Corrections to the book 

Math into LaTeX
An Introduction to LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX

by George Gratzer, published by Birkhauser Boston, 
ISBN 0-8176-3805-9.

These errors have been corrected in the document mil.pdf.

page xxvi, lines 11-12:
Package names are printed in Helvetica. (PJA)

page 5, line 13:
"Unless there are" should read "Unless" (PJA)

page 8, line 14:
"Since it only" should read "Since it" (PJA)

page 12, line 25:
"3 + 5" should read "3+5" (PJA)

page 358, Table B.6
delete lines 9 of table (PJA)

page 359, Table B.8
correct order of entries: (PJA)

\Tiny, \tiny, \SMALL or \scriptsize, \Small or \footnotesize, \small,
\normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge

Pedro J. Aphalo (PJA)