kernelbuild package, Mutiny 2003-2004

This is an early version of the new kernelbuild tool.
This package makes packaging kernels or rebuilding them very easy, even with patches.

1. Simply unack the archive to any directory as root.
2. Copy the basic kernel config you want to base your kernel on in configs/config.
3. The clean "Linus" tar.bz2 of the kernel source goes in linus dir.
4. Put any patches you want into patshes directory. (patches should be in bzip2 format for now)
5. Edit the top lines of the kernelbuild script for the kernel source you are using, i.e. 2.4.24
6. Edit the EXTRAVER variable to give your kernel a unique ID.
7. Type ./kernelbuild
8. Wait
9. The menuconfig screen will allow you to reconfigure anything you want.
10. Wait more.
11. Keep waiting.
12. The finished .pkg file will be in /tmp/output.

There are unused variables and unfinished features, but it does work at this time.  More features and a commandline
argument structure will be added later.

This has been fairly well tested with kernels 2.4.22-2.6.0.