


Arcde Strategy

Spy V Spy is a two player arcade game, where the idea is to set
traps for the other to walk in to.


 KEYS :        PLAYER ONE              PLAYER TWO
          Up        |              - Q
          Down      |              - S
          Left      | Redefinable  - N
          Right     |              - M
          Fire/Act  |              - 1

The two spies from the pages of MAD Magazine, the White Spy and
the Black Spy, are trapped in a building near an airfield. The
objective of the game is quite simple - controlling one of the
spies, with a friend or the computer controlling the other, you
must get out of the building and reach the plane on the runway.
However, you can't leave the building until you find the correct
door, and the guards won't let you go through the door unless you
are carrying four objects. Since you can only carry one object
at a time, you need to find a (hidden) briefcase. And your
opponent will stop at nothing to prevent you from doing this...
You must search each room for useful objects, which simply
involves looking behind each of the fixtures and fittings; if an
object is behind something then it will be added to your
inventory if when you look there. However, your enemy also wants
the same objects and will try to get there before you! The hunt
is further complicated by the fact that the spies can set traps
for each other.

If the two spies are in the same room then you are unable to
search or use traps, in which case you can either enter
hand-to-hand combat or leave. The advantage of hand-to-hand
combat is that if you win, you will be able to recover your
opponent's inventory, but of course you might lose... This is
where you must think strategically; if for example you had failed
to find any objects, you could wait while the other spy does all
the hard work and then ambush him.

You can set traps for your opponent by using the Trapulator
device, displayed on the side of the screen, which shows six
icons, the first five of which are booby traps. The icons
represent a bomb, a large spring, a bucket of water, a gun and
string, a time-bomb with a 15 second fuse [the alarm clock icon]
and a map, which shows object locations. The traps must be set
according to their type. The gun and string, for example, can
only be tied to a door, while the spring or bomb can be left
under any piece of furniture. All of the traps, except the time
bomb, can however be defused. A fire bucket will douse the fuse
of a bomb while a pair of scissors will get you past the gun and
string. These defusing items are located around the building but
they can also be moved around by picking them up and dropping
them in a different location. One important point to remember
when setting traps is remember where you put them!

If you are playing against the computer, you can set its
intelligence at the start of each game, with one being the lowest
and five the highest. You can also change the size of the
building from anything between 6 and 36 rooms. Points are scored
for killing the other spy but they are also deducted for being
killed, as well as for using the map. Note also that you have a
time limit: the plane will not wait forever!

Crash: "An exciting and demanding game, should last for ages."
93% (CRASH #19, August 1985)