11-27-03 paul guarddog-2.2.0-i486 

kde-3.1.4 (found here at vl-4.0 testing)


To make firewall script retain it's setting upon reboot, I borrowed the script tony used in vector linux soho.  first as root either move the current firewall script found in /etc/rc.d/init.d or rename it. Then download the one in I have included here and move it to the

/etc/rc.d/init.d   directory.

Then as root, 

cd  /etc/rc.d/init.d 


chmod  +x firewall

and reboot, then your guarddog firewall setting should be retained.


Oh also for those of you unfamilar with guardog you have to choose whick protcols you want to allow before using it.  Otherwise nothing get through, see the help section its pretty good.