THE SPECTRUM GAMES DATABASE SHERLOCK PUBLISHER Melbourne House AUTHOR Beam Software YEAR CATEGORY Text Adventure INSTRUCTIONS HINTS/TIPS This is the complete solution. Monday 8.00am: Sherlock's Sitting Room OPEN PLAIN DOOR, N, TAKE CHINA MANS DISGUISE, WEAR CHINA MANS DISGUISE, TAKE OFF CHINA MANS DISGUISE, WEAR OLD MANS DISGUISE, TAKE OFF OLD MANS DISGUISE, S, SAY TO WATSON "HELLO" (it is better to greet a character first, before you ask him or her what to do, or else they will ignore you), WAIT (until Watson tells you about 2 murders in Leatherhead), TAKE LAMP, SAY TO WATSON "DROP CHRONICLE", SAY TO WATSON "FOLLOW ME", OPEN MY DOOR, W, D, OPEN FRONT DOOR, S To Leatherhead Station HAIL CAB, SAY TO CABBIE "HELLO", CLIMB INTO CAB (Watson follows you), SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO KINGS CROSS ROAD", WAIT (until you reach there at 8.45am), GIVE MONEY TO CABBIE (he pays you Ł5/4- shillings!), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, NE, NE, NE, NE (at Platform 3 of Kings Cross Station with Inspector Lestrade), SAY TO LESTRADE "HELLO", WAIT (until the train arrives at about 9.16am), WAIT (until Lestrade climbs into the train), CLIMB INTO TRAIN, WAIT UNTIL 10.00, WAIT (until train arrives at Platform 1 of Leatherhead Station at 10.25am), CLIMB OUT OF TRAIN (Lestrade goes south), FOLLOW LESTRADE (you see Straker), SAY TO STRAKER "HELLO" (you MUST greet him or else the local policeman at Brown's Front Gate will not let you into Brown's house. Straker tells Lestrade about the two murders), S, W, SAY TO POLICEMAN "HELLO" Brown's House S, SW, S, SW, E (at east side with Lestrade), CLOSELY EXAMINE CORPSE (body of a middle aged woman. The policeman says that he hasn't found the gun yet), CLOSELY EXAMINE NOTE (tells you of a meeting by the bridge & signed by P.F. - stands for Patricia Fender, not Percival Ffoulkes), CLOSELY EXAMINE BRIDGE, W, N, N, NE, S, OPEN OAK DOOR, S, OPEN HEAVY DOOR, E (in sitting room with Daphne and Basil), WAIT (until Lestrade enters at 11.45am), WAIT (until Lestrade interrogates Daphne and Basil, who gives his alibi that he was in his rented house, playing Chopin on the piano, during the night of the murders), SAY TO DAPHNE "HELLO", SAY TO DAPHNE "TELL ME ABOUT TRICIA FENDER" (she was Mrs Brown's secretary, and she lives in Portman Street, London), SAY TO BASIL "HELLO", SAY TO BASIL "TELL ME ABOUT YOUR ADDRESS" (he lives in Camden Street in London and has a rented home in Cobden Lane, down the road), OPEN DININGROOM DOOR, S, OPEN PLAIN DOOR, W (in the kitchen with Lestrade. You can see the gardener, the cook and the maid. The maid and the cook relate what happened), SAY TO COOK "HELLO", SAY TO COOK "TELL ME ABOUT BASIL", SAY TO GARDENER "HELLO", SAY TO GARDENER "TELL ME ABOUT MAJOR", OPEN PLAIN DOOR, E, OPEN DININGROOM DOOR, N, OPEN HEAVY DOOR, W, S, OPEN WOODEN DOOR, W, EXAMINE DESK, OPEN DRAWER, CLOSELY EXAMINE DRAWER, OPEN FALSE BOTTOM, LOOK (you see a bank account book and a note), EXAMINE BOOK (Mrs Brown has been withdrawing large amounts recently - someone is blackmailing her), EXAMINE NOTE (tells you of a meeting and signed by Tricia Fender), E, N, OPEN LARGE DOOR, N, N, N, E, E (Jones's Front Gate) Jones's House S, OPEN FRONT DOOR, S, OPEN SITTINGROOM DOOR, W, OPEN SOLID DOOR, S, CLOSELY EXAMINE BODY (that of a woman shot in the head), CLOSELY EXAMINE BOOKCASE (you reveal a secret room behind the wall), LOOK (an exit west), W, CLOSELY EXAMINE CLOTHES (labelled Tricia Fender), SAY TO WATSON "GET CLOTHES", E, N, WAIT (until you see Lestrade and Major at 1.30pm), FOLLOW LESTRADE (into library), WAIT (until Lestrade interrogates Major, who gives his alibi that he was in London all that night and says he lives in Sidmouth Street, London), LOOK (make sure you see Watson), SAY TO WATSON "FOLLOW ME", OPEN SOLID DOOR, N, OPEN SITTINGROOM DOOR, E, OPEN FRONT DOOR, N, N, W, S,S Basil's Rented House OPEN BACK GATE, E, OPEN BACK DOOR, N, OPEN PLAIN DOOR, W, OPEN SITTINGROOM DOOR, W, U, CLOSELY EXAMINE BED (you see a small tear of the sheet), CLOSELY EXAMINE WINDOW (a piece of cloth is caught on the window frame), CLOSELY EXAMINE GRAMOPHONE (a record of Chopin), CLOSELY EXAMINE PIANO (the music sheet is Baroque, not Chopin - Remember that Basil earlier said that he was playing Chopin on the piano - he was obviously lying), D, OPEN FRONT DOOR, W To Tell Lestrade: Major Percival Is Innocent N, N, N, N, (platform 2 of Leatherhead Station), WAIT (till you see Lestrade at 2.50pm), SAY TO LESTRADE "THE MAJOR IS INNOCENT" (he asks you what proof do you have and leaves) To Sidmouth Street: Major's House WAIT (until train arrives at 3.15pm), CLIMB INTO TRAIN, WAIT (until train arrives at Platform 4 of King's Cross Station at 4.30pm), CLIMB OUT OF TRAIN, SW, SW, SW, SW, SW, WAIT (Lestrade asks the cabbie to go to Parliament Street), WAIT (so as to let the Lestrade cab away first. If there are 2 cabs there will be some confusion in communication), HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB, SAY TO WATSON "CLIMB OUT OF CAB" (you have to leave him here for a while), SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO SIDMOUTH STREET", WAIT (until you get there), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, LOOK, OPEN OAK DOOR, NW, WAIT, SE, WEAR CHINA MANS DISGUISE (make sure you do this now), HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB, WAIT UNTIL 9.00 (save game now. You most probably have to use this saved data pretty soon!), WAIT UNTIL 10.00, WAIT UNTIL 10.30 (press ENTER key when the time reaches exactly 10.28pm. You MUST stop the time at EXACTLY 10.28pm. If not, try again), WAIT (until you see the Major enter at 11.02pm), WAIT (until Major enters his house), WAIT (he comes out and hails a cab), WAIT (he tells the cabbie to go to Slater Street. This time should now be EXACTLY 11.25pm or before. If it's after 11.25pm, LOAD saved game and try again) To Prove Major's Innocence To Lestrade (You now have a limited number of moves to prove Major's innocence before Tuesday morning - TIMING IS ESSENTIAL) SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO SLATER STREET", WAIT (until you get there at exactly 11.51pm or before), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, N (in opium den with Major. You need to be carrying the lamp to see), TAKE OFF CHINA MANS DISGUISE (Major confesses he is an opium addict and he was here on the night of the murder), S (you MUST see Lestrade at exactly 11.57pm or before), SAY TO LESTRADE "MAJOR VISITED THE DEN" (Lestrade says he'll return to Leatherhead TOMORROW ie TUESDAY to have a look) 1) The time now must be at or before 11.59pm, Monday. If it's Tuesday 12.00am or past, you'll have to LOAD the saved game and try again. This is the first frustrating bit and you might have to try at least 10 times before you get the correct time. If you carry on after Tuesday 12.00am you won't see Lestrade again until Wednesday morning and there may be a shoot-out. 2) If Lestrade is not convinced of the Major's innocence, there'll be a shoot-out in which Lestrade kills the Major. The game will then end. If the shoot-out occurs, LOAD saved game and try again Tuesday Morning: To Basil's Rented House HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB (Lestrade tells Major that he is free to go), DROP CHINA MANS DISGUISE, SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO KINGS CROSS ROAD", WAIT (until you get there at 12.26am), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, LOOK (you see Watson), SAY TO WATSON "FOLLOW ME", NE, NE, NE, NE (at Platform 3 of Kings Cross Station), WAIT UNTIL 1.00, WAIT (until train arrives at 1.45am), CLIMB INTO TRAIN, WAIT (until train arrives at Leatherhead Station at 3.00am), CLIMB OUT OF TRAIN, S, S, S, S, OPEN BACK GATE, E, OPEN BACK DOOR, N, OPEN PLAIN DOOR, W, S, OPEN SAFE, LOOK (you see the letters), EXAMINE LETTERS (blackmail letters from Tricia to Mrs Brown), CLOSE SAFE, N, OPEN SITTINGROOM DOOR, W, OPEN FRONT DOOR, W, N To Prove Mrs Brown Killed Herself W, S, SW, S, SE, E, WAIT UNTIL 9.00, WAIT (until Lestrade arrives at 9.20am Tuesday. If you had proved Major's innocence after Tuesday morning, Lestrade won't be arriving until Wednesday morning at 9.20am), SAY TO LESTRADE "MRS BROWN KILLED HERSELF" (Lestrade asks what proof do you have), SAY TO LESTRADE "EXAMINE STREAM" (you find the gun and Lestrade congratulates you), W, N, N, NE, N, E, N, N, N, N (Platform 2 of Leatherhead Station. SAVE game now) To Portman Street: Tricia's House WAIT (until train arrives at 10.45am. Lestrade congratulates you again), CLIMB INTO TRAIN, SAY TO LESTRADE "TRICIA BLACKMAILED MRS BROWN" (Lestrade asks what proof do you have), WAIT UNTIL 12.00 (the train arrives at Platform 4 of Kings Cross Station at 12.00pm), CLIMB OUT OF TRAIN, SW, SW, SW, SW, SW, WAIT (until Lestrade goes away in his own cab), HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB, SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO PORTMAN STREET", WAIT (until you get there), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, LOOK, OPEN FRONT DOOR, S, OPEN HEAVY DOOR, S (at Tricia's lounge and you see Tricia Fender), OPEN SAFE, LOOK (you see an unfinished note and a folder), READ NOTE, EXAMINE FOLDER (empty - someone has stolen the secret plans), SAY TO WATSON "GIVE ME CLOTHES", SAY TO TRICIA "HELLO", SAY TO TRICIA "TELL ME ABOUT BLOODSTAINED CLOTHES" (she confesses that she is really Mrs Jones and she killed the real Tricia when she found out she was blackmailing her friend Mrs Jones), LOOK (you now see Mrs Jones instead of Tricia), SAY TO MRS JONES "HELLO", SAY TO MRS JONES "FOLLOW ME" (make sure she is here or else go back for her), SAY TO MRS JONES "FOLLOW ME" (repeat this command if she says she cannot do that now), N (if you haven't followed everything correctly, Mrs Jones might leave the house and lock you in. If so, LOAD saved game) Take Mrs Jones To Scotland Yard HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB, SAY TO MRS JONES "CLIMB INTO CAB", LOOK (to see she's in the cab with you and Watson), SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO PARLIAMENT STREET" (repeat until you're moving), WAIT (until you get there), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, SAY TO MRS JONES "CLIMB OUT OF CAB" (repeat until she actually climbs out. If you haven't done everything correctly, she may either refuse to leave the cab or get out of the cab herself and go east, disappearing for good. If that happens, LOAD saved game), SAY TO MRS JONES "FOLLOW ME", E (in Scotland Yard and you see Lestrade), SAY TO LESTRADE "MRS JONES KILLED TRICIA" (he asks what proof do you have), GIVE CLOTHES TO LESTRADE, SAY TO LESTRADE "EXAMINE CLOTHES", SAY TO MRS JONES "TELL LESTRADE ABOUT THE CLOTHES", SAY TO LESTRADE "MRS JONES KILLED TRICIA" (Lestrade says brilliant and calls a constable who takes Mrs Jones away), W To Camden Street: Basil's House HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB, SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO CAMDEN STREET", WAIT (until you get there), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, WEAR OLD MANS DISGUISE (Watson will stay here - he won't follow you if you are wearing the disguise), E (you see the window), OPEN WINDOW (it's locked), WAIT UNTIL 9.00, WAIT (until someone opens the window at 10.00pm), NE (you need to be carrying the lamp. You see Basil - ignore him), NW, NE, OPEN HEAVY DOOR, SE (at Basil's library), TAKE NOTE (do not examine it yet), NW, LOOK, OPEN PLAIN DOOR, NE, OPEN BACK DOOR, NE (at Basil's Yard with a trash pile), CLOSELY EXAMINE PILE, LOOK (you see a torn note), TAKE NOTE (do not examine it yet), SW, SW, SW, SE, SW, W (at Camden Street), TAKE OFF OLD MANS DISGUISE To Decipher Coded Notes EXAMINE TORN NOTE (in code: VAKS USH KNWH UL UNMH YWNQH UNMH QNTH FTK RTLVBK GHNUS SNK KUNTUHG USH YLWAQH BLKABP NTLEBG; decipher as: WISH THE SALE TO TAKE PLACE. TAKE CARE MRS BROWN DEATH HAS STARTED THE POLICE NOSING), EXAMINE RIPPED NOTE (in code: A BLV SNIH USH YWNBK. XLET YTAQH AK NQQHYUNRWH. WHU FH MBLV VSHTH XLE; decipher as: I NOW HAVE THE PLANS. YOUR PRICE IS ACCEPTABLE. LET ME KNOW WHERE YOU; the code for both these notes is: A=I, B=N, E=U, F=M, G=D, H=E, I=V, K=S, L=O, M=K, N=A, P=G, R=B, S=H, T=R, U=T, V=W, W=L, X=Y, Y=P) To Scotland Yard To Tell Lestrade About The Plans HAIL CAB, CLIMB INTO CAB, SAY TO CABBIE "GO TO PARLIAMENT STREET", WAIT (until you get there), CLIMB OUT OF CAB, E (at Scotland Yard), WAIT UNTIL 6.00 (Wednesday 6.00am), WAIT (until Lestrade enters at 7.00am), SAY TO TRAIN (you MUST do this before Lestrade climbs out of the train or else try again by LOADing the game you just saved), S, S (at the Main Street where you see the police cab), CLIMB INTO CAR (you MUST climb into the cab before Lestrade, Straker and the local policeman - otherwise there is no room for you), WAIT (Lestrade will ask the cab to furiously go to OLD MILL ROAD), WAIT UNTIL 3.00, WAIT (until you arrive at OLD MILL ROAD at 3.15pm. You'll see Basil whip his horse and speed down the road DO NOT get out of the cab), WAIT UNTIL 4.00, WAIT UNTIL 4.30 (Press ENTER key when the time is 4.28pm. You must stop the time at exactly 4.28pm), WAIT (until 4.46pm when you arrive back at Main Street and you see Lestrade has already got out of the cab), CLIMB OUT OF CAB (once out of the cab you MUST see Basil and the German agent going north; if not, try again from saved game), N, N, N (at Platform 2 of Leatherhead Station. Basil and the German agent have just managed to get away in the train. You MUST see Lestrade remark that Basil has eluded us), SAY TO LESTRADE "FOLLOW ME", S, S, S (at Main Street), CLIMB INTO POLICE CAB (Lestrade and Watson follow you. The time should now be exactly 5.05pm or before), SAY TO POLICE "FURIOUSLY GO TO KINGS CROSS ROAD" (repeat until you're moving speedily down the lane), WAIT (until you arrive at Kings Cross Road at EXACTLY 6.20pm or before), CLIMB OUT OF CAB (if you got it right, you'll hear the German agent remark to the cabbie to go to Parliament Road), NE, NE (Platform 1 and you see the underground train. If the train leaves or is not here, you'll have to try again). CLIMB INTO TRAIN, WAIT (you're travelling underground. Do NOT get out at Paddington Station), WAIT (until you arrive at Victoria Station. If you got it right, Basil will be arrested by Lestrade. You'll be the world's greatest detective) SCORES RECEIVED GENERAL FACTS NOTES