January 10, 1993.
Michael F. Reid <mfreid@hkuxa.hku.hk>
Department of Physics, University of Hong Kong. 
From April 1993 <mfr@phys.canterbury.ac.nz>

Version 1.0 of MEWLATEX, bundled as MEWLTX10.ZIP.

This collection of files implements a LaTeX environment for micoEMACS
for Windows (mewin), allowing you to prepare input, spell check,
process, and view your document using mewin as a shell. There is crude
error processing, and Windows Help on LaTeX commands. 

There is much that could probably be improved in this implementation.
Please feel free to modify menu and key bindings to suit yourself, and
tell me of any errors or omissions. 

You may also decide that much of what I have created is a waste of time,
and you are welcome to shorten the LATEX.CMD file by removing unneeded

These files are donated to the public domain, and, of course, come with
no warrenty. Please note that the LATEX.HLP file is derived from a file
compiled by George Greenwade, and the CHARSET.TEX and CHARSET.DVI files
from a RevTeX file. 


The LATEX.HLP file mentioned below has been bundled separately as
LATEXHLP.ZIP. To rebuild it you also need VMS2WINH.ZIP.


1. A working mewin. You need the files mew11.zip (executables) and
mewh11.zip (help) (sources also available) from "cica",
ftp.cica.indiana.edu, directory pub/pc/win3/util, and probably from

2. A spell checker. A TeX-aware spell checker is amSpell, available as
amspel20.zip on "simtel" e.g. wuarchive.wustl.edu, directory 

3. TeX, BibTeX and MakeIndex binaries, and associated files. I use
emTeX, available from niord.shsu.edu, in the EMTEX directory and

4. A previewer, such as dvimswin (a Windows application), available as
dvimsw24.zip from "simtel", e.g. wuarchive.wustl.edu, directory
mirrors/msdos/tex. You also need fonts from the dvivga?.zip files. 

5. A printer driver. Either one of the emTeX drivers, or, if you use
PostScript, get dvips, available on "simtel" as dvips???.zip, e.g.
wuarchive.wustl.edu, directory mirrors/msdos/postscript. 

6. A PostScript previewer if you want to insert PostScript figures. I
use GhostScript, available on "simtel" as gs???.zip, e.g.
wuarchive.wustl.edu, directory mirrors/msdos/postscript. The 386 version
runs in a DOS box. There is a Windows version, but it is much slower. 


The following files are NEEDED to run the system:

which would normally be placed in the same directory as the mewin
  MEWLATEX.TXT  This file (Installation Help). 
  *.LH          Header files used by LATEX.CMD
  *.LT          LaTeX document templates
  *.BT          bibTeX document templates
  LATEX.HLP     LaTeX command help  (SEE COMMENTS ABOVE!)
  INTERFAC.HLP  Help on this interface
  CHARSET.DVI   LaTeX characters
which might usefully be placed in a separate directory. 

  *.PIF         pif and
  *.BAT         batch files
You will need need to change and add to these and put them somewhere on
your path. 

The following files are useful if you need to rebuild the system.

  MENU.TXT      Description of the menu setup. 
  CHARSET.TEX   Source for CHARSET.DVI (requires RevTeX to process).
  INTERFAC.RTF  RTF (edit with Word) and 
  INTERFAC.HPJ  HPJ files used to prepare INTERFAC.HLP, by running
                HC INTERFAC.HPJ, where HC is the MSWindows help
                compiler that comes with various Windows programming
                toolkits. See the appropriate documentation. 


Once you have the files, you need to edit your EMACS.RC,  to add the
  execute-file "LATEX.CMD"
at the end. This will cause the LaTeX macros to be loaded. 

You MUST examine LATEX.CMD to at make sure that %l-file-path points to
the files mentioned above, and the following variables point to files,
either explicitly, or on your path. Personally, I use the pif files to
point to batch files, which set up the appropriate environmental
variables before running the executables.

set %x-rename "xrename.bat" ; delete and rename, used for backup-save
; if xrename.bat is not in your path, you won't get a backup!

set %spell-exec "spell.pif" ; spell checker
; using spell.pif allows better control over the spell-checker
; amSpell likes to run full-screen, for example  

; LaTeX
set %l-file-path "c:\bin\mewin\latex\"      
                                ; finish with "\"
                                ; place to look for help and templates
set %l-latex     "latex.pif"    ; LaTeX executable
set %l-tex       "tex.pif"      ; plain TeX executable
set %l-view      "dvimswin.exe" ; previewer
set %l-print     "texprint.pif" ; printer driver
set %l-dvi2ps    "dvi2ps.pif"   ; dvi to postscript
set %l-psview    "gs.pif"       ; postscript previewer
set %l-makeindex "makeindx.pif" ; MakeIndex executable
set %l-bibtex    "bibtex.pif"   ; bibTeX executable


Now run mewin and look under the (new) TeX menu item for the help menu,
and read the Help Interface help (or print INTERFAC.TXT as text or
INTERFAC.RTF using MS Word).


Several macros are implemented by displaying a "Heading" .LH file, and 
allowing the user to point at the appropriate selection. The files are
shown in MENU.TXT

For example, if the user selected LaTeX Input, then Templates, the file
LTEMP.LH would be displayed. If she then  picked "report", the file
REPORT.LT would be inserted into her file. Thus, modification is
accomplished by adding to TEMPLATE.LH and adding appropriate files. I
suspect that the LaTeX Templates area is the one you are most likely to
want to change. 

The TEXINFO.LH file will almost certainly need to be modified. I have it
set up to load the TeX FAQ files. 

If you want to make other modifications you need to read the description
of the macro language in the online help. It is quite likely that you
will have other ideas for key-bindings, so feel free to experiment!

Note that my macros for:

1. Tidying up bibTeX files; and
2. Searching for errors in LaTeX log files; 

are not very good (parsing LaTeX log files is quite a challenge) and I
welcome suggestions for improvement.