Electric Dreams



Arcade Adventure

Aliens is a first person arcade game with a strategic element.

Keyboard, Kempston, Cursor

 KEYS :   Up        }
          Down      }
          Left      } Cursor keys
          Right     }
          Fire      }

          Ripley         R
          Gorman         G
          Hicks          H
          Bishop         I
          Vasquez        V
          Burke          B

Ripley returns to the Aliens' planet with a squad of crack
Colonial Marines in order to find out what's happened to the
colonists sent there. It's your task to control her and the squad
to penetrate the Acheron base and rescue the survivors - if there
are any...
The action takes place in first-person perspective, with you
seeing the view though the helmet camera of Ripley and the five
Marines. You can move the sights of your Pulse Rifle to track the
aliens or to turn around in the room - the camera follows the

As well as the main display, the console below displays the
status of the six team members. This monitors the life status of
the members - as they near exhaustion, the status bar flashes and
if an Alien is in the room with them it changes colour. The
number of the room occupied by that character is also given. In
the centre of the console is the current character, with a
bio-functions trace on the left and the remaining ammunition on
the right.

You can move around by using the doors - move the gunsight over
the doorway and press fire to pass through. Rapid movement can
be made by ordering the character to move up to nine room to the
North, South, East or West. Drawing a map is obviously a good
idea here!

If an Alien comes out of hiding or enters the current room, a
proximity alarm sounds a warning. You have only a few seconds to
shoot the Alien before it makes a meal of your forehead... When
this happens, the viewscreen dissolves into static as your
character dies. If a team member is not under your direct control
when he or she meets an Alien, he/she is captured by the Alien
and impregnated - the status bar turns yellow. If the character
is not rescued quickly, he/she will soon die as a chestburster

Ultimately, in the depths of the base, you may meet the Alien
Queen in her brood chamber. She will be well guarded...

There are quite a few Aliens games.  There is Aline by Mindscape,
which is a much more strategic affair, and there was also a US
version of Aliens (this one being the superior UK version) which
was a collection of sub-games.

Crash : "It is just very compelling." RATING : 84% (CRASH #37,
February 1987)