# Copyright (C) YEAR Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-12-24 10:55+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. type: TH
#: doc/tin.1:12 doc/tin.5:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "tin"
msgstr ""

#. type: TH
#: doc/tin.1:12 doc/tin.5:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "December 24th, 2019"
msgstr ""

#. type: TH
#: doc/tin.1:12 doc/tin.5:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "2.4.4"
msgstr ""

#. type: TH
#: doc/tin.1:12 doc/tin.5:9
#, no-wrap
msgid "Usenet newsreader"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:15 doc/tin.5:11
#, no-wrap
msgid "NAME"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:19
msgid "tin, rtin - Usenet newsreader"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:19
#, no-wrap
msgid "SYNOPSIS"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:49
msgid ""
"B<tin> [\\|[\\|B<-h>\\||\\|B<-H>\\||\\|B<-V>\\|]\\ \\|| "
"[\\|[\\|[\\|B<-a>\\|] [\\|B<-dlnq>\\||\\|B<-Q>\\|] [\\|B<-ArzxX>\\|]\\|] "
"[\\|[\\|B<-R>\\||\\|B<-S>\\|] \\|\\|B<-s> I<News_dir>\\|] [\\|B<-cuvZ>\\|] "
"[\\|B<-4>\\||\\|B<-6>\\|] [\\|B<-N>\\||\\|B<-M> I<address>\\|] "
"[\\|B<-o>\\||\\|B<-w>\\|]\\|] [\\|B<-D> I<debug_level>\\|] [\\|B<-G> "
"I<article_limit>\\|] [\\|B<-f> I<newsrc_file>\\|] [\\|B<-g> I<server>\\|] "
"[\\|B<-m> I<Mail_dir>\\|] [\\|B<-p> I<port>\\|] [\\|B<-I> I<index_dir>\\|]\\ "
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:49 doc/tin.5:14
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:58
msgid ""
"B<tin> is a full-screen easy to use Usenet newsreader. It can read news "
"locally (e.g., I</var/spool/news>) or remotely (B<rtin> or B<tin -r> option) "
"via an NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) server. It will automatically "
"utilize NOV B<\\%newsoverview>(5)  style index files if available locally or "
"via the NNTP [X]OVER command (B<RFC\\%2980>, B<RFC\\%3977>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:64
msgid ""
"B<tin> has four separate levels of operation: Selection level, Group level, "
"Thread level and Article level. Use the B<Help> ('B<h>')  command to view a "
"list of the commands available at a particular level."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:72
msgid ""
"On startup B<tin> will show a list of the newsgroups found in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc>. An arrow '-E<gt>' or highlighted bar "
"will point to the first newsgroup. Move to a group by using the terminal "
"arrow keys (terminal dependent) or B<Down> ('B<j>')  and B<Up> ('B<k>'). Use "
"PgUp/PgDn (terminal dependent) or B<PageUp> ('B<^U>') (CTRL-U) and "
"B<PageDown> ('B<^D>')  (CTRL-D) to page up/down. Enter a newsgroup by "
"pressing 'B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:77
msgid ""
"The B<GroupNextUnreadArtOrGrp> ('B<E<lt>TABE<gt>>') key enters the next "
"newsgroup with unread articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:77
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:79 doc/tin.1:1094 doc/tin.1:3473
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<0>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:82
msgid "Successful program execution. No unread news available in batch mode."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:82 doc/tin.1:3476
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<1>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:85
msgid "Usage, syntax, configuration file or network error."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:85 doc/tin.1:3479
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<2>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:88
msgid "Unread news available (batch mode (''B<-Z>'') only)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:88 doc/tin.1:3482
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<3>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:93
msgid "NNTP error."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:93
#, no-wrap
msgid "OPTIONS"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:94
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-4>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:97
msgid ""
"Force connecting via IPv4 to the remote NNTP server. Only available when "
"build with IPv6 support."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:97
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-6>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:100
msgid ""
"Force connecting via IPv6 to the remote NNTP server. Only available when "
"build with IPv6 support."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:100
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-a>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:103
msgid "Toggle ANSI color (default is off)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:103
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-A>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:106
msgid ""
"Force authentication on initial connect. Only available when reading via "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:106
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-c>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:111
msgid ""
"Create/update index files for every group in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> or file specified by the ''B<-f>'' "
"option and mark all articles as read."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:111
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-d>"
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME: explain debug levels
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:117
msgid ""
"Don't load newsgroup descriptions and servers message of the day "
"(interactive mode)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:117
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-D>I< debug-level>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:122
msgid ""
"Enter debug-level (1 = NNTP, 2 = filter, 4 = newsrc, 8 = threading, 16 = "
"memory, 32 = attributes, 64 = misc, 128 = remove existing debug files).  For "
"NNTP-level ''B<-v>'' controls the verbosity of the output."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:122
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-f>I< file>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:126
msgid ""
"Use the specified file of subscribed to newsgroups in place of "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:126
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-g>I< server>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:131
msgid ""
"Use the server and newsrc specified in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/newsrctable>. Only available when reading "
"via NNTP."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:131
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-G>I< article-limit>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:139
msgid ""
"Limit the number of articles/group to retrieve from the server.  If "
"I<article-limit> is E<gt> 0 not more than the last I<article-limit> "
"articles/group are fetched from the server. If I<article-limit> is E<lt> 0 "
"B<tin> will start fetching articles from your first unread minus absolute "
"value of I<article-limit>. Default is 0, which means no limit."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:139
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-h>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:142
msgid "Help listing all command-line options."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:142
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-H>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:146
msgid ""
"Brief introduction to B<tin> that is also shown the first time it is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:146
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-I>I< dir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:152
msgid ""
"Directory in which to store newsgroup index files. Default is "
"I<${TIN_INDEX_NEWSDIR:-\"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin\"}/.news>.  This "
"option has no effect if B<tin> retrieves its index files via NNTP and "
"B<cache_overview_files> is turned off."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:152
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-l>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:164
msgid ""
"Get number of articles per group from the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file. If reading "
"via NNTP this is done with the LIST command (B<RFC\\%3977>). This might "
"result in incorrect article counts but is usually faster than the default "
"which is to read the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file (either "
"directly or via LIST) and then check the article count via NNTP GROUP "
"command (B<RFC\\%3977>) ''B<-ln>''. If reading via NNTP and LIST COUNTS "
"(B<RFC\\%6048>) is available that is used instead as it gives more accurate "
"article counts."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:164
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-m>I< dir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:167
msgid "Mailbox directory to use. Default is I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/Mail>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-M>I< user>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:171
msgid ""
"Mail unread articles to specified user for later reading. For more "
"information read section \"AUTOMATIC MAILING AND SAVING NEW NEWS\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:171
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-n>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:178
msgid ""
"Only load groups from the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file that are "
"subscribed to in the user's I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc>. This "
"allows a noticeable speedup when connecting via a slow line, but B<tin> may "
"not be able detect which groups are moderated. See also ''B<-l>''."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:178
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-N>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:182
msgid ""
"Mail unread articles to yourself for later reading. For more information "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:182
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-o>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:186
msgid ""
"Quick post all postponed articles and exit. In order for this to be really "
"quick, it should be used with ''B<-n>'' if possible."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:186
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-p>I< port>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:191
msgid ""
"Port to use if reading via NNTP (default is 119). This also overrides the "
"environment variable $B<NNTPPORT> if set. Only available when reading via "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:191
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-q>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:194
msgid ""
"Don't check for new newsgroups and skip loading the servers message of the "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:194
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-Q>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:198
msgid ""
"Quick start. Start B<tin> as quickly as possible. Currently this is "
"equivalent to ''B<-nqd>''."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:198
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-r>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:203
msgid ""
"Read news remotely from the default NNTP server specified in the environment "
"variable $B<NNTPSERVER> or contained in the file I</etc/nntpserver>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:203
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-R>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:206
msgid "Read news saved by the ''B<-S>'' option."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:206
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-s>I< dir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:210
msgid ""
"Save/read articles to/in directory. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:210
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-S>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:214
msgid ""
"Save unread articles for later reading by the ''B<-R>'' option. For more "
"information read section \"AUTOMATIC MAILING AND SAVING NEW NEWS\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:214
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-u>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:220
msgid ""
"Create/update index files for every group in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> or file specified by the ''B<-f>'' "
"option. This option is disabled if B<tin> retrieves its index files via an "
"NNTP server and B<cache_overview_files> is turned off."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:220
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-v>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:225
msgid ""
"Verbose mode for ''B<-D>'', ''B<-c>'', ''B<-M>'', ''B<-N>'', \\&''B<-S>'', "
"''B<-u>'' and ''B<-Z>'' options. Can be used multiple times to increase "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:225
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-V>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:228
msgid "Print version and date information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:228
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-w>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:233
msgid ""
"Quick mode to post an article and then exit. This option implies "
"\\&''B<-d>''. In order for this to be really quick, it should be used with "
"''B<-n>'' if possible."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:233
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-x>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:236
msgid "No-posting mode. You cannot post articles if you use this option."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:236
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-X>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:241
msgid ""
"No overwrite mode. I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> and files in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin> will not be overwritten but may be created "
"if they don't exist."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:241
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-z>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:246
msgid ""
"Only start B<tin> if there is any new/unread news. If there is news B<tin> "
"will position cursor at first group with unread news. Useful for putting in "
"login file."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:246
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-Z>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:252
msgid ""
"Check if there is any new/unread news and exit with appropriate status. If "
"\\&''B<-v>'' option is specified the number of unread articles in each group "
"is printed. An exit code 0 indicates no news, 1 that an error occurred and 2 "
"that new/unread news exists. Useful for writing scripts."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:258
msgid ""
"B<tin> can also dynamically change its options by the B<OptionMenu> ('B<M>') "
"command. Any changes are written to "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc>. For more information see section "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:263
msgid ""
"A list of groups can be specified after the other command-line options. This "
"can be useful if you wish to yank in or subscribe to a hand-picked subset of "
"the active newsgroups. See the section \"NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS\" for "
"the types of pattern that B<tin> understands."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:268
msgid ""
"If you specify a single group-name, or a wildcard that matches a single "
"group, then you will automatically enter that group. Otherwise the normal "
"group selection screen will appear, but with all the matching groups present "
"too, as though you had yanked just those groups in."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:272
msgid ""
"With the ''B<-w>'' flag a given group-name is used as default group to post "
"to. If more than one group or a wildcard is specified only the first group "
"respectively the first group that matches is used."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:279
msgid ""
"Once you use B<SelectYankActive> ('B<y>') to yank in all active groups, or "
"B<SelectToggleReadDisplay> ('B<r>') to toggle the read/unread status, then "
"the command-line groups will be gone. You can use B<SelectSyncWithActive> "
"('B<Y>') to reread the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file and get them "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:284
msgid ""
"NB: With the ''B<-n>'' flag, only unsubscribed groups in the "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> file (or the newsrc-file given by the "
"\\&''B<-f>'' command-line switch or via "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/newsrctable>) can be matched."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:289
msgid ""
"Command-line options have higher priority than attributes and tinrc "
"options.  Thus, command-line option takes precedence over configured values."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:289
#, no-wrap
msgid "USAGE"
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:292
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:296
msgid ""
"Maintaining Netnews on large networks of machines can be a pretty time "
"consuming job as I discovered when I was given the job of maintaining our "
"news system and news users."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:306
msgid ""
"A user starting B<tin> for the first time can be automatically subscribed to "
"a list of newsgroups that are deemed appropriate by the news "
"administrator. The subscriptions file should be created in your news lib "
"directory (i.e., I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/subscriptions>) and should be "
"world readable. If you read news via NNTP, then your news server must "
"support the LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS command. It is part of the NNTP List "
"Extensions (B<RFC\\%6048>) and all modern servers should understand it."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:306
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:309
msgid ""
"B<tin> has four separate levels of operation: Selection level, Group level, "
"Thread level and Article level."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:315
msgid ""
"At the Selection level the title displays (the name of the news server and) "
"the number of subscribed groups (containing new unread articles). The "
"newsgroups are displayed in the middle of the screen usually with the number "
"of unread articles displayed on the same line in front, but it can be "
"customized via B<select_format>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:323
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"-E<gt>M    1     2  comp.security.announce  Announcements from the CERT "
"  M    2     1  news.admin.announce     Announcements for news adminstra\n"
"       3    22  news.software.misc      News-related software other than\n"
"       4  1475  news.software.nntp      The Network News Transfer Protoc\n"
"  X    5   124  news.software.readers   Discussion of software used to r\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:326
msgid "There may also be a character prefixing the line. An explanation follows:"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:326
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<u>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:331
msgid ""
"This group is unsubscribed. To see only your subscribed groups use the "
"B<SelectToggleReadDisplay> ('B<r>') or B<SelectYankActive> ('B<y>') toggle "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:331
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<M>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:336
msgid ""
"This is a moderated group. Any posts you make will have to be approved by "
"the group administrator before it will be made public. B<tin> will ask for "
"confirmation before you post to a moderated group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:336
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<N>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:345
msgid ""
"This is a new newsgroup which has been created since you last used "
"B<tin>. New newsgroups are not subscribed to by default (However, see the "
"$B<AUTOSUBSCRIBE> / $B<AUTOUNSUBSCRIBE> environment variables).  Subscribe "
"to it in the normal way if you wish the group to continue to appear in your "
"Selection Menu. Simply ignore new newsgroups and they will be gone the next "
"time you start B<tin>. You will have to yank in all the groups to find them "
"in a later session."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:345
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<D>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:350
msgid ""
"This group no longer exists. If you no longer wish to see this group then "
"unsubscribe from it in the normal way. This flag will only appear if you "
"have set B<strip_bogus> to \"ask\" in the Options Menu."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:350
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<X>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:354
msgid ""
"You may no longer make posts to this group. Often a group will be superseded "
"by a more appropriately named one."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:354
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<=>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:359
msgid ""
"This group has been renamed and you may no longer post to it. If you do, "
"then you will receive an error from your news server telling you the correct "
"group to post to."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:369
msgid ""
"At the Group level the title contains the name of the group, the number of "
"conversation threads, the abbreviated threading method (B<thread_articles>), "
"the limit of articles to get (if set; B<getart_limit>), the total number of "
"(unread) articles (B<art_marked_read> or B<art_marked_unread>), the number "
"of hot articles B<art_marked_selected>, the number of read hot articles (if "
"any; B<art_marked_read_selected>), the number of recent articles "
"(B<art_marked_recent>) and the number of killed articles "
"(B<art_marked_killed>). I.e.:"
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME - make this autocenter
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:373
#, no-wrap
msgid "            alt.sources (5B -50/23+ 0* 3o 0K)\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:381
msgid ""
"The characters after the numbers are depending to the configuration and if "
"your are in B<show_only_unread_arts> mode or not. Some numbers could be "
"missing if the specific option is not enabled. It might also contain an 'M', "
"\\&'X' or '=' (see above; doesn't work with the ''B<-n>'' command-line "
"switch!) if the group is moderated, set to no posting or postings to it get "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:392
msgid ""
"If a thread has unread articles it is marked with B<art_marked_unread> in "
"front of the total number of articles in the thread. If there are recent "
"articles within the thread it might be marked with B<art_marked_recent> in "
"front of the total number of articles in the thread \\(em this is controlled "
"by the B<recent_time> option. If a thread has hot articles in it (see also "
"section \"FILTERING ARTICLES\") it's marked with B<art_marked_selected> in "
"front of the total number of articles in the thread. The number of lines of "
"the first (unread) article in the thread might also be shown right before "
"the subject \\(em this is controlled by the B<show_info> option. The display "
"can be customized via B<group_format>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:396
#, no-wrap
msgid "                de.admin.net-abuse.announce (11B 13+ 1* 1o 0K) M\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:401
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"-E<gt>   1   +   3  108 bincancels in de.talk.sex        Christopher Lueg "
"     2   +       69 EMP/ECP gecancelt. xynx. BI= 10  Henning Weede "
"     3   o       93 EMP gecancelt. SouthBeach/Palms  Henning Weede "
"     4   *      368 E<lt>1997-11-12E<gt> Fremdcancel-FAQ     Thomas Roessler "
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME - add description of fields
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:406
msgid ""
"At the Thread level the screen usually (depends on the threading method "
"used) looks like this, but can be customized via B<thread_format>:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:413
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"-E<gt>   1      [   7]  What is this funny tree in the thr  Robert "
"F. Simmig\n"
"     2      [  12]  +-E<gt>                                 Sephan Wagner "
"     3      [ 230]  | `-E<gt>Tin thread-level (was: What is Bob Johnson "
"     4      [  22]  `-E<gt>tin threading menu               Brian "
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME - add description of fields
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:418
msgid "At the Article level the page header has the following format:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:424
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"Sun, 28 Dec 1997 21:21:01   de.admin.news.groups      Thread   20 of 86\n"
"Lines 50   Re: EINSPRUCH zu RESULT:de.comm.mobil.ALL   Article  47 of 59\n"
"Urs Janssen E<lt>urs@akk.orgE<gt>        at Arbeitskreis Kultur und "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:426
#, no-wrap
msgid "article-body\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:432
msgid ""
"The look of the Selection, Group and Thread level can be customized. See the "
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:432
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:435
msgid ""
"This table shows the common keys used for moving around all levels within "
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:437
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'Beg. of list/article  'u +\\w'ANSI/vt100   'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:445
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"\tANSI/vt100\tOther Terminals\n"
"Beg. of list/article\tB<Home>\tB<FirstPage> (B<^>)\n"
"End of list/article\tB<End>\tB<LastPage> (B<$>)\n"
"Page Up\tB<PgUp>\tB<PageUp> (B<u>, B<^U> or B<^B>)\n"
"Page Down\tB<PgDn>\tB<PageDown> (B<^D> or B<^F> or B<E<lt>SPACEE<gt>>)\n"
"Line Up\tB<Up arrow>\tB<Up> (B<k> or B<^P>)\n"
"Line Down\tB<Down arrow>\tB<Down> (B<j> or B<^N>)\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:449
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:456
msgid ""
"An B<\\%emacs>(1)  style editing package allows the easy editing of input "
"strings.  A history list allows the easy reuse of previously entered "
"strings.  In addition to the cursor keys, the following commands are "
"available when editing a string:"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:457
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^A, ^E>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:460
msgid "move to beginning or end of line, respectively."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:460
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^F, ^B>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:463
msgid "non-destructive move forward or back one location, respectively."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:463
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^D>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:467
msgid ""
"delete the character currently under the cursor, or send EOF if no "
"characters in the buffer."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:467
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^H, E<lt>DELE<gt>>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:470
msgid "delete character left of the cursor."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:470
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^K>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:473
msgid "delete from cursor to end of line."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:473
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^P, ^N>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:476
msgid "move through history, previous and next, respectively."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:476
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<^L, ^R>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:479
msgid "redraw the current line."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:479
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:483
msgid ""
"places line on history list if non-blank, appends newline and returns to the "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:483
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<E<lt>ESCE<gt>>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:488
msgid "aborts the present editing operation."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:488
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:491
msgid ""
"The following commands are available at all 4 menu levels and always have "
"the same effect."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:492 doc/tin.1:1366 doc/tin.1:1419
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ShellEscape '!'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:497
msgid ""
"Shell escape. B<ShellEscape> by itself will launch a shell, B<ShellEscape> "
"E<lt>commandE<gt> will run an external E<lt>commandE<gt>. This facility may "
"have been disabled by the System Administrator."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:497
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ToggleColor '&'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:500
msgid "Toggle use of ANSI color."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:500
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<RedrawScr '^L'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:503
msgid "Redraw the current screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:503
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ScrollUp 'E<lt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:506
msgid "Scroll screen up by one line."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:506
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ScrollDown 'E<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:509
msgid "Scroll screen down by one line."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:509
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Postponed 'O' '^O'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:523
msgid ""
"Reload postponed article. If your system blocks the B<Postponed> key you "
"must quote it by pressing 'B<^V>' (CTRL-V) first. The postpone-menu offers "
"the following actions: B<PromptYes> ('B<y>') = reload and spawn editor; "
"B<PostponeOverride> ('B<Y>') = post article (without spawning editor); "
"B<PostponeAll> ('B<A>') = post all postponed articles (without spawning "
"editor); B<PromptNo> ('B<n>') = skip this article; B<Quit> ('B<q>') = quit "
"postponed menu. Currently there is no 'simple' way to delete a postponed "
"article from the postponed-file, you have to use the following command "
"sequence instead: reload it with B<Postponed>, enter editor with "
"B<PromptYes>, quit editor, discard posting with B<Quit> "
"('B<^O>''B<y>''B<q>'). See also ''B<-o>'' command-line switch."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:523 doc/tin.1:1372 doc/tin.1:1426
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Help 'h'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:529
msgid ""
"Help screen of commands available on the current menu. You can use "
"B<SearchSubjF> ('B</>'), B<SearchSubjB> ('B<?>') and B<SearchRepeat> "
"('B<\\e>') to search on this screen. B<Quit> ('B<q>') returns to the menu."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:529 doc/tin.1:1375 doc/tin.1:1429
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ToggleHelpDisplay 'H'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:532 doc/tin.1:1378 doc/tin.1:1432
msgid "Toggle the display of help mini menu at the bottom of the screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:532
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<DisplayPostHist 'W'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:538
msgid ""
"List articles posted by user. The date posted, the newsgroup and the subject "
"are listed. You can use B<SearchSubjF> ('B</>'), B<SearchSubjB> ('B<?>') and "
"B<SearchRepeat> ('B<\\e>') to search on this screen. B<Quit> ('B<q>') "
"returns to the menu."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:538
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Version 'v'>"
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:543
msgid "Print B<tin> version information."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:543
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:544 doc/tin.1:682 doc/tin.1:933 doc/tin.1:1097 doc/tin.1:3485
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<4>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:547
msgid "Select group 4."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:547
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectResetNewsrc '^R'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:551
msgid ""
"Reset I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> file. This will destroy all "
"records of which articles have been read, so use this carefully."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:551 doc/tin.1:703 doc/tin.1:954
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SetRange '#'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:555 doc/tin.1:707 doc/tin.1:958
msgid ""
"Choose a range of articles to be affected by the next command. See the "
"section \"RANGES\" for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:555
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectSortActive '.'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:558
msgid "Sort the list of newsgroups."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:558 doc/tin.1:710 doc/tin.1:961 doc/tin.1:1151 doc/tin.1:1363 doc/tin.1:1413
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SearchRepeat '\\e'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:561 doc/tin.1:713 doc/tin.1:964 doc/tin.1:1154 doc/tin.1:1366 doc/tin.1:1416
msgid "Repeat the previous search."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:561 doc/tin.1:713 doc/tin.1:964 doc/tin.1:1154 doc/tin.1:1357 doc/tin.1:1407
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SearchSubjF '/'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:564
msgid "Search for a group by name and description (if displayed)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:564 doc/tin.1:716 doc/tin.1:967 doc/tin.1:1157 doc/tin.1:1360 doc/tin.1:1410
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SearchSubjB '?'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:567
msgid "Backward search through the group names and descriptions."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:567
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectReadGrp '^J' 'E<lt>CRE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:570
msgid "Read current group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:570
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectEnterNextUnreadGrp 'E<lt>TABE<gt>' 'n'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:574
msgid ""
"Enter next group with unread news. Will wrap around to the beginning of the "
"group selection list looking for unread groups."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:574 doc/tin.1:791 doc/tin.1:1005 doc/tin.1:1215
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Catchup 'c'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:578
msgid ""
"Make current group as all read [after confirmation] and move to the next "
"group in the group selection list."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:578 doc/tin.1:795 doc/tin.1:1009 doc/tin.1:1219
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<CatchupNextUnread 'C'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:582
msgid ""
"Mark current group as all read [after confirmation] and enter the next "
"unread group in the group selection list."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:582
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectToggleDescriptions 'd'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:586
msgid ""
"Toggle display to show just the group name or the group name and the group "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:586 doc/tin.1:808 doc/tin.1:1022 doc/tin.1:1231
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<EditFilter 'E'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:589 doc/tin.1:811 doc/tin.1:1025 doc/tin.1:1234
msgid "Edit the filter file and reload it afterwards."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:589
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectGoto 'g'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:593 doc/tin.1:815
msgid ""
"Choose a new group by name. This command can be used to access any group, "
"even those not currently yanked in."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:593 doc/tin.1:818 doc/tin.1:1025 doc/tin.1:1247 doc/tin.1:1369 doc/tin.1:1422
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ToggleInfoLastLine 'i'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:598
msgid ""
"Toggle the display of the description of the current newsgroup in the last "
"line. This will not be available if B<tin> was started with the \\&''B<-d>'' "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:598 doc/tin.1:822 doc/tin.1:1028 doc/tin.1:1250
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ToggleInverseVideo 'I'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:601 doc/tin.1:825 doc/tin.1:1031 doc/tin.1:1253
msgid "Toggle inverse video."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:601 doc/tin.1:834 doc/tin.1:1037 doc/tin.1:1259
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LookupMessage 'L'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:608
msgid ""
"Look up article by ''Message-ID:''. If none of the groups listed in the "
"''Newsgroups:''-header of the referenced article is available, just the "
"contents of the ''Newsgroups:''-header will be displayed in the last line.  "
"At this level this command only works if reading via NNTP and the server "
"supports [X]HDR (B<RFC\\%2980>, B<RFC\\%3977>) or XPAT (B<RFC\\%2980>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:608
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectMoveGrp 'm'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:614
msgid ""
"Move the current group within the group selection list. By entering '1' the "
"group will become the first displayed group in the list, by entering '8' the "
"eighth group in the list etc. By entering '$' the group will be the last "
"group displayed."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:614 doc/tin.1:842 doc/tin.1:1267
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<OptionMenu 'M'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:618 doc/tin.1:846 doc/tin.1:1271
msgid ""
"User configurable options menu (for more information see section \"GLOBAL "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:618
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectNextUnreadGrp 'N'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:621
msgid "Positions the cursor on the next group with unread articles in it."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:621 doc/tin.1:863 doc/tin.1:1050 doc/tin.1:1288
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Quit 'q'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:625
msgid ""
"Quit B<tin> \\(em ask the user to confirm if B<confirm_choice> is set "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:625 doc/tin.1:866 doc/tin.1:1053 doc/tin.1:1291
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<QuitTin 'Q'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:628 doc/tin.1:869 doc/tin.1:1056 doc/tin.1:1294
msgid "Quit B<tin> \\(em don't ask the user to confirm."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:628
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectToggleReadDisplay 'r'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:633
msgid ""
"Toggle display of all subscribed to groups and just those groups containing "
"unread articles. Command has no effect if groups were specified on the "
"command-line when B<tin> was started."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:633 doc/tin.1:872 doc/tin.1:1056
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<BugReport 'R'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:637 doc/tin.1:876 doc/tin.1:1060
msgid ""
"Mail a bug report or comment to E<lt>tin-bugs@tin.orgE<gt>. This is the best "
"way of getting bugs fixed and features added/changed."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:637
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectSubscribe 's'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:640
msgid "Subscribe to current group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:640
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectSubscribePat 'S'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:645
msgid ""
"Subscribe to groups matching user specified pattern. See the section "
"\"NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS\" for the types of pattern that B<tin> "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:645
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectUnsubscribe 'u'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:650
msgid ""
"Unsubscribe to current group. This can be used to remove bogus groups.  See "
"VARIABLES\" section."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:650
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectUnsubscribePat 'U'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:655
msgid ""
"Unsubscribe to groups matching user specified pattern. See the section "
"\"NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS\" for the types of pattern that B<tin> "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:655 doc/tin.1:900 doc/tin.1:1075 doc/tin.1:1328
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Post 'w'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:661
msgid ""
"Post an article to current group. If posting fails for some reason, you'll "
"get the chance to B<PostEdit> ('B<e>') the article again, B<PostPostpone> "
"('B<o>') it for later processing (see also ''B<-o>'' command-line switch) or "
"discard it via B<Quit> ('B<q>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:661
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectQuitNoWrite 'X'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:664
msgid "Quit B<tin> without saving any changes to the configuration."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:664
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectYankActive 'y'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:669
msgid ""
"Yanks in all groups. Toggles the displayed groups between all the groups in "
"the I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file and just "
"those that are subscribed to in I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:669
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectSyncWithActive 'Y'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:673
msgid ""
"Reread the I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file "
"to see if any new news has arrived since starting B<tin>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:673
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SelectMarkGrpUnread 'z' 'Z'>"
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:678
msgid "Mark all articles in the current group as unread."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:678
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:682
msgid ""
"All searches in this level are limited to unread articles if in "
"B<show_only_unread_arts> mode. B<GroupToggleReadUnread> ('B<r>')  can be use "
"toggle the setting right before/after the search."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:685
msgid "Select article 4."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:685 doc/tin.1:936 doc/tin.1:1100
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MenuFilterSelect '^A'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:689 doc/tin.1:940 doc/tin.1:1104
msgid ""
"Auto select article(s) using a menu. Read the section \"FILTERING ARTICLES\" "
"for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:689 doc/tin.1:940 doc/tin.1:1116
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MenuFilterKill '^K'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:693 doc/tin.1:944 doc/tin.1:1120
msgid ""
"Kill article(s) using a menu. Read the section \"FILTERING ARTICLES\" for "
"more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:693 doc/tin.1:944
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MarkFeedRead '^X'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:698 doc/tin.1:949
msgid ""
"Mark current article, thread, range, auto-selected (hot) articles, articles "
"matching pattern or tagged articles as read. A prompt asks which type should "
"be marked."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:698 doc/tin.1:949
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MarkFeedUnread '^W'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:703 doc/tin.1:954
msgid ""
"Mark current article, thread, range, auto-selected (hot) articles, articles "
"matching pattern or tagged articles as unread. A prompt asks which type "
"should be marked."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:707 doc/tin.1:958 doc/tin.1:1148
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LastViewed '-'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:710 doc/tin.1:961 doc/tin.1:1151
msgid "Re-enter the last message that was viewed."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:716 doc/tin.1:967
msgid "Search forward for specified subject."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:719 doc/tin.1:970
msgid "Search backwards for specified subject."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:719
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupSelThd '*'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:722 doc/tin.1:973
msgid "Select current thread for later processing."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:722
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupDoAutoSel '+'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:726
msgid ""
"Selects all threads in current group. It is a shortcut for calling "
"B<GroupSelPattern> with a pattern of ''*''."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:726
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupToggleThdSel '.'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:731
msgid ""
"Toggle selection of current thread. If at least one unread article, (but not "
"every unread article) in the current thread is selected, then all unread "
"articles become selected."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:731
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupSelThdIfUnreadSelected ';'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:736
msgid ""
"For each thread in current group, if it at least one unread article is "
"selected, all unread articles become selected. This is useful for "
"auto-selection on author where reader wants to see entire thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:736
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupSelPattern '='>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:742
msgid ""
"Prompts for a pattern with which to match on. All threads whose subjects "
"match the pattern will be marked selected. A pattern of ''*'' will match all "
"subjects. Entering just 'B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>' will re-use the last pattern that "
"was entered."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:742
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupReverseSel '@'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:745
msgid "Reverse all selections on all articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:745
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupUndoSel '~'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:751
msgid ""
"Undo all selections on all articles. It clears the toggle effect of "
"B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead> ('B<X>') command. Thus after first doing a "
"B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead>, one can then do B<GroupUndoSel> to reset "
"articles. Thus, one can iteratively whittle down uninteresting threads."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:751 doc/tin.1:982 doc/tin.1:1174
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Pipe '|'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:756 doc/tin.1:987 doc/tin.1:1179
msgid ""
"Pipe current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles "
"matching pattern / tagged articles into command. See the section \"MAILING "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:756 doc/tin.1:1179
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<QuickFilterSelect '['>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:765
msgid ""
"Auto select article(s) with a single key [after confirmation]. The defaults "
"used for selection are based upon the following four tinrc config variables: "
"B<default_filter_select_case>, B<default_filter_select_expire>, "
"B<default_filter_select_global> and B<default_filter_select_header>.  Read "
"full explanation of these variables and \"FILTERING ARTICLES\" for more "
"information on filtering."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:765 doc/tin.1:1188
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<QuickFilterKill ']'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:774
msgid ""
"Kill article(s) with a single key [after confirmation]. The defaults used "
"for killing are based upon the following four tinrc config variables: "
"B<default_filter_kill_case>, B<default_filter_kill_expire>, "
"B<default_filter_kill_global> and B<default_filter_kill_header>.  Read the "
"explanation of these variables and \"FILTERING ARTICLES\" for more "
"information on filtering."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:774
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupReadBasenote '^J' 'E<lt>CRE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:777
msgid "Read current article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:777
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupNextUnreadArtOrGrp 'E<lt>TABE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:780
msgid "View next unread article or group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:780 doc/tin.1:993 doc/tin.1:1205
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SearchAuthF 'a'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:784
msgid ""
"Author forward search. This searches for articles with a specific ''From:'' "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:784 doc/tin.1:998 doc/tin.1:1208
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SearchAuthB 'A'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:787 doc/tin.1:1001
msgid "Author backward search. Otherwise, see B<SearchAuthF> ('B<a>') above."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:787 doc/tin.1:1001 doc/tin.1:1211
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SearchBody 'B'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:791 doc/tin.1:1005 doc/tin.1:1215
msgid ""
"Search the body of all articles in group (can be slow). You can abort the "
"search using B<Quit> ('B<q>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:795
msgid ""
"Mark all articles as read [after confirmation] then return to the group "
"selection list. Move cursor to next group."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:799
msgid ""
"Mark all articles as read [after confirmation] and enter the next group with "
"unread news."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:799
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupToggleSubjDisplay 'd'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:803 doc/tin.1:1017
msgid ""
"Cycle the display of the author through all the possible options for the "
"tinrc variable B<show_author>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:803
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupCancel 'D'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:808 doc/tin.1:1022 doc/tin.1:1228
msgid ""
"Cancel (delete) or supersede (overwrite) the current article. It must have "
"been posted by the same user. The cancel message can be seen in the "
"newsgroup 'control' or 'control.cancel'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:811
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupGoto 'g'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:815
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupToggleGetartLimit 'G'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:818
msgid "Toggle article/group limit."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:822
msgid ""
"Display the subject of the first article in the current thread in the last "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:825
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupMarkThdRead 'K'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:831
msgid ""
"Mark article/thread as read and move onto the next unread article/thread. If "
"a range of articles/threads is set, the range will be marked as read instead "
"of the current article/thread. When tagged articles/threads are present, a "
"prompt asks how to proceed."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:831
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupListThd 'l'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:834
msgid "Open the thread under the current cursor position."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:837 doc/tin.1:1040 doc/tin.1:1262
msgid "Look up article by ''Message-ID:''."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:837
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupMail 'm'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:842 doc/tin.1:1045 doc/tin.1:1267
msgid ""
"Mail current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles "
"matching pattern / tagged articles to someone. See the section \"MAILING "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:846
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupNextGroup 'n'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:849
msgid "Go to next group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:849
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupNextUnreadArt 'N'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:852 doc/tin.1:1277
msgid "Go to the next unread article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:852 doc/tin.1:1045 doc/tin.1:1277
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Print 'o'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:857 doc/tin.1:1050 doc/tin.1:1282
msgid ""
"Send current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles "
"matching pattern / tagged articles to printer. See the section \"MAILING "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:857
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupPrevGroup 'p'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:860
msgid "Go to previous group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:860
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupPrevUnreadArt 'P'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:863
msgid "Go to previous unread article."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:866 doc/tin.1:1053
msgid "Return to previous level."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:869
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupToggleReadUnread 'r'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:872
msgid "Toggle the display between all articles and unread articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:876
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupSave 's'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:881 doc/tin.1:1065 doc/tin.1:1307
msgid ""
"Save current article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / articles "
"matching pattern / tagged articles. See the section \"MAILING PIPING "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:881
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupAutoSave 'S'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:884 doc/tin.1:1068 doc/tin.1:1310
msgid "Save marked articles automatically without further prompting."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:884
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupTag 't'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:889
msgid ""
"Toggle tag-status of current article / thread for B<GroupMail> ('B<m>')  / "
"B<Pipe> ('B<|>') / B<Print> ('B<o>') / B<GroupSave> ('B<s>') / "
"B<GroupRepost> ('B<x>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:889
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupTagParts 'T'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:892
msgid "Automatically tag in order all the parts of the current multi-part message."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:892
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupToggleThreading 'u'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:897
msgid ""
"Cycle the threading mode through no threading, threading by subject, "
"threading by references, threading on both subject and references, group "
"multipart articles into a thread (''Subject:'' based)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:897
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupUntag 'U'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:900
msgid "Untag all articles that were tagged."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:907 doc/tin.1:1082 doc/tin.1:1335
msgid ""
"Post an article to the current group. If posting fails for some reason, "
"you'll get the chance to edit the article again via B<PostEdit> ('B<e>'), "
"postpone it for later processing via B<PostPostpone> ('B<o>') (see also "
"''B<-o>'' command-line switch) or discard it via B<Quit> ('B<q>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:907
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupRepost 'x'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:913 doc/tin.1:1341
msgid ""
"Repost an already posted article / thread / auto-selected (hot) articles / "
"articles matching pattern / tagged articles to another newsgroup(s). Useful "
"for reposting from global to local newsgroups. Do not use this to crosspost "
"your own articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:913
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead 'X'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:921
msgid ""
"Mark all unread articles that have not been selected as read, redraw screen "
"to reflect changes and put index at the first thread to begin reading.  "
"Pressing B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead> ('B<X>') again will toggle back to the way "
"it was before. See B<GroupUndoSel> ('B<~>') command for clearing the toggle "
"effect, leaving the group will also clear the toggle effect and make the "
"changes permanent."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:921 doc/tin.1:1082 doc/tin.1:1341
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MarkArtUnread 'z'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:924
msgid "Mark current article as unread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:924 doc/tin.1:1087 doc/tin.1:1344
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MarkThdUnread 'Z'>"
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:931
msgid ""
"Mark current thread as unread. If a range of threads is set, the range will "
"be marked as unread instead of the current thread. When tagged threads are "
"present, a prompt asks how to proceed."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:931
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:936
msgid "Select article 4 within thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:970
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadSelArt '*'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:973
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadToggleArtSel '.'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:976
msgid "Toggle selection of current article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:976
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadReverseSel '@'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:979
msgid "Reverse article selections."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:979
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadUndoSel '~'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:982
msgid "Undo all selections on current thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:987
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadReadArt '^J' 'E<lt>CRE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:990
msgid "Read current article within thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:990
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadReadNextArtOrThread 'E<lt>TABE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:993
msgid "View next unread article within thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:998
msgid ""
"Author forward search. This searches for articles with a specific ''From:'' "
"line. The search will wrap over into the next thread if nothing is found in "
"the current one."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1009
msgid ""
"Mark thread as read [after confirmation] and return to the group index "
"page.  Move cursor to next thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1013
msgid ""
"Mark thread as read [after confirmation] and enter the next thread "
"containing unread news."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1013
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadToggleSubjDisplay 'd'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1017
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadCancel 'D'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1028 doc/tin.1:1250
msgid "Display the subject of the current article in the last line."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1031
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadMarkArtRead 'K'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1037
msgid ""
"Mark article as read and move onto the next unread article. If a range of "
"articles is set, the range will be marked as read instead of the current "
"article. When tagged articles are present, a prompt asks how to proceed."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1040
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadMail 'm'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1060
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadSave 's'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1065
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadAutoSave 'S'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1068
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadTag 't'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1072 doc/tin.1:1314
msgid ""
"Toggle tag status of current article for mailing, piping, printing, saving "
"or reposting."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1072
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ThreadUntag 'U'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1075
msgid "Untag all tagged threads."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1087
msgid ""
"Mark current article in thread as unread. If a range of articles is set, the "
"range will be marked as unread instead of the current article. When tagged "
"articles are present, a prompt asks how to proceed."
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1092
msgid "Mark all articles in thread as unread."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:1092
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1097
msgid "Read the first (base) article in this thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1100
msgid "Read response 4 in this thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1104
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageReplyQuoteHeaders '^E'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1108
msgid ""
"Reply through mail to the author of the current article with a copy of the "
"article with all headers included."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1108
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PagePGPCheckArticle '^G'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1113
msgid "Perform B<\\%pgp>(1)  operations on article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1113
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleRaw '^H'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1116
msgid "Toggles the display mode (raw including all headers vs. cooked)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1120
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleTabs '^T'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1123
msgid "Toggle the TAB width between 4 and 8 characters."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1123
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageFollowupQuoteHeaders '^W'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1127
msgid ""
"Post a followup to the current article with a copy of the article with all "
"headers included."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1127
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleTex2iso '\"'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1131
msgid ""
"Toggle TeX to ISO decoding for current article. The default behavior is "
"taken from the B<tex2iso_conv> variable in the tinrc file."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1131
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleAllHeaders '*'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1134
msgid ""
"Toggles the display of all headers vs. headers in "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1134
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleRot '%'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1137
msgid "Toggle ROT-13 decoding for this article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1137
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleUue '('>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1141
msgid ""
"Toggle the display of uuencoded sections. The default behavior is taken from "
"the B<hide_uue> variable in the tinrc file."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1141
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageReveal ')'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1148
msgid ""
"The formfeed character (^L) is often used to hide 'spoilers' that the reader "
"may not initially wish to see when viewing an article. Any text after a "
"formfeed is not displayed. This key-press acts like a reveal key and turns "
"the hidden text back on. Scrolling down will also reveal the text, scrolling "
"up will hide it again."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1157
msgid "Forward search the text of this article."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1160
msgid "Backward search the text of this article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1160
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageSkipIncludedText ':'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1165
msgid ""
"Skip to the end of the next quoted text-block in this article. Quoted text "
"is everything which matches B<quote_regex>, B<quote_regex2> or "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1165
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageTopThd 'E<lt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1168
msgid "Go to the first article in the current thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1168
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageBotThd 'E<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1171
msgid "Go to the last article in the current thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1171
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageToggleHighlight '_'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1174
msgid "Toggle word highlighting on/off."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1188
msgid ""
"Auto select article(s) with a single key. The defaults used for selection "
"are set based upon the following four tinrc config variables: "
"B<default_filter_select_case>, B<default_filter_select_expire>, "
"B<default_filter_select_global> and B<default_filter_select_header> Read the "
"explanation of these variables and \"FILTERING ARTICLES\" for more "
"information on filtering."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1197
msgid ""
"Kill article(s) with a single key. The defaults used for killing are based "
"upon the following four tinrc config variables: B<default_filter_kill_case>, "
"B<default_filter_kill_expire>, B<default_filter_kill_global> and "
"B<default_filter_kill_header>.  Read the section \"GLOBAL OPTIONS MENU AND "
"TINRC CONFIGURABLE VARIABLES\" for a full explanation of these variables and "
"\"FILTERING ARTICLES\" for more information on filtering."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1197
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageNextThd '^J' 'E<lt>CRE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1200
msgid "Go to next base article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1200
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageNextUnread 'E<lt>TABE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1205
msgid ""
"Go to next unread article. If the tinrc variable B<goto_next_unread> doesn't "
"contain PageNextUnread, then this key will first page through the current "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1208
msgid "Author forward search."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1211
msgid "Author backward search."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1219
msgid ""
"Mark the current thread as read [after confirmation] and return to the "
"previous menu. Move cursor to next item."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1223
msgid ""
"Mark the rest of the current thread as read [after confirmation] and enter "
"the next thread with unread articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1223
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageCancel 'D'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1228
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageEditArticle 'e'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1231
msgid "Edit the current article. This is restricted to mailgroups and saved news."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1234
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageFollowupQuote 'f'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1237
msgid "Post a followup to the current article with a copy of the article included."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1237
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageFollowup 'F'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1241
msgid ""
"Post a followup to the current article without including a copy of the "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1241
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageFirstPage 'g'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1244
msgid "Go to the start of the article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1244
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageLastPage 'G'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1247
msgid "Go to the end of the article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1253
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageKillThd 'K'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1256
msgid "Mark rest of thread as read and move onto the next unread thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1256
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageListThd 'l'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1259
msgid "Show the thread menu that the current article is a part of."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1262
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageMail 'm'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1271
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageNextArt 'n'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1274
msgid "Go to the next article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1274
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageNextUnreadArt 'N'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1282
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PagePrevArt 'p'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1285
msgid "Go to the previous article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1285
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PagePrevUnreadArt 'P'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1288
msgid "Go to the previous unread article."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1291
msgid "Return to the previous level."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1294
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageReplyQuote 'r'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1298
msgid ""
"Reply through mail to the author of the current article with a copy of the "
"article included."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1298
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageReply 'R'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1302
msgid ""
"Reply through mail to the author of the current article without including "
"the original article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1302
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageSave 's'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1307
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageAutoSave 'S'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1310
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageTag 't'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1314
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageGroupSel 'T'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1317
msgid "Return to group selection level."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1317
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageGotoParent 'u'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1320
msgid "Go to parent article."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1320
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageViewUrl 'U'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1324
msgid ""
"Display a list of URLs in the current article. See the section \"URL "
"LISTING\" for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1324
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageViewAttach 'V'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1328
msgid ""
"Display a list of attachments of the current article. See the section "
"\"ATTACHMENT LISTING\" for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1335
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PageRepost 'x'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1344
msgid "Mark article as unread."
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1349
msgid "Mark the current thread as unread."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:1349
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1352
msgid ""
"B<PageViewUrl> ('B<U>') displays a list of URLs in the current "
"article. Besides the common moving keys, the following commands are "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1353
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<UrlSelect '^J' 'E<lt>CRE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1357
msgid ""
"The current URL will be prompted and opened using the "
"B<url_handler>. 'B<E<lt>ESCE<gt>>' or no input will skip the URL."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1360
msgid "URL forward search."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1363
msgid "URL backward search."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1369 doc/tin.1:1422
msgid "Shell escape."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1372
msgid "Toggle the display of the current URL in the last line."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1375 doc/tin.1:1429
msgid "Help screen of commands available."
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:1381
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1384
msgid ""
"B<PageViewAttach> ('B<V>') displays a list of attachments of the current "
"article. Besides the common moving keys, the following commands are "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1385
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachPipe 'p'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1388
msgid "Pipe attachment into command."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1388
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachSave 's'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1391
msgid "Save current attachment / tagged attachments to disk."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1391
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachSelect '^J' 'E<lt>CRE<gt>'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1394
msgid "View attachment."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1394
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachTag 't'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1397
msgid "Tag one or more attachments for saving."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1397
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachTagPattern '='>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1401
msgid ""
"Prompts for a pattern to match. All attachments whose name/description or "
"content type/transfer encoding match the pattern will be tagged."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1401
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachToggleTagged '@'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1404
msgid "Reverse tagging of all attachments."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1404
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<AttachUntag 'U'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1407
msgid "Untag all tagged attachments."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1410
msgid "Attachment forward search."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1413
msgid "Attachment backward search."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1416
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GlobalPipe '|'>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1419
msgid "Pipe attachment into command. Uses the raw attachment, no decoding is done."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1426
msgid ""
"Toggle the display of the name/description of the current attachment in the "
"last line."
msgstr ""

#. --------------------------------------------------------------------
#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:1435
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME - add missing descriptions
#.        - \fI${TIN_LIBDIR:\-NEWSLIBDIR}/tinrc\fR is used
#.          in the !TIN_DEFAULTS_DIR config case
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1447
msgid ""
"At startup, B<tin> reads in the configuration files (see also "
"B<\\%tin>(5)).  They contain a list of variables that can be used to "
"configure the way B<tin> works. If it exists, the global configuration file, "
"I</etc/tin/tinrc> is read. After that, the user's own configuration file is "
"read from I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc>. The global file is useful "
"for distributing system-wide defaults to new users who have no private tinrc "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1455
msgid ""
"The variables are user configurable by editing "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc> directly. Most of them can also be "
"set in the GLOBAL OPTIONS MENU which is accessed by pressing B<OptionMenu> "
"('B<M>') at all levels. It allows the user to customize the behavior of "
"B<tin>. The options are saved to the file "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc> when you exit B<tin> so don't edit "
"the file directly whilst B<tin> is running."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1461
msgid ""
"In the options menu use the cursor keys in the usual way to move around. Use "
"B<ConfigSelect> ('B<^J>' or 'B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>') to 'open' the option you wish "
"to change. You will need to enter a new value or use 'B<E<lt>SPACEE<gt>>' to "
"toggle the available options. B<ConfigSelect> will save the new value, "
"\\&'B<E<lt>ESCE<gt>>' will abort without saving changes."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1468
msgid ""
"As with the other menus, B<RedrawScr> ('B<^L>') will redraw the screen. You "
"can use B<SearchSubjF> ('B</>'), B<SearchSubjB> ('B<?>') and B<SearchRepeat> "
"('B<\\e>') to search for a specific option. Use B<Quit> ('B<q>') to exit the "
"option menu and keep your changes. Use B<QuitTin> ('B<Q>') to exit without "
"keeping your changes."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1473
msgid ""
"The options menu provides access to the attributes menu for the current "
"group by the B<ConfigToggleAttrib> ('B<E<lt>TABE<gt>>') command. Pressing "
"B<ConfigToggleAttrib> again toggles back to the options menu. For more "
"information see section \"ATTRIBUTES MENU AND GROUP ATTRIBUTES\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1476
msgid ""
"The B<ConfigScopeMenu> ('B<S>') command brings up the scopes menu. For more "
"information see section \"SCOPES MENU\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1480
msgid ""
"Here is a full list of all the available variables. The name in braces is "
"the name of the corresponding setting in "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1480
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Abbreviate long newsgroup names (abbreviate_groupname)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1486 doc/tin.5:1204
msgid ""
"If ON abbreviate long newsgroup names at group selection level and article "
"level (if necessary) like this: news.software.readers -E<gt> "
"n.software.readers -E<gt> n.s.readers -E<gt> n.s.r.  Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1486
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Add posted articles to filter (add_posted_to_filter)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1490 doc/tin.5:1208
msgid ""
"If ON add posted articles which start a new thread to filter for "
"highlighting follow-ups. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1490
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Insert 'User-Agent:'-header (advertising)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1493 doc/tin.5:1211
msgid "Turn ON advertising in header (''User-Agent:''). Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1493
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Skip multipart/alternative parts (alternative_handling)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1496 doc/tin.5:1214
msgid "If ON strip multipart/alternative messages automatically. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1496
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show deleted articles (art_marked_deleted)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1499 doc/tin.5:1217
msgid "The character used to show that an article was deleted. Default is 'D'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1499
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show inrange articles (art_marked_inrange)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1502 doc/tin.5:1220
msgid "The character used to show that an article is in a range. Default is '#'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1502
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show returning arts (art_marked_return)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1506 doc/tin.5:1224
msgid ""
"The character used to show that an article will return as an unread article "
"when the group is next entered. Default is '-'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1506
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show selected articles (art_marked_selected)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1510 doc/tin.5:1228
msgid ""
"The character used to show that an article/thread is auto-selected (hot).  "
"Default is '*'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1510
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show recent articles (art_marked_recent)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1514 doc/tin.5:1232
msgid ""
"The character used to show that an article/thread is recent (not older than "
"X days). See also B<recent_time>. Default is 'o'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1514
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show unread articles (art_marked_unread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1518 doc/tin.5:1236
msgid ""
"The character used to show that an article has not been read.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1518
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show read articles (art_marked_read)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1521 doc/tin.5:1239
msgid "The character used to show that an article was read. Default is ' '."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1521
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show killed articles (art_marked_killed)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1525 doc/tin.5:1243
msgid ""
"The character used to show that an article was killed. Default is 'K'.  "
"B<kill_level> must be set accordingly."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1525
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Character to show read selected arts (art_marked_read_selected)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1529 doc/tin.5:1247
msgid ""
"The character used to show that an article was hot before it was read.  "
"Default is ':'. B<kill_level> must be set accordingly."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1529 doc/tin.5:1247
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Ask before using MIME viewer (ask_for_metamail)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1534
msgid ""
"If ON B<tin> will ask before using a MIME viewer (B<metamail_prog>) to "
"display MIME messages. This only occurs if a MIME viewer is set. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1534
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Send you a cc and/or bcc automatically (auto_cc_bcc)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1538 doc/tin.5:1258
msgid ""
"Automatically put your name in the ''Cc:'' and/or ''Bcc:'' field when "
"mailing an article. Default is No."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1538
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<List thread using right arrow key (auto_list_thread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1542 doc/tin.5:1262
msgid ""
"If ON automatically list thread when entering it using right arrow key.  "
"Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1542
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Reconnect to server automatically (auto_reconnect)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1545 doc/tin.1:2528
msgid "Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1545
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use Archive-name: header for save (auto_save)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1551 doc/tin.5:1271
msgid ""
"If ON articles/threads with ''Archive-name:'' in header will be "
"automatically saved with the Archive-name & part/patch no and post processed "
"if B<post_process_type> is set to something other than 'No'.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1551
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Save articles in batch mode (batch_save)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1556 doc/tin.5:1276
msgid ""
"If set ON articles/threads will be saved in batch mode when save "
"\\&''B<-S>'' or mail ''B<-M>, B<-N>'' is specified on the command "
"line. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1556
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Show mini menu & posting etiquette (beginner_level)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1561 doc/tin.5:1281
msgid ""
"If set ON a mini menu of the most useful commands will be displayed at the "
"bottom of the screen for each level. Also a short posting etiquette will be "
"displayed after composing an article. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1561
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Cache NNTP overview files locally (cache_overview_files)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1566
msgid ""
"If ON, create local copies of NNTP overview files. This can be used to "
"considerably speed up accessing large groups when using a slow connection.  "
"See also \"INDEX FILES\". Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1566
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Hash algorithm for cancel-locks (cancel_lock_algo)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1572 doc/tin.5:1292
msgid ""
"Use this hash algorithm for cancel-locks. Only available when build with "
"cancel-lock support. none disables the generation of cancel-locks. Valid "
"values are none, sha1, sha256 and sha512.  Default is sha1."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1572
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Catchup read groups when quitting (catchup_read_groups)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1578 doc/tin.5:1296
msgid ""
"If set ON the user is asked when quitting if all groups read during the "
"current session should be marked read. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1578
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Standard background color (col_back)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1581 doc/tin.5:1299
msgid "Standard background color"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1581
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of quoted text from external sources (col_extquote)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1584 doc/tin.5:1302
msgid "Color of quoted text from external sources"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1584
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of sender (From:) (col_from)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1587 doc/tin.5:1305
msgid "Color of sender (From:)"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1587
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of article header lines (col_head)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1590 doc/tin.5:1308
msgid "Color of header-lines"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1590
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of help text (col_help)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1593 doc/tin.5:1311
msgid "Color of help pages"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1593
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color for inverse text (background) (col_invers_bg)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1596 doc/tin.5:1314
msgid "Color of background for inverse text"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1596
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color for inverse text (foreground) (col_invers_fg)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1599 doc/tin.5:1317
msgid "Color of foreground for inverse text"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1599
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of highlighting with _dash_ (col_markdash)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1603 doc/tin.5:1321
msgid ""
"Color of words emphasized like _this_. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1603
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of highlighting with /slash/ (col_markslash)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1607 doc/tin.5:1325
msgid ""
"Color of words emphasized like /this/. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1607
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of highlighting with *stars* (col_markstar)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1611 doc/tin.5:1329
msgid ""
"Color of words emphasized like *this*. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1611
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of highlighting with -stroke- (col_markstroke)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1615 doc/tin.5:1333
msgid ""
"Color of words emphasized like -this-. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1615
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of mini help menu (col_minihelp)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1618 doc/tin.5:1336
msgid "Color of mini help menu"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1618
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of actual news header fields (col_newsheaders)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1621 doc/tin.5:1339
msgid "Color of actual news header fields"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1621
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Standard foreground color (col_normal)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1624 doc/tin.5:1342
msgid "Standard foreground color"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1624
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of quoted lines (col_quote)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1627 doc/tin.5:1345
msgid "Color of quoted lines"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1627
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of twice quoted line (col_quote2)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1630 doc/tin.5:1348
msgid "Color of twice quoted lines"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1630
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of =E<gt>3 times quoted line (col_quote3)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1633 doc/tin.5:1351
msgid "Color of E<gt>=3 times quoted lines"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1633
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of response counter (col_response)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1637 doc/tin.5:1355
msgid ""
"Color of response counter. This is the text that says \"Response x of y\" in "
"the article viewer."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1637
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of signatures (col_signature)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1640 doc/tin.5:1358
msgid "Color of signatures"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1640
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of urls highlight (col_urls)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1643 doc/tin.5:1361
msgid "Color of urls highlight"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1643
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of verbatim blocks (col_verbatim)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1646 doc/tin.5:1364
msgid "Color of verbatim blocks"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1646
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of article subject lines (col_subject)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1649 doc/tin.5:1367
msgid "Color of article subject"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1649
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of text lines (col_text)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1652 doc/tin.5:1370
msgid "Color of text-lines"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1652
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Color of help/mail sign (col_title)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1655 doc/tin.5:1373
msgid "Color of help/mail sign"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1655
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Which actions require confirmation (confirm_choice)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1658
msgid "Ask for manual confirmation to protect the user."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1659 doc/tin.1:1665 doc/tin.1:1669
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\(bu"
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: check if all affected commands are marked [after confirmation]
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1665
msgid ""
"B<commands> Ask for confirmation before executing certain dangerous commands "
"(e.g., B<Catchup> ('B<c>')). Commands that this affects are marked in this "
"manual with '[after confirmation]'. Default is commands & quit."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1669
msgid ""
"B<quit> You'll be asked to confirm that you wish to exit B<tin> when you use "
"the B<Quit> ('B<q>') command."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1673
msgid ""
"B<select> Ask for confirmation before marking all not selected (with "
"B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead> ('B<X>') command) articles as read."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1674
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Format string for display of dates (date_format)>"
msgstr ""

#.  most of these default_* settings are not available from the menu
#.  as they are intended for internal use only.
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1686
msgid ""
"Format string B<tin> uses for date representation. A description of the "
"different format options can be found at B<\\%strftime>(3).  B<tin> uses "
"B<\\%strftime>(3)  when available and supports most format options in his "
"fallback code.  Default is \"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1686
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_art_search)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1688
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_author_search)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1690
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_config_search)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1693 doc/tin.5:1412
msgid "The last article/author/config option that was searched for."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1693
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_days)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1696 doc/tin.5:1415
msgid "Default is 28."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1696
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_kill_case)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1700 doc/tin.5:1419
msgid ""
"Default for quick (1 key) kill filter case.  ON = filter case sensitive, OFF "
"= ignore case. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1700
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_kill_expire)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1705 doc/tin.5:1424
msgid ""
"Default for quick (1 key) kill filter expire.  ON = limit to "
"B<default_filter_days>, OFF = don't ever expire. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1705
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_kill_global)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1709 doc/tin.5:1428
msgid ""
"Default for quick (1 key) kill filter global.  ON=apply to all groups, "
"OFF=apply to current group. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1709
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_kill_header)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1712 doc/tin.5:1431
msgid "Default for quick (1 key) kill filter header."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1713 doc/tin.1:1747 doc/tin.1:1888 doc/tin.1:2081 doc/tin.1:2129 doc/tin.1:2245 doc/tin.1:2270 doc/tin.1:2285 doc/tin.1:2335 doc/tin.1:2365 doc/tin.1:2436 doc/tin.1:2468 doc/tin.1:2488 doc/tin.1:2576 doc/tin.5:1617 doc/tin.5:1811 doc/tin.5:1863 doc/tin.5:2010 doc/tin.5:2025 doc/tin.5:2051 doc/tin.5:2103 doc/tin.5:2132 doc/tin.5:2235 doc/tin.5:2257 doc/tin.5:2356
#, no-wrap
msgid "0"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1715 doc/tin.1:1749
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''Subject:'' (case sensitive)\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1715 doc/tin.1:1749 doc/tin.1:1894 doc/tin.1:2083 doc/tin.1:2131 doc/tin.1:2247 doc/tin.1:2274 doc/tin.1:2287 doc/tin.1:2337 doc/tin.1:2367 doc/tin.1:2438 doc/tin.1:2470 doc/tin.1:2490 doc/tin.1:2578 doc/tin.5:1624 doc/tin.5:1813 doc/tin.5:1865 doc/tin.5:1913 doc/tin.5:2014 doc/tin.5:2027 doc/tin.5:2053 doc/tin.5:2105 doc/tin.5:2134 doc/tin.5:2237 doc/tin.5:2259 doc/tin.5:2358
#, no-wrap
msgid "1"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1717 doc/tin.1:1751
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''Subject:'' (ignore case)\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1717 doc/tin.1:1751 doc/tin.1:1899 doc/tin.1:2085 doc/tin.1:2135 doc/tin.1:2250 doc/tin.1:2291 doc/tin.1:2339 doc/tin.1:2370 doc/tin.1:2440 doc/tin.1:2472 doc/tin.1:2492 doc/tin.1:2580 doc/tin.5:1629 doc/tin.5:1815 doc/tin.5:1870 doc/tin.5:1917 doc/tin.5:2030 doc/tin.5:2057 doc/tin.5:2107 doc/tin.5:2137 doc/tin.5:2239 doc/tin.5:2261 doc/tin.5:2360
#, no-wrap
msgid "2"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1719 doc/tin.1:1753
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''From:'' (case sensitive)\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1719 doc/tin.1:1753 doc/tin.1:2087 doc/tin.1:2253 doc/tin.1:2295 doc/tin.1:2341 doc/tin.1:2372 doc/tin.1:2442 doc/tin.1:2494 doc/tin.5:1817 doc/tin.5:2033 doc/tin.5:2061 doc/tin.5:2109 doc/tin.5:2139 doc/tin.5:2263
#, no-wrap
msgid "3"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1721 doc/tin.1:1755
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''From:'' (ignore case)\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1721 doc/tin.1:1755 doc/tin.1:2089 doc/tin.1:2343 doc/tin.1:2374 doc/tin.1:2445 doc/tin.1:2496 doc/tin.5:1819 doc/tin.5:1923 doc/tin.5:2111 doc/tin.5:2141 doc/tin.5:2265
#, no-wrap
msgid "4"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1723 doc/tin.1:1757
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''Message-ID:'' & full ''References:'' line\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1723 doc/tin.1:1757 doc/tin.1:2091 doc/tin.1:2345 doc/tin.1:2447 doc/tin.1:2499 doc/tin.5:1821 doc/tin.5:2113 doc/tin.5:2268
#, no-wrap
msgid "5"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1725 doc/tin.1:1759
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''Message-ID:'' & last ''References:'' entry only\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1725 doc/tin.1:1759 doc/tin.1:2347 doc/tin.1:2501 doc/tin.5:2115 doc/tin.5:2270
#, no-wrap
msgid "6"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1727 doc/tin.1:1761
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''Message-ID:'' entry only\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:1727 doc/tin.1:1761 doc/tin.1:2350 doc/tin.1:2503 doc/tin.5:2118 doc/tin.5:2272
#, no-wrap
msgid "7"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1729 doc/tin.1:1763
#, no-wrap
msgid " ''Lines:''\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1730
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_select_case)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1734 doc/tin.5:1448
msgid ""
"Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter case. ON=filter case "
"sensitive, OFF=ignore case. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1734
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_select_expire)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1739 doc/tin.5:1453
msgid ""
"Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter expire.  ON = limit to "
"B<default_filter_days>, OFF = don't ever expire.  Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1739
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_select_global)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1743 doc/tin.5:1457
msgid ""
"Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter global.  ON=apply to all "
"groups, OFF=apply to current group. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1743
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_filter_select_header)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1746 doc/tin.5:1460
msgid "Default for quick (1 key) auto-selection filter header."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1764
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_goto_group)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1766
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_group_search)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1768
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_mail_address)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1770
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_move_group)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1772
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_pattern)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1774
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_pipe_command)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1776
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_post_newsgroups)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1778
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_post_subject)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1780
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_range_group)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1782
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_range_select)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1784
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_range_thread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1786
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_repost_group)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1788
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_save_file)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1790
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_save_mode)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1792
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_select_pattern)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1794
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_shell_command)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1796
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(default_subject_search)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1798
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Draw -E<gt> instead of highlighted bar (draw_arrow)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1802 doc/tin.5:1511
msgid ""
"Allows groups/articles to be selected by an arrow '-E<gt>' if set ON or by a "
"highlighted bar if set OFF. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1802
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Invocation of your editor (editor_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1806
msgid ""
"The format string used to create the editor start command with parameters.  "
"Default is \"%E +%N %F\" (e.g., /bin/vi +7 .article)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1806
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Detection of external quotes (extquote_handling)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1809 doc/tin.5:1519
msgid "If ON quotes from external sources will be detected. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1809
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to show external quotes (extquote_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1814
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_extquote>. If B<extquote_regex> is blank, "
"then B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1814
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Force redraw after certain commands (force_screen_redraw)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1818 doc/tin.5:1530
msgid ""
"Specifies whether a screen redraw should always be done after certain "
"external commands. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1818
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Number of articles to get (getart_limit)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1825
msgid ""
"If B<getart_limit> is E<gt> 0 not more than the last B<getart_limit> "
"articles/group are fetched from the server. If B<getart_limit> is E<lt> 0 "
"B<tin> will start fetching articles from your first unread minus absolute "
"value of B<getart_limit>. Default is 0, which means no limit."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1825
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Catchup group using left key (group_catchup_on_exit)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1828 doc/tin.5:1554
msgid "If ON catchup group when leaving with the left arrow key. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1828
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Format string for the Group level (group_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1832
msgid ""
"Format string B<tin> uses for Group level representation. See the section "
"\"CUSTOMIZING THE SCREEN FORMAT\". Default is \"%n\\ %m\\ %R\\ %L\\ \\ %s\\ "
"\\ %F\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1832
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Go to the next unread article with (goto_next_unread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1840
msgid ""
"Which keys B<tin> should accept to jump to the next unread article.  "
"Possible is any combination of B<PageDown> and B<PageNextUnread>.  When "
"B<PageDown> is set B<tin> jumps to the next article at the end of the "
"current one. When B<PageNextUnread> is set B<tin> jumps immediately to the "
"next article when B<PageNextUnread> ('B<E<lt>TABE<gt>>')  is "
"pressed. Default is B<PageNextUnread>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1840
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Display uue data as an attachment (hide_uue)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1850 doc/tin.5:1584
msgid ""
"If set to 'No' then raw uuencoded data is displayed. If set to 'Yes' then "
"sections of uuencoded data will be shown with a single tag line showing the "
"size and filename (much the same as a MIME attachment).  If set to 'Hide "
"all' then any line that looks like uuencoded data will be folded into a tag "
"line. This is useful when uuencoded data is split across more than one "
"article but can also lead to false positives. This setting can also be "
"toggled in the article viewer.  Default is 'No'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1850
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<External inews (inews_prog)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1857 doc/tin.5:1591
msgid ""
"Path, name and options of external B<\\%inews>(1).  If you are reading via "
"NNTP the default value is \"--internal\" (use built-in NNTP inews), else it "
"is \"inews -h\". The article is passed to B<inews_prog> on STDIN via 'E<lt> "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1857
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(info_in_last_line)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1864 doc/tin.5:1597
msgid ""
"If ON, show current group description or article subject in the last line "
"(not in the pager and global menu) \\(em B<ToggleInfoLastLine> ('B<i>')  "
"toggles setting. This facility is useful as the full width of the screen is "
"available to display long subjects. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1864
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use interactive mail reader (interactive_mailer)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1871
msgid ""
"Interactive mailreader: if greater than 0 your mailreader will be invoked "
"earlier for reply so you can use more of its features (e.g. MIME, pgp, "
"...). 1 means include headers, 2 means don't include headers (old "
"use_mailreader_i=ON option). 0 turns off usage. This option has to suit "
"B<mailer_format>. Default is 0."
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: fix menu description
#.        mono_mark* currently do allow "Reverse video" even if
#.        inverse_okay=FALSE
#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1871
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use inverse video for page headers (inverse_okay)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1878 doc/tin.5:1607
msgid ""
"If ON use inverse video for page headers and URL highlighting.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1878
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Keep failed arts in ~/dead.articles (keep_dead_articles)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1883 doc/tin.5:1612
msgid ""
"If ON keep all failed postings in I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/dead.articles> "
"besides keeping the last failed posting in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/dead.article>. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1883
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Filter which articles (kill_level)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1887
msgid ""
"This option controls the processing and display of articles that are "
"killed.  There are 3 options:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1894
msgid ""
"B<Kill only unread arts> is the 'traditional' behavior of B<tin>. Only "
"unread articles are killed once only by marking them read. As filtering only "
"happens on unread articles with B<kill_level> set to 0, B<art_marked_killed> "
"and B<art_marked_read_selected> are only shown once. When you reenter the "
"group the mark will be gone."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1899 doc/tin.5:1629
msgid ""
"B<Kill all arts & show with K> will process all articles in the group and "
"therefore there is a processing overhead when using this option. Killed "
"articles are threaded as normal but they will be marked with "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1903 doc/tin.5:1633
msgid ""
"B<Kill all arts and never show> will process all articles in the group and "
"therefore there is a processing overhead when using this option. Killed "
"articles simply does not get displayed at all."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1905
msgid "Default is 0 (B<Kill only unread arts>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1905
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use 8bit characters in mail headers (mail_8bit_header)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1911 doc/tin.5:1640
msgid ""
"Allows 8bit characters unencoded in the header of mail message. Default is "
"OFF. Turning it ON is effective only if B<mail_mime_encoding> is also set to "
"8bit. Leaving it OFF is safe for most users and compliant to Internet Mail "
"Standard (B<RFC\\%5322> and B<RFC\\%2047>). Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1911
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Mail address (mail_address)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1917 doc/tin.5:1646
msgid ""
"User's mail address (and full name), if not username@host. This is used when "
"creating articles, sending mail and when B<\\%pgp>(1)  signing."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1917
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MIME encoding in mail messages (mail_mime_encoding)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1921 doc/tin.5:1650
msgid ""
"MIME encoding of the body in mail message, if necessary (8bit, base64, "
"quoted-printable, 7bit). Default is quoted-printable."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1921
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Quote line when mailing (mail_quote_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1926 doc/tin.5:1655
msgid ""
"Format of quote line when replying (via mail) to an article (%A=Address, "
"%D=Date, %F=Fullname+Address, %G=Groupname, %M=Message-ID, %N=Fullname, "
"%C=Firstname, %I=Initials). Default is \"In article %M you wrote:\""
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1926
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Format of the mailbox (mailbox_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1936 doc/tin.5:1665
msgid ""
"Select one of the following mailbox-formats: MBOXO (default, except on SCO), "
"MBOXRD or MMDF (default on SCO). See B<\\%mbox>(5)  and B<RFC\\%4155> for "
"more details on MBOXO and MBOXRD and B<\\%mmdf>(5)  for more details about "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1936
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Mail directory (maildir)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1945 doc/tin.5:1674
msgid ""
"The directory where articles/threads are to be saved in B<\\%mbox>(5)  "
"format. This feature is mainly for use with the B<\\%elm>(1)  mail "
"program. It allows the user to save articles/threads/groups simply by giving "
"'=' as the filename to save to.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1945
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Invocation of your mail command (mailer_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1951 doc/tin.5:1680
msgid ""
"The format string used to create the mailer command with parameters that is "
"used for mailing articles to other people. Default is '%M \"%T\" E<lt> %F' "
"(e.g., /bin/mail \"iain\" E<lt> .article). The flexible format allows other "
"mailers with different command line parameters to be used such as"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1956 doc/tin.5:1685
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"sendmail -oem -t E<lt> %F\n"
"elm -s \"%S\" \"%T\" E<lt> \"%F\"\n"
"claws-mail --compose \"mailto:%T?subject=%S&insert=%F\"\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1960 doc/tin.5:1689
msgid ""
"B<interactive_mailer> must be set adequate. The following substitutions are "
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:1962 doc/tin.5:1691
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'%S'u +\\w'default_mailer'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1969 doc/tin.5:1698
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1971
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<'Mark as (un)read' ignores tags (mark_ignore_tags)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1979 doc/tin.5:1711
msgid ""
"When this is ON, the B<GroupMarkThdRead> ('B<K>'), B<ThreadMarkArtRead> "
"('B<K>'), B<MarkThdUnread> ('B<Z>') at Group level and B<MarkArtUnread> "
"('B<z>') at Thread level functions mark just the current article or thread, "
"ignoring other tagged, (un)read articles. When OFF, the same function "
"presents a menu with choices of the current thread or article, all tagged, "
"unread articles, or nothing."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1979
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Mark saved articles/threads as read (mark_saved_read)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1982 doc/tin.5:1703
msgid "If ON mark articles that are saved as read. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1982
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Viewer program for MIME articles (metamail_prog)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:1994 doc/tin.5:1723
msgid ""
"Path, name and options of external B<\\%metamail>(1)  program used to view "
"non-textual parts of articles.  To use the built-in viewer, set to "
"--internal. This is the default value when B<\\%metamail>(1)  is not "
"installed. Leave it blank if you don't want any automatic viewing of "
"non-textual attachments. The 'V' command can always be used to manually view "
"any attachments. See also B<ask_for_metamail>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:1994
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MM_CHARSET (mm_charset)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2007 doc/tin.5:1736
msgid ""
"Charset supported locally, which is also used for MIME header (charset "
"parameter and charset name in header encoding) in mail and news postings. If "
"B<MIME_STRICT_CHARSET> is defined at compile time, text in charset other "
"than the value of this parameter is considered not displayable and "
"represented as '?'. Otherwise, all character sets are regarded as compatible "
"with the display. If it's not set, the value of the environment variable "
"$B<MM_CHARSET> is used. US-ASCII or compile-time default is used in case "
"neither of them is defined. If your system supports B<\\%iconv>(3), this "
"option is disabled and you should use B<mm_network_charset> instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2007
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MM_NETWORK_CHARSET (mm_network_charset)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2018 doc/tin.5:1747
msgid ""
"Charset used for posting and MIME headers; replaces B<mm_charset>.  "
"Conversion between B<mm_network_charset> and local charset (determined via "
"B<\\%nl_langinfo>(3))  is done via B<\\%iconv>(3), if this function is not "
"available on your system this option is disabled and you have to use "
"B<mm_charset> instead. B<mm_network_charset> is limited to one of the "
"following charsets:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2021 doc/tin.5:1750
msgid ""
"US-ASCII, ISO-8859-{1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,13,14,15,16}, KOI8-{R,U,RU} "
"EUC-{CN,JP,KR,TW}, ISO-2022-{CN,CN-EXT,JP,JP-1,JP-2}, Big5, UTF-8"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2027 doc/tin.5:1756
msgid ""
"Not all values might work on your system, see B<\\%iconv_open>(3)  for more "
"details. If it's not set, the value of the environment variable "
"$B<MM_CHARSET> is used. US-ASCII or compile-time default is used in case "
"neither of them is defined."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2027
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Attribute of highlighting with _dash_ (mono_markdash)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2032 doc/tin.5:1761
msgid ""
"Character attribute of words emphasized like _this_. It depends on your "
"terminal which attributes are usable. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2032
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Attribute of highlighting with /slash/ (mono_markslash)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2037 doc/tin.5:1766
msgid ""
"Character attribute of words emphasized like /this/. It depends on your "
"terminal which attributes are usable. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2037
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Attribute of highlighting with *stars* (mono_markstar)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2042 doc/tin.5:1771
msgid ""
"Character attribute of words emphasized like *this*. It depends on your "
"terminal which attributes are usable. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2042
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Attribute of highlighting with -stroke- (mono_markstroke)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2047 doc/tin.5:1776
msgid ""
"Character attribute of words emphasized like -this-. It depends on your "
"terminal which attributes are usable. See also B<word_h_display_marks> and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2047
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<(newnews)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2051
msgid ""
"These are internal timers used by B<tin> to keep track of new newsgroups.  "
"Do not change them unless you understand what they are for."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2051
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Display these header fields (or *) (news_headers_to_display)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2058 doc/tin.5:1789
msgid ""
"Which news headers you wish to see. If you want to see _all_ the headers, "
"place an '*' as this value. This is the only way a wildcard can be used.  If "
"you enter 'X-' as the value, you will see all headers beginning with 'X-' "
"(like X-Alan or X-Pape). You can list more than one by delimiting with "
"spaces. Not defining anything turns off this option."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2058
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Do not display these header fields (news_headers_to_not_display)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2067 doc/tin.5:1798
msgid ""
"Same as B<news_headers_to_display> except it denotes the opposite. An "
"example of using both options might be if you thought 'X-' headers were A "
"Good Thing(tm), but thought Alan and Pape were miscreants... well then you "
"would do something like this: B<news_headers_to_display=X-> "
"B<news_headers_to_not_display=X-Alan X-Pape> Not defining anything turns off "
"this option."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2067
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Quote line when following up (news_quote_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2072 doc/tin.5:1803
msgid ""
"Format of quote line when posting/following up an article (%A=Address, "
"%D=Date, %F=Fullname+Address, %G=Groupname, %M=Message-ID, %N=Fullname, "
"%C=Firstname, %I=Initials). Default is \"%F wrote:\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2072
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<NNTP read timeout in seconds (nntp_read_timeout_secs)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2076
msgid ""
"Time in seconds to wait for a response from the server. Default is 120.  "
"Setting this to 0 means no timeout."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2076
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Unicode normalization form (normalization_form)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2080
msgid ""
"The normalization form B<tin> should use to normalize unicode input.  The "
"possible values are:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2083 doc/tin.5:1813
msgid "B<None>: no normalization"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2085 doc/tin.5:1815
msgid "B<NFKC>: Compatibility Decomposition, followed by Canonical Composition"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2087 doc/tin.5:1817
msgid "B<NFKD>: Compatibility Decomposition"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2089 doc/tin.5:1819
msgid "B<NFC>: Canonical Decomposition, followed by Canonical Composition"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2091 doc/tin.5:1821
msgid "B<NFD>: Canonical Decomposition"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2093 doc/tin.5:1823
msgid ""
"B<NFKC_CF>: Compatibility Decomposition, followed by Canonical Composition "
"and Case Folding"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2097
msgid ""
"Some normalization modes are only available if they are supported by the "
"library B<tin> uses to do the normalization. NFC should be used if possible."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2097
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Go to first unread article in group (pos_first_unread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2101 doc/tin.5:1832
msgid ""
"If ON put cursor at first unread article in group otherwise at last "
"article. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2101
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use 8bit characters in news headers (post_8bit_header)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2112 doc/tin.5:1843
msgid ""
"Allows 8bit characters unencoded in the header of a news article, if set "
"this also disables the generation of MIME-headers when they are usually "
"required. Default is OFF. Only enacted if B<post_mime_encoding> is also set "
"to 8bit. In a number of local hierarchies where 8bit characters are used, "
"using unencoded (raw)  8bit characters in header is acceptable and sometimes "
"even recommended so that you need to check the convention adopted in the "
"local hierarchy of your interest to determine what to do with this and "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2112
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MIME encoding in news messages (post_mime_encoding)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2117 doc/tin.5:1848
msgid ""
"MIME encoding of the body in news message, if necessary. (8bit, base64, "
"quoted-printable, 7bit). Default is 8bit, which leads to no encoding.  "
"base64 and quoted-printable are usually undesired on usenet."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2117
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<View post-processed files (post_process_view)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2124
msgid ""
"If ON, then B<tin> will start an appropriate viewer program to display any "
"files that were post processed and uudecoded. The program is determined "
"using the B<\\%mailcap>(5)  file. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2124
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Post process saved articles (post_process_type)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2128
msgid ""
"This specifies whether to perform post processing on saved articles.  The "
"following values are allowed:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2131 doc/tin.5:1865
msgid "B<No> (default), no post processing is done."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2135
msgid "B<Shell archives>, unpacking of multi-part B<\\%shar>(1)  files only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2137 doc/tin.5:1872
msgid "B<Yes>, binary attachments and data will be decoded and saved."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2138
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Filename to be used for storing posted articles (posted_articles_file)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2144 doc/tin.5:1879
msgid ""
"Keep posted articles in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/Mail/>B<posted_articles_file>.  If no filename "
"is set then postings will not be saved.  Default is 'posted'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2144
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Print all headers when printing (print_header)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2148 doc/tin.5:1883
msgid ""
"If ON, then the full article header is sent to the printer. Otherwise only "
"the ''Subject:'' and ''From:'' fields are output. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2148
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Printer program with options (printer)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2157
msgid ""
"The printer program with options that is to be used to print articles.  The "
"default is B<\\%lpr>(1)  for BSD machines and B<\\%lp>(1)  for SysV "
"machines. Printing from B<tin> may have been disabled by the System "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2157
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Process only unread articles (process_only_unread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2161 doc/tin.5:1897
msgid ""
"If ON only save/print/pipe/mail unread articles (tagged articles excepted).  "
"Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2161
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Show empty Followup-To in editor (prompt_followupto)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2164
msgid ""
"If ON show empty ''Followup-To:'' header when editing an article. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2164
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Characters used as quote-marks (quote_chars)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2169 doc/tin.5:1906
msgid ""
"The character used in quoting included text to article followups and mail "
"replies. The '_' character represents a blank character and is replaced with "
"' ' when read, %I is replaced by author's initials. Default is 'E<gt>_'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2169
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Quoting behavior (quote_style)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2176
msgid ""
"How articles should be quoted when following up or replying to them. There "
"are a number of things that can be done: empty lines can be quoted, "
"signatures can be quoted and quote_chars can be compressed when quoting "
"multiple times (for example, 'E<gt> E<gt> E<gt>' will be turned into "
"'E<gt>E<gt>E<gt>'). The default is to compress quotes, and to quote empty "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2180
msgid ""
"When you are viewing an article in raw mode ('B<^H>'), and follow up or "
"reply to it, the signature will be quoted even if it would otherwise not "
"be.  If B<show_signatures> is off, then the signature will never be quoted."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2180
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to show quoted lines (quote_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2185
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_quote>. If B<quote_regex> is blank, then "
"B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2185
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to show twice quoted l. (quote_regex2)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2190
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_quote2>. If B<quote_regex2> is blank, then "
"B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2190
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to show E<gt>= 3 times q.l. (quote_regex3)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2195
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_quote3>. If B<quote_regex3> is blank, then "
"B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2195
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Article recentness time limit (recent_time)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2199 doc/tin.5:1951
msgid ""
"If set to 0, this feature is deactivated, otherwise it means the number of "
"days. Default is 2."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2199
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Render BiDi (render_bidi)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2203
msgid ""
"If ON B<tin> does the rendering of bi-directional text. If OFF B<tin> leaves "
"the rendering of bi-directional text to the terminal. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2203
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Interval in seconds to reread active (reread_active_file_secs)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2208 doc/tin.5:1963
msgid ""
"The news I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file is "
"reread at regular intervals to show if any new news has arrived. Default is "
"1200. Setting this to 0 will disable this feature."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2208
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Directory to save arts/threads in (savedir)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2212 doc/tin.5:1967
msgid ""
"Directory where articles/threads are saved. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2212
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Score limit (kill) (score_limit_kill)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2216 doc/tin.5:1971
msgid ""
"If the score of an article is below or equal this value the article gets "
"marked as killed."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2216
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Score limit (select) (score_limit_select)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2220 doc/tin.5:1975
msgid ""
"If the score of an article is above or equal this value the article gets "
"marked as hot."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2220
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Default score to kill articles (score_kill)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2224 doc/tin.5:1979
msgid ""
"Score of an article which should be killed, this must be E<lt>= "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2224
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Default score to select articles (score_select)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2228 doc/tin.5:1983
msgid ""
"Score of an article which should be marked hot, this must be E<gt>= "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2228
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Number of lines to scroll in pager (scroll_lines)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2236 doc/tin.5:1991
msgid ""
"The number of lines that will be scrolled up/down in the article pager when "
"using cursor-up/down. The default is 1 (line-by-line). Set to 0 to get "
"traditional B<tin> page-by-page scrolling. Set to -1 to get page-by-page "
"scrolling where the top/bottom line is carried over onto the next page.  "
"This setting supersedes show_last_line_prev_page=ON. Set to -2 to get "
"half-page scrolling. This setting supersedes B<full_page_scroll>=OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2236
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Format string for the Selection level (select_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2240
msgid ""
"Format string B<tin> uses for Selection level representation. See the "
"section \"CUSTOMIZING THE SCREEN FORMAT\". Default is \"%f\\ %n\\ %U\\ \\ "
"%G\\ \\ %d\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2240
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<In group and thread level, show author by (show_author)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2244 doc/tin.5:2024
msgid ""
"Which information about the author should be shown. Default is 2, authors "
"full name."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2247 doc/tin.5:2027
msgid "B<None>, only the ''Subject:'' line will be displayed."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2250 doc/tin.5:2030
msgid ""
"B<Address>, ''Subject:'' line & the address part of the ''From:'' line are "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2253 doc/tin.5:2033
msgid ""
"B<Full Name>, ''Subject:'' line & the authors full name part of the "
"\\&''From:'' line are displayed (default)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2256 doc/tin.5:2036
msgid ""
"B<Address and Name>, ''Subject:'' line & all of the ''From:'' line are "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2257
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Show description of each newsgroup (show_description)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2266
msgid ""
"If ON show a short group description text after newsgroup name at the group "
"selection level. The ''B<-d>'' command-line flag will override the setting "
"and turn descriptions off. The text used is taken from the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/newsgroups> file and if supported (requires "
"B<tin> to be build with mh-mail-handling support) from "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/mailgroups> for mailgroups. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2266
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Function for sorting articles (sort_function)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2269 doc/tin.5:2009
msgid "Function used for sorting articles. Default is 0."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2274 doc/tin.5:2014
msgid "Use B<\\%qsort>(3)  for sorting."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2279 doc/tin.5:2019
msgid ""
"Use B<\\%heapsort>(3)  for sorting. This might be faster in large groups "
"with long threads (somewhat presorted data)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2280
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Show lines/score in listings (show_info)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2284 doc/tin.5:2050
msgid ""
"Which information about the thread or article should be shown. Default is 1, "
"show only the line count."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2287 doc/tin.5:2053
msgid "B<None>, no information will be displayed."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2291 doc/tin.5:2057
msgid ""
"B<Lines>, in article listing the line count of an article will be displayed "
"and in thread listing the line count of first (unread) article will be "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2295 doc/tin.5:2061
msgid ""
"B<Score>, in article listing the score of an article will be displayed and "
"in thread listing the score of the thread will be displayed \\(em see also "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2297 doc/tin.5:2063
msgid "B<Lines & Score>, display line count and score."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2298
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Show only unread articles (show_only_unread_arts)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2302 doc/tin.5:2068
msgid ""
"If ON show only new/unread articles otherwise show all articles.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2302
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Show only groups with unread arts (show_only_unread_groups)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2306 doc/tin.5:2072
msgid ""
"If ON show only subscribed groups that contain unread articles. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2306
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Display signatures (show_signatures)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2309 doc/tin.5:2075
msgid "If OFF don't show signatures when displaying articles. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2309
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Prepend signature with '\\en-- \\en' (sigdashes)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2312 doc/tin.5:2078
msgid "If ON prepend the signature with sigdashes. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2312
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Create signature from path/command (sigfile)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2322 doc/tin.5:2088
msgid ""
"The path that specifies the signature file to use when posting, following up "
"to or replying to an article. If the path is a directory then the signature "
"will be randomly generated from files that are in the specified "
"directory. If the path starts with a ! the program the path points to will "
"be executed to generate a signature. In order to pass the group name to the "
"program, %G can be specified. This will be replaced by the name of the "
"current newsgroup. --none will suppress any signature.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2322
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Add signature when reposting (signature_repost)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2325 doc/tin.5:2091
msgid "If ON add signature to reposted articles. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2325
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to highlight /slashes/ (slashes_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2330
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markslash> or B<mono_markslash>. If "
"B<slashes_regex> is blank, then B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2330
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Sort articles by (sort_article_type)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2334 doc/tin.5:2102
msgid ""
"This specifies how articles should be sorted. Sort by ascending Date (6) is "
"the default. The following sort types are allowed:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2337 doc/tin.5:2105
msgid "B<Nothing>, don't sort articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2339 doc/tin.5:2107
msgid "B<Subject: (descending)>, sort articles by ''Subject:'' field descending."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2341 doc/tin.5:2109
msgid "B<Subject: (ascending)>, sort articles by ''Subject:'' field ascending."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2343 doc/tin.5:2111
msgid "B<From: (descending)>, sort articles by ''From:'' field descending."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2345 doc/tin.5:2113
msgid "B<From: (ascending)>, sort articles by ''From:'' field ascending."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2347 doc/tin.5:2115
msgid "B<Date: (descending)>, sort articles by ''Date:'' field descending."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2350 doc/tin.5:2118
msgid "B<Date: (ascending)>, sort articles by ''Date:'' field ascending (default)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2352 doc/tin.5:2120
msgid "B<Score (descending)>, sort articles by filtering score descending."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:2352 doc/tin.5:2120
#, no-wrap
msgid "8"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2354 doc/tin.5:2122
msgid "B<Score (ascending)>, sort articles by filtering score ascending."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:2354 doc/tin.5:2122
#, no-wrap
msgid "9"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2356 doc/tin.5:2124
msgid "B<Lines: (descending)>, sort articles by ''Lines:'' field descending."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:2356 doc/tin.5:2124
#, no-wrap
msgid "10"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2358 doc/tin.5:2126
msgid "B<Lines: (ascending)>, sort articles by ''Lines:'' field ascending."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2359
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Sort threads by (sort_threads_type)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2364 doc/tin.5:2131
msgid ""
"This specifies how threads will be sorted. Sort by descending Score (1) is "
"the default. The following sort types are allowed:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2367 doc/tin.5:2134
msgid "B<Nothing>, don't sort threads."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2370 doc/tin.5:2137
msgid "B<Score (descending)>, sort threads by filtering score descending (default)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2372 doc/tin.5:2139
msgid "B<Score (ascending)>, sort threads by filtering score ascending."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2374 doc/tin.5:2141
msgid ""
"B<Last posting date (descending)>, sort threads by date of last posting "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2376 doc/tin.5:2143
msgid ""
"B<Last posting date (ascending)>, sort threads by date of last posting "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2377
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Spamtrap warning address parts (spamtrap_warning_addresses)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2382 doc/tin.5:2149
msgid ""
"Set this option to a list of comma-separated strings to be warned if you are "
"replying to an article by mail where the e-mail address contains one of "
"these strings. The matching is case-insensitive. Example:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2384 doc/tin.5:2151
msgid "I<spam,delete,remove>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2384
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to highlight *stars* (stars_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2389
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markstar> or B<mono_markstar>. If "
"B<stars_regex> is blank, then B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2389
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Start editor with line offset (start_editor_offset)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2394 doc/tin.5:2163
msgid ""
"Set ON if the editor used for posting, follow-ups and bug reports has the "
"capability of starting and positioning the cursor at a specified line within "
"a file. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2394
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Strip blanks of end of lines (strip_blanks)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2400 doc/tin.5:2167
msgid ""
"Strips the blanks from the end of each line therefore speeding up the "
"display when reading on a slow terminal or via modem. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2400
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Remove bogus groups from newsrc (strip_bogus)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2409 doc/tin.5:2176
msgid ""
"Bogus groups are groups that are present in your "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> file that no longer exist on the news "
"server. There are 3 options. 0 means do nothing & always keep bogus groups.  "
"1 means bogus groups will be permanently removed. 2 means that bogus groups "
"will appear on the Group Selection Menu, prefixed with a 'D'. This allows "
"you to unsubscribe from them as and when you wish. Default is 0 (Always "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2409
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<No unsubscribed groups in newsrc (strip_newsrc)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2413 doc/tin.5:2180
msgid ""
"If ON, then unsubscribed groups will be permanently removed from your "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc> file. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2413
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to highlight -strokes- (strokes_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2418
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markstroke> or B<mono_markstroke>.  If "
"B<strokes_regex> is blank, then B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2418
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Wrap around threads on next unread (wrap_on_next_unread)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2423 doc/tin.5:2387
msgid ""
"If enabled a search for the next unread article will wrap around all "
"articles to find also previous unread articles. If disabled the search stops "
"at the end of the thread list. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2423
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Display \"a as Umlaut-a (tex2iso_conv)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2427
msgid ""
"If ON, show \"a as Umlaut-a, etc. Default is OFF. This behavior can also be "
"toggled in the article viewer via B<PageToggleTex2iso> ('B<\">')."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2427
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Thread articles by (thread_articles)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2435
msgid ""
"Defines which threading method to use. It's possible to set the threading "
"type on a per group basis by setting the group attribute variable "
"B<thread_arts> to 0 \\(en 4 in the file "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/attributes>. (See also \"GROUP "
"ATTRIBUTES\".)  The default is Both Subject and References.  The choices "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2438
msgid "B<None>, don't thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2440
msgid "B<Subject>, thread on ''Subject:'' only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2442
msgid "B<References>, thread on ''References:'' only."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2445
msgid ""
"B<Both Subject and References>, thread on ''References:'' then "
"\\&''Subject:'' (default)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2447
msgid "B<Multipart Subject>, thread multipart articles on ''Subject:''."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2450
msgid ""
"B<Percentage Match>, thread base upon a partial character match on "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2451
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Catchup thread by using left key (thread_catchup_on_exit)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2455 doc/tin.5:2230
msgid ""
"If ON catchup group/thread when leaving with the left arrow key. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2455
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Format string for the Thread level (thread_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2459
msgid ""
"Format string B<tin> uses for Thread level representation. See the section "
"\"CUSTOMIZING THE SCREEN FORMAT\". Default is \"%n\\ %m\\ \\ [%L]\\ \\ %T\\ "
"\\ %F\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2459
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Matchingness of a thread (thread_perc)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2463
msgid ""
"How closely the subjects must match for two threads to be considered part of "
"the same thread. This is a percentage and the default if 75%."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2463
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Score of a thread (thread_score)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2467 doc/tin.5:2234
msgid ""
"How the total score of a thread is computed. Default is 0, the maximum score "
"in this thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2470 doc/tin.5:2237
msgid "B<Max>, the maximum score in this thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2472 doc/tin.5:2239
msgid "B<Sum>, the sum of all scores in this thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2474 doc/tin.5:2241
msgid "B<Average>, the average score in this thread."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2475
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Transliteration (translit)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2483 doc/tin.5:2250
msgid ""
"If ON append //TRANSLIT to the first argument of B<\\%iconv_open>(3)  to "
"enable transliteration. This means that when a character cannot be "
"represented in the target character set, it can be approximated through one "
"or several similarly looking characters. On systems where this extension "
"doesn't exist, this option is disabled. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2483
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<How to treat blank lines (trim_article_body)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2487
msgid ""
"Allows you to select how B<tin> treats blank lines in article bodies.  "
"Default is 0. This option does not affect lines within verbatim blocks."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2490 doc/tin.5:2259
msgid "B<Don't trim article body>, do nothing."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2492 doc/tin.5:2261
msgid "B<Skip leading blank lines>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2494 doc/tin.5:2263
msgid "B<Skip trailing blank lines>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2496 doc/tin.5:2265
msgid ""
"B<Skip leading and trailing blank l.>, skip leading and trailing blank "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2499 doc/tin.5:2268
msgid ""
"B<Compact multiple between text>, replace multiple blank lines between "
"textblocks with one blank line."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2501 doc/tin.5:2270
msgid "B<Compact multiple and skip leading>, 4 + 1"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2503 doc/tin.5:2272
msgid "B<Compact multiple and skip trailing>, 4 + 2"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2505 doc/tin.5:2274
msgid "B<Compact mltpl., skip lead. & trai.>, 4 + 3"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2506
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex used to highlight _underline_ (underscores_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2511
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markdash> or B<mono_markdash>. If "
"B<underscores_regex> is blank, then B<tin> uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2511
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Remove ~/.article after posting (unlink_article)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2514
msgid "If ON remove I<~/.article> after posting. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2514
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Program that opens URLs (url_handler)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2519 doc/tin.5:2291
msgid ""
"The program that will be run when launching URLs in the article viewer using "
"B<PageViewUrl> ('B<U>'). The actual URL will be appended.  Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2519
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<URL highlighting in message body (url_highlight)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2522 doc/tin.5:2294
msgid "Enable highlighting URLs in message body. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2522
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use ANSI color (use_color)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2525
msgid "If enabled B<tin> uses ANSI-colors. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2525
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use scroll keys on keypad (use_keypad)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2528
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use mouse in xterm (use_mouse)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2534 doc/tin.5:2308
msgid ""
"Allows the mouse button support in an B<\\%xterm>(1x)  to be "
"enabled/disabled.  Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2534
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use slrnface to show ''X-Face:''s (use_slrnface)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2544
msgid ""
"If enabled B<tin> uses B<\\%slrnface>(1)  to interpret the ''X-Face:'' "
"header. For this option to have any effect, B<tin> must be running in an "
"B<\\%xterm>(1x)  and B<\\%slrnface>(1)  must be in your $B<PATH>. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2544
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Use UTF-8 graphics (utf8_graphics)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2548 doc/tin.5:2324
msgid ""
"If ON use UTF-8 characters for indicator ('-E<gt>'), thread/attachment tree "
"and ellipsis ('...'). Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2548
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex for begin of a verbatim block (verbatim_begin_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2551
msgid ""
"A regular expression that B<tin> will use to find the begin of a verbatim "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2551
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Regex for end of a verbatim block (verbatim_end_regex)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2554
msgid ""
"A regular expression that B<tin> will use to find the end of a verbatim "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2554
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Detection of verbatim blocks (verbatim_handling)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2557 doc/tin.5:2335
msgid "If ON verbatim blocks will be detected. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2557
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Wildcard matching (wildcard)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2571
msgid ""
"Allows you to select how B<tin> matches strings. The default is 0 and uses "
"the wildmat notation, which is how this has traditionally been handled.  "
"Setting this to 1 allows you to use B<\\%perl>(1)  compatible regular "
"expressions B<\\%pcre>(3)  (see also B<\\%perlre>(1)  and "
"B<\\%pcrepattern>(3)).  You will probably want to update your filter file if "
"you use this regularly.  NB: Newsgroup names will always be matched using "
"the wildmat notation."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2571
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<What to display instead of mark (word_h_display_marks)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2575 doc/tin.5:2355
msgid ""
"Should the leading and ending stars, slashes, strokes and dashes also be "
"displayed, even when they are highlighting marks?"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2578 doc/tin.5:2358
msgid "B<no>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2580 doc/tin.5:2360
msgid "yes, B<display mark>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2582 doc/tin.5:2362
msgid "print a B<space> instead"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2583
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Word highlighting in message body (word_highlight)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2591 doc/tin.5:2371
msgid ""
"Enable word highlighting. See B<word_h_display_marks> for the options "
"available. If B<use_color> is enabled the colors specified in "
"B<col_markdash>, B<col_markslash>, B<col_markstar> and B<col_markstroke> are "
"used for word highlighting else the character attributes specified in "
"B<mono_markdash>, B<mono_markslash>, B<mono_markstar> and B<mono_markstroke> "
"are used. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2591
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Page line wrap column (wrap_column)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2602 doc/tin.5:2382
msgid ""
"Sets the column at which a displayed article body should be wrapped.  If "
"this value is equal to 0, it defaults to the current screen width.  If this "
"value is greater than your current screen width the part off-screen is not "
"displayed. Thus setting this option to a large value can be used to disable "
"wrapping. If this value is negative the wrap margin is the current screen "
"width plus the given value (as long as the result is still positive, "
"otherwise it will fall back to the current screen width). Default is 0, "
"wrapping at the current screen width."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2602
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<Quote line when crossposting (xpost_quote_format)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2609 doc/tin.5:2392
msgid ""
"Format is the same as for B<news_quote_format>, this is used when answering "
"to a crossposting to several groups with no ''Followup-To:'' set."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2609
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2616
msgid ""
"B<tin> allows certain attributes to be set on a per group basis. If it "
"exists, the global attributes file, I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/attributes> "
"is read. After that, the user's own attributes file "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/attributes> is read.  The global attributes "
"file is useful for distributing system-wide defaults to new users who have "
"no private attributes file yet."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2624
msgid ""
"Note that the I<scope=E<lt>grouplistE<gt>> line has to be specified before "
"the attributes are specified for that list. All attributes are set to a "
"reasonable default so you only have to specify the attribute that you want "
"to change (e.g., B<savedir>). All toggle attributes are set by specifying "
"ON/OFF. Otherwise, these function exactly the same as their global "
"equivalents. For more details see B<\\%tin>(5)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2631
msgid ""
"Attributes can also be changed from the attributes menu which can be "
"accessed by B<ConfigToggleAttrib> ('B<E<lt>TABE<gt>>') from the options menu "
"or B<ScopeSelect> ('B<^J>' or 'B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>') from the scopes menu.  The "
"attributes menu looks and behaves very similar to the options menu. The "
"title shows the current scope. Attributes set in the current scope are "
"marked with '+' to the left of the attributes number."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2638
msgid ""
"Besides the keys for moving around and changing values known from the "
"options menu the attributes menu provides the following command: "
"B<ConfigResetAttrib> ('B<r>') which resets an attribute to a default value."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2638
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2643
msgid ""
"The scopes menu (accessible from the options menu with B<ConfigScopeMenu> "
"('B<S>')) shows all scopes read from the global and local attributes file.  "
"Scopes from the global attributes file are marked with '!' to the left of "
"the scope number. Delete/rename/move are not possible with those scopes."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2654
msgid ""
"In addition to the common moving keys the following commands are available: "
"B<ScopeSelect> ('B<^J>' or 'B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>') enter the attributes menu for "
"the current scope, B<ScopeEditAttributesFile> ('B<E>') edit the local "
"attributes file, B<ScopeAdd> ('B<a>') add a new scope, B<ScopeDelete> "
"('B<d>') delete the current scope, B<ScopeMove> ('B<m>') move the current "
"scope to a new position, B<ScopeRename> ('B<r>') rename the current "
"scope. B<ToggleHelpDisplay> ('B<H>') toggles the help mini menu at the "
"bottom of the screen."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2654
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME - add scoring description
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2661
msgid ""
"When there is a subject or an author which you are either very interested "
"in, or find completely uninteresting, you can easily instruct B<tin> to "
"I<auto-select> or I<auto-kill> articles that match I<rules> that you "
"specify. This can be anything from the name of the author to the number of "
"lines in an article."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2667
msgid ""
"When B<tin> starts up the user's kill-file "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/filter> (see also B<\\%tin>(5))  is "
"read. Each time a newsgroup is entered the rules are applied and articles "
"killed or selected when they meet certain criteria."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2672
msgid ""
"The degree to which rules are applied depend on the B<kill_level> tinrc "
"setting. By default killed articles will only be marked read. Adjust "
"B<kill_level> for more aggressive processing. Articles that match an "
"auto-selection rule are marked with a ''*''."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2677
msgid ""
"Filtering rules can be manually entered into "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/filter> (but don't do this whilst running "
"B<tin> else you will lose your changes) or by using an on-screen menu within "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2682
msgid ""
"The filtering capabilities of B<tin> have been significantly enhanced over "
"previous versions to include scoring and better pattern matching. It is "
"recommended that you read the file I<filtering> in the B<tin> documentation "
"directory. This file can also be read online at"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2684
msgid "E<lt>http://www.tin.org/filtering.txtE<gt>."
msgstr ""

#.  FIXME - Next paragraph is out of date
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2697
msgid ""
"The on-screen filtering menu is accessed by pressing B<MenuFilterKill> "
"('B<^K>') or B<MenuFilterSelect> ('B<^A>')  at the Group and Article "
"levels. It allows the user to kill or select an article that matches the "
"current ''Subject:'' line, ''From:'' line or a string entered by the "
"user. The user entered string can be applied to the \\&''Subject:'' or "
"''From:'' line of an article. The filter can be limited to the current "
"newsgroup or it can apply to all newsgroups. Once entered the user can abort "
"the command and not save the new filter, edit the full filter file or save "
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2697
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2700
msgid ""
"B<tin> allows posting of articles, follow-up to already posted articles and "
"replying direct through mail to the author of an article."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2710
msgid ""
"Use the B<Post> ('B<w>') command to post an article to a newsgroup.  After "
"entering the post subject the default editor (i.e., B<\\%vi>(1))  or the "
"editor specified by the $B<VISUAL> or $B<EDITOR> environment variable will "
"be started and the article can be entered. To crosspost articles simply add "
"a comma and the name of the newsgroup(s) to the end of the ''Newsgroups:'' "
"line at the beginning of the article. After saving and exiting the editor "
"you are asked if you wish to a)bort posting the article, e)dit the article "
"again or p)ost the article to the specified newsgroup(s)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2715
msgid ""
"Use the B<DisplayPostHist> ('B<W>') command to display a history of the "
"articles you have posted. The date the article was posted, which newsgroups "
"the article was posted to and the articles subject line are displayed."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2723
msgid ""
"Use the B<PageFollowupQuote> ('B<f>'), B<PageFollowup> ('B<F>')  or "
"B<PageFollowupQuoteHeaders> ('B<^W>') command to post a follow-up article to "
"an already posted article. The B<PageFollowupQuote> command will copy the "
"text of the original article into the editor. The "
"B<PageFollowupQuoteHeaders> command will copy the text and all headers of "
"the original article into the editor. The editing procedure is the same as "
"when posting an article with the B<Post> ('B<w>') command."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2737
msgid ""
"Use the B<PageReplyQuote> ('B<r>'), B<PageReply> ('B<R>') or "
"B<PageReplyQuoteHeaders> ('B<^E>') command to reply direct through mail to "
"the author of an already posted article. The B<PageReplyQuote> command will "
"copy the text of the original article into the editor. The "
"B<PageReplyQuoteHeaders> command will copy the text and all headers of the "
"original article into the editor. The editing procedure is the same as when "
"posting an article with the B<Post> ('B<w>') command. After saving and "
"exiting the editor you are asked if you wish to abort sending the article "
"via B<PostAbort> ('B<a>'), edit the article again via B<PostEdit> ('B<e>') "
"or send the article to the author via B<PostSend> ('B<s>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2737
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2745
msgid ""
"When posting a followup to an article or replying direct to the author of an "
"article via email the text of the article can be quoted. The beginning of "
"the quoted text can contain information about the quoted article (e.g., Name "
"and the Message-ID of the article). To allow for different situations "
"certain information from the article can be used in the quoted string. The "
"following variables are expanded if found in the tinrc variables "
"B<mail_quote_format>, B<news_quote_format> or B<xpost_quote_format>:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:2747
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'%A  'u +\\w'Address'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2756
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"B<%A>\tAddress (Email)\n"
"B<%D>\tDate (uses B<date_format>)\n"
"B<%F>\tFull address (%N E<lt>%AE<gt>)\n"
"B<%N>\tFullname of author\n"
"B<%C>\tFirstname of author\n"
"B<%I>\tInitials of author\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2759
msgid "e.g.,"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2764
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"CW<mail_quote_format=On %D in %G you wrote:\n"
"news_quote_format=In %M, %F wrote:>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2768
msgid "would expand to:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2773
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"CW<On 21 Sep 1993 09:45:51 -0400 in alt.sources you wrote:\n"
"In E<lt>abcINN123@example.orgE<gt>, Joe Bar E<lt>joe@example.orgE<gt> "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2783
msgid ""
"The quoted text section of an article is marked by a preceding quote string "
"at the beginning of each quoted line. The default quote string is set to "
"\\&'E<gt>_'. The default can be changed by setting the tinrc variable "
"B<quote_chars> to ones own preference. (Note that '_' underline is used to "
"represent a space)."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2783
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2790
msgid ""
"The command interface to B<GroupMail>, B<PageMail>, B<PostMail> or "
"B<ThreadMail> ('B<m>'), B<Pipe> ('B<|>'), B<Print> ('B<o>'), B<PageRepost> "
"or B<GroupRepost> ('B<x>') and B<GroupSave>, B<PageSave> or B<ThreadSave> "
"('B<s>' and B<GroupAutoSave>, B<PageAutoSave> or B<ThreadAutoSave> 'B<S>') "
"articles is the same for ease of use."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2795
msgid ""
"Auto-saving with B<*AutoSave> ('B<S>') is a special case and operates only "
"on marked articles. They will processed without any further prompting "
"according to the default save parameters defined in tinrc or by any "
"attributes set for the current group."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2799
msgid ""
"Otherwise, the initial prompt will ask you to select which article, thread, "
"hot (auto-selected), regular expression pattern, tagged articles you wish to "
"mail, pipe etc."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2803
msgid ""
"Tagged articles must have already been tagged with a B<*Tag> ('B<t>')  "
"command. All tagged articles can be untagged by a B<*Untag> ('B<U>')  untag "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2809
msgid ""
"If a regular expression pattern is selected you are asked to enter a pattern "
"(e.g., to match all articles subject lines containing 'net News' you enter "
"\"net News\"). Any articles that match the entered expression will be "
"mailed, piped etc. See also the B<wildcard> tinrc variable for advanced "
"pattern matching options."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2814
msgid ""
"Various expansion characters are recognized when entering the directory and "
"file to save to. Environment variables (prefixed with '$') and user home "
"directories (prefixed by '~' or '~username') can be specified.  Environment "
"variables can themselves contain other special characters."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2819
msgid ""
"To save articles to a mailbox enter '=E<lt>mailbox nameE<gt>' when asked for "
"the save filename. If you enter just '=' then articles will be saved to a "
"mailbox with the name of the current newsgroup (eg, alt.sources).  See "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2824
msgid ""
"To save in savedir/E<lt>news.group.nameE<gt>/E<lt>filenameE<gt> format enter "
"'+E<lt>filenameE<gt>'.  See B<savedir>. Like '+' %G is expanded to the "
"current news.group.name but without B<savedir> prefixed. %P is expanded to "
"the news.group.name with all '.' replaced by '/'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2829
msgid ""
"If saving multiple files at once the filename (if not referring to a "
"mailbox)  will be extended by \".num\" where \"num\" is a at least 3 digit "
"number counting up from 1. Environment variables are allowed within a "
"filename (e.g., I<$SOURCES/dir/filename>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2835
msgid ""
"When saving articles you can specify whether the saved files should be post "
"processed. A default process type can be set via B<post_process_type>."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2835
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2847
msgid ""
"B<tin> allows new/unread news articles to be mailed (''B<-M>'' and "
"\\&''B<-N>'' option) or saved (''B<-S>'' option) in batch mode for later "
"reading. Useful when going on holiday and you don't want to return and find "
"that expire has removed a whole load of unread articles. Best to run via "
"B<\\%cron>(8)  everyday while away, after which you will be mailed a report "
"of which articles were mailed/saved from which newsgroups and the total "
"number of articles mailed/saved. Articles are saved in a private news "
"structure under your B<savedir> directory (default is "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/News>).  Be careful of using this option if you "
"read a lot of groups because you could overflow your file system."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2851
msgid ""
"When using ''B<-S>'' together with a given directory to save to (''B<-s>'' "
"option), the same directory must be specified when reading the articles by "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2858
msgid ""
"If you only want to save some of your groups use the B<batch_save> tinrc "
"variable. Set to ON or OFF in tinrc to enable/disable saving of all groups "
"and then use the B<batch_save> attribute to fine tune which groups you want "
"to have saved. For example, if you want to save most of your groups, then "
"set B<batch_save> to ON in tinrc and selectively turn off the ones you don't "
"want using attributes."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2859
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<tin -M iain -c -f newsrc.mail>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2863
msgid ""
"(mail any unread articles in newsgroups specified in file newsrc.mail to the "
"local user iain and mark them as read)"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2864
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<tin -S -c -f newsrc.save>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2868
msgid ""
"(save any unread articles in newsgroups specified in file newsrc.save and "
"mark them as read)"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:2869
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<tin -R>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2874
msgid "(read any articles saved by B<tin -S>)"
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2874
#, no-wrap
msgid "RANGES"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2885
msgid ""
"A range is simply a group of items marked using the B<SetRange> (B<'#'>) "
"key. Certain B<tin> commands will operate on a range if one exists rather "
"than just the current item. A range is an expression of the form "
"E<lt>minE<gt>\\(enE<lt>maxE<gt>, e.g. 10\\(en15 will highlight items 10 "
"through 15 on the current screen. Other than absolute numeric positions, '.' "
"can be used in place of the current cursor position and '$' can be used to "
"mean the highest number available. Currently the only commands that "
"understand ranges are B<GroupMarkThdRead> ('B<K>'), B<MarkArtUnread> "
"('B<z>') and B<MarkThdUnread> ('B<Z>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2886
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2897
msgid ""
"Several places in B<tin> allow you to specify a list of newsgroups. These "
"include command-line groups, (un)subscribe groups, the AUTO[UN]SUBSCRIBE "
"mechanism. The scope= attributes file tag and the filter file group= tag "
"also use the same syntax. B<tin> interprets this variable similarly to "
"B<\\%rn>(1).  It contains a list of patterns, separated by commas and "
"possibly prefixed with exclamation points. An exclamation point negates the "
"meaning of a match on this pattern, and can be used to cancel certain "
"matches. Some examples:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2899
msgid "I<alt.config,news.*,!news.test>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2901
msgid "Matches alt.config and everything in the 'news' hierarchy except news.test"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2906
msgid ""
"See the explanation for the $B<AUTOSUBSCRIBE> variables for further "
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2906
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2915
msgid ""
"B<tin> will recognize a signature in either "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.signature> or "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.Sig>.  If "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.signature> exists, then the signature will be "
"pulled into the editor for mail commands only. A signature in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.signature> will not be pulled into the editor "
"for posting commands since B<\\%inews>(1)  will append the signature itself."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2918
msgid ""
"A signature in I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.Sig> will be pulled into the "
"editor for both posting and mailing commands."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2920
msgid "The following is an example of a I<.Sig> file:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2925
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"CW<NAMES  Joe Bar E<lt>joe@example.orgE<gt>\n"
"SNAIL  Musterweg 12, 99999 Notreal, Germany>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2940
msgid ""
"B<tin> also has the capability to generate random signatures on a per "
"newsgroup basis if so desired. The way to accomplish this is to specify the "
"default signature or the group attribute sigfile as a directory. If for "
"example the sigfile path is I</usr/iain/.sigs> and I<.sigs> is a directory "
"then B<tin> will select a random signature from any file that is in the "
"directory I<.sigs> (note: one signature per numbered file). A random "
"signature can also consist of a fixed part signature that can contain your "
"name, address etc. followed by the random sig. The fixed part of the random "
"sig is read from the file I<$HOME/.sigfixed>."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:2940
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2945
msgid ""
"The look of the Selection, Group and Thread level can be customized via "
"format strings. These format strings define the content and the position of "
"each element on the screen. Variables are used within the format strings as "
"placeholders. The following variables are available:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:2948
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'%G    'u +\\w'current group/thread/article number'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2965
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"B<%F>\tfrom, name and/or address\n"
"B<%G>\tnewsgroup name\n"
"B<%L>\tline count\n"
"B<%R>\tnumber of responses in thread\n"
"B<%T>\tthread tree\n"
"B<%U>\tunread count\n"
"B<%d>\tnewsgroup description\n"
"B<%f>\tnewsgroup flag\n"
"B<%m>\tarticle marks\n"
"B<%n>\tcurrent group/thread/article number\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2970
msgid ""
"Not all variables can be used in each level. The following table provides an "
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:2973
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"\\w'%G        'uC +\\w'B<select_format> 'uC +\\w'B<group_format> 'uC "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2991
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:2995
msgid "Defaults for the format strings:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:2998
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'select_format  'u +\\w'\"B<%n %m  [%L]  %T  %F>\"'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3002
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"B<select_format>:\t\"B<%f %n %U  %G  %d>\"\n"
"B<group_format>:\t\"B<%n %m %R %L  %s  %F>\"\n"
"B<thread_format>:\t\"B<%n %m  [%L]  %T  %F>\"\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3008
msgid ""
"B<show_description> controls whether the newsgroup description is shown or "
"not. The description can also be toggled with B<SelectToggleDescriptions> "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3013
msgid ""
"The information displayed with 'B<%F>' depends on the value of "
"B<show_author>. B<GroupToggleSubjDisplay> resp.  B<ThreadToggleSubjDisplay> "
"('B<d>') switches through all available options."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3017
msgid ""
"For date representation 'B<%D>' uses B<date_format>. It is possible to "
"specify a different date format in round brackets (e.g. 'B<%(%d %b %y "
"%H:%M)D>'). See B<date_format> for more details."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3021
msgid ""
"The length of each item (except 'B<%%>') can be defined with a positive "
"number after the 'B<%>'. The following example displays the score in the "
"thread level 10 characters wide: 'B<%10S>'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3027
msgid ""
"If the newsgroup name is displayed together with the newsgroup description, "
"the width of the newsgroup name can be controlled via an optional comma "
"separated second value (e.g. 'B<%60,20G>'). It is valid to omit the first "
"value (e.g. ('B<%,20G>')). If no second value is given, B<tin> uses a "
"default value of 32."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3034
msgid ""
"Some variables do have a default width which may lead to truncation.  "
"Truncation for variables which contain only numbers happens by dividing the "
"value with a sufficient power of ten and adding a SI suffix to the result, "
"that is the variable holds a value of 54321 and the width for the variable "
"is 4 the result will be \"54 k\". If that's undesired you have to specify a "
"larger width manually, e.g. 'B<%6n>'. Here is an overview of the defaults:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.1:3037
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'Variable  'u +\\w'width'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3046
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"B<%I>\t 3\n"
"B<%L>\t 4\n"
"B<%R>\t 3\n"
"B<%S>\t 6\n"
"B<%U>\t 5\n"
"B<%n>\t 4\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3057
msgid ""
"If no length is given for 'B<%D>', the length is determined by the format "
"string for the date and the date of the current day. If the date format "
"string contains weekdays or months names it may happen that the date is "
"longer than determined in the first pass. In this case, the date is "
"truncated before display. This occurs, for example, if the current month is "
"May and the article to which the date is displayed was posted in "
"December. In such cases it might useful to determine the maximum length "
"manually and specify the length in the format string."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3061
msgid ""
"In case the format string contains 'B<%G>' and 'B<%d>' and no length are "
"given, B<tin> determines the longest newsgroup name and uses this length for "
"'B<%G>'. The remaining space will used for 'B<%d>'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3065
msgid ""
"When the format string contains the specifier 'B<%F>' and 'B<%s>' "
"resp. 'B<%T>' and no length are given, 'B<%F>' will use one third and "
"'B<%s>' resp. 'B<%T>' will use two third of the available space."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3073
msgid ""
"In addition, a minimum screen width can be defined for each item (except "
"'B<%%>'). In this case, the item will only be displayed when the screen is "
"wider than specified. This comes in handy to not overload a small screen but "
"have maximum information on a large screen. The minimum screen width has to "
"be specified by a positive number preceded by an 'B<E<gt>>'. In the "
"following example B<tin> will display the score only if the screen is wider "
"than 100 characters: 'B<%E<gt>100S>'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3081
msgid ""
"If both the length and the minimum screen width should be specified for an "
"item, the length must be the first parameter and the minimum screen width "
"must be the second one. The following example displays the score with a "
"length of 10 characters only if the screen is wider than 100 characters: "
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:3081
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3085
msgid ""
"B<tin> can be pretty much be navigated by using the four cursor keys.  The "
"left arrow key goes up a level, the right arrow key goes down a level, the "
"up arrow key goes up a line and the down arrow key goes down a line."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3087
msgid ""
"The following newsgroups provide useful information concerning news "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3090
msgid ""
"\\(emnews.software.readers (info. about news user agents tin, rn, nn, slrn "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3092
msgid "\\(emnews.software.nntp (info. about NNTP)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3094
msgid ""
"\\(emnews.answers (Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about many different "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3098
msgid ""
"Many prompts within B<tin> offer a default choice that the cursor is "
"positioned on. By pressing 'B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>' the default value is taken.  "
"Most prompts can be aborted by pressing 'B<E<lt>ESCE<gt>>'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3105
msgid ""
"When B<tin> is run in an B<\\%xterm>(1x)  it will resize itself each time "
"the B<\\%xterm>(1x)  is resized."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3109
msgid ""
"B<tin> will reread the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}> file at set "
"intervals (B<reread_active_file_secs>) to show any newly arrived news."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3114
msgid ""
"If you find large number of new newsgroups cluttering up your screen, "
"pressing B<SelectToggleReadDisplay> ('B<r>') will make them go away."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:3114
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3120
msgid ""
"If the environment variable B<$TERM> is set to B<\\%xterm>(1x), then button "
"pressing can be used to select groups and articles. In this discussion, the "
"buttons are assumed to be assigned conventionally (i.e., Button1 is the left "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3122
msgid "In general (i.e., for the group, thread and article menus),"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3122
#, no-wrap
msgid "Button1 (left)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3125
msgid "enters next (lower) level if you click on an article, otherwise pages down."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3125
#, no-wrap
msgid "Button2 (center)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3129
msgid ""
"returns to the previous (upper) level if you click on an article, otherwise "
"pages up."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3129
#, no-wrap
msgid "Button3 (right)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3133
msgid ""
"positions on the article line under mouse cursor, or pages down if you've "
"clicked outside the list of articles."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3135
msgid "In the group selection menu, if the mouse is pointing at a group then:"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3135 doc/tin.1:3147 doc/tin.1:3161
#, no-wrap
msgid "left button"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3139
msgid ""
"moves to and selects the group pointed at, just like B<SelectReadGrp> "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3139 doc/tin.1:3151 doc/tin.1:3164
#, no-wrap
msgid "center button"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3142
msgid "quits the program, just like B<Quit> ('B<q>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3142 doc/tin.1:3156 doc/tin.1:3169
#, no-wrap
msgid "right button"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3145
msgid "moves to the group pointed at."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3147
msgid ""
"In the article menu, if the mouse is pointing at an article (or thread) "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3151
msgid ""
"reads the article pointed at, just like B<GroupReadBasenote> "
"('B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>'), or the thread, just like B<GroupListThd> ('B<l>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3156
msgid ""
"exits the menu, catching up on the group if you have "
"B<group_catchup_on_exit> set in your configuration, just like B<Quit> "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3159
msgid "moves to the article (or thread) pointed at."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3161
msgid "In the thread menu, if the mouse is pointing at an article then:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3164
msgid "reads article pointed at, just like B<ThreadReadArt> ('B<E<lt>CRE<gt>>')."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3169
msgid ""
"exits the menu, catching up on the thread if you have "
"B<thread_catchup_on_exit> set in your configuration, just like B<Quit> "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3172
msgid "moves to the article pointed at."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3179
msgid ""
"In other menus and areas button pressing reverts back to usual cut and paste "
"of B<\\%xterm>(1x), but after one click of any button."
msgstr ""

#. type: SS
#: doc/tin.1:3179
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3184
msgid ""
"If your news server supports NOV index files (see B<\\%newsoverview>(5), "
"most modern installations will) and you have a fast connection to your news "
"server then this section can be ignored."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3190
msgid ""
"If your news server doesn't support NOV index files or you have a very slow "
"connection to your news server then B<tin> can cache the index for each "
"newsgroup if B<cache_overview_files> is set to ON.  Note that this cache can "
"use up large amounts of disk space if you read a lot of groups and/or high "
"traffic groups."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3199
msgid ""
"Each user creates/updates his/her own index files that are stored in "
"I<${TIN_INDEX_NEWSDIR:-\"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin\"}/.news/>. If you "
"are reading via NNTP then the news server name will be appended to keep the "
"indexes for different servers separate. If you are reading off the local "
"spool and local overview files already exist then turning on caching will "
"have no effect. Likewise unless you see significant delays entering a group "
"when reading via NNTP then turning on caching will have little or no effect."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3206
msgid ""
"Entering a group the first time tends to be slow because the index file must "
"be built from scratch. To alleviate the slowness start B<tin> to create all "
"index files for the groups you subscribe to with B<tin -u -v> and go for a "
"coffee. Subsequent readings of a group will only need to do incremental "
"updating of the index file and will be much faster as only new articles will "
"need to be cached."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3211
msgid ""
"As indexing might take some time you may want to run B<tin> form the system "
"batcher B<\\%cron>(8)  with the ''B<-u>'' option:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3216
#, no-wrap
msgid "CW<30 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/tin -u>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3222
msgid ""
"If you are low on local disk space you should consider to manually purge "
"cached data for groups you are not reading anymore with something like:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3228
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"CW<find ${TIN_INDEX_NEWSDIR:-\"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin\"}/.news* "
"-type f -name \"[0-9]*.[0-9]\" -atime +28 | xargs rm -f>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3233 doc/tin.5:21
#, no-wrap
msgid "FILES"
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: mention dead.article, dead.articles
#.                .article[.$$], .cancel[.$$], .letter[.$$]?
#.        ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:\-"$HOME"}/.slrnfaces
#.        $PWD/trace[.out]   (--with-trace)
#.        $TMPDIR/NNTP       (-D 1)
#.        $TMPDIR/FILTER     (-D 2)
#.        $TMPDIR/ARTS       (-D 2)
#.        $TMPDIR/BITMAP     (-D 4)
#.        $TMPDIR/REFS.dump  (-D 8)
#.        $TMPDIR/REFS.info  (-D 8)
#.        $TMPDIR/MALLOC     (-D 16)
#.        $TMPDIR/ATTRIBUTES (-D 32)
#.        $TMPDIR/SCOPES-R   (-D 32)
#.        $TMPDIR/SCOPES-W   (-D 32)
#.        $TMPDIR/ACTIVE     (-D 64)
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3251
msgid "For a detailed description see B<\\%tin>(5)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3253 doc/tin.5:43
msgid "I<$MAILCAPS>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3255 doc/tin.5:45
msgid "I<~/.mailcap>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3257 doc/tin.5:47
msgid "I</etc/mailcap>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3259 doc/tin.5:49
msgid "I</usr/etc/mailcap>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3261 doc/tin.5:51
msgid "I</usr/local/etc/mailcap>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3263 doc/tin.5:53
msgid "I</etc/mail/mailcap>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3266 doc/tin.5:222
msgid "I</etc/nntpserver>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3269 doc/tin.5:232
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.cancelsecret>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3272 doc/tin.5:242
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.mime.types>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3274 doc/tin.5:244
msgid "I</etc/mime.types>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3276 doc/tin.5:246
msgid "I</etc/tin/mime.types>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3279 doc/tin.5:253
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsauth>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3282 doc/tin.5:286
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3286 doc/tin.5:315
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/$NNTPSERVER${NNTPPORT:+\":$NNTPPORT\"}/.oldnewsrc>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3290 doc/tin.5:323
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.signature>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3292 doc/tin.5:325
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.Sig>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3295 doc/tin.5:332
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.sigfixed>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3298 doc/tin.5:339
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/.inputhistory>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3301 doc/tin.5:346
msgid "I<${TIN_INDEX_MAILDIR:-\"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin\"}/.mail/>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3305 doc/tin.5:354
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_INDEX_NEWSDIR:-\"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin\"}/.news${NNTPSERVER:+\"-$NNTPSERVER\"}/>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3309 doc/tin.5:362
msgid "I<${TIN_INDEX_SAVEDIR:-\"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin\"}/.save/>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3312 doc/tin.5:369
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/active.mail>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3315 doc/tin.5:403
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/active.save>"
msgstr ""

#.  tin uses inns old (pre 2.x) Path convention.
#.  as with inn >= 2.2.x getting more and more popular
#.  we should think about checking for the new Paths (/news/etc/)
#.  ${TIN_LIBDIR\-/news/etc"}/attributes
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3319 doc/tin.5:414
msgid "I</etc/tin/attributes>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3321 doc/tin.5:416
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/attributes>"
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: add missing descriptions and explain things in detail.
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3324 doc/tin.5:751
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/filter>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3328 doc/tin.5:837
#, no-wrap
msgid "I</etc/tin/keymap${${LC_ALL:-\"${LC_CTYPE:-\"${LC_MESSAGES:-\"$LANG\"}\"}\"}:+\".${LC_ALL:-\"${LC_CTYPE:-\"${LC_MESSAGES:-\"$LANG\"}\"}\"}\"}>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3330 doc/tin.5:839
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/keymap${${LC_ALL:-\"${LC_CTYPE:-\"${LC_MESSAGES:-\"$LANG\"}\"}\"}:+\".${LC_ALL:-\"${LC_CTYPE:-\"${LC_MESSAGES:-\"$LANG\"}\"}\"}\"}>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3334 doc/tin.5:1072
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/mailgroups>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3337 doc/tin.5:1088
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/newsrctable>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3340 doc/tin.5:1114
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/posted>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3343 doc/tin.5:1121
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/Mail/posted>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3346 doc/tin.5:1131
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/postponed.articles>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3350
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/$NNTPSERVER:${NNTPPORT:+\":$NNTPPORT\"}/newsgroups>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3355
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/$NNTPSERVER:${NNTPPORT:+\":$NNTPPORT\"}/serverrc>\n"
msgstr ""

#.  tin uses inns old (pre 2.x) Path convention.
#.  as with inn >= 2.2.x getting more and more popular
#.  we should think about checking for the new Paths (/news/etc/)
#.  .IR ${TIN_LIBDIR\-"/news/etc"}/tinrc
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3360 doc/tin.5:1184
msgid "I</etc/tin/tinrc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3362 doc/tin.5:1186
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3365 doc/tin.5:2396
msgid "I</etc/tin/tin.defaults>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3368
msgid "I</usr/local/share/locale/${LC_MESSAGES}/LC_MESSAGES/tin.mo>"
msgstr ""

#.  tin uses inns old (pre 2.x) Path convention.
#.  as with inn >= 2.2.x getting more and more popular
#.  we should think about checking for the new Paths
#.  (described shown below).
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3371 doc/tin.5:2506
msgid "I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}\"/\"${TIN_ACTIVEFILE:-active}>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3374 doc/tin.5:2566
msgid "I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/active.times>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3377 doc/tin.5:2593
msgid "I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/newsgroups>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3380 doc/tin.5:2616
msgid "I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/organization>"
msgstr ""

#.  is the Path correct? or is it /news/etc/overview.fmt
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3383 doc/tin.5:2626
msgid "I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/overview.fmt>"
msgstr ""

#.  is the Path correct? or is it /news/etc/subscriptions
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3386 doc/tin.5:2644
msgid "I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/subscriptions>"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3389
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3392
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<TINRC>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3400
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you want to specify command-line options that B<tin> "
"should be started with to save typing them each time it is started. The "
"contents of the environment variable are added to the front of the "
"command-line options before it is parsed therefore allowing an option "
"specified on the command-line to override the same option specified in the "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3400
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<TIN_HOMEDIR>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3405
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you do not want the I<.tin> directory in "
"I<$HOME/>. E.g., if you want all B<tin>'s private files in I</tmp/.tin> you "
"would set $B<TIN_HOMEDIR> to I</tmp>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3405
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3411
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you do not want the I<.news> directory in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/>. E.g., if you want all B<tin>'s news "
"index files in I</tmp/.news> you would set $B<TIN_INDEX_NEWSDIR> to I</tmp>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3411
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3417
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you do not want the I<.mail> directory in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/>. E.g., if you want all B<tin>'s mail "
"index files in I</tmp/.mail> you would set $B<TIN_INDEX_MAILDIR> to I</tmp>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3417
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3423
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you do not want the I<.save> directory in "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/>. E.g., if you want all B<tin>'s save "
"index files in I</tmp/.save> you would set $B<TIN_INDEX_SAVEDIR> to I</tmp>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3423
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<TIN_LIBDIR>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3428
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you want to override the B<NEWSLIBDIR> path that was "
"compiled into the B<tin> binary, default is I</usr/lib/news>.  If B<tin> is "
"running in NNTP mode setting this variable has no effect."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3428
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3433
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you want to override the B<SPOOLDIR> path that was "
"compiled into the B<tin> binary, default is I</var/spool/news>.  If B<tin> "
"is running in NNTP mode setting this variable has no effect."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3433
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3438
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you want to override the B<NOVROOTDIR> path that was "
"compiled into the B<tin> binary, default is B<SPOOLDIR> (see above). If "
"B<tin> is running in NNTP mode setting this variable has no effect."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3438
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3444
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you want to override the B<OVERVIEW_FILE> filename "
"that was compiled into the B<tin> binary, default is I<.overview>. If B<tin> "
"is running in NNTP mode setting this variable has no effect."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3444
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3450
msgid ""
"Define this variable if you want to override the B<NEWSLIBDIR/active> path "
"that was compiled into the B<tin> binary. If B<tin> is running in NNTP mode "
"setting this variable has no effect. If $B<TIN_LIBDIR> is set it is "
"prepended to $B<TIN_ACTIVEFILE>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3450
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3456
msgid ""
"The default NNTP server to remotely read news from. This variable only needs "
"to be set if the ''B<-r>'' command-line option is specified and the file "
"I</etc/nntpserver> does not exist. The ''B<-g>'' command line option "
"overrides $B<NNTPSERVER>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3456
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<NNTPPORT>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3461
msgid ""
"The NNTP TCP-port to read news from. This variable only needs to be set if "
"the TCP-port is not 119 (the default).  The ''B<-p>'' command-line option "
"overrides $B<NNTPPORT>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3461
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3465
msgid ""
"Set the article header field ''Distribution:'' to the contents of the "
"variable instead of the system default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3465
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ISO2ASC>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3469
msgid ""
"Set the ISO to ASCII charset decoding table character to use in decoding an "
"article text. Values can range from -1 to 6."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3470
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<-1>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3473
msgid "no conversion"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3476
msgid "universal table for many languages"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3479
msgid "single-spacing universal table"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3482
msgid "table for Danish, Dutch, German, Norwegian and Swedish"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3485
msgid ""
"table for Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish using the appropriate ISO "
"646 variant"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3488
msgid "table with B<RFC\\%1345> codes in brackets"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3488
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<5>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3491
msgid "table for printers that allow overstriking with backspace"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3491
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<6>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3494
msgid "table for IBM PC character set (code page 437)"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3495
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3501
msgid ""
"Set the article header field ''Organization:'' to the contents of the "
"variable instead of the system default. If reading news on an Apollo "
"DomainOS machine the environment variable $B<NEWSORG> has to be used instead "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3501
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<NEWSORG (DomainOS)>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3504
msgid "DomainOS specific, same as $B<ORGANIZATION> on other OSs (see above)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3504
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<REPLYTO>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3509
msgid ""
"Set the article header field ''Reply-To:'' to the return address specified "
"by the variable. This is useful if you wish to receive replies at a "
"different address."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3509
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<NAME>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3513
msgid ""
"Overrides the full name given in the gecos-field in I</etc/passwd>, see also "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3513
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<REALNAME>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3516
msgid "Same as $B<NAME>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3516
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<HOME>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3521
msgid "Pathname of the user's home directory. See B<\\%environ>(5)  for more info."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3521
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MAILER>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3525
msgid ""
"This variable has precedence over the default mailer that is used in all "
"mailing operations within B<tin>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3525
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MAIL>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3528
msgid "Full path to the user's mailbox."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3528
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<VISUAL>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3537
msgid ""
"This variable has precedence over the default editor (i.e., B<\\%vi>(1))  "
"that is used in all editing operations within B<tin> (e.g., posting, "
"replying, follow-ups, ...). Evaluation order is "
"I<${VISUAL:-\"${EDITOR:-vi}\"}>. See B<\\%environ>(5)  for more info."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3537
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<EDITOR>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3546
msgid ""
"If $B<VISUAL> is unset, then this variable is looked up for a default "
"editor. If $B<EDITOR> and $B<VISUAL> are both unset, B<tin> uses the systems "
"default editor (i.e.  B<\\%vi>(1))  on UNIX-systems). See B<\\%environ>(5)  "
"for more info."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3546
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3552
msgid ""
"A new group is checked against the list of patterns; if it matches, B<tin> "
"subscribes the user to the group without further query.  See the section "
"\"NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS\" for an explanation of the valid syntax. For "
"example, setting"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3554
msgid "I<AUTOSUBSCRIBE=comp.os.unix.*,talk.*,!talk.politics.*>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3559
msgid ""
"will automatically subscribe the user to all new groups in the comp.os.unix "
"hierarchy, and all talk groups other than talk.politics groups (which will "
"be queried for as usual). Of course this does not work if B<tin> is started "
"with the ''B<-X>'' command-line switch."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3559
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3563
msgid ""
"Is handled like the $B<AUTOSUBSCRIBE> variable, but groups matching the list "
"are unsubscribed from without further query. For example, setting"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3565
msgid "I<AUTOUNSUBSCRIBE=alt.flame.*,u*,!uk.*>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3569
msgid ""
"will automatically unsubscribe the user from all new alt.flame groups and "
"all groups starting with u (university groups) other than UK groups (which "
"will be queried for as usual)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3569
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<TMPDIR>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3573
msgid ""
"A pathname of a directory made available for B<tin> to create temporary "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3573
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MAILCAPS>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3579
msgid ""
"This variable can be used to override the default path search for "
"B<\\%mailcap>(5)  files. See also B<\\%tin>(5)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3579
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3584
msgid ""
"Set this variable to disable the use of B<\\%metamail>(1)  or a replacement "
"(e.g. metamutt)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3584
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<MM_CHARSET>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3587
msgid ""
"MIME character set used if not configured via the tinrc variable "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3587
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ISPELL>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3592
msgid ""
"Set this variable to point to B<\\%ispell>(1)  or a replacement and its "
"cmd-line options."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3592
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PGPOPTS>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3599
msgid ""
"Define any additional options that you wish to pass to your B<\\%pgp>(1)  or "
"B<\\%gpg>(1)  program."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3599
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<PGPPATH>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3604
msgid ""
"Override the name of the B<\\%pgp>(1)  directory in B<$HOME> that holds your "
"keys etc.."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3604
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<GNUPGHOME>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3609
msgid ""
"Override the name of the B<\\%gpg>(1)  directory in B<$HOME> that holds your "
"keys etc.."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3609
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LC_CTYPE>"
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: document LC_CTYPEs influence on
#.        ~/.tin/keymap.*, 8bit char display, ...
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3623
msgid ""
"This variable determines the B<\\%locale>(5)  category for character "
"handling functions. Usually it determines the character classes for pattern "
"matching character classification and case conversion. Currently this is not "
"true for B<tin> (which temporary unsets B<$LC_CTYPE> right before any match "
"is done to avoid confusion).  It's value should be of the form "
"I<language>[I<_territory>][I<.codeset>][I<@modifier>]. See B<\\%environ>(5)  "
"for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3623
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LC_MESSAGES>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3632
msgid ""
"Formats of informative and diagnostic messages and interactive responses.  "
"It's value should be of the form "
"I<language>[I<_territory>][I<.codeset>][I<@modifier>]. See B<\\%locale>(5)  "
"and B<\\%environ>(5)  for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3632
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LC_TIME>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3640
msgid ""
"Date and time formats. It's value should be of the form "
"I<language>[I<_territory>][I<.codeset>][I<@modifier>]. See B<\\%locale>(5)  "
"and B<\\%environ>(5)  for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3640
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LC_ALL>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3649
msgid ""
"This variable overrides the value of the B<$LANG> variable and any other "
"B<$LC_> variable. It's value should be of the form "
"I<language>[I<_territory>][I<.codeset>]. See B<\\%locale>(5)  and "
"B<\\%environ>(5)  for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3649
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LANG>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3658
msgid ""
"This variable determines the B<\\%locale>(5)  category for any category not "
"specifically selected with a variable starting with B<$LC_>. It's value "
"should be of the form I<language>[I<_territory>][I<.codeset>]. See "
"B<\\%environ>(5)  for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3658
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LANGUAGE>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3666
msgid ""
"This variable defines a priority list for translations. Whenever a "
"translation is not available in the language selected via B<$LC_ALL> or "
"B<$LANG> the next language from the list is tried. It's value should be of "
"the form I<language:language[:language]>. See B<\\%environ>(5)  for more "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3666
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<COLUMNS>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3676
msgid ""
"A decimal integer E<gt> 0 used to indicate the user's preferred width in "
"column positions for the terminal screen or window. If this variable is "
"unset or null, the implementation determines the number of columns, "
"appropriate for the terminal or window. When B<$COLUMNS> is set, any "
"terminal-width information implied by B<$TERM> will be overridden. Users and "
"portable applications should not set B<$COLUMNS> unless they wish to "
"override the system selection and produce output unrelated to the terminal "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3676
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<LINES>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3686
msgid ""
"A decimal integer E<gt> 0 used to indicate the user's preferred number of "
"lines on a page or the vertical screen or window size in lines. A line in "
"this case is a vertical measure large enough to hold the tallest character "
"in the character set being displayed. If this variable is unset or null, the "
"implementation determines the number of lines, appropriate for the terminal "
"or window. When B<$LINES> is set, any terminal-height information implied by "
"B<$TERM> will be overridden. Users and portable applications should not set "
"B<$LINES> unless they wish to override the system selection."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3686
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<TERM>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3692
msgid ""
"The type of terminal in use. This is used when looking up termcap "
"sequences.  See B<\\%environ>(5)  for more information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3692
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<DISPLAY>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3695
msgid "Display name, pointing to the X server; required for xface."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3695
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<WINDOWID>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3699
msgid ""
"Used for determining terminal's X window id; required for xface. Should be "
"set by the terminal emulator."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3699
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SHELL>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3703
msgid ""
"The pathname of the user's login shell. Used to set "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3703
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3708
msgid "The pathname of the user's dir to put non-essential run time files into."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3708
#, no-wrap
msgid "SIGNALS"
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: add missing, sort useful, document in detail
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3712
msgid "B<tin> handles a couple of signals:"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3712
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SIGHUP>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3715 doc/tin.1:3718
msgid "Terminate gracefully."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3715
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SIGTERM>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3718
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SIGUSR1>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3721
msgid "Terminate gracefully but do not restore terminal (tty)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3721
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<SIGUSR2>"
msgstr ""

#.  give an overview of the most common error messages and how to cope with
#.  them.
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3732
msgid "Write out I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc>-file."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3732
#, no-wrap
msgid "SECURITY"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3740
msgid ""
"If B<tin> is started in debug mode (''B<-D n>'') it will create world "
"readable files in B<$TMPDIR> which may contain the users NNTP password in "
"cleartext. On multiuser-systems B<$TMPDIR> should be set to a safe location "
"before starting B<tin> in debug mode (e.g.  B<TMPDIR=$HOME tin -D 1>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3740
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#.  - RFC\%2045, RFC\%2047, RFC\%2231, RFC\%2980, RFC\%3977, RFC\%4155
#.    RFC\%4643, RFC\%5322, RFC\%5536, RFC\%5537, RFC\%6048 or whatever
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3748
msgid ""
"B<tin> does conform to the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2008, "
"Section 12, Utility Conventions (Utility Argument Syntax, Utility Syntax "
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3748
#, no-wrap
msgid "NOTES"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3753
msgid ""
"Regular expression support is provided by the PCRE library package "
"B<\\%pcre>(3), which is open source software, written by Philip Hazel, and "
"copyright by the University of Cambridge, England."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3757
msgid "E<lt>ftp://ftp.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/software/programming/pcre/E<gt>"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3757
#, no-wrap
msgid "BUGS"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3765
msgid ""
"B<CNews> NNTPd, B<\\%noffle>(1)  (E<lt>= V1.0-pre5) and B<NewsCache> (E<lt>= "
"V1.1.91) can't handle pipelined GROUP commands. If you run into trouble with "
"any of the mentioned servers define DISABLE_PIPELINING in include/autoconf.h "
"and recompile."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3774
msgid ""
"Before mailing a bug-report to E<lt>tin-bugs@tin.orgE<gt> please check if "
"you are using the latest (stable) release, and if not, please upgrade first! "
"Have a look at the doc/TODO file for known bugs. If you still think you've "
"found a bug, please use the B<BugReport> ('B<R>')  function and write in "
"English. Please do NOT enclose a core-file in your bug-report until we "
"request it."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3774
#, no-wrap
msgid "HISTORY"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3783
msgid ""
"B<tin> is based on the B<\\%tass>(1)  newsreader that was developed by Rich "
"Skrenta and posted to alt.sources in March 1991; its first version was "
"released on August 23rd 1991.  B<\\%tass>(1)  itself was heavily influenced "
"by notesfiles a public domain UNIX version of PLATO Notes, developed at the "
"University of Illinois by Ray Essick and Rob Kolstad in 1982. For a version "
"overview see"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3787
msgid "E<lt>http://www.tin.org/history.htmlE<gt>."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3787
#, no-wrap
msgid "CREDITS"
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3789
#, no-wrap
msgid "Rich Skrenta"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3793
msgid "author of B<\\%tass>(1)  v3.2 which this newsreader used as its base."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3793
#, no-wrap
msgid "Bill Davidsen"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3795
msgid "author of envarg.c environment variable reading routine."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3795
#, no-wrap
msgid "Mike Gleason"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3797
msgid "author of sigfile.c random signature generation routines."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3797
#, no-wrap
msgid "Markus Kuhn E<lt>Markus.Kuhn@cl.cam.ac.ukE<gt>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3799
msgid "author of langinfo.c, charset.c and iso2asc.txt ISO-8859-1 documentation."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3799
#, no-wrap
msgid "Arnold Robbins"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3801
msgid "author of strftime.c date formatting routine."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3801
#, no-wrap
msgid "Rich Salz"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3803
msgid "author of wildmat.c pattern matching and parsdate.y date parsing routines."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3803
#, no-wrap
msgid "Dave Taylor"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3807
msgid "author of curses.c from the B<\\%elm>(1)  mailreader."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3807
#, no-wrap
msgid "Chris Thewalt"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3811
msgid "author of getline.c B<\\%emacs>(1)  style editing routine."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3811
#, no-wrap
msgid "Steven Madsen"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3815
msgid "for adding B<\\%pgp>(1)  (Pretty Good Privacy) support."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3815
#, no-wrap
msgid "Philip Hazel E<lt>ph10@cam.ac.ukE<gt>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3819
msgid "for B<\\%pcre>(3)  (Perl-compatible regular expression library)."
msgstr ""

#. type: IP
#: doc/tin.1:3819
#, no-wrap
msgid "Patrick Powell E<lt>papowell@astart.comE<gt>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3827
msgid "for B<\\%snprintf>(3)  and B<\\%vsnprintf>(3)  fallbacks."
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3827
#, no-wrap
msgid "AUTHOR"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3828
#, no-wrap
msgid "Iain Lea E<lt>iain@bricbrac.deE<gt>"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3832
#, no-wrap
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.1:3833
#, no-wrap
msgid "Urs Janssen E<lt>urs@tin.orgE<gt>"
msgstr ""

#. type: SH
#: doc/tin.1:3837 doc/tin.5:2657
#, no-wrap
msgid "SEE ALSO"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.1:3892
msgid ""
"B<\\%cron>(8), B<\\%elm>(1), B<\\%emacs>(1), B<\\%gpg>(1), B<\\%inews>(1), "
"B<\\%ispell>(1), B<\\%lp>(1), B<\\%lpr>(1), B<\\%metamail>(1), "
"B<\\%noffle>(1), B<\\%perl>(1), B<\\%perlre>(1), B<\\%pgp>(1), B<\\%rn>(1), "
"B<\\%sendmail>(1), B<\\%shar>(1), B<\\%slrnface>(1), B<\\%tass>(1), "
"B<\\%unshar>(1), B<\\%uudecode>(1), B<\\%vi>(1), B<\\%xterm>(1x), "
"B<\\%heapsort>(3), B<\\%iconv>(3), B<\\%iconv_open>(3), "
"B<\\%nl_langinfo>(3), B<\\%pcre>(3), B<\\%pcrepattern>(3), B<\\%qsort>(3), "
"B<\\%snprintf>(3), B<\\%strftime>(3), B<\\%vsnprintf>(3), B<\\%wildmat>(3), "
"B<\\%environ>(5), B<\\%locale>(5), B<\\%mailcap>(5), B<\\%mbox>(5), "
"B<\\%mmdf>(5), B<\\%newsoverview>(5), B<\\%tin>(5), B<RFC\\%1345>, "
"B<RFC\\%1524>, B<RFC\\%2045>, B<RFC\\%2046>, B<RFC\\%2047>, B<RFC\\%2048>, "
"B<RFC\\%2231>, B<RFC\\%2980>, B<RFC\\%3977>, B<RFC\\%4155>, B<RFC\\%4643>, "
"B<RFC\\%5322>, B<RFC\\%5536>, B<RFC\\%5537>, B<RFC\\%6048>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:13
msgid "tin, rtin - related files"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:20
msgid ""
"This man page describes the various (config) files and their formats used by "
"the B<\\%tin>(1)  newsreader. All files are expected to have unix style "
"('\\en' aka LF) line endings."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:62
msgid ""
"B<\\%mailcap>(5)  files as defined in B<RFC\\%1524>. The mailcap files are "
"read by B<\\%tin>(1)  to determine how to display non-text messages at the "
"local site. Any line that starts with \"#\" is a comment. Blank lines are "
"ignored. Otherwise, each line defines a single mailcap entry for a single "
"content type. Long lines may be continued by ending them with a backslash "
"character, \"\\e\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:65
msgid ""
"Each individual mailcap entry consists of a content-type specification, a "
"command to execute, and (possibly) a set of optional \"flag\" values."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:70
msgid ""
"The \"type\" field is simply any legal content type name. It is the string "
"that will be matched against the ''Content-Type:'' header to decide if this "
"is the mailcap entry that matches the current message. Additionally, the "
"type field may specify a subtype or a wildcard to match all subtypes."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:76
msgid ""
"The \"command\" field is any UNIX command and is used to specify the "
"interpreter for the given type of message. It will be passed to the shell "
"via the B<\\%system>(3)  facility."
msgstr ""

#.  Two special codes can appear in the viewing command for objects of type
#.  multipart (any subtype). These are "%n" and "%F". %n will be replaced by
#.  the number of parts within the multipart object. %F will be replaced by a
#.  series of arguments, two for each part, giving first the content-type and
#.  then the name of the temporary file where the decoded part has been stored.
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:93
msgid ""
"Semicolons and backslashes within the command or any flag field must be "
"quoted with backslashes. If the field contains \"%s\", those two characters "
"will be replaced by the name of a file that contains the body of the "
"message. If it contains \"%t\", those two characters will be replaced by the "
"content-type field, including the subtype, if any. If it contains \"%{\" "
"followed by a parameter name and a closing \"}\", then all those characters "
"will be replaced by the value of the named parameter, if any, from the "
"\\&''Content-Type:'' header. Finally, if the field contains \"\\e%\", those "
"two characters will be replaced by a single \"%\" character."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:95
msgid "Besides the type and command field the following \"flags\" are defined:"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:95
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<compose>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:105
msgid ""
"The \"compose\" field may be used to specify a program that can be used to "
"compose a new body or body part in the given format. Its intended use is to "
"support mail composing agents that support the composition of multiple types "
"of mail using external composing agents. As with the view-command, the "
"semantics of program execution are operating system dependent. The result of "
"the composing program may be data that is not yet suitable for mail "
"transport \\(em that is, a Content-Transfer-Encoding may need to be applied "
"to the data."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:105
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<composetyped>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:115
msgid ""
"The \"composetyped\" field is similar to the \"compose\" field, but is to be "
"used when the composing program needs to specify the ''Content-Type:'' "
"header field to be applied to the composed data. The \"compose\" field is "
"simpler, and is preferred for use with existing (non-mail-oriented) programs "
"for composing data in a given format. The \"composetyped\" field is "
"necessary when the Content-Type information must include auxiliary "
"parameters, and the composition program must then know enough about mail "
"formats to produce output that includes the mail type information."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:115
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<edit>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:121
msgid ""
"The \"edit\" field may be used to specify a program that can be used to edit "
"a body or body part in the given format. In many cases, it may be identical "
"in content to the \"compose\" field, and shares the operating-system "
"dependent semantics for program execution."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:121
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<print>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:126
msgid ""
"The \"print\" field may be used to specify a program that can be used to "
"print a message or body part in the given format. As with the view-command, "
"the semantics of program execution are operating system dependent."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:126
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<test>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:135
msgid ""
"The \"test\" field may be used to test some external condition (e.g., the "
"machine architecture, or the window system in use) to determine whether or "
"not the mailcap line applies. It specifies a program to be run to test some "
"condition. The semantics of execution and of the value returned by the test "
"program are operating system dependent. If the test fails, a subsequent "
"mailcap entry should be sought. Multiple test fields are not permitted \\(em "
"since a test can call a program, it can already be arbitrarily complex."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:135
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<needsterminal>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:147
msgid ""
"The \"needsterminal\" field indicates that the view-command must be run on "
"an interactive terminal. This is needed to inform window-oriented user "
"agents that an interactive terminal is needed. (The decision is not left "
"exclusively to the view-command because in some circumstances it may not be "
"possible for such programs to tell whether or not they are on interactive "
"terminals.) The needsterminal command should be assumed to apply to the "
"compose and edit commands, too, if they exist. Note that this is NOT a test "
"- it is a requirement for the environment in which the program will be "
"executed, and should typically cause the creation of a terminal window when "
"not executed on either a real terminal or a terminal window."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:147
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<copiousoutput>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:154
msgid ""
"The \"copiousoutput\" field indicates that the output from the view-command "
"will be an extended stream of output, and is to be interpreted as advice to "
"the UA (User Agent mail-reading program) that the output should be either "
"paged or made scroll-able. Note that it is probably a mistake if "
"needsterminal and copiousoutput are both specified."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:154 doc/tin.5:1081
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<description>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:159
msgid ""
"The \"description\" field simply provides a textual description, optionally "
"quoted, that describes the type of data, to be used optionally by mail "
"readers that wish to describe the data before offering to display it."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:159
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<textualnewlines>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:167
msgid ""
"The \"textualnewlines\" field, if set to any non-zero value, indicates that "
"this type of data is line-oriented and that, if encoded in base64, all "
"newlines should be converted to canonical form (CRLF) before encoding, and "
"will be in that form after decoding. In general, this field is needed only "
"if there is line-oriented data of some type other than text/* or non-line- "
"oriented data that is a subtype of text."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:167
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<x11-bitmap>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:172
msgid ""
"The \"x11-bitmap\" field names a file, in X11 bitmap (xbm) format, which "
"points to an appropriate icon to be used to visually denote the presence of "
"this kind of data."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:172
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<nametemplate>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:180
msgid ""
"The \"nametemplate\" field gives a filename format, in which %s will be "
"replaced by a short unique string to give the name of the temporary file to "
"be passed to the viewing command. This is only expected to be relevant in "
"environments where filename extensions are meaningful, e.g., one could "
"specify that a GIF file being passed to a gif viewer should have a name "
"ending in \".gif\" by using \"nametemplate=%s.gif\""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:185
msgid ""
"B<\\%tin>(1)  currently only respects the \"test\", \"description\", "
"\"nametemplate\" and partly the \"needsterminal\" flags, all other flags are "
"internally ignored. It also can't handle the \"%F\" and \"%n\" expansions "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:185 doc/tin.5:271 doc/tin.5:299 doc/tin.5:389 doc/tin.5:708 doc/tin.5:819 doc/tin.5:1101
#, no-wrap
msgid "Example:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:190
#, no-wrap
msgid "# mailcap file example\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:192
#, no-wrap
msgid "image/*;\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:195
#, no-wrap
msgid "xv -8 -geometry +0 '%s';\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:197
#, no-wrap
msgid "description=%{name} %t-Image;\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:199
#, no-wrap
msgid "test=test \"$DISPLAY\" != \"\";\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:201
#, no-wrap
msgid "nametemplate=%s.IMAGE\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:204
#, no-wrap
msgid "message/rfc822;\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:207
#, no-wrap
msgid "${PAGER:-\"more\"} '%s';\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:209
#, no-wrap
msgid "edit=${EDITOR:-\"vi\"} '%s';\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:211
#, no-wrap
msgid "compose=${EDITOR:-\"vi\"} '%s';\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:213
#, no-wrap
msgid "print=a2ps '%s';\\e\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:215
#, no-wrap
msgid "needsterminal\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:228
msgid ""
"default NNTP-server to read news from if not reading from the local spool.  "
"\\&'B<-g> I<server>', $B<NNTPSERVER> have higher priority (in that order), "
"the default server given at compile time has lower priority."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:238
msgid ""
"secret to be used for cancel-locks if B<\\%tin>(1)  is build with support "
"for it. An empty secret file disables the cancel-lock creation in that "
"case. This file should be readable only by the user."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:249
msgid "mime type / filename extension pairs"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:261
msgid ""
"\"I<nntpserver> I<password> [I<user>]\" pairs for NNTP servers that require "
"authorization. If the password contains a space or a tab it must be enclosed "
"in double quotes (\"). Usernames must not be enclosed in double quotes and "
"thus can't contain spaces or tabs. Any line that starts with \"#\" is a "
"comment. Blank lines are ignored. This file should be readable only for the "
"user as it contains the user's unencrypted password for reading news!"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:261 doc/tin.5:1092
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<nntpserver>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:264 doc/tin.5:1095
msgid "full qualified domain name of the news server."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:264
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<password>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:267
msgid "user's unencrypted password for reading news."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:267
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<user>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:271
msgid ""
"username on the news server if it differs from the local login. This field "
"is optional."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:275
msgid "# sample .newsauth file"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:277
msgid "news.example.org secret"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:279
msgid "news.example.net arcane guest"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:281
msgid "news.example.com \"top secret\" james.bond@example.com"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:289
msgid "\"I<newsgroup>I<flag> [I<article>[,I<article> | -I<article>]...]\" lines."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:289
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<newsgroup>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:292
msgid "the name of the newsgroup."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:292
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<flag>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:295
msgid "a flag indicating if the group is subscribed ':' or not '!'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:295
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<article>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:299
msgid ""
"range of already read articles from that group; numbers separated by commas "
"with sequential numbers collapsed with hyphens."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:303
msgid "# sample .newsrc file"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:305
msgid "news.software.b! 1-666,669"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:307
msgid "news.software.nntp: 1-13245,13247,13249"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:309
msgid "news.software.readers: 1-19567,19571-19597"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:319
msgid "backup of I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:328
msgid "signature"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:335
msgid "fixed part of a randomly generated signature"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:342
msgid "history of last used strings"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:349
msgid "mailgroups index files"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:358
msgid "newsgroups index files"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:365
msgid "saved newsgroups index files"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:375
msgid ""
"active file (\"I<mail_group_name> I<maxnum> I<minnum> I<mailspool>\" "
"quadruples) of user's mailgroups (requires B<\\%tin>(1)  to be build with "
"mh-mail-handling support)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:375
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mail_group_name>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:378
msgid "must be the pathname of the mailbox relative to field #4 with / changed to ."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:378
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<maxnum>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:382
msgid ""
"just put a large number here, something higher than the highest message in "
"the mailbox"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:382
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<minnum>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:385
msgid "put 0 here"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:385
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mailspool>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:389
msgid ""
"path of mail spool directory. This must be the full pathname to the root of "
"the mail folder area."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:393
msgid "Mail.inbox 12345 00000 /home/foo"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:395
msgid "Mail.outbox 23456 00000 /home/foo"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:399
msgid ""
"This allows access to the 'inbox' and 'outbox' folders of user foo.  They "
"are accessed via /home/foo/Mail/inbox and /home/foo/Mail/outbox"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:406
msgid "active file of user's saved newsgroups, used by B<tin -R>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:428
msgid ""
"The group attributes files may be used to override some global settings from "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc> on a per group basis. Order is "
"important as last match counts; this allows one to refine attributes for "
"narrowed scopes. Note that the I<scope=E<lt>grouplistE<gt>> line has to be "
"specified before the attributes are specified for that list and each "
"attribute can only be set once per scope section. All attributes are set to "
"a reasonable default so you only have to specify the attribute that you want "
"to change. All toggle attributes are set by specifying ON/OFF. Otherwise, "
"they function exactly as their global equivalents. The following group "
"attributes are available:"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:428
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<scope>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:434
msgid ""
"This changes the list of groups to which the attributes that follow will be "
"applied. See the section NEWSGROUP LISTS & WILDCARDS in B<\\%tin>(1)  for "
"the types of pattern that can be used here."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:434 doc/tin.5:1204
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<add_posted_to_filter>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:437 doc/tin.5:440 doc/tin.5:443 doc/tin.5:446 doc/tin.5:449 doc/tin.5:452 doc/tin.5:455 doc/tin.5:468 doc/tin.5:478 doc/tin.5:481 doc/tin.5:494 doc/tin.5:497 doc/tin.5:500 doc/tin.5:503 doc/tin.5:506 doc/tin.5:513 doc/tin.5:516 doc/tin.5:543 doc/tin.5:546 doc/tin.5:549 doc/tin.5:559 doc/tin.5:562 doc/tin.5:565 doc/tin.5:568 doc/tin.5:571 doc/tin.5:574 doc/tin.5:577 doc/tin.5:580 doc/tin.5:583 doc/tin.5:586 doc/tin.5:592 doc/tin.5:595 doc/tin.5:598 doc/tin.5:601 doc/tin.5:604 doc/tin.5:607 doc/tin.5:610 doc/tin.5:616 doc/tin.5:619 doc/tin.5:622 doc/tin.5:625 doc/tin.5:628 doc/tin.5:631 doc/tin.5:634 doc/tin.5:637 doc/tin.5:640 doc/tin.5:643 doc/tin.5:698
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable of the same name"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:437 doc/tin.5:1208
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<advertising>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:440 doc/tin.5:1211
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<alternative_handling>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:443
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ask_for_metamail>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:446 doc/tin.5:1254
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<auto_cc_bcc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:449 doc/tin.5:1258
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<auto_list_thread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:452 doc/tin.5:1265
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<auto_save>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:455
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<auto_select>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:459
msgid ""
"Automatically perform the B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead> ('B<X>') command after "
"entering the group."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:459 doc/tin.5:1271
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<batch_save>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:465
msgid ""
"Can be used to override the global setting in tinrc on a per group "
"basis. For more information read section AUTOMATIC MAILING AND SAVING NEW "
"NEWS in B<\\%tin>(1)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:465 doc/tin.5:1394
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<date_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:468
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<delete_tmp_files>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:475
msgid ""
"If this is set to ON, then saved article files that have been post-processed "
"will be automatically deleted, otherwise the user will be asked whether to "
"delete the post-processed files. Automatic processing of marked articles "
"using B<GroupAutoSave> ('B<S>') will suppress prompting."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:475 doc/tin.5:1511
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<editor_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:478 doc/tin.5:1516
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<extquote_handling>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:481
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<fcc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:485
msgid ""
"Mailbox to save sent mails. The format of the mailbox is controlled via the "
"tinrc B<mailbox_format> variable."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:485
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<followup_to>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:488
msgid "Set ''Followup-To:'' header to the specified group(s)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:488 doc/tin.5:778
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<from>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:491
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<mail_address>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:491 doc/tin.5:1551
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<group_catchup_on_exit>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:494 doc/tin.5:1554
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<group_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:497 doc/tin.5:1634
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mail_8bit_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:500 doc/tin.5:1646 doc/tin.5:2433
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mail_mime_encoding>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:503 doc/tin.5:1665
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<maildir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:506
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mailing_list>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:510
msgid ""
"Used when a group is a mailing list. All responses to the group will be "
"directed to this email address instead"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:510 doc/tin.5:1703
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mark_ignore_tags>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:513 doc/tin.5:1700
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mark_saved_read>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:516
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mime_forward>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:533
msgid ""
"Determines whether usenet articles are forwarded as attachment or "
"inline. When set to OFF, the forwarded article will be included in the body "
"of the mail, while setting this variable to ON will cause the article to be "
"attached as a separate MIME part. Enabling B<mime_forward> is particularly "
"useful for articles consisting of multiple MIME parts such as PGP/MIME "
"signed messages or being encoded in a different character set than your "
"local one. It is also useful if the receiver should be able to operate on "
"the entire forwarded article (i.e., view or save it without your "
"comments). On the other hand, if you want to forward only some parts of the "
"article or to insert 'inline' annotations, you might want to disable this "
"option.  Currently mime_forward is forced if the article to be attached is a "
"multipart MIME article, this may change in a future version.  Please note "
"that for this option to have effect, the tinrc variable "
"B<interactive_mailer> has to be set to 0 (which is the default)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:533
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mime_types_to_save>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:540
msgid ""
"A comma separated list of MIME major/minor Content-Types that will be saved "
"when using the view/save and save/autosave features.  A single * can be used "
"to wildcard the major and/or minor type and a ! as the first character in an "
"entry will negate it, eg: image/*,!image/bmp,!text/html. Default is */*"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:540 doc/tin.5:1782
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<news_headers_to_display>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:543 doc/tin.5:1789
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<news_headers_to_not_display>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:546 doc/tin.5:1798
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<news_quote_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:549 doc/tin.5:2406
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<organization>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:556
msgid ""
"This can be used to set the article header field ''Organization:''. It "
"overrides the setting (if any) of organization in I</etc/tin/tin.defaults> "
"and $B<ORGANIZATION> (or $B<NEWSORG> on Apollo DomainOS). Note that some "
"news servers might still overwrite the \\&''Organization:'' header."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:556 doc/tin.5:1828
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<pos_first_unread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:559 doc/tin.5:1832
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<post_8bit_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:562 doc/tin.5:1843 doc/tin.5:2430
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<post_mime_encoding>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:565 doc/tin.5:1856
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<post_process_type>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:568 doc/tin.5:1848
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<post_process_view>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:571 doc/tin.5:1879
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<print_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:574 doc/tin.5:1893
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<process_only_unread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:577 doc/tin.5:1897
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<prompt_followupto>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:580 doc/tin.5:1901
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quote_chars>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:583 doc/tin.5:1963
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<savedir>"
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: document option
#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:586
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<savefile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:589 doc/tin.5:2020
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<show_author>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:592 doc/tin.5:2046
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<show_info>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:595 doc/tin.5:2064
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<show_only_unread_arts>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:598 doc/tin.5:2072
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<show_signatures>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:601 doc/tin.5:2075
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<sigdashes>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:604 doc/tin.5:2078
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<sigfile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:607 doc/tin.5:2088
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<signature_repost>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:610 doc/tin.5:2098
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<sort_article_type>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:613
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<sort_article_type>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:613 doc/tin.5:2127
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<sort_threads_type>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:616 doc/tin.5:2158
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<start_editor_offset>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:619 doc/tin.5:2187
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<tex2iso_conv>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:622 doc/tin.5:2192
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<thread_articles>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:625 doc/tin.5:2226
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<thread_catchup_on_exit>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:628 doc/tin.5:2202
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<thread_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:631 doc/tin.5:2221
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<thread_perc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:634 doc/tin.5:2250
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<trim_article_body>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:637 doc/tin.5:2332
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<verbatim_handling>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:640 doc/tin.5:2382
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<wrap_on_next_unread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:643
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<x_body>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:648
msgid ""
"A piece of text that will be added at the start of a message body. If this "
"string starts with a / or ~ then it is assumed to be the name of a file "
"containing the text to insert."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:648
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<x_comment_to>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:651
msgid "Insert ''X-Comment-To:'' header, this is only useful in FIDO groups."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:651
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<x_headers>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:660
msgid ""
"A string including header-name and the contents of the header that will be "
"automatically added when posting. If the string starts with a / or ~ then it "
"is assumed to be the name of a file containing the header and its content to "
"be inserted. If the string starts with a ! then what follows is assumed to "
"be the path to a program to be executed to generate the header and its "
"content. %G is expanded to the current news.group.name and %P is expanded to "
"the news.group.name with all '.' replaced by '/'."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:660
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_kill_scope>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:666
msgid ""
"A comma-separated list of newsgroup patterns (wildmat-style) to which groups "
"the filter rule added by B<QuickFilterKill> will be applied.  If unset the "
"default from the tinrc variable B<default_filter_kill_global> will be used."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:666
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_kill_expire>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:669
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<default_filter_kill_expire>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:669
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_kill_case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:672
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<default_filter_kill_case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:672
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_kill_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:675
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<default_filter_kill_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:675
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_select_scope>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:681
msgid ""
"A comma-separated list of newsgroup patterns (wildmat-style) to which groups "
"the filter rule added by B<QuickFilterSelect> will be applied. If unset the "
"default from the tinrc variable B<default_filter_select_global> will be "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:681
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_select_expire>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:684
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<default_filter_select_expire>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:684
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_select_case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:687
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<default_filter_select_case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:687
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quick_select_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:690
msgid "Identical to the tinrc variable B<default_filter_select_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:690
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<ispell>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:695
msgid ""
"Path and options for B<\\%ispell>(1)-like spell-checker, e.g. \"aspell "
"--mode=email --dont-backup check\""
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:695 doc/tin.5:1736
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mm_network_charset>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:698
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<undeclared_charset>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:707
msgid ""
"Assume (broken) articles without MIME charset declaration have this charset "
"\\(em default is US-ASCII. This attribute works only on systems with working "
"B<\\%iconv>(3), others might have to compile B<\\%tin>(1)  with "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:717
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# include extra headers\n"
"# assume ISO-8859-1 as charset if no charset is declared\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:721
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# in *sources* set post process type to shar only\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:728
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# in *binaries* turn on full post processing,\n"
"# remove tmp files and set Followup-To: poster\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:734
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# in fido.* newsgroups change quote_chars\n"
"# and add X-Comment-To: line\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:740
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# in *.test newsgroups, don't append signature\n"
"# and preset Subject\n"
"x_headers=Subject: test - ignore - no reply\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:744
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"# assume ISO-2022-JP-2 as charset\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:756
msgid ""
"The filter file is used to assign scores to certain articles. Based on the "
"score an article can be filtered out (hidden) or marked hot. Empty lines or "
"lines beginning with a '#' are ignored."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:756
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<comment>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:765
msgid ""
"Every entry (rule) in the filter file might get a comment. Multiple lines "
"are allowed (but only for comments yet). Every line must start with the "
"\"comment=\" keyword. Comments must appear first in the rule.  Comment lines "
"placed within a rule will be moved to the begin of the next rule. This might "
"be changed in the future. Don't use '#' to mark comments as those lines are "
"ignored and your comments will get lost on the next write of the file."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:765
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<group>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:769
msgid ""
"A comma-separated list of newsgroup patterns (wildmat-style) to which groups "
"the filter rule will be applied. This line is mandatory!"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:769
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:772
msgid "0=case-sensitive, 1=case-insensitive"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:772
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<score>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:775
msgid ""
"Score value of the rule; can also be one of the magic words \"kill\" or "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:775
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<subj>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:778
msgid "Match against ''Subject:''"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:786
msgid ""
"Match against ''From:''.  B<\\%tin>(1)  converts the contents of the "
"''From:'' header to an old style e-mail address, e.g. ''some@body.example "
"(John Doe)'' instead of ''John Doe E<lt>some@body.exampleE<gt>'', before "
"trying to match the patterns in the filter rule."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:786
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<msgid>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:789
msgid "Match against ''Message-ID:'' and full ''References:''"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:789
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<msgid_last>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:792
msgid "Match against ''Message-ID:'' and last ''References:'' entry only"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:792
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<msgid_only>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:795
msgid "Match against ''Message-ID:''"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:795
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<refs_only>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:798
msgid "Match against ''References:''"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:798
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<lines>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:801
msgid ""
"Match against ''Lines:'', E<lt>num matches less than, E<gt>num matches more "
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: document option in detail
#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:801
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<gnksa>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:805
msgid "Match against ''From:'' address parser return codes."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:805
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<xref>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:811
msgid ""
"Match against ''Xref:'' line. Before any matching is done the line is turned "
"into the same format ''Newsgroups:'' has that is it is turned into a comma "
"separated newsgroup list with all other information (i.e.  the article "
"counter) removed."
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: document option in detail
#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:811
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<path>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:815
msgid "Match against ''Path:'' line. This may not work on some servers."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:815 doc/tin.5:2576
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<time>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:818
msgid "time_t value when rule expires"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:829
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"comment=mark all articles about tin, rtin,\n"
"comment=tind, ktin or cdtin as hot\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:845
msgid ""
"Keymap-file, containing \"I<keyname> I<value> I<[value]>\" pairs separated "
"by spaces or tabs. Below is a list of all rebindable keynames and their "
"defaults. If a keyname is bound to NULL it is unassigned."
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.5:847
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'GroupSelThdIfUnreadSelected    'u +\\w'SPACE'u +\\w'SPACE'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:894
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:902
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:910
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:918
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:921
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:951
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:954
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:994
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:999
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1012
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1015
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1018
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1021
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1025
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1043
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1050
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1065
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1067
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<UrlSelect>\t^J\t^M\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1078
msgid ""
"This file provides short descriptions of each mailgroup. (requires "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  to be build with mh-mail-handling support). Each line consist "
"of two tab-separated fields \"I<mailgroupname> I<one-line description>\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1078
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mailgroupname>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1081 doc/tin.5:1152 doc/tin.5:2523 doc/tin.5:2576 doc/tin.5:2603
msgid "is the name of the newsgroup"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1084 doc/tin.5:1155 doc/tin.5:2606
msgid "is a short single-line description of the group"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1092
msgid ""
"\"I<nntpserver> I<newsrc> [I<shortname> [I<...>]]\" pairs to use with the "
"''B<-g>'' command-line switch."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1095
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<newsrc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1098
msgid "related newsrc."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1098
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<shortname>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1101
msgid "nickname(s) for the nntpserver."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1105
msgid "# sample newsrctable file"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1107
msgid "news.tin.org .newsrc-tin.org tinorg"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1109
msgid "news.example.org /tmp/nrc-ex example ex"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1117
msgid "posting history"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1127
msgid ""
"Copy of all posted articles in B<\\%mbox>(5)  format. The filename can be "
"changed by setting B<posted_articles_file>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1136
msgid "Pool of postponed articles. This file is in B<\\%mbox>(5)  format."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1141
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/$NNTPSERVER${NNTPPORT:+\":$NNTPPORT\"}/newsgroups>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1149
msgid ""
"This file a copy of the servers newsgroups file which provides short "
"descriptions of each newsgroup. It is automatically updated on startup "
"except when using the ''B<-X>''or ''B<-q>'' command-line option and an old "
"copy exists. Each line consist of two tab-separated fields "
"\"I<group.name>\tI<one-line description>\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1149 doc/tin.5:2600
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<group.name>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1152 doc/tin.5:2603
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<one-line description>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1161
#, no-wrap
msgid "I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/$NNTPSERVER${NNTPPORT:+\":$NNTPPORT\"}/serverrc>\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1168
msgid ""
"File to store $B<NNTPSERVER> and $B<NNTPPORT> related data via a list of "
"\"I<variable>=I<value>\" pairs. Currently there are only two variables, both "
"are not meant to be changed by the user."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1168
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<version>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1171
msgid "Internal version number."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1171
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<last_newnews>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1176
msgid ""
"Internal timestamp used by B<\\%tin>(1)  to keep track of new newsgroups on "
"the server."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1198
msgid ""
"At startup, B<\\%tin>(1)  reads in the configuration file. This contains a "
"list of \"I<variable>=I<value>\" pairs that can be used to configure the way "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  works. If it exists, the global configuration file, "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/tinrc> is read first. After that, the user's own "
"configuration file I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc> is read. The "
"global file is useful for distributing system-wide defaults to new users who "
"have no private tinrc yet (see also B</etc/tin/tin.defaults>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1198
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<abbreviate_groupname>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1214
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_deleted>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1217
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_inrange>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1220
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_return>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1224
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_selected>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1228
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_recent>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1232
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_unread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1236
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_read>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1239
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_killed>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1243
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<art_marked_read_selected>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1254
msgid ""
"If ON B<\\%tin>(1)  will ask before using a MIME viewer (B<metamail_prog>) "
"to display MIME messages. This only occurs if a MIME viewer is set. Default "
"is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1262
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<auto_reconnect>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1265
msgid "Reconnect to server automatically. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1276
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<beginner_level>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1281
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<cache_overview_files>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1286
msgid ""
"If ON, create local copies of NNTP overview files. This can be used to "
"considerably speed up accessing large groups when using a slow connection.  "
"Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1286
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<cancel_lock_algo>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1292
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<catchup_read_groups>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1296
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_back>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1299
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_extquote>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1302
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_from>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1305
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_head>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1308
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_help>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1311
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_invers_bg>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1314
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_invers_fg>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1317
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_markdash>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1321
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_markslash>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1325
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_markstar>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1329
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_markstroke>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1333
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_minihelp>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1336
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_newsheaders>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1339
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_normal>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1342
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_quote>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1345
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_quote2>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1348
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_quote3>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1351
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_response>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1355
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_signature>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1358
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_urls>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1361
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_verbatim>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1364
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_subject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1367
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_text>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1370
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<col_title>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1373
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<confirm_choice>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1377
msgid ""
"B<\\%tin>(1)  can ask for manual confirmation to protect the user. Available "
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: check if all affected commands are marked [after confirmation]
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1383
msgid ""
"B<commands>: Ask for confirmation before executing certain dangerous "
"commands (e.g., B<Catchup> ('B<c>')). Commands that this affects are marked "
"in this manual with '[after confirmation]'."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1388
msgid ""
"B<quit>: You'll be asked to confirm that you wish to exit B<\\%tin>(1)  when "
"you use the B<Quit> ('B<q>') command."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1392
msgid ""
"B<select>: Ask for confirmation before marking all not selected (with "
"B<GroupMarkUnselArtRead> ('B<X>') command) articles as read."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1394
msgid "Default is commands & quit."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1405
msgid ""
"Format string used for date representation. A description of the different "
"format options can be found at B<\\%strftime>(3).  B<\\%tin>(1)  uses "
"B<\\%strftime>(3)  when available and supports most format options in his "
"fallback code.  Default is \"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1405
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_art_search>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1407
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_author_search>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1409
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_config_search>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1412
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_days>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1415
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_kill_case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1419
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_kill_expire>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1424
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_kill_global>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1428
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_kill_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.5:1433 doc/tin.5:1462
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"\\w'0,1   'u +\\w'\\'\\'Message-ID:\\'\\' & last \\'\\'References:\\'\\' "
"entry only'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1442 doc/tin.5:1471
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"0\t''Subject:'' (case sensitive)\n"
"1\t''Subject:'' (ignore case)\n"
"2\t''From:'' (case sensitive)\n"
"3\t''From:'' (ignore case)\n"
"4\t''Message-ID:'' & full ''References:'' line\n"
"5\t''Message-ID:'' & last ''References:'' entry only\n"
"6\t''Message-ID:'' entry only\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1444
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_select_case>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1448
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_select_expire>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1453
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_select_global>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1457
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_filter_select_header>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1473
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_goto_group>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1475
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_group_search>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1477
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_mail_address>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1479
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_move_group>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1481
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_pattern>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1483
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_pipe_command>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1485
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_post_newsgroups>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1487
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_post_subject>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1489
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_range_group>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1491
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_range_select>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1493
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_range_thread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1495
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_repost_group>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1497
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_save_file>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1499
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_save_mode>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1501
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_select_pattern>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1503
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_shell_command>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1505
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<default_subject_search>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1507
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<draw_arrow>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1516
msgid ""
"The format string used to create the editor start command with parameters.  "
"Default is '%E +%N %F' with %E=Editor, %N=Linenumber and %F=Filename (e.g., "
"/bin/vi +7 .article)."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1519
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<extquote_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1526
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_extquote>. If B<extquote_regex> is blank, "
"then B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1526
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<force_screen_redraw>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1530
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<getart_limit>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1537
msgid ""
"If B<getart_limit> is E<gt> 0 not more than the last B<getart_limit> "
"articles/group are fetched from the server. If B<getart_limit> is E<lt> 0 "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  will start fetching articles from your first unread minus "
"absolute value of B<getart_limit>. Default is 0, which means no limit."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1537
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<goto_next_unread>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1551
msgid ""
"Which keys B<\\%tin>(1)  should accept to jump to the next unread article.  "
"Possible is any combination of B<PageDown> and B<PageNextUnread>.  When "
"B<PageDown> is set B<\\%tin>(1)  jumps to the next article at the end of the "
"current one. When B<PageNextUnread> is set B<\\%tin>(1)  jumps immediately "
"to the next article when B<PageNextUnread> ('B<E<lt>TABE<gt>>')  is "
"pressed. Default is B<PageNextUnread>."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1558
msgid ""
"The format string used for the Group level. Default is \"%n\\ %m\\ %R\\ %L\\ "
"\\ %s\\ \\ %F\". The following substitutions are supported:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.5:1560
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'%G    'u +\\w'number of responses in thread'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1572
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"%F\tfrom, name and/or address\n"
"%L\tline count\n"
"%R\tnumber of responses in thread\n"
"%m\tarticle marks\n"
"%n\tcurrent thread number\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1574
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<hide_uue>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1584
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<inews_prog>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1591
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<info_in_last_line>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1597
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<interactive_mailer>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1603
msgid ""
"If greater than 0 your mailreader will be invoked earlier for reply so you "
"can use more of its features (e.g. MIME, pgp, ...). 1 means include headers, "
"2 means don't include headers (old use_mailreader_i=ON option). 0 turns off "
"usage. This option has to suit B<mailer_format>. Default is 0."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1603
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<inverse_okay>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1607
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<keep_dead_articles>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1612
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<kill_level>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1616
msgid ""
"This option controls the processing and display of articles that are "
"killed. There are 3 options, default is 0 (B<Kill only unread arts>)."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1624
msgid ""
"B<Kill only unread arts> is the 'traditional' behavior of B<\\%tin>(1).  "
"Only unread articles are killed once only by marking them read. As filtering "
"only happens on unread articles with B<kill_level> set to 0, "
"B<art_marked_killed> and B<art_marked_read_selected> are only shown "
"once. When you reenter the group the mark will be gone."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1640
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mail_address>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1650
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mail_quote_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1655
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mailbox_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1674
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mailer_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1711
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<metamail_prog>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1723 doc/tin.5:2426
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mm_charset>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1756
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mono_markdash>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1761
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mono_markslash>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1766
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mono_markstar>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1771
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<mono_markstroke>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1776
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<newnews>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1782
msgid ""
"These are internal timers used by B<\\%tin>(1)  to keep track of new "
"newsgroups. Do not change them unless you understand what they are for."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1803
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<nntp_read_timeout_secs>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1806
msgid "Time in seconds to wait for a response from the server. Default is 120."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1806
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<normalization_form>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1810
msgid ""
"The normalization form which should be used to normalize unicode input.  The "
"possible values are:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1828
msgid ""
"Some normalization modes are only available if they are supported by the "
"library B<\\%tin>(1)  uses to do the normalization. NFC should be used if "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1856
msgid ""
"If ON, then B<\\%tin>(1)  will start an appropriate viewer program to "
"display any files that were post processed and uudecoded. The program is "
"determined using the B<\\%mailcap>(5)  file. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1862
msgid ""
"This specifies whether to perform post processing on saved articles.  "
"Because the shell archive may contain commands you may not want to be "
"executed, be careful when extracting shell archives.  The following values "
"are allowed:"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1870
msgid ""
"B<Shell archives>, unpacking of multi-part B<\\%shar>(1)  files "
"only. Because the shell archive may contain commands you may not want to be "
"executed, be careful with this option."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1873
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<posted_articles_file>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1883
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<printer>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1893
msgid ""
"The printer program with options that is to be used to print articles. The "
"default is B<\\%lpr>(1)  for BSD machines and B<\\%lp>(1)  for SysV "
"machines. Printing from B<\\%tin>(1)  may have been disabled by the System "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1901
msgid ""
"If ON show empty ''Followup-To:'' header when editing an article.  Default "
"is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1906
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quote_style>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1912
msgid ""
"This bit coded integer value controls how articles are to be quoted when "
"following up or replying to them. Any of the following options can be "
"combined by adding all relevant values. Default is 5, which means that quote "
"characters are compressed and empty lines are quoted."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1917
msgid ""
"B<Compress quotes> Compress quote characters together when quoting multiple "
"times (for example, 'E<gt> E<gt> E<gt>' will be turned into "
"'E<gt>E<gt>E<gt>'). This option is on by default."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1923
msgid ""
"B<Quote Signatures> This option is off by default. Signatures are always "
"quoted regardless of this option when you are viewing an article in raw mode "
"B<PageToggleRaw> ('B<^H>') and followup or reply to it. Signatures are never "
"quoted regardless of this option when B<show_signatures> is off."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1925
msgid "B<Quote empty lines> This option is on by default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1926
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quote_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1933
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_quote>. If B<quote_regex> is blank, then "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1933
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quote_regex2>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1940
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_quote2>. If B<quote_regex2> is blank, then "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1940
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<quote_regex3>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1947
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching lines are shown in B<col_quote3>. If B<quote_regex3> is blank, then "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1947
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<recent_time>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1951
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<render_bidi>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1958
msgid ""
"If ON B<\\%tin>(1)  does the rendering of bi-directional text. If OFF "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  leaves the rendering of bi-directional text to the "
"terminal. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1958
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<reread_active_file_secs>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1967
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<score_limit_kill>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1971
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<score_limit_select>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1975
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<score_kill>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1979
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<score_select>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1983
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<scroll_lines>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:1991
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<select_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:1995
msgid ""
"The format string used for the Selection level. Default is \"%f\\ %n\\ %U\\ "
"\\ %G\\ \\ %d\". The following substitutions are supported:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.5:1997
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'%G    'u +\\w'current group number'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2004
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"%G\tgroup name\n"
"%U\tunread count\n"
"%f\tgroup flag\n"
"%n\tcurrent group number\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2006
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<sort_function>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2037
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<show_description>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2046
msgid ""
"If ON show a short group description text after newsgroup name at the group "
"selection level. The ''B<-d>'' command-line flag will override the setting "
"and turn descriptions off. The text used is taken from the "
"I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/newsgroups> file and if supported (requires "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  to be build with mh-mail-handling support) from "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/mailgroups> for mailgroups. Default is ON."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2068
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<show_only_unread_groups>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2091
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<slashes_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2098
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markslash> or B<mono_markslash>. If "
"B<slashes_regex> is blank, then B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2144
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<spamtrap_warning_addresses>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2151
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<stars_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2158
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markstar> or B<mono_markstar>. If "
"B<stars_regex> is blank, then B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2163
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<strip_blanks>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2167
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<strip_bogus>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2176
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<strip_newsrc>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2180
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<strokes_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2187
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markstroke> or B<mono_markstroke>.  If "
"B<strokes_regex> is blank, then B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2192
msgid ""
"Decode German style TeX umlaut codes to ISO If ON, show \"a as Umlaut-a, "
"etc. Default is OFF. This behavior can also be toggled in the article viewer "
"via B<PageToggleTex2iso> ('B<\">')."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2202
msgid ""
"Defines which threading method to use. The choices are: 0) Don't thread, 1) "
"Thread on Subject only 2) Thread on References only, 3) Thread on References "
"then Subject (default)  4) Thread multipart articles on Subject.  5) Thread "
"on Percentage Match of the Subjects It's also possible to set the threading "
"type on a per group basis by setting the group attribute variable "
"B<thread_articles> to 0 \\(en 5 in the file "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2206
msgid ""
"The format string used for the Thread level. Default is \"%n\\ %m\\ \\ "
"[%L]\\ \\ %T\\ \\ %F\". The following substitutions are supported:"
msgstr ""

#. type: ta
#: doc/tin.5:2208
#, no-wrap
msgid "\\w'%G    'u +\\w'from, name and/or address'u"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2219
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
"%F\tfrom, name and/or address\n"
"%L\tline count\n"
"%T\tthread tree\n"
"%m\tarticle marks\n"
"%n\tcurrent article number\n"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2226
msgid ""
"Defines how close the subjects must match while threading by Percentage "
"Match for threads to be considered part of a single thread. This value is in "
"the range 0 to 100. The default is 75."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2230
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<thread_score>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2242
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<translit>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2256
msgid ""
"Allows you to select how B<\\%tin>(1)  treats blank lines in article "
"bodies.  Default is 0. This option does not affect lines within verbatim "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2275
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<underscores_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2282
msgid ""
"A regular expression that will be applied when reading articles. All "
"matching words are shown in B<col_markdash> or B<mono_markdash>. If "
"B<underscores_regex> is blank, then B<\\%tin>(1)  uses a built-in default."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2282
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<unlink_article>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2286
msgid ""
"If ON remove I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.article> after posting. Default is "
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2286
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<url_handler>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2291
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<url_highlight>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2294
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<use_color>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2299
msgid "If enabled B<\\%tin>(1)  uses ANSI-colors. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2299
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<use_keypad>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2302
msgid "Use scroll keys on keypad. Default is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2302
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<use_mouse>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2308
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<use_slrnface>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2320
msgid ""
"If enabled B<\\%slrnface>(1)  will be used to interpret the ''X-Face:'' "
"header. For this option to have any effect, B<\\%tin>(1)  must be running in "
"an B<\\%xterm>(1x)  and B<\\%slrnface>(1)  must be in your $B<PATH>. Default "
"is OFF."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2320
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<utf8_graphics>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2324
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<verbatim_begin_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2328
msgid ""
"A regular expression that B<tin> will use to find the begin of a verbatim "
"block.  Default is #v+"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2328
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<verbatim_end_regex>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2332
msgid ""
"A regular expression that B<tin> will use to find the end of a verbatim "
"block.  Default is #v-"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2335
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<wildcard>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2351
msgid ""
"Allows you to select how B<\\%tin>(1)  matches strings. The default is 0 and "
"uses the wildmat notation, which is how this has traditionally been "
"handled.  Setting this to 1 allows you to use B<\\%perl>(1)  compatible "
"regular expressions B<\\%pcre>(3).  (see also B<\\%perlre>(1)  and "
"B<\\%pcrepattern>(3)).  You will probably want to update your filter file if "
"you use this regularly.  NB: Newsgroup names will always be matched using "
"the wildmat notation."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2351
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<word_h_display_marks>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2363
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<word_highlight>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2371
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<wrap_column>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2387
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<xpost_quote_format>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2403
msgid ""
"Yet another global configuration file with \"I<variable>=I<value>\" "
"pairs. This one is for the more general options which usually can't be "
"controlled via I<${TIN_LIBDIR:-NEWSLIBDIR}/tinrc> and/or "
"I<${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.tin/tinrc> like resetting (to override the "
"built-in default) the I<newslibdir>."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2403
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<domainname>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2406
msgid "Sets a global domain name used in From lines"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2410
msgid ""
"Defines the name of your organization. $B<ORGANIZATION> overrides any "
"specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2410
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<newslibdir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2415
msgid ""
"Defines the default place for some configuration files, common values are "
"I</usr/lib/news>, I</var/lib/news>, I</usr/local/lib/news> or "
"I</news/db>. $B<TIN_LIBDIR> overrides any specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2415
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<bugaddress>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2421
msgid ""
"Defines the email address to which users can send bug reports using a "
"built-in function. The default points to a developers mailing list located "
"at tin.org. You might want to change this address to one of your local "
"administration if you want to deal with your lusers problems on your own."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2421
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<inewsdir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2426
msgid "Defines the directory containing the B<\\%inews>(1)  executable."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2430
msgid ""
"Default charset to be used in MIME's ''Content-Type:'' "
"header. $B<MM_CHARSET> overrides any specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2433
msgid "Default encoding scheme used in MIME articles. 8bit might be the best value."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2437
msgid ""
"Default encoding scheme used in MIME letters. quoted-printable is a good "
"choice here."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2437
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<disable_gnksa_domain_check>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2443
msgid ""
"Allow unregistered top level domains. As the list of valid TLDs is no longer "
"actively maintained the default was changed to ON starting with B<\\%tin>(1)  "
"version 2.1.5"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2443
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<disable_sender>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2447
msgid ""
"Don't generate a ''Sender:'' header. This has an effect only if "
"B<inews_prog> is set to --internal."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2447
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<spooldir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2452
msgid ""
"Base of your newsspool (Bnews, Cnews and INN traditional spool style), "
"common values are I</var/spool/news>, I</usr/spool/news>, I</news/spool>.  "
"$B<TIN_SPOOLDIR> overrides any specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2452
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<overviewdir>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2460
msgid ""
"Base of your NOV database B<\\%newsoverview>(5)  (tradspool style; might be "
"the same dir as I<spooldir>), common values are I</var/spool/overview>, "
"I</usr/spool/overview>, I</news/overview>. $B<TIN_NOVROOTDIR> overrides any "
"specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2460
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<overviewfile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2464
msgid ""
"Name of a single overview file, common values are I<.overview>, "
"I<over.view>. $B<TIN_NOVFILENAME> overrides any specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2464
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<overviewfmtfile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2469
msgid ""
"Full pathname of your newssystem's overview.fmt file; usually the "
"overview.fmt file is in I<newslibdir>, so you only have to change this "
"setting if your configuration differs."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2469
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<activefile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2475
msgid ""
"Full pathname of your newssystem's active file; usually the active file "
"resides in I<newslibdir> and is named I<active>, so you only have to change "
"this setting if your configuration differs. $B<TIN_ACTIVEFILE> overrides any "
"specified value."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2475
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<activetimesfile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2480
msgid ""
"Full pathname of your newssystem's active.times file; usually the "
"active.times file is I<newslibdir>, so you only have to change this setting "
"if your configuration differs."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2480
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<newsgroupsfile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2485
msgid ""
"Full pathname of your newssystem's newsgroups file; usually the newsgroups "
"file is in I<newslibdir>, so you only have to change this setting if your "
"configuration differs."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2485
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<subscriptionsfile>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2490
msgid ""
"Full pathname of your newssystem's subscriptions file; usually the "
"subscriptions file is in I<newslibdir>, so you only have to change this "
"setting if your configuration differs."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2494
msgid "I</usr/local/share/locale/$LC_MESSAGES/LC_MESSAGES/tin.mo>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2498
msgid ""
"translation into language specified in $B<LC_ALL>, $B<LC_MESSAGES> or "
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2512
msgid ""
"This file lists the newsgroups that the local site receives. Each newsgroup "
"should be listed only once. Each line specifies one group; within each "
"newsgroup, articles are assigned unique names, which are monotonically "
"increasing numbers."
msgstr ""

#.  TODO: IIRC tin issues just a warning in that case?
#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2517
msgid ""
"If an article is posted to newsgroups not mentioned in this file, those "
"newsgroups are ignored.  If no valid newsgroups are specified, the article "
"is rejected."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2520
msgid ""
"Each line consists of four space-separated fields \"I<name> I<highmark> "
"I<lowmark> I<flags>\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2520 doc/tin.5:2573
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<name>"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2523
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<highmark>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2526
msgid "is the highest article number that has been used in that newsgroup"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2526
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<lowmark>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2533
msgid ""
"is the lowest article number in the group; this number is not guaranteed to "
"be accurate, and should only be taken to be a hint. Note that because of "
"article cancellations, there may be gaps in the numbering sequence. If the "
"lowest article number is greater than the highest article number, then there "
"are no articles in the newsgroup."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2533
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<flags>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2536
msgid "can be one of those"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2537
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<y>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2540
msgid "local postings are allowed"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2540
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<n>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2543
msgid "no local postings are allowed, only remote ones"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2543
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<m>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2546
msgid "the group is moderated and all postings must be approved"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2546
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<j>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2549
msgid "articles in this group are not kept, but only passed on"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2549
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<x>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2552
msgid "articles cannot be posted to this newsgroup"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2552
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<=foo.bar>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2555
msgid "articles are locally filed into the ''foo.bar'' group"
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2556 doc/tin.5:2583 doc/tin.5:2606
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<\\%tin>(1)"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2562
msgid ""
"only tries to read the file if you read directly from the local spool, if "
"you read news via NNTP, B<\\%tin>(1)  uses the LIST (B<RFC\\%3977>) or LIST "
"COUNTS (B<RFC\\%6048>) command instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2573
msgid ""
"This file provides a chronological record of when newsgroups are created. It "
"is normally updated by the local news server (e.g.  B<\\%innd>(8))  whenever "
"a new group is created. Each line consist of three space-separated fields "
"\"I<name> I<time> I<creator>\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2580
msgid ""
"is the time when the group was created, expressed as the number of seconds "
"since the Epoch."
msgstr ""

#. type: TP
#: doc/tin.5:2580
#, no-wrap
msgid "B<creator>"
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2583
msgid "is the electronic mail address of the person who created the group."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2589
msgid ""
"only tries to read the file if you read directly from the local spool, if "
"you read news via NNTP, B<\\%tin>(1)  uses the NEWGROUPS (B<RFC\\%3977>) "
"command instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2600
msgid ""
"This file provides short descriptions of each newsgroup. It is normally "
"updated by the local news server (e.g.  B<\\%innd>(8))  whenever a new group "
"is created. Each line consist of two tab-separated fields "
"\"I<group.name>\tI<one-line description>\"."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2612
msgid ""
"only tries to read the file if you read directly from the local spool, if "
"you read news via NNTP, B<\\%tin>(1)  uses the LIST NEWSGROUPS "
"(B<RFC\\%3977>) command instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2621
msgid ""
"This file might hold a default organization to be used in the "
"''Organization:'' header. $B<ORGANIZATION> has a higher priority if set."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2639
msgid ""
"This file specifies the organization of the news overview database (see also "
"B<\\%newsoverview>(5)).  The order of lines in this file is important; it "
"determines the order in which the fields will appear in the database. See "
"also B<\\%overview.fmt>(5).  B<\\%tin>(1)  only tries to read the file if "
"you read directly from the local spool, if you read news via NNTP, "
"B<\\%tin>(1)  uses the LIST OVERVIEW.FMT (B<RFC\\%3977>) command instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2654
msgid ""
"This file contains a list of newsgroups \\(em one per line \\(em which the "
"client should subscribe to when the user has no "
"${TIN_HOMEDIR:-\"$HOME\"}/.newsrc for the news server.  B<\\%tin>(1)  only "
"tries to read the file if you read directly from the local spool, if you "
"read news via NNTP, B<\\%tin>(1)  uses the LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS "
"(B<RFC\\%6048>) command instead."
msgstr ""

#. type: Plain text
#: doc/tin.5:2701
msgid ""
"B<\\%elm>(1), B<\\%inews>(1), B<\\%ispell>(1), B<\\%lp>(1), B<\\%lpr>(1), "
"B<\\%metamail>(1), B<\\%perl>(1), B<\\%perlre>(1), B<\\%pgp>(1), "
"B<\\%rn>(1), B<\\%shar>(1), B<\\%slrnface>(1), B<\\%tin>(1), "
"B<\\%xterm>(1x), B<\\%heapsort>(3), B<\\%iconv>(3), B<\\%iconv_open>(3), "
"B<\\%nl_langinfo>(3), B<\\%pcre>(3), B<\\%pcrepattern>(3), B<\\%qsort>(3), "
"B<\\%strftime>(3), B<\\%system>(3), B<\\%active>(5), B<\\%mailcap>(5), "
"B<\\%mbox>(5), B<\\%mmdf>(5), B<\\%newsoverview>(5), B<\\%overview.fmt>(5), "
"B<\\%innd>(8), B<RFC\\%1524>, B<RFC\\%2045>, B<RFC\\%2046>, B<RFC\\%2047>, "
"B<RFC\\%2048>, B<RFC\\%2231>, B<RFC\\%2980>, B<RFC\\%3977>, B<RFC\\%4155>, "
"B<RFC\\%4643>, B<RFC\\%5322>, B<RFC\\%5536>, B<RFC\\%5537>, B<RFC\\%6048>"
msgstr ""