$Id: Release-Notes-1.1.txt,v 1.1 1996/07/12 17:43:06 wessels Exp $

Release Notes for version 1.1 of the Squid cache.


	Ident (RFC 931) lookups
	Asynchronous Disk I/O
	URL Redirector

Ident (RFC 931) lookups
Squid will make an RFC931/ident request for client connections if
'ident_lookup' is enabled in the config file.  Currently, the ident
value is only logged with the request in the access.log.  It is not
currently (1.1.alpha4) possible to use the ident return value for
access control purposes.

Asynchronous Disk I/O
Pete Bentley <pete@demon.net> has contributed a module for asynchronous
disk I/O.  To enable, you must define USE_ASYNC_IO (e.g. in the Makefile,
or include/config.h).  It does not yet compile for IRIX 5.3, so there
are a few bugs to work out.

URL Redirector
Squid now has the ability to rewrite requested URLs.  This is implemented
as an external process, much like the dnsservers.  Every incoming URL
is written to a 'redirector' process which then returns a new URL, or
a blank line to inidicate no change.

The redirector program is NOT provided in the Squid package.  Currently,
it is up to the individual users to write their own implementation.  For
testing, this very simple Perl script can be used:

    print while (<>);

The redirector program must read URLs (one per line) on standard input,
and write rewritten URLs or blank lines on standard output.  Note that
the redirector program can not use buffered I/O.

Note that when used in conjunction with the -V option (on a virtual hosted
machine) this provides a mechanism to use a single Squid cache as a front
end to numerous servers on different machines.  URLs written to the
redirector will look like:

The redirector program might be this Perl script:

    while (<>) {

You may receive statistics on the redirector usage by requesting the
following 'cache_object' URL:

    % client cache_object://localhost/stats/redirector