maintenance system.

  The final field (Architecture) specifies the chip for which this
  particular binary was compiled.

  6.5.	What's a Debian Conffile?

  Conffiles are listings of configuration files, usually placed in /etc,
  that the package management system will not overwrite when a package
  is upgraded.	This ensures that local values for the contents of these
  files will be preserved, and is a critical feature enabling the in-
  place upgrade of packages on a running system.

  To determine exactly which files are preserved during an upgrade,
  users can inspect the contents of
  /var/lib/dpkg/info/package_name.conffiles For example, the
  netbase.conffiles package contains these entries:


  6.6.	What's a Debian preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm script?

  These files are executable scripts which are automatically run before
  or after a package is installed.  Along with a file named control, all
  of these files are part of the "control" section of a Debian archive

  The individual files are:

	This script executes the configuration of a package once that
	package has been unpacked from its Debian archive (".deb") file.
	Many 'preinst' scripts also stop services for packages which are
	being upgraded until their installation or upgrade is completed
	(following the successful execution of the 'postinst' script).

	This script typically completes any required configuration of
	the package foo once foo has been unpacked from its Debian
	archive (".deb") file.	Often, 'postinst' scripts ask the user
	for input, and/or warn the user that if he accepts default
	values, he should remember to go back and re-configure that
	package as the situation warrants.  Many 'postinst' scripts then
	execute any commands necessary to start or restart a service
	once a new package has been installed or upgraded.  It is a good
	idea to check the contents of the 'postinst' script for any
	configuration advice, when trying out a package for the first

	This script typically stops any daemons which are associated
	with a package.	It is executed before the removal of files
	associated with the package.

	This script typically modifies links or other files associated
	with foo. (See notes on ``Virtual packages''.)
  All of the control files can be found in /var/lib/dpkg/info.	The
  files relevant to package foo begin with the name "foo" and have file
  extensions of "preinst", "postinst", etc., as appropriate.  The file
  foo.list in that directory lists all of the files that were installed
  with the package foo.

  6.7.	What's a Required/Important/Standard/Optional/Extra package?

  Each Debian package is assigned a priority by the distribution
  maintainers, as an aid to the package management system.  The
  priorities are:

  o  Required packages are absolutely essential.  Required packages are
     necessary for the functioning and repairability of the system.  You
     must not remove these packages or your system may become totally
     broken and you may probably not even be able to use dpkg to put
     things back.  Systems with only the Required packages are probably
     unuseable, but they do have enough functionality to allow the
     sysadmin to boot and install more software.

  o  Important packages should be found on any Unix-like system.  Other
     packages which the system will not run well or be usable without
     will be here.  This does NOT include Emacs or X11 or TeX or any
     other large applications.	These packages only constitute the bare

  o  Standard packages are standard on any Linux system, including a
     reasonably small but not too limited character-mode system.  This
     is what will install by default if users don't select anything
     else.  It doesn't include many large applications, but it does
     include Emacs (this is more of a piece of infrastructure than an
     application) and a reasonable subset of TeX and LaTeX (if this
     turns out to be possible without X).

  o  Optional packages include all those that you might reasonably want
     to install if you didn't know what it was or don't have specialized
     requirements.  This includes X11, a full TeX distribution, and lots
     of applications.

  o  Extra packages conflict with others with higher priorities, or are
     only likely to be useful if you already know what they are or have
     specialised requirements.

  6.8.	What's a Virtual Package?

  A virtual package is a generic name that applies to any one of a group
  of packages, all of which provide similar basic functionality.  For
  example, both the tin and trn programs are both news readers, and
  should therefore satisfy any dependency of a program that required a
  news reader on a system in order to work.  They are therefore both
  said to provide the "virtual package" called news reader.

  Similary, smail and sendmail both provide the functionality of a mail
  transport agent.  They are therefore said to provide the virtual
  package, "mail transport agent".  If either one is installed, then any
  program depending on the installation of a mail transport agent will
  be satisfied by the existence of this virtual package.

  Debian provides a mechanism so that, if more than one package which
  provide the same virtual package is installed on a system, then system
  administrators can set one as the preferred package.	The relevant
  command is update-alternatives, and is described further in the
  section on ``diversions''.

  6.9.	What is meant by saying that a file
  Depends/Recommends/Suggests/Conflicts/Replaces/Provides another pack-
  age ?

  The Debian package system has a range of package "dependencies" which
  are designed to indicate (in a single flag) the level at which Program
  A can operate independently of the existence of Program B on a given

  o  Package A depends on Package B if B absolutely must be installed in
     order to run A.  In some cases, A depends not only on B, but on a
     version of B.  In this case, the version dependency is usually a
     lower limit, in the sense that A depends on any version of B more
     recent than some specified version.

  o  Package A recommends Package B, if the package maintainer judges
     that most users would not want A without also having the
     functionality provided by B.

  o  Package A suggests Package B if B contains files that are related
     to (and usually enhance) the functionality of A.

  o  Package A conflicts with Package B when A will not operate if B is
     installed on the system.  Most often, conflicts are cases where A
     contains files which are an improvement over those in B.
     "Conflicts" are often combined with "replaces".

  o  Package A replaces with Package B when files installed by B are
     removed and (in some cases) over-written by files in A.

  o  Package A provides Package B when all of the files and
     functionality of B are incorporated into A.  This mechanism
     provides a way for users with constrained disk space to get only
     that part of package A which they really need.

  6.10.	What is meant by Pre-Depends?

  "Pre-Depends" is a special dependency.

  In the case of most packages, dpkg will unpack its archive file (i.e.,
  its .deb file independently of whether or not the files on which it
  depends exist on the system.	Simplistically, unpacking means	that
  dpkg will extract the files from the archive file that were meant to
  be installed on your filesystem, and put them in place.  If those
  packages depend on the existence of some other packages on your
  system, dpkg will refuse to complete the installation by executing its
  "configure" action until the other packages are installed.

  However, for some packages, dpkg will refuse even to unpack them until
  certain dependencies are resolved.  Such packages are said to "Pre-
  depend" on the presence of some other packages.  The Debian project
  provided this mechanism to support the safe upgrading of systems from
  a.out format to ELF format, where the order in which packages were
  unpacked was critical.

  6.11.	What is meant by unknown/install/remove/purge/hold in the pack-
  age status?

  These "want" flags tell what the user wanted to do with a package (as
  indicated either by the user's actions in the "Select" section of
  dselect, or by the user's direct invocations of dpkg).  Their meanings

  o  unknown  - the user hasn't said whether they want the package

  o  install  - the user wants the package installed or upgraded

  o  remove   - the user wants the package removed (but doesn't want to
     remove any existing configuration)

  o  purge    - the user wants the package to be removed completely

  o  hold     - the user wants this package not to be processed, i.e.,
     he wants to keep the current version with the current status
     whatever that is.

  7.  The Debian Package Management Tools

  7.1.	What program(s) does Debian provide for managing its packages?

  7.1.1.  dselect

  This program is a menu-driven interface to the Debian package
  management system.  It is particularly useful for first-time
  installations and large-scale upgrades.  dselect can

  o  guide the user as he/she chooses among packages to install or
     remove, ensuring that no packages are installed that conflict with
     one another, and that all packages required to make each package
     work properly are installed;

  o  warn the user about inconsistencies or incompatibilities in their

  o  determine the order in which the packages must be installed;

  o  automatically perform the installation or removal; and

  o  guide the user through whatever configuration process are required
     for each package.

  dselect begins by presenting the user with a menu of 7 items, each of
  which is a specific action. The user can select one of the actions by
  using the arrow keys to move the highlighter bar, then pressing the
  ENTER key to select the highlighted (highlit?) action.

  What the user sees next depends on the action he selected.  If he
  selects any option but Access or Select, then dselect will simply
  proceed to execute the specified action: e.g., if the user selected
  the action Remove, then dselect would proceed to remove all of the
  files selected for removal when the user last chose the Select action.

  Both the Access menu item and the Select menu item lead to additional
  menus.  In both cases, the menus are presented as split screens; the
  top screen gives a scrollable list of choices, while the bottom screen
  gives a brief explanation ("info") for each choice.
  Extensive on-line help is available:	Use the '?' key to get to a help
  screen, then use the '.' key to see each of the several pages of help
  one screen at a time.

  Some users find it easier to navigate dselect when it is colorized.
  To see color screens in dselect, be sure that you've executed: export
  TERM=linux before invoking dselect.

  The order in which the actions are presented in the first dselect menu
  represents the order in which a user would normally choose dselect to
  install packages.  However, a user can pick any of the main menu
  choices as often as needed (including not at all, depending on what
  one wants to do).

  o  Begin by choosing an "Access Method".  This is the method by which
     the user plans on accessing Debian packages; e.g., some users have
     Debian packages available on CD-ROM, while others plan to fetch
     them using anonymous ftp.	(To use the latter approach, a user will
     have had to fetch and install the package dpkg-ftp before running
     dselect.)	The selected "Access Method" is stored in the file
     /var/lib/dpkg/cmethopt after dselect exits, so if it doesn't
     change, then this option need not be invoked again.

  o  Then "Update" the list of available packages.  To do this, dselect
     reads the file "Packages.gz" which should be included in the top
     level of the directory where the Debian packages to be installed
     are stored.  (But if it's not there, dselect will offer to make it
     for you.)

  o  Select specific packages for installation on his system.

     After choosing this menu item, the user is first presented with a
     full screen of help; he can exit it (and any help screen) by
     pressing the SPACEBAR.  Better (for first time users) is to read
     all of the help screen, but repeatedly pressing the '.' key to
     fetch one page of help after another.  Once the user exits the Help
     screen, he sees the split-screen menu for choosing packages to
     install (or remove).  The top screen is a relatively narrow window
     into the list of Debian's nearly 500 packages; the bottom screen is
     a window into "info" about the package or group of packages which
     are highlighted in the top.

     First-time users are often confused by these aspects of the Select

  o  "Deselecting" a packages: One can specify which packages should be
     removed (previously called "deselecting" an item) by highlighting a
     package name or the label for a group of packages (e.g., "All") and
     then pressing either:

  o  the '-' key.  This removes most of the files associated with the
     package, but NOT the configuration files, i.e., those listed in

  o  the '_' key.  This removes every file that's part of the package.

     Note that if you "de-select" "All Packages" your system will be
     reduced to the initial installed base packages.  This is probably
     what you wanted.

  o  Putting a package "on hold" (by pressing '='): This effectively
     tells dselect not to upgrade a package even if the version
     currently installed on your system is not as recent as the version
     that's available in the Debian repository you are using (this was
     specified when you set the Access Method).	(The version that's
     available in the repository is given in the file Packages.gz that's
     read when the "Update" menu choice is activated.

     Putting a package on "unhold" (by pressing ':'):  This is the
     default, and means that the packages will be upgraded if a newer
     version is available.

  o  The order in which the packages are presented:  The default order
     is to present packages by Priority; within each priority, packages
     are presented in order of the directory (a.k.a. section) of the
     archive in which they are stored.	Given this sort order, some
     packages in section A (say) may be presented first, followed by
     some packages in section B, followed by more packages (of lower
     priority) in section A.  Users can select a different presentation
     order by using the 'o' key to cycle between various options for
     sorting the packages.

  o  Meanings of the labels at the top of the screen: The labels at the
     top can be expanded by using the 'v' (verbose) key.  This action
     pushes much of the text that formerly fit onto the display off to
     the right.	To see it, press the right arrow; to scroll back to the
     left, press the left arrow.

  o  What to do with a package conflict/dependency screen: If a user
     selects (for installation or removal) a package, e.g.  foo.deb that
     depend on or recommend another package, e.g., blurf.deb, then
     dselect will place the user in a sub-screen of the main selection
     screen.  This process begins by presenting the user with a full-
     screen Help file, which can be escaped by pressing SPACEBAR.
     Thereafter, the user can choose among the related packages,
     accepting the suggested actions (to install or not), or rejecting
     them.  To do the latter, press SHIFT-D; to return to the former,
     press SHIFT-U.  In any case, the user can save his selections and
     return to the main selection screen by pressing SHIFT-Q.

  o  Users returning to the main menu can then select either the
     "Install" menu item, followed by the "Configure" menu item to
     unpack and then be guided through the configuration files for the
     selected packages.	Alternatively, users wishing to remove files
     can choose the "Remove" menu item.	At any point, users can choose
     "Quit" to exit dselect; dselect stores users' selections in the
     file /var/lib/dpkg/status.

  7.1.2.  dpkg:

  This is the main package management program, dpkg can be invoked with
  many options.	Some common uses are:

  o  Find out all the options:	dpkg --help.

  o  Print out the control file (and other information) for a specified
     package: dpkg --info foo_VVV-RRR.deb

  o  Install a package (including unpacking and configuring) onto the
     file system of the hard disk: dpkg --install foo_VVV-RRR.deb.

  o  Unpack (but do not configure) a Debian archive into the file system
     of the hard disk: dpkg --unpack foo_VVV-RRR.deb.  Note that this
     operation does not necessarily leave the package in a usable state;
     some files may need further customization to run properly.	This
     command removes any already-installed version of the program and
     runs the ``preinst'' script associated with the package.

  o  Configure a package that's already been unpacked: dpkg --configure
     foo.  Among other things, this action runs the ``postinst'' script
     associated with the package.  It also updates the files listed in
     the conffiles for this package.  Notice that the 'configure'
     operation takes as its argument a package name (e.g., foo), not the
     name of a Debian archive file (e.g., foo_VVV-RRR.deb).

  o  Extract a single file named "blurf" (or a group of files named
     "blurf*" from a Debian archive: dpkg --fsys-tarfile foo_VVV-RRR.deb
     | tar -xf - blurf*

  o  Remove a package (but not its configuration files): dpkg --remove

  o  Remove a package (including its configuration files): dpkg --purge

  o  List the installation status of packages containing the string
     'foo*': dpkg -l foo*.

  7.1.3.  dpkg-deb

  This tools manipulates Debian archive (.deb)files.  Some command uses

  o  Find out all the options:	dpkg-deb --help.

  o  Determine what files are contained in a Debian archive file:  dpkg-
     deb -c foo_VVV-RRR.deb)

  o  Extract the files contained in a named Debian archive into a user
     specified directory:  dpkg-deb -x foo_VVV-RRR.deb tmp extracts each
     of the files in foo_VVV-RRR.deb into the directory ./tmp.	This is
     convenient for examining the contents of a package in a localized
     directory, without installing the package into the root file

     More information is given in the section 1 manual page for dpkg-

  7.1.4.  dpkg-split

  This Perl script splits large package into smaller files (e.g., for
  writing onto a set of floppy disks), and can also be used to merge a
  set of split files back into a single file.  It can only be used on a
  Debian system, since it calls the program dpkg-deb to parse the debian
  package file into its component records.  For example, to split a big
  .deb file into N parts,

  o  Execute the command dpkg-split -s foo.deb.	This will produce N
     files each of approximately 460 KBytes long in the current

  o  Copy those N files to floppy disks.

  o  Copy the contents of the floppy disks onto the hard disk of your
     choice on the other machine.

  o  Join those part-files together using dpkg-split -j "foo*".

  7.2.	Debian claims to be able to update a running program; how is
  this accomplished?

  Debian GNU/Linux provides a program called the start-stop-daemon which
  is used by installation scripts to start daemons at boot time or to
  stop daemons when the kernel runlevel is changed (e.g., from multi-
  user to single-user or to halt).  The start-stop-daemon command is
  also used when a new package containing a daemon is installed, to stop
  running daemons, and restart them as necessary, e.g., when a package
  is being installed with an updated configuration script.

  7.3.	How can I tell what packages are already installed on a Debian

  To learn the status of all the packages installed on a Debian system,
  execute the command:	dpkg -l.  This prints out a one-line summary for
  each package, giving a 2-letter status symbol, the package name, the
  version which is installed, and a very brief description.

  To learn the status of packages whose names match the string any
  pattern beginning with 'foo' by executing the command:  dpkg -l "foo*"

  To get a more verbose report for a particular package, execute the
  command:  dpkg --status foo.

  7.4.	How can I find out what package produced a particular file?

  To identify the package that produced the file named foo execute

  o  dpkg -S filename.

     This searches through the lists of installed files.  This is
     (currently) equivalent to searching all of the files having the
     file extension of .list in the directory /var/lib/dpkg/info/.

  o  grep foo Contents, or zgrep foo Contents.gz.

     This searches for files which contain the substring foo in their
     full path names.  The files Contents and Contents.gz reside in the
     major package directories (Debian-1.1, non-free, contrib, etc.)  at
     a Debian FTP site.	A Contents file refers only to the packages in
     the subdirectory tree where it resides.  Therefore, a user might
     have to search more than one Contents files to find the package
     containing the file foo.

  8.  Getting and Installing Debian GNU/Linux

  8.1.	Where/how can I get the Debian installation disks?

  You can get the installation disks by downloading the appropriate
  files from any Debian FTP site:  <> and
  its mirrors <>.  From the directory
  Debian-1.1/disks-i386/current, you'll need:

     The Boot Disk.
	If your system can boot from a 1.44 MByte floppy disk drive,
	download the file called boot1440.bin.	On the other hand, if
	your system can boot only from a 1.22 MByte floppy disk drive,
	download the file called boot1220.bin.

     The Root Disk.
	Download the file called root.bin.  It will fit on either a 1.44
	MByte or a 1.2 MByte floppy disk.

     The Base Disks.
	These disks contain the software that's necessary to have a
	bare-bones system.  Depending on your configuration, you may
	need 1, 3, or 4 of these disks.	(See notes below.)

  You may of course get these disks from a friend.  You can make as many
  copies as you want.  Debian is freely redistributable, provided you
  follow a few simple rules.  For more information, see The GNU General
  Public License <>.

  If you cannot get copies of the installation disks from one of the
  Debian FTP sites or from a friend, then make a request to one of the
  Debian mailins lists.	See ``the debian-user mailing list''.	The
  likelihood is very high that someone will be willing to help.

  8.2.	OK, I've got the disks; how do I install the system?

  Complete, detailed instructions are given in the same FTP sites as the
  installation disks.  Fetch the plain ASCII file
  <>, the
  Postscript file <
  i386/current/>, or view them directly on the WWW

  8.3.	How (and on what media) can I get the Debian packages?

  Once the base system has been installed, you can complete the
  installation of your Debian GNU/Linux system by accessing packages on
  any (or several) of these media:

  o  a ``CD-ROM'' containing a Debian distribution.

  o  a remote ``NFS'' server.

  o  a partition of your ``hard disk''.

  o  a collection of ``floppy disks''.

  o  a remote system accessible by ``anonymous ftp''.

  In each case, you can use either

  o  ``dselect'', Debian's user-interface program to its package system.
     (This will help you mount the device containing the Debian package
     files (if necessary), and then guide you through the selection of
     packages and their installation on your system.)  Or,

  o  use ``dpkg'' directly to control the installation of individual
     packages.	Debian gurus quizzically refer to this approach as
     installing packages "by hand".

  8.4.	How do I get and install the Debian distribution from CD-ROM?

  Linux supports the ISO 9660 (CD-ROM) file system with Rock Ridge
  extensions (formerly known as "High Sierra").	Several vendors provide
  the Debian distribution in this format; these vendors have directly
  supported the Debian project:

  o  I-Connect Co.: I-Connect provides the master FTP system used by
     Debian developers, and its network connection and system
     administration.  They provide our 100 developers with free accounts
     on a system that is exclusively for our use, and they run our DNS
     domain. They also maintain several Debian packages.  Use the
     following contact info to order their CD-ROM:

  o  WWW:

  o  Email (sales):

  o  Email (help):

  o  Phone from inside the US: 1-503-677-2900

  o  Phone from outside the US: +1-503-677-2900

  o  Postal address:

	      iConnect Corp.
	      14355 SW Allen Blvd., Suite 140
	      Beaverton, OR 97008

  o  Flexible Software:	This company maintains 8 Debian packages, and
     puts a lot of manpower into supporting users on the debian-user
     mailing list and refining the system design with our developers.
     They have carefully documented the development of one of the two
     methods used to upgrade from Debian 0.93 to Debian 1.1.

  o  Email (sales):

  o  Postal address:

	      Flexible Software
	      1000 McCrackin Road
	      Tallahassee, FL 32308

  To install packages provided on a CD-ROM, you must have CD-ROM support
  built into the kernel you have.  This may require a special kernel
  (see the kernels in the directory Debian-1.1/disks-i386/special/), a
  custom modification of the file /etc/conf.modules, or (least likely
  nowadays) a special argument on the  boot command line.

  To mount a CD-ROM under the mount point /cdrom (a directory which
  should have been created during installation), use these commands:

  o  mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /cdrom if the CD-ROM is an IDE drive on
     the secondary IDE controller, or

  o  mount -t iso9660 /dev/scd0 /cdrom if the CD-ROM is a SCSI drive, or

  o  mount -t iso9660 /dev/xxxxx /cdrom where xxxxx refers to CD-ROm's
     which are sbpcd, cdu31a, or some other proprietary (non-IDE) drive.

  8.5.	How do I get and install the Debian distribution from an NFS-
  mounted drive?

  Debian packages on remote hosts can be installed via the Network File
  System using a SLIP, PPP, PLIP or Ethernet connection. SLIP and PPP
  require that the the netbase and netstd packages be installed first.
  These packages are not part of the Debian base system, and must be
  obtained by one of the other methods described in this section.

  No special kernel configuration (other than the network drivers for
  SLIP, PPP, PLIP, or one of the Ethernet cards) is necessary to access
  a remote filesystem using NFS.  As with all network communication, the
  appropriate ifconfig and route commands will have to be issued before
  accessing a remote disk using NFS.

  To mount a network-accessible file system using NFS (say,
  /var/spool/debian) under the local directory /mnt, issue the command

  o  mount -t nfs -o
     ro,nosuid,soft /mnt

  To ensure that the filesystem is always accessible, the appropriate
  string could be added to /etc/fstab:

  o /mnt/debian
     nfs ro,nosuid,soft

  The preceding example shows the appropriate entry for the NFS site at
  Leiden University, the Netherlands, which is the only FTP site known
  to export Debian via NFS officially at this time.

  8.6.	How can I get/install the Debian distribution from a set of
  floppy disks?

  Copy the Debian packages onto formatted floppy disks.	Either a DOS,
  the native Linux "ext2", or the "minix" format will do; one just has
  to use a mount command appropriate to the floppy that's being used.

  Using floppy disks has these complications:

  o  Short MS-DOS filenames: If you are trying to place Debian package
     files onto MS-DOS formatted disks, you will find that their names
     are generally too long, and do not conform to the MS-DOS 8.3
     filename limitation.  To overcome this, Debian developers make all
     of their packages available by 8.3 filenames in separate "msdos"
     subdirectories (Debian-1.1/msdos-i386, non-free/msdos-i386, and
     contrib/msdos).  The files in these subdirectories are merely
     symbolic links to the Debian archive files; they only differ from
     the files in the binary-i386, etc. directories by having shorter
     file names.

  o  Large file sizes:	Some packages are larger than 1.44 MBytes, and
     won't fit onto a single floppy disk.  To solve this problem, use
     the ``dpkg-split'' tool, available in the tools directory at
     <> and its mirrors

  You must have support in the kernel for floppy disks in order to read
  and write to floppy disk; most kernels come with floppy drive support
  included in them.

  To mount a floppy disk under the mount point /floppy (a directory
  which should have been created during installation), use:

  o  mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy if the floppy disk is in drive A:
     and has an MS-DOS filesystem,

  o  mount -t msdos /dev/fd1 /floppy if the floppy disk is in drive B:
     and has an MS-DOS filesystem,

  o  mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy if the floppy disk is in drive A:
     and has an ext2 (i.e., a normal Linux) filesystem.

  8.7.	How can I get/install the Debian distribution from my own hard

  The Debian packages can be installed from a hard disk on your system,
  either IDE, EIDE, SCSI (including Jaz drives), or a drive connected
  through a parallel port.

  Kernel support must of course be available for the type of drive you
  have.	The appropriate drivers are:

  o  CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDE for IDE or EIDE drives; most kernels include
     this driver.

  o  CONFIG_SCSI for SCSI drives (including Jaz drives), along with one
     of the (many) drivers for your particular SCSI interface.

  o  CONFIG_SCSI_PPA for the parallel port version of ZIP drives.

  To mount partition X (X =1,2,3, or 4) for a given drive under the
  directory /mnt (which should have been created during installation),

  o  mount -t msdos /dev/hdaX /mnt if the disk is drive C: and has an
     MS-DOS filesystem,

  o  mount -t ext2 /dev/sdaX /mnt if the disk is a SCSI drive and has
     the lowest SCSI ID of any SCSI device on your system, and has an
     ext2 filesystem,

  o  mount -t ext2 /dev/sdbX /mnt if the disk is a SCSI drive and has
     the second lowest SCSI ID of any SCSI device on your system, and
     has an ext2 filesystem,

  o  mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy if the floppy disk is in drive A:
     and has an ext2 (i.e., a normal Linux) filesystem.

  o  mount -t msdos /dev/ppa0 /mnt if the disk is a Zip drive with an
     MS-DOS filesystem.
  o  mount -t ext2 /dev/ppa0 /mnt if the disk has an ext2 filesystem.

  Note that files on a disk partition having an MS-DOS filesystem must
  conform to the DOS filename limitation of 8 characters plus a 3
  character extension.	Files in the Debian-1.1/msdos-i386, non-
  free/msdos-i386, and contrib/msdos directories conform to this

  8.8.	How can I get and install the Debian distribution directly from
  a remote ftp site?

  Install the Debian tool ``dpkg-ftp''.	This package is currently
  installed in the directory project/experimental at
  <> and its mirrors
  <>.	To do install a package, see
  notes on ``dpkg''.

  Then invoke the program dselect, which will call dpkg-ftp for you,
  guide you through the selection of packages, then install the
  packages, without every downloading the packages themselves to your
  machine.  This method is designed to save the user both disk space and
  time.	Note that no special kernel configuration is needed to access
  and install Debian packages by this method.

  To use this service of dselect, you will need to know:

  o  the fully qualified domain name of the anonymous ftp site you plan
     to use.  For example, you might use if you live in
     or near the Netherlands.

  o  the directory which contains the files you want to install, or the
     subdirectories which contain files you want to install.  This
     directory must contain a file called "Packages" (or its compressed
     equivalent, "Packages.gz").  For example, if you want to install
     files from the most uptodate revisions of the current Debian
     distribution, then (for you would specify the
     directory pub/os/Linux/distr/Debian/Debian-1.1.1/.

  8.9.	How can I get and install the Debian distribution from a tape?

  At present, installing packages directly from tape is not supported.
  One can however, use tar, cpio, or afio to copy Debian archive files
  onto a tape, then copy them onto your local disk for installation.  In
  the same vein, floppy disks containing "tar" files would have to be
  copied onto a local disk before they could be managed with the Debian
  package tools.

  8.10.	What's the latest version of Debian?

  Currently there are two versions of the Debian distribution:

  o  "1.1": this is stable software, and will not change.

  o  the "development" version.	This is  updated continuously.	You can
     retrieve packages from the "development" archive on our FTP sites
     and use them to upgrade your system at any time.

  Approximately three months from today, the "development" software will
  have been stabilized and made into Debian 1.2.  Further releases will
  follow at three-month intervals.

  9.  Keeping Your Debian System Up To Date

  9.1.	How can I upgrade my Debian 0.93 (or earlier) distribution,
  based on a.out format binaries, to 1.1, based on ELF binaries?

  The directory /debian/upgrades contains files needed by users
  upgrading from Debian 0.93R6 to Debian 1.1.  There are two ways to

  o  the manual way, installing the packages by hand. Instructions are
     in upgrade_manual.doc.  You will also need the files UpGrade,
     base_list, and dpkg-*.i386.deb.

  o  using dselect to upgrade all the packages en masse.  Instructions
     are in upgrade_dselect.doc.  You will also need dpkg-*.i386.deb.

  Note that the version of dpkg in this directory has the a.out binary
  format.  The versions of dpkg in the unstable and stable trees have
  the ELF format.

  9.2.	How can I keep my Debian system current?

  One could simply execute an anonymous ftp call to a Debian archive,
  then peruse the directories until he finds the desired file, and then
  fetch it, and finally install it using dpkg.	Note that dpkg will
  install upgrade files in place, even on a running system.  Sometimes,
  a revised package will require the installation of a newly revised
  version of another package, in which case the installation will fail
  until/unless the other package is installed.

  Many people find this approach much too time-consuming, since the
  Debian distribution evolves so quickly---typically, a dozen or more
  new packages are uploaded every week.	This number is larger just
  before a new major release.  To deal with this avalanche, many people
  prefer to use an automated programs.	Three different packages are
  available for this purpose:

  o  mirror.  This perl script, and its (optional) manager program
     called mirror-master, can be used to fetch user-specified parts of
     a directory tree from a specified host via anonymous ftp.	mirror
     is particularly useful for downloading large volumes of software.
     After the first time files have been downloaded from a site, a file
     called ".mirrorinfo" is stored on the local host.	Changes to the
     remote filesystem are tracked automatically by mirror, which
     compares this file to a similar file on the remote system.

     The mirror program is generally useful for updating local copies of
     remote directory trees.  The files fetched need not be Debian
     files.  (Since mirror is a Perl script, it can also run on non-Unix
     systems.)	Though the mirror programs provides mechanisms for
     excluding files whose names match user-specified strings, this
     program is most useful when the objective is to download whole
     directory trees, rather than selected packages.

     The mirror program has been packaged for the Debian distribution,
     and is found in the directory Debian-1.1/binary-all/net in the
     Debian FTP archive.

  o  dftp.  This C shell script can be used to fetch user-specified
     Debian packages from a specified host.  After the first time files
     have been downloaded from a site, a file called "Packages.gz" is
     stored on the local host.	Changes to the remote filesystem are
     tracked automatically by dftp, which compares this file to a
     similar file on the remote system.

     The dftp program can be used to call ``dselect'', thereby providing
     an integrated way to fetch and update the Debian packages on one's

     The dftp program is available as a script in the directory
     contrib/tools in the Debian FTP archive.

  o  dpkg-ftp.	This is a Perl script that allows one to install Debian
     packages that are stored on a remote Debian FTP archive.  For users
     with limited disk space and/or limited bandwidth access to the
     Internet, this approach is particularly beneficial.

     Alternatively, the dpkg-ftp program can be invoked from within
     dselect, thereby allowing a user the ability to download files and
     install them directly in one step.	To do this, bring up the
     dselect program, choose option "0" ("Choose the access method to
     use"), highlight the option "ftp" then specify the remote hostname
     and directory.  dpkg-ftp will then automatically download the files
     that are selected (either in this session of dselect or earlier

     Note that, unlike the mirror program, dpkg-ftp does not grab
     everything at a mirror site.  Rather, it downloads only those files
     which you have selected (when first starting up dpkg-ftp, and which
     need to be updated.

     The dpkg-ftp program is available both as a gzip-compressed tar
     archive and a Debian package in the directory project/experimental
     in the Debian FTP archive.	dpkg-ftp is now part of the base Debian
     distribution; it is included in the first "base" disk used in the

  All of the above programs can be set up (using the cron facility) to
  be executed automatically at specific times.

  9.3.	Must I go into single user mode in order to upgrade a package?

  No.  Packages can be upgraded in place, even in running systems.  The
  Debian distribution has a start-stop-daemon that is invoked to stop,
  then restart running process if necessary duing a package upgrade.

  9.4.	Do I have to keep all those .deb archive files on my disk?

  No.  If you've downloaded the files to your disk (which isn't
  absolutely necessary (see ``dpkg-ftp'' or ``dftp''), then after you've
  installed the packages, you can simply rm them from your system.

  9.5.	How can I keep a log of the packages I added to the system?

  dpkg keeps a record of the packages that have been unpacked,
  configured, removed, and/or purged, but does not (currently) keep a
  log of terminal activity that occured while a package was being so
  manipulated.	Some users overcome this simply by using tee:

       dpkg -iGROEB stable/binary non-free/binary contrib/binary | \
	   tee -a > /root/dpkg.log

  10.  Debian and the kernel

  10.1.	What tools does Debian provide to build custom kernels?

  Users who wish to (or must) build a custom kernel are encouraged to
  download the package kernel-package_VVV_all.deb, which contains the
  script to build the kernel package, and provides the capability to
  create a Debian kernel-image package just by running the command make-
  kpkg kernel_image in the top-level kernel source directory.  Help is
  available by executing the command make-kpkg --help, and through the
  section 8 manual page for make-kpkg.

  Users must separately download the source code for the most recent
  kernel (or the kernel of their choice) from their favorite Linux
  archive site.

  To build a custom kernel, users must have these packages installed:
  gcc, libc5-dev, bin86, binutils, gawk, make, gzip, and grep.

  Executing the command dpkg --install kernel-package_VVV_all.deb sets
  up the directory /usr/src/linux, and sets up the link /usr/src/linux
  to point to the directory containing the kernel sources appropriate to
  the kernel version contained in the package.	In the case of
  Debian-1.1, this kernel version is 2.0.0.

  Detailed instructions for using the package are given in the file
  /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.  Briefly, one should:

  o  Unpack the kernel sources, and cd to the newly created directory.

  o  Modify the kernel configuration using one of these commands:

  o  make config  (for a tty one-line-at-a-time-interface).

  o  make menuconfig  (for an ncurses-based menu driven interface).

  o  make xmenuconfig  (for an X-windows interface).

     Any of the above steps generates a new .config in the top-level
     kernel source directory.

  o  Execute the command: make-kpkg -r Custom.N kernel_image, where N is
     a revision number assinged by the user.  The new Debian archive
     thus formed would have revision Custom.1, e.g., kernel-
     image-2.0.7-Custom.1_i386.deb for the Linux kernel 2.0.7.

  o  Install the package created.

  o  dpkg -i /usr/src/kernel-image_VVV-Custom.N_i386.deb to install the
     kernel itself.  The installation script will:

  o  run the boot loader, LILO (if it is installed),

  o  install the custom kernel in /boot/vmlinuz_VVV-Custom.N, and set up
     appropriate symbolic links to the most recent kernel version.

  o  prompt the user to make a boot floppy.  This boot floppy will
     contain the raw kernel only.  See additional notes for making a
     ``custom boot floppy''.

  o  To employ a secondary boot loaders (e.g., loadlin), copy this image
     to other locations (e.g., an MS-DOS partition).

  10.2.	How can I make a custom boot floppy?

  This task is greatly aided by the Debian package boot-floppies_VVV-
  RRR.deb, normally found in the binary/devel section of the Debian FTP
  archive.  Shell scripts in this package produce boot floppies in the
  SYSLINUX format.  These are MS-DOS formatted floppies whose master
  boot records have been altered so that they boot Linux directly (or
  whatever other operating system has been defined in the syslinux.cfg
  file on the floppy).	Other shell scripts in this package produce
  emergency root disks and can even reproduce the base disks.

  When the boot-floppies package is installed, it produces files which
  reside in /usr/src/boot-floppies-VVV, including the three scripts,
  called,, and  Users of these
  scripts are encouraged to read them and customize as appropriate.  In
  particular, one should include the kernel of your choice when invoking
  the script.  Be aware that this kernel cannot be used to
  load the root disk into a RAMDISK unless it was compiled with

  The command

  writes the kernel-image-2.0.0 package to the 1.44 MByte disk in drive

  Be sure to include the editor and whatever other tools you prefer when
  building your custom root disk with

  10.3.	What special provisions does Debian provide to deal with mod-

  Debian's modconf package provides a shell script (/usr/sbin/modconf)
  which can be used to customize the configuration of modules.	This
  script presents a menu-based interface, prompting the user for
  particulars on the loadable device drivers in his system.  The
  responses are used to customize the file /etc/conf.modules (which
  lists aliases, and other arguments that must be used in conjuction
  with various modules), and /etc/modules (which lists the modules that
  must be loaded at boot time).

  Like the (new) files that are now available to support
  the construction of custom kernels, the modconf package comes with a
  series of help files (in /usr/lib/modules_help) which provide detailed
  information on appropriate arguments for each of the modules.

  11.  Customizing your installation of Debian GNU/Linux

  11.1.	Every distribution seems to have a different boot-up method.
  Tell me about Debian's.

  Like all Unices, Debian Linux boots up by executing the program init.
  The configuration file for init (which is /etc/inittab) specifies that
  the first script to be executed should be /etc/init.d/boot.  This
  script checks and mounts file systems, loads modules, starts the
  network services (by calling the script /etc/init.d/network), sets the
  clock, performs other initialization, and then runs all of the scripts
  (except those with a '.' in the filename) in /etc/rc.boot.  The latter
  script sets the default keyboard, recovers lost editor files, and
  configures the serial ports.

  After completing the boot process, init executes all start scripts in
  a directory specified by the default runlevel (this runlevel is given
  by the entry for id in /etc/inittab).	Like most System V compatible
  Unices, Linux has 6 runlevels: 0 (halt the system), 1 (single-user
  mode), 2 through 5 (various multi-user modes), and 6 (reboot the
  system).  Debian Linux systems come with id=2, which indicates that
  the default runlevel will be '2' when the multi-user state is entered,
  and the scripts in /etc/rc2.d will be run.

  In fact, the scripts in any of the directories, /etc/rcN.d are just
  symbolic links back to scripts in /etc/init.d.  However, the names of
  the files in each of the /etc/rcN.d directories are selected to
  indicate the way the scripts in /etc/init.d will be run.
  Specifically, before entering any runlevel, all the scripts beginning
  with 'K' are run; these scripts kill services.  Then all the scripts
  beginning with 'S' are run; these scripts start services.  The two-
  digit number following the 'K' or 'S' indicates the order in which the
  script is run.  Lower numbered scripts are executed first.

  This approach works because the scripts in /etc/init.d all take an
  argument which can be either 'start', 'stop', or 'restart', and will
  then do the task indicated by the argument.  For example, with the
  argument 'restart' the command /etc/init.d/sendmail restart restarts
  the sendmail daemon.	These scripts can be used even after a system
  has been booted to control various processes.

  11.2.	It looks as if Debian doesn't use rc.local to customize the
  boot process; what facilities are provided?

  Suppose a system needs to execute script foo on start-up, or on entry
  to a particular (System V) runlevel.	Then the system administrator

  o  Enter the script foo into the directory /etc/init.d/.

  o  Run the Debian command update-rc.d with appropriate arguments, to
     set up links between the (command-line-specified) directories rc?.d
     and /etc/init.d/foo.  Here, '?' is a number from 0 through 6 and
     corresponds to each of the System V runlevels.

  o  Reboot the system.

  The command update-rc.d will set up links between files in the
  directories rc?.d and the script in /etc/init.d/.  Each link will
  begin with a 'S' or a 'K', followed by a number, followed by the name
  of the script.  Scripts beginning with 'S' in /etc/rcN.d/ are executed
  when runlevel N is entered.  Scripts beginning with a 'K' are executed
  when leaving runlevel N.

  One might, for example, cause the script foo to execute at bootup, by
  putting it in /etc/init.d/ and installing the links with update-rc.d
  foo defaults 19.  The argument 'defaults' refers to the default
  runlevels, which are 2 through 5.  The argument '19' ensures that foo
  is called before any scripts containing numbers 20 or larger.	the
  appropriate time.

  11.3.	How does the package management system deal with packages that
  contain configuration files for other packages?

  Some users wish to create, for example, a new server by installing a
  group of Debian packages and a locally generated package consisting of
  configuration files.	This is not generally a good idea, because dpkg
  won't know about those configuration files if they're in a different
  package, and may write conflicting configurations when one of the
  initial "group" of packages is upgraded.

  Instead, create a local package that modifies the config files of the
  "group" of Debian packages of interest.  Then dpkg and the rest of the
  package management system will see that the files have been modified
  by the local "sysadmin" and will not try to overwrite them when those
  packages are upgraded.

  11.4.	How do I override a file installed by a package so that a dif-
  ferent version can be used instead?

  Suppose a sysadmin or local user wishes to use a program "login-local"
  rather than the program "login" provided by the Debian login package.
  Do not:

  o  Overwrite /bin/login with bin/login-local.

     The package management system won't know about this change, and
     will simply overwrite /bin/login-local whenever login (or any
     package that provides login is installed or updated.

  Rather, do

  o  Execute dpkg-override --divert /bin/login.debian /bin/login in
     order to cause all future installations of the Debian login
     packages to write the file /bin/login to /bin/login.debin/ instead.

  o  Then execute cp login-local /bin/login to move your own locally-
     built program into place.

     More notes on this technique are given in the file
     /usr/doc/debian/package-developer/diversions.txt.gz which is
     installed as part of the doc-debian package.

  11.5.	How can I have my locally-built package included in the list of
  available packages that the package management system knows about?

  You can do this in either of two ways:

  o  Use dselect, and select the option "Update list of available
     packages".	Then execute the command dpkg --avail foo.deb, where
     foo.deb is the name of your locally-built Debian archive file.

  o  Execute the command dpkg-scanpackages BIN_DIR OVERRIDE_FILE
     [PATHPREFIX] > where:

  o  BIN-DIR is a directory where Debian archive files (which usually
     have an extension of ".deb") are stored.

  o  OVERRIDE_FILE is a file that's edited by the distribution
     maintainers and is usually stored on a Debian FTP archive at
     indices/override.main.gz for the Debian packages in the "main"

  o  PATHPREFIX is an optional string that can be prepended to the file being produced.
     Once you've built the file, tell the package
     management system about it by using the command dpkg --update-avail

  11.6.	Some users like mawk, others like gawk; some like vim, others
  like elvis; some like trn, others like tin; how does Debian support

  There are several cases where two packages provide two different
  versions of a program, both of which provide the same core
  functionality.  Users might prefer one over another out of habit, or
  because the user interface of one package is somehow more pleasing
  than the interface of another.  Other users on the same system might
  make a different choice.

  Debian uses a "virtual" package system to allow system administrators
  to choose (or let users choose) their favorite tools when there are
  two or more that provide the same basic functionality, yet satisfy
  package dependency requirements without specifying a particular

  For example, there might exist two different versions of newsreaders
  on a system.	The news server package might 'recommend' that there
  exist some news reader on the system, but the choice of tin or trn is
  left up to the individual user.  This is satisfied by having both the
  tin and trn packages provide the virtual package news-reader.	Which
  program is invoked is determined by a link pointing from a file with
  the virtual package name /etc/alternatives/news-reader to the selected
  file, e.g., /usr/bin/trn.

  A single link is insufficient to support full use of an alternate
  program; normally, manual pages, and possibly other supporting files
  must be selected as well.  The Perl script update-alternatives
  provides a way of ensuring that all the files associated with a
  specified package are selected as a system default.

  12.  Getting support for Debian Linux

  12.1.	What other documentation exists on and for a Debian system?

  o  Installation instructions for the current release:	see

  o  Debian-specific documentation:  Avaiable in three ways:

  o  on installed Debian systems.

     The latest versions of the dpkg package come with extensive new
     programmers' manual and Debian policy manual which are installed
     into the directory /usr/doc/dpkg.	These documents are now
     available in the "unstable" distribution, but will be included in
     the next release.

     Users who install the package  doc-debian_VVV-RRR.deb will find
     additional Debian-specific documentation in /usr/doc/debian.  This
     package is stored in the Debian-1.1/binary/doc section in the
     Debian FTP archives.

  o  on the WWW:  See .

  o  at Debian FTP mirror sites:  See the directory doc/, or doc/ (which
     is just a link to doc).

  o  Documentation on installed Debian packages: Most packages have
     files that are unpacked into /usr/doc and /usr/doc/examples.

  o  Documentation on the Linux project: The Debian package doc-
     linux_VVV-RRR.deb installs all of the most recent versions of the
     HOWTO's and mini-HOWTO's from the Linux Documentation Project.
     This package is in the Debian-1.1/binary/doc section in the FTP

  o  Unix-style 'man' pages:  Most commands have manual pages written in
     the style of the original Unix 'man' files.  They are referenced by
     the section of the 'man' directory where they reside:  e.g., foo(3)
     refers to a man page which resides in /usr/man/man3, and it can be
     called by executing the command: man 3 foo, or just man foo if
     section 3 is the only one containing a page on foo.  One can learn
     which directory of /usr/man contains a certian man page by
     executing man -w foo.

     New Debian users should note that the 'man' pages of many general
     system commands are not available until they install these packages
     (both of which are normally stored in the Debian-1.1/binary/doc
     directory of the Debian FTP archive:

  o  manpages_VVV-RRR.deb (or manpages-de_VVV-RRR.deb for German text).

  o  man_VVV-RRR.deb, which contains the man program itself, and other
     programs for manipulating the manpages.

  o  GNU-style 'info' pages:  User documentation for many commands,
     particularly GNU tools, is available not in 'man' pages, but in
     'info' files which can be read by the GNU tool info.  Its main
     advantage over the original require the WWW, however; info can be
     run from a plain text console.  It was designed by Richard Stallman
     and preceded the WWW.  The program that manipulates `info' files is
     installed as a separate package info_VVV-RRR.deb, usually stored in
     the directory Debian-1.1/binary/doc on the FTP archive.

  12.2.	Are there any on-line resources for discussing Debian?

  There are several Debian-related mailing lists:

  o (moderated).  (Usually) major
     system announcements.  On average, fewer than one message per week
     are posted here.

  o  Announcements of new package
     uploads for the Debian system.  This list may carry several
     announcements in a day.

  o .  A mailing list where users can ask
     for and receive advice on the use or configuration of Debian
     packages or other aspects of Debian Linux.	This list is an
     invaluable learning resource; there can be 20 messages a day or
     more on this list.

  o .  This list is for those involved in
     porting Debian software to the Sparc platform.

  o .  This list is for those involved in
     porting Debian software to DEC alpha platforms.

  o .  This list is for those involved in
     porting Debian software to Motorola 680x0 platforms; currently this
     means the Atari and Amiga only.

  o .

  To subscribe to debian-X (for X in announce, changes, user), send mail
  to with the word "subscribe" in the
  Subject: header.  If you have a forms-capable World Wide Web browser,
  you can subscribe to debian-announce and debian-user by using the WWW
  form <>.	You can
  also un-subscribe using that form.

  The lists are managed by Anders Chigstrom (

  Archives of the Debian mailing lists are available on WWW at

  Users can address questions to individual package maintainers, since
  their email addresses are provided in the Debian control file (see
  Section ``Debian control file'' that is included within each package.
  One can also learn the maintainers' names and email addresses by
  searching the "Packages" file, since this file is just a concatenation
  of all the available package control files in a particular directory
  tree.	To extract a control file from a particular debian package, use
  the command,

       dpkg --info packageName_VVV-RRR.deb

  Another related mailing list, debiangame, is being run by Gary Moore
  (htmlurl url="mailto://" name="mailto:// at
  the University of Washington.	As the name suggests, it is devoted to
  the discussion of games that have been (or might be) packaged for
  Debian.  To subscribe, send mail to, putting
  in the message body:

	 subscribe debiangame FirstName LastName

  Both FirstName and LastName are required for ListProc.

  Users should post non-Debian-specific questions to one of the Linux
  Usenet groups, which are named comp.os.linux.* or linux.*.
  Specialized Systems Consultants (a.k.a. SSC) maintains a list of
  Linux, Unix, X, and networking newsgroups
  <> on their WWW site.

  12.3.	What is the code of conduct for the mailing lists?

  When using the Debian mailing lists, please follow these rules:

  o  Don't flame; it's not polite.  Besides the people developing Debian
     are all volunteers, donating their time, energy and money in an
     attempt to bring the Debian project together.

  o  Don't use four-letter words, some people receive the lists via
     packet radio, where swear words are illegal.

  o  Make sure that you're using the proper list.

  o  Don't try posting unless you are subscribed.  Posting by non-
     subscribers was turned off to make the mailing lists usable.  Thus,
     only postings from email addresses matching those of a subscriber
     are accepted. If you often post from other addresses than the one
     you subscribe with, mail Anders Chigstrom ( with the
     subject "please add subscriber alias".

  o  See section ``reporting bugs''.  for notes on reporting bugs.

  12.4.	Are there any other on-line resources dealing with Debian

  Software in the Public Interest, Inc ., operates a WWW-server at
  <> which provides additional on-line resources.
  See also Section ``on contributing to Debian Linux''.

  Generally, users should also exploit the WWW search engines for
  addressing specific problems.	For example, the DejaNews news search
  service is an invaluable resource for exploring Usenet newsgroups.
  Try this search:

       linux & WD

  This tells DejaNews to report any postings containing either the
  string "linux" or the string "WD" When I used it, I discovered that my
  WD card (which I've only had for 6 months) has been declared outmoded
  by Adaptec, now that they've bought WD. So there are no drivers avail-
  able.	(Bless Adaptec's hearts.)

  Or search the WWW using the Altavista Search Engine.	For example,
  searching on the string "cgi-perl" gives a more detailed explanation
  of this package than the brief description field in its control file.

  13.  The Debian Bug Report System

  13.1.	Are there logs of known bugs?

  The Debian Linux distribution has a bug tracking system which files
  details of bugs reported by users and developers. Each bug is given a
  number, and is kept on file until it is marked as having been dealt

  Copies of this information are available at
  <> and
  <>, but the latter is not up-to-date at

  The HTML files, in a form suitable for using as part of an HTTP server
  document tree, are in the WebPages subdirectory of the Debian FTP

  The bug reports are also available by anonymous FTP from any Debian
  mirror in the directory debian-bugs/html/ for hypertext form, and in
  the directory debian-bugs/text/ for plain text form.

  13.2.	How do I report a bug in Debian?

  If you have found a bug in Debian, please read the instructions for
  reporting a bug in Debian.  These instructions can be obtained in one
  of several ways:

  o  By anonymous ftp.	Debian mirror sites contain the instructions in
     the file debian-bugs/Reporting.html.

  o  From the WWW.  A copy of the instructions is shown at

  o  On any Debian system with the doc-debian package installed.  The
     instructions are in the compressed (gzip'd) file

  (Note that at the time of this writing, the files included in the doc-
  debian package are not up to date with recent changes in the bug
  tracking system.)

  Use these mailing lists for bugs:

  o  for general bug reports.	Expect to get an
     automatic acknowledgement of your bug report.  It will also be
     automatically given a bug tracking number and entered into the Bug

  o	to send bug reports to the maintainer
     only.  (It would otherwise be copied to the debian-devel mailing
     list.)  For example, if one were to identify a bug that was common
     to many programs, then rather than entering dozens of bug reports,
     one might prefer to send individual bugs to maintonly, then send a
     summary report to debian-devel.

  o  to submit bug reports to the list only,
     without having them sent either to debian-devel or to the

  14.  Contributing to the Debian project

  Donations of time (to develop new packages, maintain existing
  packages, or provide user support), resources (to mirror the FTP and
  WWW archives), and money (to pay for new testbeds as well as hardware
  for the archives) can help the project.

  14.1.	How can I become a Debian software developer?

  The development of the Debian distribution is open to all, and new
  users with the right skills and/or the willingness to learn are needed
  to maintain existing packages which have been "orphaned" by their
  previous maintainers, to develop new packages, and to provide user

  To develop a Debian package, you should:

  o  (of course) download the Debian distribution and install it on your

  o  find a program you'd like to package that is not presently part of
     Debian.  In this regard, the Work Needing and Prospective Packages
     document <
     developer/prospective-packages.txt> should serve as a useful guide.

  o  Subscribe to debian-devel.

     To do this execute

	       mail -s Subscribe

  That is, send mail to the above address with the subject set to 'Sub-

  o  Set up your pgp key.

     Install the PGP package; read /usr/doc/PGP; generate a public-
     secret key pair by typing pgp -kg and answering the questions.  (Be
     prepared to write some arbitrary text when asked.	PGP generates
     its true random numbers by measuring the intervals between your

  o  Shake hands with the project administration, as it were:

     Send emails to:

  o  The Project Leader.  Bruce Perens

  o  The Administrator of  Simon Shapiro.

  o  The Mailing List Administrator:  Anders Chigstrom.

  o  The dpkg maintainer:  Ian Jackson.

     i.e., To:,,,

     with this content:

  o  what you've done,

  o  who you are,

  o  request for an account on master,

  o  request to be subscribed to debian-private (the developers-only
     mailing list).

  o  your PGP key, obtained by executing 'pgp -kxa'.

  o  Make the programs:	.deb, .diff, .tar.gz, .changes.

     Use the hello*deb and dpkg*deb packages as guides, and read the
     policy manual and dpkg programmers manual.

  o  Upload the files to

     using your user-name and password, or

  o using anonymous ftp.

     For instructions to upload to chiark, read this file at chiark:
     /pub/debian/private/project/	chiark then
     sends the files it gets to master.

  14.1.1.  Are there additional information resources for developers?

  Besides debian-devel, there are these mailing lists:

  o  The sparc port developers list:

  o  The alpha port developers list:

  o  The motorola 680xx port developers list:

  o  The dpkg developemnt list:

  o  Debian for Hams:

  o  Debian package maintainers only:

  To subscribe to debian-devel, or other developers' list, send a
  message to Anders Chigstrom ( with a one-line explanation
  of what you would like to test or develop.

  14.2.	How can I contribute resources to the Debian project?

  Since the project aims to make a substantial body of software rapidly
  and easily accessible throughout the globe, mirrors are urgently
  needed.  It is desirable but not absolutely necessary to mirror all of
  the archive.	The current components amount to just over 1.1 GBytes,
  broken down roughly as follows:

  o  binaries

  o  Debian-1.1 (including updates):  200 MBytes.

  o  non-free: 26 MBytes.

  o  contrib: 6 MBytes.

  o  rex: 216 MBytes.

  o  source code:

  o  Debian-1.1 (including updates):  235 MBytes.

  o  non-free: 23 MBytes.

  o  contrib: 3 MBytes.

  o  project/experimental: 13 MBytes.

  o  rex: 242 MBytes.

  o  project/experimental: 13 MBytes.

  o  bug log: 18 MBytes.

  o  mailing list archives: 42 MBytes.

  o  private/project/Incoming: 150 MBytes.

  Most of the mirroring is accomplished entirely automatically by
  scripts, without any human intervention.  However, the occasional
  glitch or system change occurs which requires real personnel

  If you have a high-speed connection to the Internet, the resources to
  mirror all or part of the distribution, and are willing to take the
  time (or find someone) who can provide regular maintenance of the
  system, then please contact Bruce Perens (Email:;
  Voice (work):	510-215-3502).

  14.3.	How can I contribute financially to the Debian project?

  One can make individual donations to one of two organizations that are
  critical to the development of the Debian project.

  14.3.1.  Software in the Public Interest

  Software in the Public Interest (SPI) is a non-profit organization
  formed when FSF withdrew their sponsorship of Debian.	We are
  currently incorporating as an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
  The purpose of the organization is to develop and distribute free
  software. Our goals are very much like those of FSF, and we encourage
  programmers to use the GNU General Public License on their programs.
  However, we have a slightly different focus in that we are building
  and distributing a Linux system that diverges in many technical
  details from the GNU system planned by FSF.  We still communicate with
  FSF, and we cooperate in sending them changes to GNU software and in
  asking our users to donate to FSF and the GNU project.

  SPI can be reached at:

  o  Email:

  o  Postal address:

	  Software in the Public Interest
	  P.O. Box 70152
	  Pt. Richmond, CA 94807-0152

  o  Phone: 510-215-3502 (Bruce Perens at work)

  14.3.2.  Free Software Foundation

  At this time there is no formal connection between Debian and the Free
  Software Foundation. However, the Free Software Foundation is
  responsible for some of the most important software components in
  Debian, including the GNU C compiler, GNU Emacs, and much of the C
  run-time library that is used by all programs on the system. FSF
  pioneered much of what free software is today: they wrote the the
  General Public License that is used on much of the Debian software,
  and they invented the "GNU" project to create an entirely free Unix
  system. Debian should be considered a descendent of the GNU system.

  When you make a donation to FSF, please be sure to tell them that you
  are a Debian user. Please contact them at:

  o  E-mail:

  o  Postal address:

	   Free Software Foundation
	   59 Temple Place - Suite 330
	   Boston, MA  02111-1307

  o  Phone number: +1-617-542-5942

  o  Fax (including Japan): +1-617-542-2652

  o  Free Dial Fax (in Japan): 0031-13-2473 (KDD), 0066-3382-0158 (IDC)

  o  On the WWW (unofficial FSF page):

  15.  Redistributing Debian Linux in a commercial product

  15.1.	Can I make and sell Debian CDs?

  Go ahead. You don't need permission to distribute anything we've
  released, so that you can master your CD as soon as the beta-test
  ends. You don't have to pay us anything. We will, however, publish a
  list of CD manufacturers who donate money, software, and time to the
  Debian project, and we'll encourage users to buy from manufacturers
  who donate, so it's good advertising to make donations. Of course all
  CD manufacturers must honor the licenses of the programs in Debian.
  For example, many of the programs are licensed under the GPL, which
  requires you to distribute their source code.

  15.2.	Can Debian be packaged with non-free software?

  Yes. While all the main components of Debian are free software, we
  provide a non-free directory for programs that aren't freely
  redistributable. CD manufacturers may be able to distribute the
  programs we've placed in that directory, depending on the license
  terms or their private arrangements with the authors of those software
  packages. CD manufacturers can also distribute the non-free software
  they get from other sources on the same CD. This is nothing new: free
  and commercial software are distributed on the same CD by many
  manufacturers now. Of course we still encourage software authors to
  release the programs they write as free software.

  15.3.	I'm making a special Linux distribution for a "vertical mar-
  ket". Can I use Debian 1.1 for the guts of a Linux system and add my
  own applications on top of it?

  Yes. For example, one person is building a "Linux for Hams"
  distribution, with specialized programs for Radio Amateurs. He's
  starting with Debian 1.1 as the "base system", and adding programs to
  control the transmitter, track satellites, etc. All of the programs he
  adds are packaged with the Debian package system so that his users
  will be able to upgrade easily when he releases subsequent CDs.

  Debian also provides a mechanism to allow developers and system
  administrators to install local versions of selected files in such a
  way that they will not be overwritten when other packages are
  upgraded.  This is discussed further in the question on
  ``diversions''; more details are given in the file
  /usr/doc/debian/package-developers/diversions.txt.gz, which is part of
  the doc-debian package.

  15.4.	Can I put my commercial program in a Debian "package" so that
  it installs effortlessly on any Debian system?

  Go right ahead. The package tool is free software.

  16.  What kind of changes should I expect to see in the next major
  release of Debian Linux?

  16.1.	A New Approach to the Boot Floppies

  In order to accomodate all of the hardware for which Linux drivers
  have been written, yet still provide boot-floppies that can fit on a
  5.25-inch disk, the Debian 1.2 distribution will provide a mechanism
  to access all drivers that can be modularized as modules.

  The default kernel has no IDE, no SCSI, little else.	When the user
  sets up the system, it builds a RAM disk image that is loaded at boot
  time. The script on the RAM disk loads the modules for your local
  hardware configuration _before_ it mounts the root.  Some things that
  still aren't modularized are in the default kernel.

  The stripped-down kernel and the compressed installation root
  filesystem fit on one 1200K floppy and run fine that way. The floppy
  also contains a few of the most popular modules, and you get to feed
  it more floppies (or a CD) containing other modules depending on your

  No-floppy bootstrap should be possible for systems with 8MB RAM and a
  CD or DOS hard disk. One-floppy NFS bootstrap should be possible.

  See /usr/src/linux/Documentation/initrd.txt .

  16.2.	New Debian package tools and documentation

  Programmers' and Policy Manuals that provide detailed explanations of
  the Debian package management system and approach are provided with
  the new version of dpkg.

  In addition, the new version of dpkg will include new tools for
  automating the construction of Debian packages, and for supporting
  multiple architechtures.

  16.3.	Increased security

  Debian 1.2 will be equipped with the Shadow password suite of programs
  and library routines which hide the plain text of the password file
  from all users except root and provide for terminal access control,
  and user and group administration.  Shadow was written by John Haugh
  II, and is available from the comp.sources.misc directory at any major
  USENET archive - relevant files are in:
  usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume38 and

  Most of the relevant Debian utilities have been modified to make them
  support shadow passwords.  This includes the default login utility, as
  well as vipw and vigr.  The xdm X11 login utility and the adduser
  script will be made shadow aware as well.  In addition, there will be
  minor changes to the shadow packages themselves.

  In addition, the Linux library of Pluggable Authentication Modules (
  <>; a.k.a. libpam) that allow
  sysadmins to choose authorization modes on an application-specific
  basis will be available, and initially set to authenticate via shadow
  password.   It will initially be available for a small suite of
  applications, but once fully deployed, it will be set up to support
  additional methods of validation.